"Maybe he’s lying like all politicians do. I’m not expecting much. But I know ending the madness of the Left matters to me most of all."

Beautifully put. You don't need to believe that Donald Trump can Make America Great again to vote for him. Just that he will make America kind of "normal" again like it used to be in the good old days.

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Even "Make America Normal Again" seems like a tall mountain to climb considering on how badly American culture has been debased.

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all you have to do is let him grab you there...

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Ben, I assume your “grab them” comment refers to Bill Clinton, accused of rape and multiple sexual assaults, vilifying the victims, proven liar about sexual misconduct in the Oval Office with a 22-year-old intern. The Democrats still adore him, but then he was a strong supporter of abortion, so the entire Democrat political machine defended him, including feminists and the media.

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Don't talk to me about decency when we have a President credible accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade whose own daughter wrote that he showered with her inappropriately.

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All you needed to have said Greg B is "he is a Democrat politician" to explain the undying and eternal loyalty no matter the transgression. Might also have been referring to Joe B and little girls, including the one who wrote the infamous family diary...

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Nobody "adores" him and he does not have a cult. Trump is the one who has a cult of worshippers who believe he can do no wrong.

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Cute projection. How's your messianic "Hope" picture of Obama holding up?

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I remember those photos of “The Messiah”, some with Halos! The styrofoam columns and sycophantic media, etc. What a Cult that was!

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Still is - do you see how the (small) crowd always acts when soetoro appears with plugs? plugs is wandering around alone muttering to himself while everyone is swarming soetoro.

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I never saw Obama as a messiah. Trump worshipers made a video which Trump reposted: "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump.

God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay up past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.” It continues: created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news" "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's." "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." LOL!

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And yet you still can't argue on his policies and accomplishments. The mere fact that you just dedicated such a long expanse of text to *prove* that you *aren't a cultist*, betrays your dishonesty, mightily, lol.

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And there were people who thought Obama could control the seas and was the Messiah. Even TV commentators who should have been neutral saying Obama’s election gave them “Tingles” up their legs. Are you like that, are you one of them?

Anyone can take extremes, and apply it to everyone. Narrow minded and judgemental people do that.

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NOPE, you are addled and indoctrinated if you believe what you said.

We all know how not perfect Trump is, but being too direct, speaking truth without thinking, coarse language and mean tweets as well as caring about America , instead of dissing America, makes Trump our best choice.

There is no cult and no one worships him. We would like a smother more polished fellow, but Trump is the best choice available , if you can actually think for yourself.

Based on your comment I assume you lt others provide you with your opinion and do your thinking for you.

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The real cult, the one that they project onto Trump's supporters, are the alleged millions of *voters, who quite literally elder-abused a long-known dementia victim---and twice failed Pres candidate, ousted by even the media over his plagiarism and pathological lying---into an office THEY KNEW he couldn't execute. There's the *cult*.

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Trump worshipers made a video which Trump reposted: "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump.

God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay up past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.” It continues: created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news" "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's." "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." LOL!

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You do realize that that is a Paul Harvey bit from the 1960's called "God Made A Farmer," everyone who's of a certain age knows it, and they just used AI to substitute "farmer" with "Trump." It's an in-joke. But I'm sure you were completely ignorant of that, so it seemed crazy to you. The rest of us took it for what it was. Funny. Just like the person who posted the Paul Harvey Bong Commercial on YouTube.

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I guess you have never bothered to look at the insanity posted by supporters of Biden or the left.

Makes the post you quoted look reasonable and sane.

Try Libs of tiktoc if you want a daily dose of the cult of the left.

Your quote is overly godish, but it is essentially correct on many of its points.

I doubt you are even aware of how far Marxism has infiltrated out schools and other institutions.

You probably enjoy all the fake news........

I see nothing in your post that equates to anyone WORSHIPING Trump.

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You’re typical of the Left, you accuse others of doing exactly what you do yourself.

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JFK Was banging a 19 year old in the WH pool just saying. Look it up.

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In those days, that was expected behavior and the " gentlemen" in the news kept it quiet

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Saying that he could have grabbed women who were throwing themselves at him, is NOT the same as saying that he ever did grab anyone.....

Sad, you know only the false smear, and not the actual truth.

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are you sure--it was just 'locker room bragging'. like Mike Love, perhaps, "and we never missed yet with the girls we meet.' I'm not sure for all of the accusers, including the one who got a judgement against him.

by the way, Sasha talks about the cult and she means the left, and been watching this HBO series about Synanon (who took baseball bats after their detractors, even 'Time' magazine. So, yes, of course, I admit the left has cults too.

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Or let Joe sniff your daughters hair while he rubs your wife's shoulders...knowing you are watching.

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...when you're a star, they LET you. And it's true for the most part.

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Trump's comment was that some women LET him do that. That's called a "consensual act" - the sort despotic Demunists want to criminalize.

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okay, fair enough. btw, as a side bar, about one year after Mike's brag, the boys got drunk and recorded the 'Beach Boys Party' album, and when they sang the same line in "I get Around," --"and we never missed yet with the ...girls we pick up on the street" they answered in the background: "not much..." so, you see, there was some knowing humanity there.

I wonder if you guys can admit something today, as well, and give our CA governor some deserved credit. last week, there was a protest where the Golden Gate Bridge was blocked. okay, I'm anti-war, no problem so far. Police clear, etc. not this time, because they brought and abandoned some cheap cars, brought out some buckets with concrete, rebarr and chaines, so that the bridge was paralyzed for hours before safety-considering responders could cut and weld out. The recommendation today is that those kept for more than 3 hours, should file an unlawful imprisonment lawsuit against these bleephole protesters. I 100 percebnt agree that there needs to be a precedent that just because you're blue team, and you pretend a back-patting moral purpose, you do not have the right to do anything you want if it curtails the civil liberties of others. do you think Fox News will say, 'way to go, Gavin'? They should.

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Our Constitution grants every US Citizen a right to unrestricted travel. Anyone blocking roads is therefore violating your Constitutional rights - a form of "kidnapping" or at least restraint. While I don't necessarily fall completely into the camp saying "just run them over" (which, if you feel threatened, is covered your right to self defense - but be prepared for leftitst to persecute and prosecute you anyway), I do strongly believe that the police have a right to use immediate force to incarcerate such terrorists with no discussion.

"...and you can speak your mind - but not on my time!" - Billy Joel

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agreed. this was worse than making your point and getting the media coverage, worse than even knocking out all the windows on (innocent) Market Street mom and pop stores, because when it took hours, and the local mole people had rare sunshine (from Houston perspective), there could have been deaths.

again, I am sympathetic to the anti-(forever) war thought, though. the blue team media now charges the red team with 'isolationism', and has only the congress people on who are advocating essentially war on three different continents including Asia. ((r) next to his name Lawlor went on about China buying things from Iran means China is as bad as Iran. (so does that mean, everything we buy, what about when we buy oil from the beheading Arab nations?). the only peace dem, was forced out of the blue team, and on the day, he qualified for the Michigan ballot, EVERY blue state media channel wanted to talk to his family who prefers Biden. plus, did you know since 2023 (that's what the selective service registry new law says--you want to call it a Biden law, I'm fine with that...), 18 year males only, (geez, maybe going trans is an option...) are forced to register for the draft again, or else threat threat threat. that's what the thing in the mail to two of my teen male kids just said. you think the blue team media (with one of us in office) would question US entering into WWIII? you know, as leader of the free world, to protect our friends, to prevent all the baddies from ....whatever it was, we prevented Vietnam/Iraq/and Afghanistan from doing with our kids' deaths... ? If my blue team has no civil liberties and cannot be anti-war, then ef my blue team.

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Take the red pill. Be free.

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Like Tara?

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Please get Tara Reade to comment on your thought.

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All YOU have to do is keep sucking down the Flavor-Aid, Ben😉

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which one? you mean when I called that guy 'baldy' after he called me 'liar' ? The trouble is I did not remember the context, so I thought we were trading Don Rickles' jokes. I could have said I like Mike Stipe and Larry David, if his feels were hurt...

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I detect a bit of substance.

There is hope for you yet, Ben.

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Botboi saze wut?

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Brilliant. This is very close to my view on supporting Trump. I also said the very same thing to my friend who was literally dancing in the Street with the other losers when Biden got declared. I just said to her, what are you doing? She said Trump was the worst, and really bad blah blah blah. And I said, like you in this article, what did he even do? And of course she had no response. They never do.

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of course they do, starting with he lies a lot. I mean a LOT. More than Biden? Of course, when you objectively count, much more than Biden. The key is you don't care as long as someone owns the libs. do we have just as awful, say Keith Olberman? Of course. but we're not running him for president.

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If you count all the pundits and journalists who lie for Joe Biden, then the magnitude of his frequent deceits is far greater than the minor lies Trump told.

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And he has to acknowledge that almost literally everything that comes out of plugs' mouth is a lie. How about his latest story-length lie about his uncle who was supposedly eaten by cannibals? Every point of the story false.

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Um… and you have a supporting evidence of such out? Where?

Rando sock puppet silicone chip agitprop tool is not a credible source

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Right. Because exaggerating crowd sizes is pretty much the same thing as telling people that they "can keep their doctors" or "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or "I never met with my son's associates." You're a clown show.

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Textbook projection. You just might make 4th grade JV Agitprop bench warmer yet!!!

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Ben, counting the lies of politicians will keep you busy, but it does not help much. I suggest looking at real world results. Trump on the border, or Biden? Trump on crime, or Biden? Trump on the economy, or Biden? Trump on energy, or Biden? Trump on foreign policy, or Biden?

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🤣😂🤣Obviously, you didn’t look.

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Beautifully and succinctly said, Tim.

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Trump lies more than Biden? That’s funny.

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Truth phuks with your narrative…..

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He/She lies a lot. How do you think they get elected? By calling on people to accept truth?

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Um…..that’s because you’re obviously speaking on topics you don’t understand whatsoever. It’s a pity thing. That, and a waste of oxygen.

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You really suck at the agitprop gig.

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All I can say is, 100%!. I watched that interview with Phil Donohue. Trump has put in his time, paid his dues, been attacked, attacked, attacked. About myself, "I once was blind, but now I see..." Won't be voting Democrat!

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PC, Political Correctness, was the camel’s nose under the tent, creeping in, bit by bit beginning in earnest in the 70’s. It was a deliberate and calculated effort by the Left to get control of and manipulate the minds of Americans into the early stages of the entire Leftist agenda, carefully choreographed with a compliant media to daily reinforce its message, laying the groundwork for all that was to come, and where we find ourselves today. It subtly, covertly, day in and day out, reinforced what were all the “right things to think, to want, to believe in”. It was a Master Class in mind control.

The first step for each of us in taking back America is to free our minds from its grip, to no longer fear to speak our minds, but to speak the truth, no matter who it offends because the truth is the only thing that will set you free.

“Live Not By Lies”. ~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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yes, PC is terrible. but try this. as Maher put it last night, the anti-abortion folks think it's murder. I think that's delusional and should not be extended to everyone, but Maher is open-minded enough to believe they are sincere. well, how about these PC people who plague my blue team. I hate them, but the nuttiest ones really do believe Trump is a fascist dictator and to mandate masks and anti-gluton and ...trans surgeries by demand of 11 year-olds, etc., is their sincere effort at (dare I say it?) morality... I am all for you telling them they suq, and surely if the blue team loses this time, I will tell them it's their fault. but I do not know how to 'talk sense to them'. today, tomorrow, and forever, they believe that the movie 'Civll War' is non-fiction with red states the villains. Like with the abortion is murder folks on your side, I doubt they will ever change...

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Sasha, Benny needs the epiphany that you had. He's full blown.

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Sasha is my friend and has a right to her own opinions.

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With "friends" like you, who needs enemies?

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If you were really her friend, you'd troll somewhere else.

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Cry more

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Lamest comment on the net = "Cry more".

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I recommend avoiding direct sunlight. Expert J.R.R. Tolkien says sunlight turns trolls into stone.

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Apr 17Edited

Not sure Ben is fully disagreeing with her. He's not saying that some of TDS left is correct, just that some are sincere (just as pro-choicers insist on believing ant-abortionists are anti-women rather than pro-baby).

I.e. we think it's obvious they are just cynically pretending Trump is the Devil (for political purposes), when they truly believe it.

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You mean the mid life crisis.

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I strongly suspect Sasha does not consider you opinion trolling. There is certainly no evidence that she does.

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Do you believe a partial birth abortion, where the baby is full term and they crack their skull? Please explain why that is not murder since, if left to Nature, the baby would live.

Please don’t be indirect or evasive. I assume if you are pro-abortion you are pro-abortion up to and including the 9th month? (That’s a second question). Here’s a snippet from Wikipedia. “Decompression of the skull can be accomplished by incision and suction of the brain or by using forceps to collapse the skull.”

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Here we go again with the “full term” abortion nonsense. Extremely rare occurrence. As a matter of fact almost never. The mother would most likely be induced and give birth to an already dead infant.

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I am only pro choice. Please have all the babies you want. We need more libertarians.

Sincerely, I don't believe people should tell other people what to do on private, personal medical decision matters, and especially not on grounds that they believe they are more moral than you, so you cannot be allowed to make your own choice. (I suspect you are concocting a very extreme and unrepresentative example for rhetorical purposes. However, even in that extreme case, I would not personally be in favor of forced birth after incest and rape and whatnot. I'd advise my daughter or daughter in law to crack away...

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Thanks for exposing the brutality and lack of compassion of the pro-choice side with your comment to “crack away” the partially born baby’s skull.

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your hypothetical was so extreme, I thought you were asking for same.

In addition, as a male, I never had an abortion myself. So, just so we're on the same page, here, it would not be me doing the cracking, or even making the choice of whether to crack or not to crack (in extreme cases of rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother).

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If the example is so "extreme" why not just dismiss it by saying that in no way would you condone such barbarity? But here you are, trying to diminish a practice that actually exists, because of people like you, while trying to frame those who consider abortion murder as the extremists.

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If the woman was raped or subjected to incest don't you think she would make the decision for an abortion sooner rather than later? Why does she need 4, 5, 6 , months or more to make up her mind for such an egregious violation of her body? Your argument does not hold water. Life of the mother, then yes, there are hard decisions to be made and that should be determined by the doctor and the patient.

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What happened to being responsible enough to not having an unwanted pregnancies, exception rape, incest and life of mother which most people accept these. Why not get a vasectomy or tubal ligation, there are many types of birth control. The bottom line abortion tissue is a money maker. PP sells the tissue and then the government thinks the tax payers should pay for the killing the babies.

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11 year olds don't have trans-surgery.

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But they’re given puberty blockers. Often times without parental consent.

You ok with that?

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And who says they are given them without parental consent? Conspiracy theorists?

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You people are sick. You know how it’s always the loudest homophobic men who are caught literally with their pants down getting blown by a twink in a rest area? That’s you anti-trans folks in a nutshell. Obsessed with the lives of others, secretly wishing that you could just come out to everyone as trans yourselves. Or shouting from the rooftops how everyone else is guilty of infringing on your freedoms while at the same time literally showing up at drag queen story hours with guns, threatening people. Fuck right off, thank you very much

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Exactly the kind of response one would expect from a mentally ill man who on Sunday claims they’re a woman, on Monday a stuffed animal, on Tuesday a unicorn, etc.

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Found one! 🤣

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I'm with Maher on this. Abortion is murder. But we stand idly by while people are killed every day. We watch war videos, we hear the fentanyl death toll, we watch young black men gun each other down. Nobody cares about murder. In fact we just had a famous murderer die and everyone knew he was a murderer and few cared.

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99% of Republicans are pretty much in lock-step with Dems on abortion, in that there should be some limits.

MSM has done a great job making you believe that we’re all pro—life with no exceptions.

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Well ben please tell how killing an unborn child is not murder. It is a mother killing her child. Sounds like murder to me. Dead baby = murder

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You are missing the point. And Bill Maher's. Bill Maher is saying, whatever your position is on abortion, admit it is a debate over the value of different lives, and not pretend the only life involved is that of the Mother's. Accept the win.

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The leftist fantasy is that those who support Trump are perfectly in agreement with every word that he says and with exactly how he says every word. The reality is that people support Trump because they know in their heart of hearts that he is pro-USA and pro-them and that his haters are not, and that he has their back, and they don't.

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“When he makes claims like this, the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally."

Salena Zito

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What the f--- does that even mean?

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Your comment is more a reflection on you than on Steve. You seriously can't puzzle it out yourself?

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No, I can't. If you can, I would appreciate your explanation.

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The press takes everything that Trump says literally (Trump says "it was the largest gathering ever" and the press say "no there was one in 1973 that was larger." Trump was exaggerating and the press takes him literally) but they don't take him seriously (the press treats him like a buffoon, an idiot, a joke).

His supporters take him seriously (they think he will get rid of the deep state and give power back to the people, they see how his policies helped them and feel that he gets results done) but not literally (they KNOW he exaggerates, but just see him as being verbose and braggadocious).

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Thank you, Holly, now I understand. I might add that this is why tfg is totally unsuited to be President. The President's words are always taken literally, especially by the rest of the world, and even more especially by our adversaries. Those words get parsed to the Nth degree. A national leader failing to be careful to say LITERALLY what he means can (and, historically has) lead to serious misunderstandings and even wars.

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A Question for you. It has been said that "Even Trolls Love Rock & Roll". Is That True? Do You?


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Stevie, don't be a jerk. I asked an honest question. Just because you can't answer it doesn't make me a troll. It just makes you a jerk.

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he's pro himself. you been conned.

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Yes, he's pro-himself and he is also pro-the people of the USA (including the people that Democrat politicians look down their noses at). And, no, I have not been conned.

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this guy Ben's posts are bizarre - must be just a troll. He has an awful lot of time to chip in his two cents, which amount to nothing more than Orangemanbad. Not worth your time - he's unable to talk policy.

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A Soros semi-bot no doubt.

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Could be an AI bot.

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Not AI, AS, as in artificial stupidity.

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Judas Joe's gotta go.

p.s. he can take Dearborn Michigan voters/ Jew-haters with him.

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I have such a difficult time in believing that Liz Cheney’s book soared to the top of anything-except a trash heap. Who in our country would want to read a single word? Not anyone from the right as she has proven herself to be such a traitor of the people. Acting as if we are as Hilary sees us. Deplorable. Not anyone from the left for pretty much the same reason. She was a means to an end for them. Used. Are we quite sure that anyone but her daddy,dick bought that book? If so, the divide in our country is even greater than I imagined and I already see it as insurmountable.

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Most lefty political books are really just payoffs. Large institutions (schools, libraries, unions) buy books by the truckload to disseminate for free or just dump.

It takes shockingly few sales to make the top of the best seller list. (Which at The NY Times is really an opinion list only loosely inspired by actual sales)

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Another part of the scam is leftist billionaires buy the books by the truckload, donate them to libraries, etc and then take a tax deduction.

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So you don't think there's any possibility the right does that also?

https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/gop-groups-spent-1-million-191804815.html "GOP Groups Spent $1 Million Bulk-Buying Candidates’ Books – and Helping Make Them Bestsellers"


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Of course. Games are meant to be played.

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Yes, remember that the New York Times refused to include RFK’s first book on Covid on the best seller list, even though the sales warranted it

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Yes, the NYT bestseller list is what they want it to be. Not based on sales. Not objective, subjective. Leftists top to bottom.

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Nobody bought her book. The publishers can say anything they want—hire reviewers—move it to bestseller just because they want to. It’s a scam like everything else—to make us believe they are the majority.

I’d like to add that AI is the one doing the censoring—at least on Instagram.

Tell too much truth and and your post will get taken down the instant you let go of the enter button on your computer.

Only AI can do it that fast. And my subjects have been varied—pointing out Harry Potters magician school was what we had in Lumeria—to suggesting that the grays are devolved humans from the Mars epoch here to use us to get back into the life wave.

I know that’s a lot of ‘different’ subjects, but hardly worth taking down posts over(I’m a student of anthroposophy so I point out how we’re being led to a new ‘space religion’ of gods creating us).

Anyway, it’s AI that is controlling us, not other humans. As Sasha has suggested—they aren’t that smart. Just tools of something they have no idea about.

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The NY Times best seller list is easily manipulated. In addition its rarely about the number of books sold.

Often times it’s about the most books printed. In other words, you could print a million books and only sell a single copy and the NY Times’ best-seller list would place you in the top ten.

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She's one of the few Repubs who can see the truth about Trump.

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And I wonder if she sees the truth about her father and all the lies that got us into wars and all the people killed for those lies. Give me a break.

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She is most certainly NOT a Republican.

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She mainly voted for trump supported bills.

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Then go ahead and buy her book. To each their own.

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I believe in libraries.

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You’re a bot or an idiot.

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Such as?

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Liz Cheney was the number three Republican in the House of Representatives, voting with former President Trump 90 percent of the time.

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If she sees the truth, why does she have to lie?

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Welcome aboard Sasha. Now prepare yourself for the onslaught. The Left is much like its much beloved Muslim fanatics: conversion to another faith is apostasy punishable only by death.

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Two of the participants in that focus groups appeared to be Muslims. The young black woman was dressed in a way that seemed to indicate that. The young white man I first took for Jewish was named Omar.

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"Maybe he’s lying like all politicians do." Nah... He already actually proved it which is why they kicked him out of orifice(as Rush said).

I hate to sound like a sycophant, but the risks you are taking(small and large) are worthy: you are one of the few public personalities(like Trump) who indirectly honor the fact that we stood a post while you slept. Don't take it lightly.

I watched that Donahue interview as a teenager in the 80s and was intrigued and started to understand business, capitalism, and charity. Good stuff. Funny how the 'Media' never show history; they create new false narratives: Trump is no different now than then.

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WATCH: Michaelah Montgomery, a black woman whose hug with President Trump at an Atlanta Chick-fil-A was a viral sensation, explains why so many Black Americans are supporting TRUMP — and why the media is getting it all wrong.; (listen to end where she talks about biden's crime bill targeting blacks who racist biden despised) https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1778777124234465302

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Thanks for the reference. Interesting clip worth watching.

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Apr 17
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She wasn't a plant but yes she's a Trump supporter. Watch the whole video. But also you want to see plants watch the sad Biden press op.

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Who is a plant? You talking about me?

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Pretty much were I am. Trump is the best shot for rolling back the banana republic and avoiding war. The one thing I would add is that the GOPe needs smiting too. Their dysfunction and serial betrayals of the Republican base is a big part of why we are in the mess we are in.

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do you really think that he would/will avoid war though? that's not what his military appointments think of him. they are scared he would do just that. (I know, Biden does it too).

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He did avoid war, in his first term. After Biden came in, Russia invaded Ukraine and Hamas escalated the Middle East conflict. Correlation is not necessarily causation, but it does raise the reasonable question: would these have happened if trump had won?

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Biden/NATO escalated in in Ukraine. It was well documented that Russia regarded Ukraine in NATO as a serious red line.

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Trump had many private conversations with Putin during his admin. Putin LOVED Trump because he recognized Trump as his polar opposite – an ignorant, childish, self-aggrandizing, impulsive FOOL, always desperate for praise and affirmation and creating chaos with every act. He loved it when Trump bad-mouthed NATO, our allies and when Trump praised and agreed with Putin as at the famous Helsinki conference and echoed Russian talking points as in endorsing Russia’s 1979 invasion of Afghanistan (in his typical third grade style):

Trump:”Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan, Russia.... The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia, they were right to be there. The problem is it was a tough fight and literally they went bankrupt. They went into being called Russia again as opposed to the Soviet Union. You know a lot of these places you are reading about now are no longer a part of Russia because of Afghanistan."

Trump would have handed Ukraine over to Putin if he won a second term while echoing Putin's talking points about Ukraine being part of Russia. When Trump lost, Putin had to act because he is getting old and has limited time to achieve his ambitions of restoring the Soviet Union.

Hamas attacked Israel because Saudia Arabia was close to signing a treaty normalizing relations with Israel and they wanted to prevent it.

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It is documented that Putin said he preferred Hillary Clinton as president because that was more status quo, and he would know what to expect. He did not want Trump because he’s unpredictable. Of course, you don’t know that, you get your news from mainstream media. You believe the Putin lies.

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Said the same about Biden.

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Like Trump, you believe anything our "friend" Putin says.

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You’re delusional. Putin is not our “friend,” but he’s not automatically an enemy if we play our cards right. Which Biden is incapable of doing since he has dementia. Trump doesn’t believe he’s a friend either, but he does understand how the power balance works. He’s just not a complete dumbass like Biden/Obama. Libs are all dumb-as-a-sack-of-rocks re foreign policy. Always have been, always will be. Why do you think we’re in this mess? Obama and Biden created this disaster we’re in right now. Notice that none of this happened under Trump. Northwest citizen.

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So, you make wild accusations about what Trump "would" do, based on nothing but your fever dreams, while ignoring what Obama and Biden actually did (handing Crimea to Russia, meddle with Ukraine's elections, send billions to Iran ...). Is projection really all that you have?

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Payment to Iran: The $400 million was Iran’s to start with, placed into a US-based trust fund to support American military equipment purchases in the 1970s. When the Shah was ousted by a 1979 popular uprising that led to the creation of the Islamic Republic, the US froze the trust fund. Iran has been fighting for a return of the funds through international courts since 1981.

In announcing the agreement, Obama said that paying the $400 million – plus $1.3 billion in interest – was saving American taxpayers billions of dollars. The Iranians had been seeking more than $10 billion at arbitration

The Obama administration was criticized for its refusal to provide lethal assistance to Ukraine, it did provide more than $100 million in security assistance, as well as a significant amount of defense and military equipment. Did you want Obama to send US troops to Crimea?

Cato Ins. says that US officials were involved in the overthrow of Ukraine pres Yanukovych while the Obama administration and most of the American news media portrayed the Euromaidan Revolution as a spontaneous, popular uprising against a corrupt and brutal government.

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Obama & Biden paid Iran off for all the killings of US Soldiers, Marines & Airmen in Iraq. Pentagon reports that 1 in every 6 US military death in Iraq War was attributed to Iran:


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Trump had four years to "hand Ukraine over to Putin" but didn't. In fact, Putin didn't expand the territory he had taken under Obama any further. I'd love any proof that Trump would have given any land to Putin.

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Plausible thoughts. Q: why didn’t trump hand over Ukraine while he was in office? Confident of a second term?

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Yes. He & Putin both thought he would win. Handing over Ukraine in the first term might have caused him to lose.

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Based on what evidence?

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Just stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

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How about sticking with things that actually did happen? Like forking over Crimea to Russia and giving Iran billions of dollars.

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No new wars in his first term is a piece of evidence that is lacking for every other President since Jimmy Carter.

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No new wars were started on Trump's watch. ISIS was minimized (still a presence, but that is like trying to kill cockroaches - just make sure it's not an infestation), Russia, that had already invaded Ukraine gained no land, and we had peace deals between Israel and 4 Middle East nations (something the State Dept said would never happen). Seems like a pretty good track record.

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So what does it take to avoid war? Draining US petroleum reserves to bring down gas prices before the 2022 election? Saying "Don't" each time an enemy seriously saber rattles? Reducing military spending? Making the military woke so warriors don't want to join? Demanding a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan to coincide with the 20th anniversary of 9-11 for a photo op? Never requiring a goal when supporting wars, but instead, showering our "allies" with cash too late to be of strategic or tactical benefit, and ensuring these wars never end? Enabling foes like Iran who have spent most of their recent earnings to destabilize the middle east? Leaking our intentions regarding military actions so the enemy can be ready and there isn't too much damage? The best way to avoid war is to be stronger than the bad guys. Trump has it right and Biden is a basket case. Can you just imagine Biden in a situation room with his note cards?

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Dear Sasha, I’m so glad you’re “awake”and not”WOKE” anymore!….I’m truly ecstatic with your awareness….we don’t always see eye to eye….but, ”words will never hurt me!”….just analysing and constantly dissecting…everyone is entitled to an opinion!….keep up your excellent work…you help us have hope!

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Sasha is attracting more attention in the wider media ecosystem which is a good thing but it also means she is attracting trolls. Please just ignore them. If they are not being paid, they are doing it to fillabuster our threads. Note that not everyone you disagree with is a troll but there are tells like abuse of other commenters or repetitive posts.

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Sound advice.

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You are dreaming if you think anyone is being paid.

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Admitting you’re a troll by that comment.

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I particularly liked the Chick-fil-A visit, which was vintage Trump. Biden can never ignite that kind of excitement. We are in desperate need of a hero right now, someone who genuinely loves this country, and it most definitely is not Joe abiden.

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how about ...Bill Shatner? (since you like TV show actors so very much).

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Just go away

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You claim you're not a troll, then you troll.

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The tiktok woman sums it up nicely. Trump is for us, he loves America. It’s real & It shows. Why else would he put himself through all the disgusting, lying garbage that the left throws at him? Years of it, when he could be off somewhere enjoying his twilight years. Bottom line is he’s fearless & won’t bow down to the elites, he loves America, he wants to bring sanity back to our institutions & continue to drain the swamp - or at least begin the process. Michigan showed us that as an immigrant you can freely yell death to America - but wear a red MAGA hat & wear a cross around you neck - you’re declared an enemy of the state - #1 on the most wanted list.

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"Why else would he put himself through all the disgusting, lying garbage that the left throws at him?" Are you kidding? His EGO -he's the most powerful person in the world and has a cult that worships him, believes he can do no wrong, and the more he is exposed, the more they love him! Remember when Trump reposted this on X? "And on June 14th, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said 'I need a caretaker', so God gave us Trump. God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office, and stay past midnight at a meeting of the state, so God made Trump..."

It should have said: " I need someone who get up before dawn, golf all day, whine about all his grievances, then stay up past midnight posting lies and childish insults on Twitter/Truth Social...."

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Apr 14
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You two idiots need to go out for wine together so you can drool over Obama some more. Delusional liberal white women are a cancer.

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Cheating on wives is ok with you as long as it's with young interns, right?

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Cheating on wives is ok with you as long as it's a democrat.

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Apr 16
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Don't look now, but the entire stock market is down because of the inflation caused by the corrupt and senile buffoon you elected. Besides, celebrating communist show trials against political opponents is a bad look there, Comrade.

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How barren must your life be to dedicate your life, your activities, your very breath to taking down Donald Trump? What has he ever done to them? They (including my wife, sadly) never have an answer, it's just "because Trump". How sad.

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