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Do you believe a partial birth abortion, where the baby is full term and they crack their skull? Please explain why that is not murder since, if left to Nature, the baby would live.

Please don’t be indirect or evasive. I assume if you are pro-abortion you are pro-abortion up to and including the 9th month? (That’s a second question). Here’s a snippet from Wikipedia. “Decompression of the skull can be accomplished by incision and suction of the brain or by using forceps to collapse the skull.”

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Here we go again with the “full term” abortion nonsense. Extremely rare occurrence. As a matter of fact almost never. The mother would most likely be induced and give birth to an already dead infant.

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I am only pro choice. Please have all the babies you want. We need more libertarians.

Sincerely, I don't believe people should tell other people what to do on private, personal medical decision matters, and especially not on grounds that they believe they are more moral than you, so you cannot be allowed to make your own choice. (I suspect you are concocting a very extreme and unrepresentative example for rhetorical purposes. However, even in that extreme case, I would not personally be in favor of forced birth after incest and rape and whatnot. I'd advise my daughter or daughter in law to crack away...

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Thanks for exposing the brutality and lack of compassion of the pro-choice side with your comment to “crack away” the partially born baby’s skull.

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your hypothetical was so extreme, I thought you were asking for same.

In addition, as a male, I never had an abortion myself. So, just so we're on the same page, here, it would not be me doing the cracking, or even making the choice of whether to crack or not to crack (in extreme cases of rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother).

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If the example is so "extreme" why not just dismiss it by saying that in no way would you condone such barbarity? But here you are, trying to diminish a practice that actually exists, because of people like you, while trying to frame those who consider abortion murder as the extremists.

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If the woman was raped or subjected to incest don't you think she would make the decision for an abortion sooner rather than later? Why does she need 4, 5, 6 , months or more to make up her mind for such an egregious violation of her body? Your argument does not hold water. Life of the mother, then yes, there are hard decisions to be made and that should be determined by the doctor and the patient.

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What happened to being responsible enough to not having an unwanted pregnancies, exception rape, incest and life of mother which most people accept these. Why not get a vasectomy or tubal ligation, there are many types of birth control. The bottom line abortion tissue is a money maker. PP sells the tissue and then the government thinks the tax payers should pay for the killing the babies.

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