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What the f--- does that even mean?

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Your comment is more a reflection on you than on Steve. You seriously can't puzzle it out yourself?

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No, I can't. If you can, I would appreciate your explanation.

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The press takes everything that Trump says literally (Trump says "it was the largest gathering ever" and the press say "no there was one in 1973 that was larger." Trump was exaggerating and the press takes him literally) but they don't take him seriously (the press treats him like a buffoon, an idiot, a joke).

His supporters take him seriously (they think he will get rid of the deep state and give power back to the people, they see how his policies helped them and feel that he gets results done) but not literally (they KNOW he exaggerates, but just see him as being verbose and braggadocious).

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Thank you, Holly, now I understand. I might add that this is why tfg is totally unsuited to be President. The President's words are always taken literally, especially by the rest of the world, and even more especially by our adversaries. Those words get parsed to the Nth degree. A national leader failing to be careful to say LITERALLY what he means can (and, historically has) lead to serious misunderstandings and even wars.

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Like "I have never discussed with my son, or my brother, or anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses, period." 8-28-19

Or "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunenaffer pressure?" 10-30-20

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Are you good with biden's exaggerations and outright lies? Sasha nails it. Trump is no better or worse than any other pol. He and Biden will be dead and gone, but we will live forever with the precedents set by his raving enemies.

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If you think "Trump is no better or worse than any other pol" you really are a simpleton. You haven't been paying attention, or maybe you are still in diapers. I thought Nixon and Bush 2 were the bottom of the barrel, but it turns out that Trump found a new bottom which is 2 orders of magnitude deeper.

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Ok and Biden reading off of cue cards gives the country confidence he can do his job? Absolutely NOT. He tells us how great the economy is, but when we go to the grocery store we know differently. He tells us you will buy EVs by 2030, when we have never been able to afford to buy a new car, just used car.

He tells us giving our tax dollars to support wars is good for us. He tells us that we will tell you what your kids need to learn and parents need to stfu or we will take your kids and put you in prison. He tells us that kids are born in the wrong body when DNA proves that is a lie. Trust the science, you won't get covid if you take this poisoned jab. They will deny the adverse affects of the jabs. They will silence people that doesn't agree with their lies. They put a gag order on Trump because they don't like what he says. He let's in millions of illegals come into the country with no plan of where they are going to live with a nationwide housing shortage. When the illegals commit crimes they aren't sent back to their country, but left here to commit more crimes without any punishments. This is why I will vote for Trump a second time.

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Your paranoia has left you unable to think clearly.

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A Question for you. It has been said that "Even Trolls Love Rock & Roll". Is That True? Do You?


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Stevie, don't be a jerk. I asked an honest question. Just because you can't answer it doesn't make me a troll. It just makes you a jerk.

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