"Maybe he’s lying like all politicians do. I’m not expecting much. But I know ending the madness of the Left matters to me most of all."

Beautifully put. You don't need to believe that Donald Trump can Make America Great again to vote for him. Just that he will make America kind of "normal" again like it used to be in the good old days.

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Brilliant. This is very close to my view on supporting Trump. I also said the very same thing to my friend who was literally dancing in the Street with the other losers when Biden got declared. I just said to her, what are you doing? She said Trump was the worst, and really bad blah blah blah. And I said, like you in this article, what did he even do? And of course she had no response. They never do.

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All I can say is, 100%!. I watched that interview with Phil Donohue. Trump has put in his time, paid his dues, been attacked, attacked, attacked. About myself, "I once was blind, but now I see..." Won't be voting Democrat!

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PC, Political Correctness, was the camel’s nose under the tent, creeping in, bit by bit beginning in earnest in the 70’s. It was a deliberate and calculated effort by the Left to get control of and manipulate the minds of Americans into the early stages of the entire Leftist agenda, carefully choreographed with a compliant media to daily reinforce its message, laying the groundwork for all that was to come, and where we find ourselves today. It subtly, covertly, day in and day out, reinforced what were all the “right things to think, to want, to believe in”. It was a Master Class in mind control.

The first step for each of us in taking back America is to free our minds from its grip, to no longer fear to speak our minds, but to speak the truth, no matter who it offends because the truth is the only thing that will set you free.

“Live Not By Lies”. ~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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The leftist fantasy is that those who support Trump are perfectly in agreement with every word that he says and with exactly how he says every word. The reality is that people support Trump because they know in their heart of hearts that he is pro-USA and pro-them and that his haters are not, and that he has their back, and they don't.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

Judas Joe's gotta go.

p.s. he can take Dearborn Michigan voters/ Jew-haters with him.

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I have such a difficult time in believing that Liz Cheney’s book soared to the top of anything-except a trash heap. Who in our country would want to read a single word? Not anyone from the right as she has proven herself to be such a traitor of the people. Acting as if we are as Hilary sees us. Deplorable. Not anyone from the left for pretty much the same reason. She was a means to an end for them. Used. Are we quite sure that anyone but her daddy,dick bought that book? If so, the divide in our country is even greater than I imagined and I already see it as insurmountable.

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Welcome aboard Sasha. Now prepare yourself for the onslaught. The Left is much like its much beloved Muslim fanatics: conversion to another faith is apostasy punishable only by death.

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"Maybe he’s lying like all politicians do." Nah... He already actually proved it which is why they kicked him out of orifice(as Rush said).

I hate to sound like a sycophant, but the risks you are taking(small and large) are worthy: you are one of the few public personalities(like Trump) who indirectly honor the fact that we stood a post while you slept. Don't take it lightly.

I watched that Donahue interview as a teenager in the 80s and was intrigued and started to understand business, capitalism, and charity. Good stuff. Funny how the 'Media' never show history; they create new false narratives: Trump is no different now than then.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

WATCH: Michaelah Montgomery, a black woman whose hug with President Trump at an Atlanta Chick-fil-A was a viral sensation, explains why so many Black Americans are supporting TRUMP — and why the media is getting it all wrong.; (listen to end where she talks about biden's crime bill targeting blacks who racist biden despised) https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1778777124234465302

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Pretty much were I am. Trump is the best shot for rolling back the banana republic and avoiding war. The one thing I would add is that the GOPe needs smiting too. Their dysfunction and serial betrayals of the Republican base is a big part of why we are in the mess we are in.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

Dear Sasha, I’m so glad you’re “awake”and not”WOKE” anymore!….I’m truly ecstatic with your awareness….we don’t always see eye to eye….but, ”words will never hurt me!”….just analysing and constantly dissecting…everyone is entitled to an opinion!….keep up your excellent work…you help us have hope!

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Sasha is attracting more attention in the wider media ecosystem which is a good thing but it also means she is attracting trolls. Please just ignore them. If they are not being paid, they are doing it to fillabuster our threads. Note that not everyone you disagree with is a troll but there are tells like abuse of other commenters or repetitive posts.

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I particularly liked the Chick-fil-A visit, which was vintage Trump. Biden can never ignite that kind of excitement. We are in desperate need of a hero right now, someone who genuinely loves this country, and it most definitely is not Joe abiden.

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The tiktok woman sums it up nicely. Trump is for us, he loves America. It’s real & It shows. Why else would he put himself through all the disgusting, lying garbage that the left throws at him? Years of it, when he could be off somewhere enjoying his twilight years. Bottom line is he’s fearless & won’t bow down to the elites, he loves America, he wants to bring sanity back to our institutions & continue to drain the swamp - or at least begin the process. Michigan showed us that as an immigrant you can freely yell death to America - but wear a red MAGA hat & wear a cross around you neck - you’re declared an enemy of the state - #1 on the most wanted list.

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How barren must your life be to dedicate your life, your activities, your very breath to taking down Donald Trump? What has he ever done to them? They (including my wife, sadly) never have an answer, it's just "because Trump". How sad.

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