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Brilliant. This is very close to my view on supporting Trump. I also said the very same thing to my friend who was literally dancing in the Street with the other losers when Biden got declared. I just said to her, what are you doing? She said Trump was the worst, and really bad blah blah blah. And I said, like you in this article, what did he even do? And of course she had no response. They never do.

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of course they do, starting with he lies a lot. I mean a LOT. More than Biden? Of course, when you objectively count, much more than Biden. The key is you don't care as long as someone owns the libs. do we have just as awful, say Keith Olberman? Of course. but we're not running him for president.

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If you count all the pundits and journalists who lie for Joe Biden, then the magnitude of his frequent deceits is far greater than the minor lies Trump told.

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And he has to acknowledge that almost literally everything that comes out of plugs' mouth is a lie. How about his latest story-length lie about his uncle who was supposedly eaten by cannibals? Every point of the story false.

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Um… and you have a supporting evidence of such out? Where?

Rando sock puppet silicone chip agitprop tool is not a credible source

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Right. Because exaggerating crowd sizes is pretty much the same thing as telling people that they "can keep their doctors" or "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or "I never met with my son's associates." You're a clown show.

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Textbook projection. You just might make 4th grade JV Agitprop bench warmer yet!!!

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Ben, counting the lies of politicians will keep you busy, but it does not help much. I suggest looking at real world results. Trump on the border, or Biden? Trump on crime, or Biden? Trump on the economy, or Biden? Trump on energy, or Biden? Trump on foreign policy, or Biden?

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🤣😂🤣Obviously, you didn’t look.

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Beautifully and succinctly said, Tim.

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Trump lies more than Biden? That’s funny.

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Truth phuks with your narrative…..

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He/She lies a lot. How do you think they get elected? By calling on people to accept truth?

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Um…..that’s because you’re obviously speaking on topics you don’t understand whatsoever. It’s a pity thing. That, and a waste of oxygen.

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You really suck at the agitprop gig.

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