Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
The Left's Empire Takes a Hard Fall
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -34:29

The Left's Empire Takes a Hard Fall

They are out of touch and out of time.

For four years now, maybe longer, I’ve been saying like a mantra, “There is no saving the Left. There is only saving the country from them.” And so America has, definitely and decisively.

But scrolling X this morning, I’m reminded of the scene in Michael Mann’s The Insider when 60 Minutes continued to remain in denial after their corruption had been laid bare:

It took 60 Minutes too long to accept what they’d participated in with the Jeffrey Wigand scandal, just as it will take the Left too long to accept what they’ve done to themselves and this country. But time marches on without them.

And as the line goes from Citizen Kane, they’re going to need more than one lesson and they’re going to get more than one lesson.

I say the Left, but it’s really the perception of reality shaped by the legacy press, the New York Times, CBS and NBC News, the Washington Post, along with MSNBC and CNN. They’ve been lying every day to the American people and for that their reputations will pay a high price.

I’ll never forget Christmas of 2020, when my nephew, who had gotten COVID and was now immune, wanted to visit. But he wasn’t vaccinated. Because of that, several members of my family became hysterical. When I shouted at them, “HE ALREADY HAD COVID,” they sent me links to NBC news articles that said it was contagious unless you were vaccinated, which was a lie.

Donald Trump was not running against Kamala Harris so much as he was running against the media industrial complex which now, like so much of our culture, is inseparable from government.

The New York Times headline, “Trump storms back,” is designed to pander to those who are still stuck on January 6th.

They have to sell fear because that is how they feel now that they are forced to share this country with the “basket of deplorables.” They think they still speak for all of us but their ability to do that ended long ago. Now, they speak only for those still trapped in an elitist bubble that only wants Trump to go away.

This isn’t going to be an easy fight. This is only the beginning. For the Left, the fight is existential. This is, to them, about their survival, as a movement rooted in identity, one that nurses victimhood and punishes merit-based success.

So they will blame Elon Musk and his purchase of X. They will blame Joe Rogan and RFK, Jr. They will blame Vladimir Putin because supposedly he is Tulsi Gabbard’s puppet master. They will blame men for being sexists. They will blame the American people for being biased against a woman of color, even though Kamala Harris was placed in the position of winning just because she was a woman of color.

They will somehow blame the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, and Tucker Carlson. They will blame Joe Biden, who does deserve some of the blame for engaging in the corruption that has brought down the empire. The only people they won’t blame are themselves.

It’s never going to be about how they pushed the American people too far, how there will be a generation of girls growing up with scars instead of breasts, weak bones and their fertility taken from them before they had any idea what was happening. There will be boys who have been effectively castrated and will have to live that way for the rest of their lives.

It’s never going to be the ten million people flooding the border, many of whom were not fully vetted, and many of whom were dumped into small towns with the residents shamed for worrying about their own lives.

It’s never going to be their rising authoritarian lawfare that did nothing for them but destroy trust in government, the DOJ and our criminal courts while only turning Trump into a folk hero.

It’s never going to be what they’ve done to a once-thriving culture rooted not in equity but in opportunity. I think of the stories that haven’t been told, the movies that haven’t been made, the dreams that have dried up and faded away. And all for what?

I had a conversation with my 26-year-old daughter a while back. She told me there are so many books she wants to write. Every time she comes up with an idea, she shoots it down, realizing she’ll be attacked and accused of fill-in-the-blank. Publishing houses, corporations, and movie studios all play along.

I knew in that moment I had to fight for my daughter’s rights. No, not to have an abortion but the right to free thought, to opportunity. I know that free speech opens the door to offensive speech and to the Left that is actual harm. But now that I’ve seen what the other side looks like, I know that sanitizing and policing speech is worse.

What has driven the Left mad isn’t so much a loss of power, although that’s part of it. It is more a deep sadness that they think who they are, their way of life, is now under threat. This is a pattern that has played out many times throughout human history to varying degrees. The last two times were previous “Fourth Turnings.”

After the Civil War, the South believed it was under an existential threat with the freeing of the slaves. They believed it was a threat against who they were rather than what they believed. That would ultimately lead to fear and hysteria, segregation and lynchings, and systemic racism that would last decades.

In the 1950s, the fear of Communism became an existential threat to the safety and security of America after World War II. The CIA and the FBI engaged in propaganda campaigns to win “hearts and minds” to the cause, which meant neighbors informing and spying on each other, blacklists, and ongoing paranoia. The same was true: they believed it was about protecting who they were.

And now, our Fourth Turning began in 2008, the year Obama won the presidency, they bailed out the banks and the iPhone hit the market, putting social media in every household.

We believed we had remade America and there was no going back. The problem with utopias, however, is that to survive they must become authoritarian. The problem with this country is that we all like our freedom.

I helped build our empire and now I have done everything in my power, limited though it may be, to destroy it. The America we made might have started out with the best of intentions but has done nothing but limit future generations, eliminate our fundamental rights as Americans to speak our minds, and encouraged, instead, all of us to feel helpless and afraid.

I want for my daughter a better future, one of open doors, not closed ones. I especially don’t want children to be further indoctrinated in our public schools to be conformists ranked and categorized by their skin color or “gender ideology.” What madness have we delivered upon our kids?

Someone had to step in. Someone had to stand in the breach. Because of a particular set of skills, Trump turned out to be that once-in-a-generation force who holds up his mighty trident and says ENOUGH.

We’ve just watched the Hero’s Journey play out. We got the ending we wanted. We’ve watched our hero transformed through a series of battles or tests and come out the other side stronger and wiser. But there were so many people who rose up to fight on Trump’s behalf.

Trump didn’t build MAGA on his own but he was the leader the movement needed to become what Steve Bannon calls the “force multiplier.” His dream team.

His loyal supporters, a grass roots movement that kept Steve Bannon’s “War Room” going day in and day out even when he was in prison. They all donated to buy Scott Presler an SUV so he could move to Pennsylvania and help flip the state.

Not to mention, the ground game boosted by Lara Trump and Charlie Kirk whose live stream was watched by millions all over the country last night, JD Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, RFK, Jr., and all of those who bravely endorsed Trump in the last days leading up to the election that helped drive home the win.

And of course, Elon Musk whose freeing of Twitter allowed many voices to rise, voices that would have otherwise been silenced.

It’s hard to imagine any of this happening with all of these force multipliers coming together and helping bring the country back where it belongs, in the hands of the people.

This is a moment for the Left and the Democrats to take a good long look at what they have become. And perhaps find a way to let go of the need to control all of us. I told my daughter today not to worry and to tell her friends not to worry. “You’ve all been lied to most of your lives,” I told her. “Now, you are free. You can write whatever books you want to write. You can be whoever you want to be.”

What I’ve lived through over the past five years is not something I ever would have thought would be in the cards for me. I still don’t know what it was that pushed me in the direction to be among those sounding the alarm and shaking the tree. Perhaps it’s the Gen-X in me, the generation most responsible for bringing home the win for Trump.

Why? I don’t know how else to say it except that we were born to question everything, especially authority.

The Gray Champion

I called this site Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning because, according to Neil Howe, that is the era we’re living through. It happens once every 80 years, when the “Gray Champion” rises.

Seven years ago Neil Howe was asked if Trump was the “Gray Champion,” listening to him talk about it then it probably seemed unthinkable. But through the lens of today it is undeniable.

As we wake up into our new world shaped by bright young minds and revolutionaries like Musk who needed Trump to remain unfettered wherever he chooses to take this country next, we can see everything is suddenly reborn.

The Left probably won’t learn the lessons of this election because they can’t see what they have become. They’ve been so obsessed with holding on to power they forgot a whole decade has passed them by.

In that time everything changed. It had to. As they purged all of the bad people from utopia we began building a new world outside of theirs. Those voices became more attractive over time and less people paid attention to the distant call of the legacy press. Nothing is as it once was. That is what defines a Fourth Turning more than anything.

The Trump that ran in and won in 2016 has been forever changed by circumstance. He’s the hero, after all, and now he will likely go down as one of the greatest presidents in American history. Who would have ever thought?

Says Nathaniel Hawthorne in Twice-Told Tales: “His hour is one of darkness, and adversity, and peril. But should domestic tyranny oppress us, or the invaders’ step pollute our soil, still may the Gray Champion come.”

And so he has.

Discussion about this episode

Nov 6Edited

This has been the most nasty, vitriolic, undemocratic...and yes, considering the two assassination attempts, violent election cycle that I've seen in my eight plus decades! But, thanks to the likes of Elon, Tucker, Tulsi, Vivek, RFKjr, along with a host of others with lesser known names like Sasha, Chris, Yuri and many, many more, we have taken a step back from the edge of the abyss...and it feels great!

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And it’s thanks to new media, X, Rumble, Substack, Podcasts. Legacy media is irrelevant. Propaganda Puppets of the DNC / nothing more.

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X/Rumble and Substack has been flooded and now is the bastion of the new conservatives. Liberals stayed with the MSM/Facebook creating this dynamic and very echo chamber heavy rift and I don't see that changing ever again.

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Substack has a full spectrum of thought. It’s free market. You can find anything. Open to all. MSM only has scripted DNC talking points. They don’t even bother to change it up. Same phrases. It’s not too difficult just to open a thesaurus.

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Nov 7Edited

Full spectrum but most of it is dominated by GOP Substack's much like MSM is dominated by mostly liberals

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Maybe because people don’t want to pay to read the same stuff that they get free with MSM?

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You do realize much of the media they hate are OTA shows they are free like the View or the nightly news shows.

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Nicely said.

Yes it does.

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Yep, and I am old and haven’t seen this before either.

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It feels SO great!!!!

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Most of the nasty, vitrolic rhetoric came from Trump himself but right wingers ignore that. They claim Trump's assassination attempts were caused by Dems calling him a "fascist", but are deaf when Trump uses the same words on his opponents. Trump has called Harris every derogatory term under the sun; in Aug, he said, “We have a fascist person running who’s incompetent.”; in Sept, he said, “She’s a Marxist, communist, fascist, socialist. She’s not actually a socialist, she’s gone past that.”

Trump may not BE HITLER (remains to be seen), but he likes to use Hitler rhetoric.

In 2023, he said, “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like VERMIN within the confines of our country.”? More examples of Trump using Nazi rhetoric from Apr 2024: “The Democrats say, ‘Please don’t call them animals. They’re humans. I said, 'No, they're not humans, they're not humans, they're animals,’” and on the Hugh Hewitt show: “You know, now a murderer, I believe this, it’s in their genes. And we got a lot of bad genes in our country right now,” claiming that immigrants are likely to carry genes for “murder.”

I guess it’s FINE for him to use the same words that you call out the left for using.

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Hey loser ! 4 years of Trump is what you deserve

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Dems made some big mistakes so I guess we do. I guess you like having an erratic, self obsessed buffoon for a president who loves to be worshiped by his "working class" cult but really disdains them because they aren't rich like him which makes them 'losers". Also disdains any soldiers who get captured, killed, or maimed since they are "suckers & losers". Now we get to listen to his crude, nonsensical rants but right wingers love that.

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Sasha, I just love the tone your set in your substack and all the joy you have brought to this election cycle with your posts, especially with the Trump victory dances from TikTok.

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It's time to help Sasha, friends.

I just signed upgraded to a PAID subscription.

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You’re right. I just subscribed to a paid subscription!

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Nov 6Edited

It's sort of strange how the Democratic presidential candidate averages around 65 million votes in 2012, 2016, and 2024 (that total will still be under 70 million when all votes are counted) but somehow Biden received 81 million votes campaigning from his basement in 2020. The lack of curiosity from the media as to how he achieved this political feat is astonishing. Hopefully someone will fully explain why the Democratic Party could't pull off this same stunt in 2024.

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Sometimes questions aren't asked for fear of the answer.

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Or because they already KNOW the answer...

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"Lack of curiosity" is this last 6 year's middle name.

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Winning the presidency is winning the biggest prize imaginable. I think there was a lot of cheating in the 2020 election, but I don’t think Biden was directly involved. Certain people in and adjacent to the DNC saw the Covid opportunities, and took full advantage of them, knowing that they could get away with cheating on a scale never before possible. But still, 11,000,000 votes ! ? ! ? Will we ever know?

And the election’s grand prize goes primarily to the Party that wins, not to the president, especially when the president is a figurehead.

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Nah, I'm pretty sure Biden was directly involved:

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"

Also consider the Biden Crime Family's open bribery scheme run via Hunter to sell the VP and President's office to foreign countries and oligarchs. Brought in tens of millions for them. So it's not like they're in the least constrained by ethics.

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And note that one reason that Klain and Zients et al had to get rid of Biden was that the senility was getting so bad that Biden starting just blurting out the truth.

Not just the truth about the 2020 election fraud, but also their attempted murder of Trump. When he knew it was in the works, he said "We have to put Trump in the crosshairs."

And he bragged about blowing up the Nordstream pipeline before doing it.

Many such cases.

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I don't know how much Biden can remember from a day before, each day, but as far as he could he was definitely involved.

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20 million fake ballots

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Bannon has been asking this,and I have a feeling he will bring the receipts one day.

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And how was it he got millions more votes than 'The Sainted One'.... Really?

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You are an awesome writer Sasha, this moved me to tears. You are full of wisdom, the more so from having spent your former years ‘on the other side’. As a lifelong conservative I don’t understand those on the left but you offer keen insights and understanding as to their motivations.

And now I must read Twice Told Tales, it’s been years since I’ve read anything by the wonderful Nathaniel Hawthorne and I’ve never read that one.

Thank you and may you be blessed.

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Twice Told Tales is well worth your time! Also: don't miss Hawthorne's collection of short stories, they are all memorable.

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IMHO President Trump reflects the courage, character, leadership and sacrificial unselfishness of George Washington more than any other President. He doesn't want or need power...he just wants to make America what the Founding Fathers envisioned and then go back to the life he had. I admire him for that.

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This. Mr Washington never had quite the -- dammit, I'll say it -- privilege! -- that Mr Trump had. Seldom acknowledged.

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Gen X for the win!

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Yay, but some of us old Boomers remember "Question Authority!" as a mantra!!

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I am so proud of our generation for taking leadership in this election!!

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Which generation? I am old and have seen many elections for 50 years.

What makes this cycle seem good to me is that younger folks have escaped from the “woke” Idiocracy now. The natural way of human behavior has not changed in 6000 years. We just have now, better technology. Human emotions are exactly the same as 6,000 years ago.

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I am sitting here with goosebumps all over my body, smiling and big tears streaming down my face. As always Sasha you've provided commentary that has deeply touched my soul and heart. I am so thrilled to see so many young people that supported Trump's campaign & are now jojoyously celebrating Trump's victory. It gives me hope for the future of America.

I know as old as I am, I will probably never see all the ultimate changes to come. But it's comforting for me to know how exciting it will be for many future generations to come.

The past two years has literally been hell for me. I have had to go through 3 major surgeries. During my last surgery in early August I almost died during surgery. I ended up in ICU for 48 hours and I am grateful to be alive. My recovery since then has been maddening. Sadly, I have had numerous complications and have barely recovered. I feel extreme pain and sickness every day. I now have to see another specialist but not until December 23rd. Hopefully she'll be the doctor that can help me get my life back. I have prayed to God numerous times thanking him for keeping me in his hands and allowing me to live. But now I pray, why. What is my purpose for suffering now? What is the purpose for the rest of my life? I assume eventually I will find the answers I'm searching for. Maybe not. Anyways I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm just clarifying where I am in life. I'm so excited and proud of my fellow Americans who were smart. They saw through the bullshit and voted for themselves, their families, their communities and freedom for all.

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It must be very frustrating Anne. I hope your new doctor can give you hope, healing & some answers. Prayers for your healing & road to recovery.

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Thank you very much for your kindness. The doctor I'm seeing in December is one of two surgeon's that did my surgery. I just got through 4 weeks of physical therapy. That therapy did not remove my symptoms or ease the pain. But the therapist was able to determine what was causing my issues. One issue cannot be physically corrected and I will have to live with that. The second health issue has to be addressed by the surgeon. It's uncertain if that issue can be corrected. All along I have been blessed with wonderful medical professionals and my 3 surgeon's. I just need to get my life back. Being out of pain would be a great start.

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Hope springs eternal. It certainly did help ‘Napalm Girl.’ I remember that picture of her well. I used to work with a lot of Vietnamese in Chicago. Great people. Very sad what happened to their country. Hopefully Fate will intervene on our behalf to change the path we’re on so we can avoid such an unpleasant fate. That’s going to be my Christmas Eve wish this year at midnight, an auspicious time for wishes to be heard.

“Hold fast to hope. It is hope that will see you through.”

The Salvation of ‘Napalm Girl’

I still need treatment for the burns on my arms, back and neck. But my heart is healed.

By Kim Phuc Pham Thi

Dec. 22, 2017

In a piece for The Wall Street Journal, Kim Phuc Phan Thi writes about the identity she has been trying to escape her whole life: that of the “Napalm Girl.” She is the object of a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph from 1972. In it, she is nine-years-old, running along a roadway in front of an expressionless soldier. Her arms are outstretched and she is naked and shrieking, from both pain and fear, as a napalm cloud billows in the distance.

Many have called the photograph a turning point in the Vietnam War. Phan Thi writes that she had been “in the wrong place at the wrong time,” and her own people had dropped bombs on Route 1 in an effort to cut off the trade routes for the Viet Cong rebels. She is still receiving treatment for the burns that cover her arms, back and neck, but she says the emotional and spiritual pain was worse than the physical burns.

She said that the bombs caused her pain and suffering but also led her to Jesus Christ. Phan Thi says that no “matter what type of pain or sorrow you may be experiencing, as Christmas approaches, I encourage you not to give up. Hold fast to hope. It is hope that will see you through.”

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“What is the purpose for the rest of my life?”

I’ve found a lot of meaning in books I’ve read. Here’s one of my favorites about the French writer Montaigne. The book can be found on Amazon, “How to Live: Or A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer” by Sarah Bakewell. As for your health issues and suffering, I recommend following AI, especially the area of healthcare which it will profoundly change. Hang in there and you’ll soon find help for all that ails you. We all will.

“Life should be an aim unto itself, a purpose unto itself,” stressed Montaigne. His collection of Essays provides a plethora of practical wisdom on various aspects of life — gained through his own rigorous self-observation.”

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Thank you very much. I will indeed look into the book. I appreciate the recommendation.

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An excellent Psychology Today article from 2015 called “If You Love Cats, This May Be Why: What Felines Can Teach Us About Affection” is well worth reading. I once read that cats fulfill our need to have something to love and to touch. They’re ideal for that. Some excerpts:

“These beautiful creatures have a rare quality that we humans would do well to cultivate: a large capacity to receive affection.”

“I believe that a major reason we love cats is because of an uncanny ability that few humans possess: they register our tactile presence in a deeply felt way. They really know how to let us in! They’re right there in the delectable moment receiving our touch.”

“Their gift to us is that they receive us deeply, without any troubling cognitions or disturbing memories of less savory moments, such as when we forgot to feed them or clean their litter box. They let all of that go. They’re just here with us right now.”

“If You Love Cats, This May Be Why.”

What felines can teach us about affection.

Psychology Today. July 6, 2015

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Thank you for the book recommendation. You did a wonderful job of explaining why cats are important. It just so happens that my husband and I adore cats. In fact we have 17 indoor cats. They live such a good life. My house is 104 years old and is large. Our home is set up specifically for their fun and comfort. So your reply was extra heart warming. God bless you.

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I had a big health scare this past year and the doc at the ER prescribed anti-depressants. I went to a Naturopathic functional medicine doctor and that helped me get back to health. They usually aren't covered by insurance though, but I see it as preventative medicine too.

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Thank you for sharing that. I thankfully have pretty decent health insurance. If I need any medical care that requires out of pocket expenses, that would be very difficult to do. Between the poor economy and not being able to work, money is very tight. Every time Kamala would talk about her middle class upbringing, I would feel sick. As the economy worsened during the Biden administration, my husband and I no longer can call ourselves middle class Americans. I am grateful that our home of 45 years is paid for. Otherwise we would probably be living somewhere else. Perhaps with our children.

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Hi Anne, thank-you for sharing here. It helps many of us to be reminded of what is most important and what the real challenges of our life often are. Daily extreme pain and sickness are so hurtful, exhausting and discouraging. All I can offer are my prayers to Jesus, whom also experienced first hand these human sufferings in order to give us a chance at Heaven. With regard to why would God put you through this, I can only make naive humble guesses; maybe it is to bless the rest of us with empathy and compassion by witnessing another person in pain. If so, certainly a heavy price for you to have been chosen like that. I think, and I’m not very knowledgeable about the Bible stories, that Saint Paul had a similar experience and wrote; “..,

For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

God bless you, Anne Hallock.

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Thank you so much for sharing such kind words. It's brought tears to my eyes. I am a great believer in the power of prayer. I'm comforted while saying them and have seen God's work in my life, proving my prayers have been answered. My faith has remained strong. I know everything in my life happens for a reason but what I have endured these past two years has blown my mind. I just keep praying for God to lead me to the path to achieve wellness. I have gone from being a vibrant 65 year old active women, who now always feels like I'm at the doors of death. It's incredible how drastically my life has changed. If I didn't have my husband caring for me as he had done, I would need to hire some part time home health care.

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Clearly you chose well when selecting a husband and he did likewise. Well done, Anne.

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Thank you. I did choose well but God had a huge hand in our paths crossing. I have never regretted one day of being married to my sweet husband, Tom. This May we will be celebrating our 44th wedding anniversary. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for him, our sons and their wives.

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Wow you got married young! Good for you, Anne.

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Superb. Best post-election analysis I've read.

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I am having some very strange feelings. I think they're called happiness and optimism.

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I know! Hard to relax and take a deep breath and smile again. Thank god we won. A great victory!✌️

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Two thoughts:

1. “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the gov’t can play” - Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.


75 years ago, during the Nuremberg trials, judges asked Hermann Göring (Hitlers right hand)

how they made Germany accept all the madness. He said: 'The only thing a government needs to

turn people into slaves, is FEAR. If you can find something to make them afraid, you can make

them do whatever you want.'

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This is the beginning of a 20 year war, and we must prepare ourselves for it. We will win some along the way, and we will lose some. But we must keep pushing forward. The left will not accept this defeat no matter what they say. Like Sauron, in the Lord of the Rings, they may lay low, marshal their forces, and await their opportunity for a major assault. Until then, they will try to chip away - one little compromise at a time. We cannot give in to any compromise. There will be times we'll take a loss, but we should not voluntarily compromise. We will eventually win with tenacity, patience, and, of course, love.

Trumps campaign was defiant; and with good reason. But dark? No, the Dems had the corner on that market.

I hope your daughter finds her voice!

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I have considered that we are in the equivalent of WW2 only 80 years on which would mean perhaps there could be a push back like the Battle of the Bulge occuring this month.

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"God fought for us."

Henry V

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And Leo Terrell, Sage Steele, Nicole Shanahan, Michelle Tafoya, Naomi Wolf, Julian Epstein, Bret Weinstein,Russell Brand, Tyrus,Joe Rogan, Drs Battacharaya/Malone/McCollough/Risch/Kuldorff/Oswui/Smith/Hatfill/Ladapo/Stella… Imam of Peace, Jamal Altamini, Russell Brand, Ami Horowitz Kevin O’Leary,Dana White,Danica Patrick,Patrick Bet David,Amber Rose,Lynn Patton, Tammy Bruce, a sampling of former lifelong Dems who had enough. I hope they identify as Independent , grow the Coalition, and with Trump, create a “ We The People United” Party and sink the duopoly and Deep State. The system is so bloated, corrupt,divisive and out of touch … so long past their expiration date they are toxic to all things living.

We need a total renovation , beginning with discarding the worthless clutter.

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2024 was when the Libertarian party finally died and many finally came back to the GOP after their long 30+ year exodus. Many former liberals like Brett, Nicole dropped being a liberal altogether and started being GOP Libertarian.

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Hilarious video of Biden congratulating Trump (AI):

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I am rolling!

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Now that's funny. Thanks for the link

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I don't know if it was that video or one of the Trump dance videos that I posted to F*cebook that caused a Dem friend of mine to unfriend me today.

This friend did a prosecutor Jack Smith cosplay at a comicon last year and I warned him that it would not age well, so maybe that was bothering him too.

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Hey Sash, I told Trump to hire you as WH Press Spokeswoman.

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Or speech writer. Imagine all these movie references and songs inserted in his speeches. Sweet!

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Great idea!

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"What I’ve lived through over the past five years is not something I ever would have thought would be in the cards for me."

I've been waiting my entire life (genX) for something like this, real political change. I was always jealous of the political activism of the 60's and thought we would never get our chance since none of my peers had any interest in it. And I think the changes coming will make the 60's look tame by comparison.

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Thanks so much for your beautiful writing. You have brought me to tears. They are joyful tears. I also have an only child. She is our pride and joy. She is a fantastic writer and artist. I am so grateful she will have a great future ahead with this new dream team ❤️

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The left lost because of lawfare and censorship. They became fundamentally un-American.

IMO, they won't learn their lesson, and will embark on a new campaign of shaming men because they believe, in their bones, that they shouldn't be permitted to advance their own interests.

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My concern: The Enemy has not gone away. He (and she!) really believe that sh!t.

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Normal straight Christian men like me, of any skin tone, love our women intensely. First, we love our wives and are faithful sexually to them. We love our women at church. They are our sisters in Christ. Our actual sisters. We love our daughters, who hold the eggs in their wombs whom are our grandchildren. We love our parents cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles and everyone else. Straight white Christian husbands , fathers, and grandfathers like me…. Are lovers of many peoples.

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Bravo! Brilliant!

Thank you, Sasha. Your voice has comforted me through much of the past few years. It has provided hope to many, as we have marveled at your honesty and integrity in recounting your journey to joining us and giving us a voice.

A million thanks!

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Sasha, wonderful piece, summing up the entire campaign and placing it in a historical context. All your best work does that. Now we face incredible opportunities, which can only be realized by reforming major institutions in our society. A different and better future lies ahead.

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Beautifully said. Your thinking is clear and written in a way that that’s enticing and convincing. I come from the tail end of the boomers. It’s a beautiful thing to have a gen Xer see so clearly and draw conclusions that I wish I could convey. Thank you.

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I would read your post and they gave me hope when none existed. Thanks Ms. Stone.

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You tell your daughter that too many of us spent a good part of our lives standing a post while she slept so she could write anything she wants! Do it!

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Sasha, you write beautifully.

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You are something else, girl! We love you!!🥰

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Wow! I felt my heart expanding. What a talented writer you are. ❤️

A Canadian Grandma

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Excellent essay. Sent to my daughter who is stressing over the left’s meltdown on social media.

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I’m so with you on this. I’m happy for my sons’ future. They now have a chance. Love the Tik Tik compilation .

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Thanks Sasha. Your work has been a bright becon in the darkness these last few years. Hopefully more people on the left see the mess that was made this last... OMG near decade of Anti Trump insanity. The press and the Dems are a lost cause, they will learn NOTHING from this experience. But maybe more and more people will see through the fog and find their way into the clear.

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When I first read about the Gray Champions in "Generations," twenty-five years ago, I couldn't quite project who they might be. During the last decade, several came to mind: Biden, Pelosi. Schumer, McConnel, Gore, and Trump. While the left, as well as low-information voters have seen Trump as a devil, he is the quintessential Gray Champion.

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I continually laugh about Donald Trump actually turning out to be a good president. I first noticed him on the covers of supermarket tabloids and thought so little of him that I never watched The Apprentice. Never took his presidential runs seriously until I saw how shady Hillary Clinton was and talked myself into voting for him. I like to think that my Wisconsin vote helped put him over the top the first time.

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GenX here. Prayers continue. I felt a sigh of relief just because I’d hoped some vitriol and lies from MSM would take a back seat for a moment. Wishful thinking.

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What a wonderful victory lap! Thanks, this made my day!😁

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Wow! America is back! Thanks to all who voted for Trump! And thank you, Sasha, for your spirit and leadership! MAGA! ❤️🙏🙌🗽❤️

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Sasha, you have been a voice in my head, the hope in my heart, and the sanity to my anxiety during the last year. THANK YOU for your talent and skill in writing. THANK YOU for your integrity and truthfulness. And THANK YOU for the best memes, videos, links, and music!

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It amazes me how much work you put into your articles/podcasts. I’m sure everyone agrees. We appreciate every single word you write and syllable you utter. Thank you!

Trump 2024 is now a reality. Let’s all pray he stays safe & and makes our country fabulous again.

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Gen X correctly mocked boomers for all the hippy dippy bullshit they kept alive far beyond its expiration date. Xgen has been criticized in turn for being apolitical. Whether or not that is true, there is ample reason for them to be cynical.

Trump demonstrated in many ways that he was actually serious about making positive change and this message resonated with many Americans, but especially for 'apolitical' and 'cynical' Gen X, but also for many ethnic minority Americans who have been promised positive change for generations by political grifters, primarily Democrats.

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What happened - this absolute wipeout - is the result of identity politics. Here's the most recent chronology:

HRC ran on "breaking the glass ceiling".

Her loss left very loud minority of D voters unhappy with the choice of Biden (white male, etc you know the drill).

Cue pandering announcement that his VP would be a woman which limited the field where priority should have been who could do the job given Biden's age and mental condition they knew about but hid.

BLM happened, Klobuchar, one of Veepstakes hopefuls, dropped out due to some past bad blood with black voters and closing line of her announcement was that Biden should pick a black woman VP. While this was widely regarded as knifing Warren, the suggestion took off immediately. That it limited the field of those who could do the job (only Susan Rice) didn't matter to anyone.

Biden picked Harris although, as noted above, only Rice could do the job. The party and media instantly jumped on "first ever" train citing what a groundbreaking moment that was.

Harris predictably couldn't do the job, Biden couldn't swap her for another VP due to the hype above - once you pledge yourself to identity politics you have to push through, he wanted to run for the second term and despite his cogninitive decline that got harder to hide, the alternative (his VP) looked worse for wear. So they pressed on with the same ticket.

After the great deceit about his mental condition was exposed, the party was looking for the successor and it didn't take long to realize they could not circumvent VP without enraging voters and party members (Clyburn) to whom identity politics meant everything. It helped that prospective candidates, who could do the job unlike VP, stirred clear of this ****show.

VP was installed as the nominee and failed spectacularly to convince the voters she could do the job despite an unprecedented one billion dollar astroturf operation. Bonus point: since KamalaHQ cheques are now bouncing NSF, shills vacated all the online spaces they once occupied even going as far as deleting their accounts.

None of this would happen if they didn't push for identity politics years ago that didn't give them even short term gains. Biden had black and woman votes already while Harris had to drop out before Iowa due to lack of any support. This pandering was unnecessary and pointless. Trump picked Vance. he could have pandered with a woman or POC pick but he chose who could do the job. If you listen to Vance interview with Rogan, you'll know he absolutely can.

It's am avalanche effect. One bad decision kicks off another bad decision and another until you can't dig yourself out.

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I hope that we can bring in more Gen Z & Youth to the MAGA movement & take back the Culture. Bring back Patriotism & Strong Family Values. We can do it!

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Yes the Empire of woke, hate, and insanity is crumbling beneath their feet. CNBC,MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the left's propaganda networks are finished. Their collusion with the Harris campaign was very obvious. The people running them will be gone before next summer. Viewership has fallen off the cliff and bleeding money. It is time for DJT to utter his signature phrase. You're Fired to the entire Biden,Harris Obama ship of fools.

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Hopefully, but we will see what happens.

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GOP media was just as in line with Trump 2024 so asking MSM to stop being so biased is impossible and outright stupid.

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Thanks, for Putting it together, making sense and summing it up, so nicely a pivotal Historical moment in Time. I do hope you are right on coming out of the 4th Turning. GenX pulled us through, Trump will right the ship and Gen Z will have to pilot the ship out of stormy seas.

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We did to cleanse every single Obama plant out of government and rid every bit of his legacy, along with revamping Obamacare.

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*correction - We need

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Hey Sasha, I know you've sacrificed a lot to make your courageous and public move from the left, but I hope you take some comfort that you were on he right side of history.

And all of those vapid, brand conscious asshole Hollywood posers committed relevancy seppuku.

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I've been saying for most of eight years that Trump has the potential to be one of the greats, and people just shut down when they hear that. Thanks for validating my unheard ravings.

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Maybe unheard, but certainly not unhinged 😆

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Thanks for that. When you're Gen X and raised like a barn cat, insanity is a luxury.

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"This isn’t going to be an easy fight. This is only the beginning. For the Left, the fight is existential. This is, to them, about their survival, as a movement rooted in identity, one that nurses victimhood and punishes merit-based success."

That sums it up. Progressivism is dying, but a dying beast is a dangerous beast. We can't let up.

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Scott Pressler did amazing work the last 4 years. And made a difference. So many hard working heros in this hero’s journey.

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Great article. The video at the end is a very nice cherry on top!!!

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The Empire Striked Back.

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"The left's empire" (the machine) did a fall. But they are not done by any means. We only have a beach head. Lets see if Trump has the balls to follow through on his promise of mass deportation of the illegal aliens Biden and Harris let in the last 3.79 years or will he cave to Jared. "We are not a nation of laws and never have been. We are a nation of political will. And always have been." (Steve Deace 2017) I am deeply concerned of Trump's resolve.

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I am skeptical too, but I saw something in Trump's face and eyes when he was on the ground after the first assassination attempt. I swear I saw him "listening to God". I think he understands his calling now.

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They suffer from urban provincialism.

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Yes, so good!🙌

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America is hopeful again❤️

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A nation governed by the People survives another 4 years! God bless President Trump!

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Wow Sasha, very moving ❤️

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Haha "Trump Storms Back"

Are votes battering rams?

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Haters gonna hate, I guess.

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Thank you, Sasha, for your continued clear-headed thinking.

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Excellent article Sasha! I wish I could get some of my liberal friends to read your stuff, but they have no interest in learning a better way. I don't understand that, but I pray for them to one day see the light.

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God, I love this!

Thank you Sasha!!❤️❤️

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Loved this and the last video was fantastic! Thank you Sasha!!!

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I find myself hoping for something I had regarded as impossible: that the Far Left can now be "re-fringed". "Go back to the Shadow."

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“As they purged all of the bad people from utopia we began building a new world outside of theirs.” That was beautiful.

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Many became full on libertarians and the libertarian party finally died 2024. A postmortem of the Libertarian party is they allowed Democrats to win many of the elections often sitting on the sidelines but finally realized the 3 or more-party system will never happen and came home.

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As someone with libertarian leanings, I totally agree with this take. And it was the problem I always had with the third-party. You can’t have a healthy third-party unless you totally annihilate the party that is the cancer. My utopia would be libertarians and Republicans and maybe anything besides a Democrat arguing about issues and figuring what’s best for the common good. Because it would be good faith arguments.

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In many way if it wasnt for the libertarians splitting off 1992 and 1996 would of never happened and no Obama or Biden we probably would of had 30+ years of GOP presidents.

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They will blame men for being sexists. They will blame the American people for being biased against a woman of color, even though Kamala Harris was placed in the position of winning just because she was a woman of color.

And that’s what they are doing! These people are so deluded.

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Just like GOP blamed voter fraud and rigged elections every time they lost since 2008.

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Most enjoyable and inspiring Sasha. . . Geoffrey

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I’m not pro trump but I can say the left is clueless. If they keep it up Democrats will never win another presidential election.

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The Left is going to do what the Left does and has done ever since the French Revolution and they don't care what we think. The important realignment is the one inside the Republican party. That is the one we must nurture and preserve. Trump has won for now but the Bush wing still lurks and will be back in '28 They must be beaten again. They have DeSantis and Haley and others. We have Vance and Ramaswamy and Gabbard.

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Very well said Sasha.

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This was an incredibly inspired and hopeful piece of writing, Sasha! Thank you for being part of the Ninja Turtle Squad of 2025.

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Always glad to hear what you have to say! You hit the nail on the head!

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Brings tears to my eyes, and hope to my heart. Thank you

M. Miller

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Yeah, "Gray Champion," a Nathanial Hawthorne (the author of The Scarlet Letter) reference. Another one of our enduring cultural figures that the Left would gladly do away with if they could.

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Thanks Sasha. Maybe it’s ok now for us cowardly munchkins to come out now.

Remember the Good Witch? “Come out, come out wherever you are.”

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The 2020 election theft had lots of people involved. Many people. Someone will talk eventually. We have ways to make them talk.

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2020 wasnt theft just Trump over-extended and took a fall for a epidemic. In many ways McCain suffered the same treatment nothing he did just wrong place wrong time.

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And let's not forget to mention the truly great journalists like Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald and the heroic doctors and scientists like Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Jay Battacharya, and Martin Kulldorf. And last but not least, the king of the kingmakers, the mighty Joe Rogan.

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Matt Talibi is not a journalist.

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In other good news, the German government collapsed today.

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You’re good, such an enjoyable, honest read.

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I'm speechless....and crying. Thanks, Sasha.

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This was absolutely beautiful writing but let us not forget that there are more or less 70M democrats out there. I spent the day wallowing in left wing sites. They are mostly not backing down but retreating and plotting revenge. Sooner or later the Republicans will screw the pooch like both Bushes and Nixon and the we have the Democrats back. I love winning but lets not get Victory Disease. So what is to be done. I suppose that based on history, we could liquidate them but I don't think the Right has that in them, Thank God. Trying to convince them seem a dead end. Perhaps trying to hold on while we fix the education system is a possibility but can this be done before the Republicans screw up.

The best solution, while we are on top, is pursuing separation but the winners never want to do that.

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I thought the same thing. The southern states (except for southern CA), including most of the Midwest (New Mexico and Colorado can all move to other areas in CA) and the southern Atlantic states could all be ours and all the rest of the states can be there's. Another option is to move lots of operations of the federal government OUT OF D.C.

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State level separation leaves too many people behind enemy lines. Need to do counties or even sub-county.

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“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

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Thank you Sasha, for putting so eloquently the thoughts Ive had rumbling around in my head! Great observations - and great hope for the future!!

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We have changed. And we are heroes, too. Let’s heal through the fourth turning. And let’s dream big. “Be true.” “Treat the word, impossible” as a wonderful possibility. A first great step toward freedom and growth!

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I’m from Australia and it feels like the world has been pulled back from the event horizon of black hole. ….Although I do have a concern about Don’s choice of Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles…her credentials seem to be all deep state and “The Blob”….please tread carefully!!!!!

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E V E R C R E A T E - F O R






OWN P L A N S - AND, —











👁️👁️, LIKE GOD …..





FOREVER ……. 🙏🏼🙏🏼



“G O D I S L O V E “… !!!!


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I was there: 60's and 70's: Question Authority, Stick it to the Man et al.

The left loons have become the deep state, true Big Authority Man who steps on the regular people.

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Wonderful article Sasha and thank you. The best of wishes to your daughter.

We must all realize this fights not finished. I being a baby boomer probably won’t see the end but I’m optimistic and happy for our younger generations.

Y’all might want to listen to Tucker Carlson. Best thing Fox did for him was fire him. That’s when a lot of us knew for sure 2020 was stolen and January sixth was an intelligence operation. For months I believed what they said on that day but not now. RIP Ashley Babbit and Roseanne Boyland.

Thank you and keep fighting the good fight I’m not even a Republican but I’m definitely MAGA I will upgrade to paid as soon as the economy becomes better.

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Loved the video of the team! So awesome.

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Thank you for keeping us inspired.

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Out of touch, out of time and unmasked.

If Arizona takes days/weeks to count votes, how was Bret Baier/Fox News able to call Arizona before the polls closed in 2020?

How do we find out the names of the NGO's, like Catholic Charities, that continue to actively bring illegals into the country?

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Sasha - Where can I find the second to last embedded video, "The opportunity before us..."?

A great message! I'd like to forward it out. Thanks.

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It is shocking to me (though it shouldn't be) the number of liberals who have parroted endlessly for 3 years and 10 months "election denier", so much so that it's now a label. And who today are backing various conspiracy theories such as "20 million missing votes", "Elon rigged the election with space technology", Russian Bomb threats, etc. I can dismiss those as pissed off liberals and I understand the pain of losing elections. Hopefully such conspiracy theories are limited to low-info partisans. But watch to see how many ELECTED Dems claim the same from now until Certification day (1/6/2025) and beyond. And I can guarantee you that the MSM won't label them all as "Election Deniers" or chase them through the halls of Congress asking them "do you accept the results of the election". That type of journalism is applied ONLY to Republicans. Jamie Raskin - we're waiting!!

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My favorite paragraph:

"This isn’t going to be an easy fight. This is only the beginning. For the Left, the fight is existential. This is, to them, about their survival, as a movement rooted in identity, one that nurses victimhood and punishes merit-based success."

Yes indeed. This has all been underway for not just years--but for many decades. They will not just say, oh well, you won--here are the levers of power. Not when they have been cultivating them for so many years of investment. Not--they will clutch onto them with a death grip. It will all be a continual fight, and one where they morph into other versions--but with the same intent.

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In essence it's always been about liberalism vs conservative libertarianism since FDR. The belief all people should have basic social protections and access to healthcare vs fend for yourself and government has no role in maintaining social protections.

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So does Stone see herself and Fox, NY Post, Daily Caller, etc, taking over the role of the MSM now? Is the “new” MSM going to be “fair and balanced”? I have never noticed her say anything negative about Trump with whom she agrees is the “greatest president since time began”, or the right wing.

Potential Impacts of Trump’s Election:

Trump is going to bring in “beautiful tariffs” which will somehow eliminate inflation and even income tax. Normally, tariffs are paid by companies that import foreign goods who then pass the costs on to consumers. And countries who have high tariff imposed on them can retaliate. For example, after Trump imposed tariffs on China in 2018, China retaliated by raising tariffs as high as 25% percent on many U.S. goods, including agricultural products and food, devastating U.S. farmers in the Midwest and Deep South. This cost the U.S. $25.7 billion in revenues from 2018 – 2019 which were only partly offset by billions in government aid that Trump doled out to farmers.

Since Repubs hate gays and other LGBTQ+ people even more, my LGBTQ friends are afraid. The 2022 TX Republican Platform defined homosexuality as an "abnormal lifestyle choice" and declared LGBTQ people should NOT be legally protected from discrimination. In an interview with Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson claimed Tim Walz is “very obviously gay” and mocked him 12 times in a 6 min. segment for “being gay.” Did Carlson ever get past middle school? I guess LGBTQ people will be required to go back in the closet.

Black history will be banned from schools, and blacks will be required to stick with their “black jobs” as Trump called them. The right will not tolerate any discussion about the large wealth gap, health care disparities or any other conditions that affect the lives of blacks in the US.

Trump is always claiming we’re going to have “crystal clear air and water” but wants to eliminate any regulations to prevent environmental damage, allow oil drilling in areas preserved as pristine wilderness in Alaska and other locations and allow industry to do whatever they want. Short term gains over long term consequences every time for Repubs!

RFK, Jr. says Trump promised him control of “US health agencies” which will give him the opportunity to eliminate vaccines and set US health back to the 19th century as diseases like polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, etc. resurface. Repubs will then deny that anyone is dying of these diseases.

The “war on women” will continue with Repubs attacking any woman who doesn’t submit to men with the same crude terms they used on Harris. Elon Musk’s pro-Trump super PAC ran an ad that used the most vulgar insult for women in the English language, saying “Kamala Harris is a C Word” and speakers at Trump’s “lovefest” MSG rally talked about Harris and her “pimp handlers.” Since doctors can get life in prison if accused of abortion, women are dying from hemorrhaging and sepsis during miscarriages because doctors are afraid to perform D&Cs if the fetus still has a heartbeat. Repubs who hate “childless cat ladies” don’t think women who can’t carry a baby to term are worth much.

Trump will of course release all the “patriots” who stormed the Capitol on the “day or love,” attacking police, trying to get at lawmakers huddled in the House Chamber, spreading feces, and screaming “Hang Mike Pence.” Maybe he will reward them by letting them actually hang Mike Pence.

I’m sure all the people who are currently clamoring for cabinet and staff positions will be required to take a “pledge of loyalty” to Trump and the constitution be damned.

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Those who are in the Trump/MAGA echo chamber are immune to facts, just as they are to reality and historical truths. They have no idea what they are cheering on. I’m doubtful that most of them are even tangentially aware of “Project 2025” -- the nine hundred page blueprint for DJT’s second term - a disaster that none of us is likely to not feel the pain from when it’s implemented. This country is beyond screwed. If we are able to make it another four years without completely drowning in a sea of broken dreams, false promises, and non-stop cruelty it will take something of a miracle. We will be going from “Living” to just trying to “Survive.” Shame on all those who enabled this and to those who knew where this could go but chose the way of the coward and remained silent. History will never forgive you.

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I think news moved past journalism and facts into opinion and echo chambers. MSM will have to deal with that fact conservatives will never listen to their viewpoint unless they radically change their ideology to match theirs. Like it or not this has happened and there is no undoing it.

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True. It has changed from the days of Huntley & brinkley, and Cronkite when facts were reported & not opinion. And having news stations on 24 hours/day gives SO much time to fill. It is funny that I can give a direct quote and right wingers will claim "fake news"!

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The best journalists of 1900s would have been soundly rejected as fake news see the amount of fake new surrounding the new defense of Nixon by the likes of Tucker Carlson and friends.

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Tucker Carlson interviewed a Hitler apologist whom he praised profusely.

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Here is the rub GOP dont want to share power or cooperate neither does Democrats. They both outright hate each existing. The left won't learn a lesson, but GOP have not either because self-accountability would require reflection, and they rather have temper tantrums.

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Would you wish to be a US Congressman? Not me, no thanks. We only hope that they love us more than they love corruption and bribery now. No guarantees now.

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We need to talk to our representatives. This helps keep them honest and we can inspire them too. Watch them on C-span, see their speeches at fundraisers, then email them and talk about what you see and what could be improved.

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Talking to politicians? You cannot dissuade sellouts.

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I couldnt live with myself having to grovel and compromise myself to win votes.

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Maybe you should consider NOT living. We will miss you.


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Go fuck yourself you little shitmonger.

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You misread the room. THIS IS NOT POLITICS AS USUAL. It transcends the rigged game. In all likelihood, team Trump will form a 3rd party—Unity?-and the Republican party will be pretty instantly decimated.

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No, he will not all he did was take over the existing party. The party of Pro-guns/life and very limited government still VERY much exists in the current MAGA/GOP party. The liberals didn't come over but former liberals who became very libertarian finally migrated over and never to return to being liberals again. Also looking at the popular vote he very much got the same amount of voters BUT Democrats lost a lot more they just sat at home.

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I’m seeing that 16 million Biden voters (Dems, of course) “disappeared” this round. Not likely.

Those were bogus ballots, and the investigation that will happen now—the one Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff & company fear most—will reveal all.

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You have zero proof they were bogus ballots and investigations happened 2020 and found nothing. GOP love being petulant temper tantrum children when they lose unlike Harris who conceded within 24hrs GOP dont do that.

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Excuse me for using my intelligence. The point, Captain Airhead, is THERE WAS NEVER AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE. The Dems saw to that. There’s boatloads of it though, and since the victors now dominate all 3 federal branches…

the evidence will be forthcoming.

Care to bet?

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Actually there was we had ballot rechecking and GA and PA found nothing to level Trump proposed. GOP like you love being temper tantrum fucking brats whenever things dont go your way. It has to be everything else besides the fact they lost on the issues.

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Oh let’s see, the people who rigged the MAIL IN BALLOTS said it was all fine. Seriously?

You must have your head so far up your hidey hole you can kiss your colon goodnight.

It’s gotta go to COURT dumbass. The Biden judges (you know, the legal eagles who are now dropping everything because the whole point of the unprecedented lawfare was to block the people being able to vote for their candidate) prevented the cases from ENTERING a courtroom. Because once they did their scam was over. Can you say MOOT POINT?

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Nov 7Edited

Shit posting 4 lifer we had recounts, inspections and court cases GOP have not been able to concede defeat since 2008 it always has to be some type of fraud.

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No sense conceding a stolen election, duh. Your faith in the pedophile party is charming.

She was LANDSLIDED. Of course she conceded. She does what her earrings tell her to do nigga.

Now the Dems have two months to wreak vengeance on the people (THATS how those anal tumors roll) so the economic collapse happens on Trumps term. $35 trillion in debt, give or take a hunnerd billion.

Team Trump knows what they have planned, and they will not prevail.

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Say it to my face Beta Boy

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Could if you wanted it I have no issues trashing trolls online.

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the LEFT has been lying every day? Trump lies more than any group of lowlifes. Project much?!

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Sasha, You are well spoken and talented. Thank you for a great message.

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Thanks for putting into words what we see and feel happening around us. We are all seeing this and get to feeling hopeless and alone- but we are not alone, we just showed this by this election! Thankful for the boldness of those who are pushing forward- the Trump family, people like Charlie Kirk, Elon Musk, Scott Pressler, those in office who won't bend, etc. When a group stands together against a bully change can happen.

Pray for more eyes to be open and hearts to change to do what is right. Pray for protection of our leaders and peace and prosperity for our nation. Don't leave God out of it all. -Daniel 2:21 (NASB1995) It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men And knowledge to men of understanding.

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Fantastic episode thank you!

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Excellent piece. Trump is a combination of PT Barnum plus George Washington. There’s a very 1776 feel in the air. (I read The Fourth Turning in 1999, by the way.)

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Trump stormtroopers back!

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What a joke.

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What a beautiful article. And what a perfect way to end it. We've all been on this journey... trying to talk reason to all our friends and loved ones. As much as those that doubted us and turned away, we pressed on. Believing and knowing that this day would finally come. Thank you Lord, for hearing our prayers.

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We did it Sasha, and I personally owe it all to you, no one else. Discovered you just over a year ago at my lowest, feeling despondent, thinking there was no way back, but these ‘“talks” have kept me sane. I’m ridiculously happy that he prevailed, number 45 is back.

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I’m so excited for the future!

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Beautiful ❤️

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I love how you weave movie clips into your brilliant narrative of truth!

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Sasha, I loved this whole link. It made me feel great about the election outcome, about my life, about the MAGA and MAHA revolution. Glad I have had the opportunity to vote for Donald J. Trump 3 times, all the while being gaslit and canceled and surrounded by Democrats in the beautiful but foolishly blue city of Nashville, TN. The future looks more how I have been dreaming it now. Love,

from a baby boomer.

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