"If you want to excite me, show me that Joe Biden did something illegal. Specify what crime he commit and provide court admissible evidence."
You mean, other than the fact that he is a war criminal (Iraq), international terrorist (Nord Stream), and is attempting to crush the free speech of Americans on social media platforms?
"If you want to excite me, show me that Joe Biden did something illegal. Specify what crime he commit and provide court admissible evidence."
You mean, other than the fact that he is a war criminal (Iraq), international terrorist (Nord Stream), and is attempting to crush the free speech of Americans on social media platforms?
I find all of this spin about Archer's testimony hilarious. What do people think influence peddling and corruption is, anyway?
We know that Joe routinely got phone calls from Hunter when he was with his shady business associates. Why? Of course, it was to demonstrate his access to daddy and the benefit that that would provide to his biz pals having a pipeline directly to the top of the U.S. power structure.
We know that Joe took actions that helped Hunter's business dealings. One example: How in the hell does Hunter, a ne'er-do-well drug addict with ZERO international business expertise (or any expertise) land a lucrative seat on a Ukrainian energy company at the same time his dad has the prosecutor investigating that company fired under the threat of withholding U.S. aid?
Joe and his mouthpieces cannot seriously claim that it's all a coincidence. If the names were "Trump" instead of "Biden" in this scenario, do you think the Dems/MSM would be so ho-hum about it? It's as blatant as it gets.
And it is ludicrous to think that Hunter just had a strange penchant for calling Joe during his business meetings. I have children and I can say that none of them have ever called me during a business meeting. Why would they, unless it involved me? It's nonsensical. I would certainly wonder why they were doing so if it happened more than once, much less numerous times.
The Republicans, to their credit, are investigating all of this and gathering evidence in a meticulous way, including bank records, before launching an impeachment inquiry. That is a good thing. We all want to see a solid case laid out and tried. But this bit of portraying Joe as, at best, pure as the driven snow and just "a loving father" standing by his troubled son, and, at worst, as an unwitting dupe in Hunter's schemes is ridiculous. The man has been in Washington for over FIFTY YEARS as Senator, VP and now POTUS. If he doesn't understand that his position of near God-like power gives him extraordinary responsibilites including being aware of it possibly being abused by, especially, his own drug addict son for illegal gain, then he's a complete idiot.
"If you want to excite me, show me that Joe Biden did something illegal. Specify what crime he commit and provide court admissible evidence."
You mean, other than the fact that he is a war criminal (Iraq), international terrorist (Nord Stream), and is attempting to crush the free speech of Americans on social media platforms?
I find all of this spin about Archer's testimony hilarious. What do people think influence peddling and corruption is, anyway?
We know that Joe routinely got phone calls from Hunter when he was with his shady business associates. Why? Of course, it was to demonstrate his access to daddy and the benefit that that would provide to his biz pals having a pipeline directly to the top of the U.S. power structure.
We know that Joe took actions that helped Hunter's business dealings. One example: How in the hell does Hunter, a ne'er-do-well drug addict with ZERO international business expertise (or any expertise) land a lucrative seat on a Ukrainian energy company at the same time his dad has the prosecutor investigating that company fired under the threat of withholding U.S. aid?
Joe and his mouthpieces cannot seriously claim that it's all a coincidence. If the names were "Trump" instead of "Biden" in this scenario, do you think the Dems/MSM would be so ho-hum about it? It's as blatant as it gets.
And it is ludicrous to think that Hunter just had a strange penchant for calling Joe during his business meetings. I have children and I can say that none of them have ever called me during a business meeting. Why would they, unless it involved me? It's nonsensical. I would certainly wonder why they were doing so if it happened more than once, much less numerous times.
The Republicans, to their credit, are investigating all of this and gathering evidence in a meticulous way, including bank records, before launching an impeachment inquiry. That is a good thing. We all want to see a solid case laid out and tried. But this bit of portraying Joe as, at best, pure as the driven snow and just "a loving father" standing by his troubled son, and, at worst, as an unwitting dupe in Hunter's schemes is ridiculous. The man has been in Washington for over FIFTY YEARS as Senator, VP and now POTUS. If he doesn't understand that his position of near God-like power gives him extraordinary responsibilites including being aware of it possibly being abused by, especially, his own drug addict son for illegal gain, then he's a complete idiot.