Ben, I assume your “grab them” comment refers to Bill Clinton, accused of rape and multiple sexual assaults, vilifying the victims, proven liar about sexual misconduct in the Oval Office with a 22-year-old intern. The Democrats still adore him, but then he was a strong supporter of abortion, so the entire Democrat political machine defended him, including feminists and the media.
Ben, I assume your “grab them” comment refers to Bill Clinton, accused of rape and multiple sexual assaults, vilifying the victims, proven liar about sexual misconduct in the Oval Office with a 22-year-old intern. The Democrats still adore him, but then he was a strong supporter of abortion, so the entire Democrat political machine defended him, including feminists and the media.
Don't talk to me about decency when we have a President credible accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade whose own daughter wrote that he showered with her inappropriately.
All you needed to have said Greg B is "he is a Democrat politician" to explain the undying and eternal loyalty no matter the transgression. Might also have been referring to Joe B and little girls, including the one who wrote the infamous family diary...
Still is - do you see how the (small) crowd always acts when soetoro appears with plugs? plugs is wandering around alone muttering to himself while everyone is swarming soetoro.
I never saw Obama as a messiah. Trump worshipers made a video which Trump reposted: "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump.
God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay up past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.” It continues: created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news" "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's." "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." LOL!
And yet you still can't argue on his policies and accomplishments. The mere fact that you just dedicated such a long expanse of text to *prove* that you *aren't a cultist*, betrays your dishonesty, mightily, lol.
I approve many but not all of Biden's policies. I think aid to Ukraine has been effective in preventing Putin from achieving his ambitions, his focus on renewable energy, environmental protection limiting oil drilling in pristine wilderness in Alaska & other places, crackdown on junk fees, the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act to prevent future Jan 6s, the Inflation Reduction Act which allocated $20 B to help farmers with climate smart agriculture , student debt relief, etc. I think he should have acted sooner on the border but I approve his compromises in the bipartisan border bill which republicans REQUESTED and then shot down because they don't want any changes in border policies so they can continue to blame Biden.
If you actually paid for Biden's garbage policies, the ones you agree with, then I'd wish you luck and tell you to carry on. But you believe in worthless trash and expect adults who know better to pay, both financially and socially.
Well, I disagree. Repubs believe in short term gains over long term consequences every time. The US is pumping more oil than it did during the Trump admin since there are many oil contracts which could which could not be changed.
Immigrants can't vote n national elecrions unless they are citizens. Repubs hate homeless people but many cannot afford housing on the salaries offered by stores, restaurants, etc. Trump would have dropped out of NATO and handed ukraine over to putin while he has been forced into a costly 3 yr. War by biden. Trump engineered the withdrawal from Afghanistan, getting the founder of taliban released from Pakistan jail then sending Pompeo to negotiate with him. Biden followed through but Kabul fell sooner than expected. The Palestinian problem started because hamas wanted to interrupt saudi Arabia normalizing relations with israel.Israel.
NW Citizen, do you believe that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote in non national (State & Local) elections? Also, do you agree with States requiring proof of citizenship to vote in Federal/National elections? … such as law recently passed in Arizona:
What about when Biden reversed Trump's Executive Order that made Epi-Pens and Insulin affordable to low income people? Trump brought the price down from thousands to just a few dollars... and Biden undid that FOR TWO YEARS... so he could take credit for Trump's Executive Order at the right time. How much do you approve of that? How much do you approve of him killing people in exchange for political points from people like you?
It would be nice if you knew the details of the the Trump's actions. In the first place, the order would have only helped low-income patients at select clinics (FQHCs, community clinics that receive government funding to help vulnerable populations) not the majority of diabetics. The National Association of Community Health Centers called the order well-intentioned, but said it wasn’t the right solution because the red tape that would have been created by tracking which patients are eligible for the discount would be so expensive and time-consuming that it would make it harder for the clinics to do their jobs.
So I looked at the exec order. It says "Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), receive discounted prices through the 340B Prescription Drug Program on prescription drugs.
'It is the policy of the United States to enable Americans without access to affordable insulin and injectable epinephrine through commercial insurance or Federal programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, to purchase these pharmaceuticals from an FQHC at a price that aligns with the cost at which the FQHC acquired the medication.'
This means that only people who do NOT have commercial insurance or Medicare or Medicaid can get these drugs are a low price at FQHCs. That is what the articles I posted said. It doesn't look like you read it. So where is the lie?
AP News is CIA-controlled... they are lying to you... and you're eating it up. You will not survive... you're a zombie. It would be nice if you would stop trusting authority, or working on behalf of it. You totally dodged my question... because you're lying.
And there were people who thought Obama could control the seas and was the Messiah. Even TV commentators who should have been neutral saying Obama’s election gave them “Tingles” up their legs. Are you like that, are you one of them?
Anyone can take extremes, and apply it to everyone. Narrow minded and judgemental people do that.
NOPE, you are addled and indoctrinated if you believe what you said.
We all know how not perfect Trump is, but being too direct, speaking truth without thinking, coarse language and mean tweets as well as caring about America , instead of dissing America, makes Trump our best choice.
There is no cult and no one worships him. We would like a smother more polished fellow, but Trump is the best choice available , if you can actually think for yourself.
Based on your comment I assume you lt others provide you with your opinion and do your thinking for you.
The real cult, the one that they project onto Trump's supporters, are the alleged millions of *voters, who quite literally elder-abused a long-known dementia victim---and twice failed Pres candidate, ousted by even the media over his plagiarism and pathological lying---into an office THEY KNEW he couldn't execute. There's the *cult*.
Trump worshipers made a video which Trump reposted: "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump.
God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay up past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.” It continues: created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news" "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's." "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." LOL!
You do realize that that is a Paul Harvey bit from the 1960's called "God Made A Farmer," everyone who's of a certain age knows it, and they just used AI to substitute "farmer" with "Trump." It's an in-joke. But I'm sure you were completely ignorant of that, so it seemed crazy to you. The rest of us took it for what it was. Funny. Just like the person who posted the Paul Harvey Bong Commercial on YouTube.
Why would I want to look at Libs of TikTok? "Libs of TikTok is a handle for various far-right and anti-LGBT social-media accounts operated by Chaya Raichik who uses the accounts to repost content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social-media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary. The accounts promote hate speech and transphobia, and spread false claims, especially relating to medical care of transgender children."
Biden doesn't repost nutty social media posts praising him.
Because I have read both sides since 2016 - blaze, fox, rcp, listening to right wing radio in the car. I have been observed that both sides leave out and distort news that makes their side look bad, and have been deluged with hate from right wing commenters.
You didn’t answer my question, which was- How can you make the claim that Libs of TikTok posts misinformation and hate when it merely reposts what leftists have already posted themselves?
I'm sure that it picks things that I wouldn't necessarily agree with anyway, then adds "hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary." I have read plenty of hatred of the right for the LGBTQ community, and Fox comment pages are full of old fashioned overt racism after fox posts an article about a black person.
Do you think I agree with everything on the "left"? I don't think the left is a monoliithic body; I think people can think for themselves. I would guess they pick some of the most outrageous content. But I have no desire to read the hateful "hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary." I see plenty of that already.
NWCitizen believes that gender dysphoria creates reality, but anyone who votes for Trump (74 million last election) is a member of a cult. This is a troll.
I have been reading both sides since 2016 to try to understand what the right thinks - blaze, fox, rcp, listening to right wing radio in the car. I have been reading hate-filled comments also, and have no need to go to a website whose sole purpose is to spread hate and lies.
I think it’s dishonest of you to post, not once but twice, that Trump supporters are in thrall to Trump and see him as God sent. That is not true. It’s selectively choosing to use an example from a certain narrow faction. It is therefore by definition a lie. But you know that, don’t you.
That Trump reposted it is comical, he’s got a good sense of humor and it hauled you in obviously.
Ben, I assume your “grab them” comment refers to Bill Clinton, accused of rape and multiple sexual assaults, vilifying the victims, proven liar about sexual misconduct in the Oval Office with a 22-year-old intern. The Democrats still adore him, but then he was a strong supporter of abortion, so the entire Democrat political machine defended him, including feminists and the media.
Don't talk to me about decency when we have a President credible accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade whose own daughter wrote that he showered with her inappropriately.
All you needed to have said Greg B is "he is a Democrat politician" to explain the undying and eternal loyalty no matter the transgression. Might also have been referring to Joe B and little girls, including the one who wrote the infamous family diary...
Nobody "adores" him and he does not have a cult. Trump is the one who has a cult of worshippers who believe he can do no wrong.
Cute projection. How's your messianic "Hope" picture of Obama holding up?
I remember those photos of “The Messiah”, some with Halos! The styrofoam columns and sycophantic media, etc. What a Cult that was!
Still is - do you see how the (small) crowd always acts when soetoro appears with plugs? plugs is wandering around alone muttering to himself while everyone is swarming soetoro.
I never saw Obama as a messiah. Trump worshipers made a video which Trump reposted: "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump.
God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay up past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.” It continues: created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news" "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's." "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." LOL!
And yet you still can't argue on his policies and accomplishments. The mere fact that you just dedicated such a long expanse of text to *prove* that you *aren't a cultist*, betrays your dishonesty, mightily, lol.
I approve many but not all of Biden's policies. I think aid to Ukraine has been effective in preventing Putin from achieving his ambitions, his focus on renewable energy, environmental protection limiting oil drilling in pristine wilderness in Alaska & other places, crackdown on junk fees, the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act to prevent future Jan 6s, the Inflation Reduction Act which allocated $20 B to help farmers with climate smart agriculture , student debt relief, etc. I think he should have acted sooner on the border but I approve his compromises in the bipartisan border bill which republicans REQUESTED and then shot down because they don't want any changes in border policies so they can continue to blame Biden.
If you actually paid for Biden's garbage policies, the ones you agree with, then I'd wish you luck and tell you to carry on. But you believe in worthless trash and expect adults who know better to pay, both financially and socially.
Well, I disagree. Repubs believe in short term gains over long term consequences every time. The US is pumping more oil than it did during the Trump admin since there are many oil contracts which could which could not be changed.
I’ll tell you what the “long term consequences” are for Biden’s policies.
Student debt relief, along with ridiculous minimum wage increases, will result in skyrocketing inflation.
Biden’s open border policy will result in a one party system since he is basically dangling amnesty in exchange for Democratic loyalty.
His pathetic foreign policy has projected extreme weakness where only strength is respected.
He will likely lead us into WW3 so maybe none of this even matters.
Oh, yeah…but Trump sent a few mean tweets so it’ll be justified, right?
Immigrants can't vote n national elecrions unless they are citizens. Repubs hate homeless people but many cannot afford housing on the salaries offered by stores, restaurants, etc. Trump would have dropped out of NATO and handed ukraine over to putin while he has been forced into a costly 3 yr. War by biden. Trump engineered the withdrawal from Afghanistan, getting the founder of taliban released from Pakistan jail then sending Pompeo to negotiate with him. Biden followed through but Kabul fell sooner than expected. The Palestinian problem started because hamas wanted to interrupt saudi Arabia normalizing relations with israel.Israel.
"Don't fight uphill, me boys..."
NW Citizen, do you believe that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote in non national (State & Local) elections? Also, do you agree with States requiring proof of citizenship to vote in Federal/National elections? … such as law recently passed in Arizona:
Some truths, some untruths, some subjectivity.
I do appreciate the dialogue though without getting aggressive and demeaning.
LOL!! Just like the Afghanistan withdrawal 'plan' that was the only "Trump policy that plugs couldn't change?"
What about when Biden reversed Trump's Executive Order that made Epi-Pens and Insulin affordable to low income people? Trump brought the price down from thousands to just a few dollars... and Biden undid that FOR TWO YEARS... so he could take credit for Trump's Executive Order at the right time. How much do you approve of that? How much do you approve of him killing people in exchange for political points from people like you?
It would be nice if you knew the details of the the Trump's actions. In the first place, the order would have only helped low-income patients at select clinics (FQHCs, community clinics that receive government funding to help vulnerable populations) not the majority of diabetics. The National Association of Community Health Centers called the order well-intentioned, but said it wasn’t the right solution because the red tape that would have been created by tracking which patients are eligible for the discount would be so expensive and time-consuming that it would make it harder for the clinics to do their jobs.
Here's the Executive Order that Trump signed... it proves you're lying...
So I looked at the exec order. It says "Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), receive discounted prices through the 340B Prescription Drug Program on prescription drugs.
'It is the policy of the United States to enable Americans without access to affordable insulin and injectable epinephrine through commercial insurance or Federal programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, to purchase these pharmaceuticals from an FQHC at a price that aligns with the cost at which the FQHC acquired the medication.'
This means that only people who do NOT have commercial insurance or Medicare or Medicaid can get these drugs are a low price at FQHCs. That is what the articles I posted said. It doesn't look like you read it. So where is the lie?
You're lying
AP News is CIA-controlled... they are lying to you... and you're eating it up. You will not survive... you're a zombie. It would be nice if you would stop trusting authority, or working on behalf of it. You totally dodged my question... because you're lying.
And there were people who thought Obama could control the seas and was the Messiah. Even TV commentators who should have been neutral saying Obama’s election gave them “Tingles” up their legs. Are you like that, are you one of them?
Anyone can take extremes, and apply it to everyone. Narrow minded and judgemental people do that.
NOPE, you are addled and indoctrinated if you believe what you said.
We all know how not perfect Trump is, but being too direct, speaking truth without thinking, coarse language and mean tweets as well as caring about America , instead of dissing America, makes Trump our best choice.
There is no cult and no one worships him. We would like a smother more polished fellow, but Trump is the best choice available , if you can actually think for yourself.
Based on your comment I assume you lt others provide you with your opinion and do your thinking for you.
The real cult, the one that they project onto Trump's supporters, are the alleged millions of *voters, who quite literally elder-abused a long-known dementia victim---and twice failed Pres candidate, ousted by even the media over his plagiarism and pathological lying---into an office THEY KNEW he couldn't execute. There's the *cult*.
Trump worshipers made a video which Trump reposted: "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump.
God said, ‘I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the Marxists, eat supper, then go to the Oval Office and stay up past midnight at a meeting of the heads of state.’ So God made Trump.” It continues: created by God to "fight the Marxists" and "call out the fake news" "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. for their tongues as sharp as a serpent's." "arms strong enough to rustle the Deep State and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild." LOL!
You do realize that that is a Paul Harvey bit from the 1960's called "God Made A Farmer," everyone who's of a certain age knows it, and they just used AI to substitute "farmer" with "Trump." It's an in-joke. But I'm sure you were completely ignorant of that, so it seemed crazy to you. The rest of us took it for what it was. Funny. Just like the person who posted the Paul Harvey Bong Commercial on YouTube.
I guess you have never bothered to look at the insanity posted by supporters of Biden or the left.
Makes the post you quoted look reasonable and sane.
Try Libs of tiktoc if you want a daily dose of the cult of the left.
Your quote is overly godish, but it is essentially correct on many of its points.
I doubt you are even aware of how far Marxism has infiltrated out schools and other institutions.
You probably enjoy all the fake news........
I see nothing in your post that equates to anyone WORSHIPING Trump.
Why would I want to look at Libs of TikTok? "Libs of TikTok is a handle for various far-right and anti-LGBT social-media accounts operated by Chaya Raichik who uses the accounts to repost content created by left-wing and LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social-media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary. The accounts promote hate speech and transphobia, and spread false claims, especially relating to medical care of transgender children."
Biden doesn't repost nutty social media posts praising him.
Libs of TikTok merely holds up a mirror that reflects the lunacy of many on the far left. How can you claim that it’s false?
Because I have read both sides since 2016 - blaze, fox, rcp, listening to right wing radio in the car. I have been observed that both sides leave out and distort news that makes their side look bad, and have been deluged with hate from right wing commenters.
You didn’t answer my question, which was- How can you make the claim that Libs of TikTok posts misinformation and hate when it merely reposts what leftists have already posted themselves?
I'm sure that it picks things that I wouldn't necessarily agree with anyway, then adds "hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary." I have read plenty of hatred of the right for the LGBTQ community, and Fox comment pages are full of old fashioned overt racism after fox posts an article about a black person.
Do you think I agree with everything on the "left"? I don't think the left is a monoliithic body; I think people can think for themselves. I would guess they pick some of the most outrageous content. But I have no desire to read the hateful "hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary." I see plenty of that already.
NWCitizen believes that gender dysphoria creates reality, but anyone who votes for Trump (74 million last election) is a member of a cult. This is a troll.
I don't think all trump voters are in a cult but some who believe he can do no wrong are. Gender dysphoria is certainly a real condition
"Why would I want to look at Libs of TikTok?" - Good question. MSNBC is a much safer space for progressive douchbags.
Libs of TikTok makes fun of videos posted by Libs.
I have been reading both sides since 2016 to try to understand what the right thinks - blaze, fox, rcp, listening to right wing radio in the car. I have been reading hate-filled comments also, and have no need to go to a website whose sole purpose is to spread hate and lies.
But that’s exactly what you appear to be doing. So take the plank out of your own eye before you judge the splinter in others.
Well, I don't think my content is lies. You may disagree. Is it possible to disagree in a civil manner?
I think it’s dishonest of you to post, not once but twice, that Trump supporters are in thrall to Trump and see him as God sent. That is not true. It’s selectively choosing to use an example from a certain narrow faction. It is therefore by definition a lie. But you know that, don’t you.
That Trump reposted it is comical, he’s got a good sense of humor and it hauled you in obviously.
I’ve said that in as civil a way as is necessary.
You’re typical of the Left, you accuse others of doing exactly what you do yourself.
JFK Was banging a 19 year old in the WH pool just saying. Look it up.
In those days, that was expected behavior and the " gentlemen" in the news kept it quiet