Oh I'm SURE the FBI had NOTHING to do with creating January 6th. Nothing to see here!

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LOL. And Wray retiring walking off into the sunset that piece of shit.

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He is one that better have dotted his i's. He NEVER EVER thought Trump would win. and now his actions including rifling through the underwear of the first lady and Trumps son bring him risk.

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Speaking of the 1500 pardons...

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Good riddance!

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Trump's going to fire him. Why shouldn't he just retire?

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It was more like a rowdy party than a riot.

It CERTAINLY wasn't an "insurrection".

Called so has to make it an extremely weak riot and the biggest joke of an insurrection the world has ever seen. There were no firearms and the government was back certifying the votes that same evening.



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The people had to go through metal detectors to get into the are Trump was speaking so they couldn't bring guns.

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The riot happened as Trump was speaking. So the people there at his speech were essentially not involved.

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Um, a mob marched down to the Capitol as trump instructed them to do. Did you miss that part?

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Peacefully and patriotically as I recall.

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When they got to the Capitol they started climbing walls , breaking windows & fighting with police using baseball bats, flag poles & besr spray as weapons. Was that peaceful?

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"UM". Keep thinking until you get it. Take your time

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I've had 4 years. The jan 6 committee was very revealing (which was not bipartisan because Kevin McCarthy declined to put any repubs on it).

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....and where IS Ray Epps, BTW ??

Thx for the 'tease' SStone. Lookin' fwd to the longer piece.

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So Trump is an FBI plant now? Asking, because he was fairly clear in encouraging J6 in the media to the extent that when it happened, it was not surprising in any way.

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So why did he request additional security, a request that was turned down by Pelosi. Perhaps Pelosi, along with Wray, were the ones who were not at all surprised when their plans came to fruition.

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Dec 12Edited

You're prolific this week, Sasha. I was getting geared up for some good pieces on Justin Troodo and his "Governorship". What do you think of that?

Matt Taibbi has just posted "Justin Trudeau's Painful Last Faceplant".

I am one of the intelligent and non-WOKE Canadians btw.

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Then you might be a listener to Sheila Gunn-Reed and Ezra Levant over at Rebel News, perchance? Ezra, particularly, has had some recent good takes on the Trump/Trudeau goings-on the last few days (and, really, since DJT became president in 2017).

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Dec 12Edited

Yes, of course! I have read Ezra's work in all its forms for years.

In fact, I was recently kicked off the John Carter of Barsoom Substack and the Harrison Koehli Substack because I mentioned that I admire Rebel News.

Turns out those two gentlemen-of-the-Substack-world are Anti-Zionists (who knew?) and were quick to crush me for my own stance. Even though I had been a supporter/contributor of Harrison and his Ponerology site for some time.

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Well, good job for being kicked off. The true mark of a man, they say, is by the caliber of people who consider him an enemy!

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I appreciate the sentiment, Paul, though I am a woman. A non-feminist, however. They never mind-captured me!

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Substitute woman and the glad tidings still fit!

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Dec 12Edited

PS Josh Slocum loves me one minute, and hates me the next. I seem to recall that I am banned from his Substack too. I encountered him on the Ponerology Substack. Josh is trying to grip hard to his self-acclaimed concept of "I am the first one to discover that we are in a Cluster-B world". Nope, sorry.

I refuted that claim, since I have been writing about this concept for the past ten years on various digital platforms. And other places. Internationally.

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Josh could be the poster boy for dry drunks everywhere.

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I am pro-Zionist and have not been kicked off Barsoom. Instapundit on the other hand, I have been shadow banned there.

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The fellow who runs the John Carter Substack can be quite anti-semitic, and started going after me for saying good things about Rebel News. I listened to him later on a podcast of another Substack, and it made me wonder what anyone sees in him -- he is poorly informed and poorly spoken. Though I realize that he re-published some kind of classic Sci-Fi series.

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I don't approve of that, I have just never encountered it there. I will be on the lookout though. I don't get the connection with Rebel News though. Some sort of Canadian thing?

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Rebel News is run by Ezra Levant, who is Jewish. And who openly stands against anti-semitism.

Canadians are no more/less ant-semitic than anyone else in the West. The Canadian govt. before Troodo was a friend of Israel.

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John writes extremely well but the crazy always begins to overtake him several paragraphs into anything. He's extremely contemptuous of Jewness as are all that crowd. Of course they had a blow recently when Peachy Keenan revealed the Jewness of her mother, and then the outing of Lomez's true identity.

As an unrepentant Jew Zionist myself I've nevertheless had some cordial conversations with John in the comments threads but he's getting a lot more distasteful and, of course, all that crowd is highly dishonest in their interpretations of anything.

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So where is Andrew Lawton of True North these days, Paul? He has not been appearing on the podcasts lately.

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That is a good question, AA. I thought he was campaigning for a riding somewhere. The True North masthead says that he is still on staff, along with the also quite good Candice Malcolm.

What kind of a chance does Pierre Poilievre have next year? Here's hoping that he wins. Of course I was also hoping that Max Bernier would get a seat back in Parliment.

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Pierre Poilievre? Well, there is always the chance the Communist Chinese will interfere with our election (again) and swing the vote. But barring some totalitarian tricks by Troodo or Xi, PP should win.

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Max Bernier would have had my vote too if his party had been a bit more professional, and if they had stood a chance. But the way things are, it would have been vote-splitting for the non-leftwing.

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Dec 12Edited

I notice that humanity works this way. First, to openly discuss some idea might be taboo, even though everyone knows the idea is there. They are just afraid to speak up about it. Like illegal immigration.....no one breathed a word about that....until they did. And then the floodgates opened. Suddenly it was OK to voice an opinion that was not the party line.

The idea of Canada getting cozier with the U.S. is like that too. First, no one ever breathed a word of that sort in Canada. Though after nearly ten years of Troodo, many were turning it over in their minds as an option. As in.....we either let him give our country to the CCP China/Iran axis of evil, or we consider what it could be like to be in bed with the Americans.

We are not all WOKE progressive fools, you know. There are enough Canadians who have maintained their brains and their dignity during the Troodo years that you needn't be afraid of all of us.

Then Trump broke the ice. Now anyone can speak openly about their opinion on this.

Frog in the pot of boiling water.....slowly normalize it.

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A, we (I'm, speaking now for all Americans) would love to have Canada become the 51st and 52nd states. Truth be told, if you want tariff-free access to our markets, you should join completely. Don't forget, the "United States" is basically one large free trade zone of semi-autonomous states. Come join the party! We will be unbeatable in the Winter Olympics!

"Troodo" huh? As in, "Canadians are in deep Troodo"?

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Dec 13Edited

Pacificus, the latecomers to Canada in my family lines arrived with the United Empire Loyalists in the mass deportations out of the 13 Colonies post-1776. All who still held allegiance to the British Crown had to go; which I can understand, logically thinking. My earlier lines had arrived here by the 1600s. So I am about as Canadian as you will find.

And yet...that Canada barely exists any longer. It is on life-support under first Pierre Troodo, and then his step-son. They were the agents of our destruction, quite purposely. Because they were, no doubt, made a good offer for Canada by the Deep State totalitarians they deal with. As if the Troodos consider themselves owners of this country, and everything that goes with it.

The Constitution and Charter of Rights which we believed we had was finally tested, and found seriously wanting. Besides which, if the guards decide not to guard it....what then?

The British Crown simply used Canada as a resource pit, out of which segments of their wealth derived. And still do. Elizabeth betrayed us as our Head of State when she refused to dismiss Troodo after he trampled our Constitution; it seems that even Elizabeth may have been one of the Deep State globalists. And her son Charles certainly is.

The Troodos have worked hard to destroy the Canadian oil and gas industry, for decades. Our socialized medicine is now becoming the door to recruiting Canadians for MAID state-killing...great little money-saver! We have unlimited abortion here.....killing off the next generations and playing fast and loose with human life.

CCP China and Iran are closing in. The Troodo sons were raised as Communists; Justin takes down Canada, and Alexandre does the Western PR for Iran.

The country has been flooded with mostly third world immigrants we cannot possibly absorb, in vast numbers. Many of whom hate Western civilization. Much of the social service funding goes there. Not to Canadians.

The price of housing is so high, most young people will never be homeowners in Canada. The average detached older 3-bedroom family home in the moderate areas of the country will be priced at well over a million dollars.

So there is all of that. And far more. Censorship, authoritarianism, debanking, and so on.

On the other hand, we own (figuratively speaking) the largest chunk of land in the continent. Much larger than the US. Second in world size only to Russia. It is chock-a-bloc full of valuable natural resources, and space and ports, and a bulwark for defence.. CCP China badly wants it. They seem to have assigned the Troodos to delivering it to them. So what we have is very valuable. We would not give it up just like that. Canada also provides the long undefended border across the northern US, which they did not have to worry about until recently. Imagine if the Communist Chinese were in charge of that, overlooking America.

And our British-based culture is far more low-key and under-stated; we like it that way.

Lots of food for thought here, isn't there?

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I'm going to start following you, you've got another admirer.

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Yes, lots of good FFT... but here's the upside of joining our Union:

Each state has substantial autonomy, so you get to stay British-based, culturally--think Texas, it's still it's own place culturally, as is CA, regrettably. But that's how we roll. "Eh" will be the new "y'all." Of course, Quebec will do its cultural thing, but that cool, too. So long as we keep the corporate globalist/Left tendency at bay, the federalist system will prevail.

Yeah, that northern border thing--truth be told, Canada's security has been guaranteed by the American defense dime for decades, that probably should change. The arctic circle will now be our first line of border defense, and we will both be secure. No commies in the Western Hemisphere, the Monroe Doctrine lives.


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I have to agree that Canada has depended on US military security since post-WWII. I am afraid I find that shameful, given the legendary prowess of our men in the world wars. It needs to change. We did not develop as a culture of freeloaders, and I do not sanction it now.

As the saying in Canada goes, when you are in bed with an elephant, be very careful when he turns over.

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What I like about you, A, is that you are informed, confident, unapologetic and ready and willing to take on knuckleheads who cross you... Don't hate me for saying it, but I, like some others, just assumed you were a man. But I'm so happy to be wrong about that.

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Well, joining the Yanks would mean application of the Bill or Rights, including the Second Ammendment. Of course it is an internal Canadian decision, but many of us in America would love to have Alberta, a couple of other Prarie Provinces, the Yukon and NW Territories and the Maritimes in the fray. Quebec might be an interesting fit, too.

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Canada is a massive chunk of land. Much of it still Crown land. Once you reach a certain point going north, it is not very habitable, although the natural resources and the bulwark for defence it provides for the continent are of high value. Not to mention the ports on three coasts. CCP China dearly wants those.

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There would be endless whinging about the good old days. I would prefer that Canadians take care of their business and don't succumb to soft tyrants as the hard ones are always in the wings. We will always have your back so long as you are not actively stabbing ours (which I believe most Canadians want).

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I am good with Canadians taking care of business. Do you see the proposed, border-related 25% tarrrifs as an active stab-in-the-back, rather than a somewhat clumsy but not unexpected Trump negotiating tactic?

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Give me one good reason why Canada (or any other foreign state) should have tariff-free access to the American market without joining the "free trade zone" known as the United States?

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Negotiating tactic. There is no doubt the Canadians are gaming us by assembling Chinese goods in CA.

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Most Canadians would prefer CCP China OUT, the U.S. IN.

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Anyone who actually thinks that the government number is accurate is a fool. They just ignored a whole bunch of non FBI people who were there taking orders from the official FBI folks. Or they were there off the record IE did not get paid or reimbursed. The 24 give or take were the ones they couldn’t ignore because they got paid or had paper work records.

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Like trying to say you're just a little pregnant. The FBI was all in on this op.

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And they had a backup plan at DNC HQ with Kamala present inside the building & a “bomb” hiding under a bench outside. Turns out a backup plan wasn’t needed.

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Most three letter agencies and cabinet level departments have police-like armed agents. So, no FBI agents. How about ATF, DHS, IRS, FDA, etc., etc., ad infinitum.

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I saw a professor on CNN today upset because most Americans don't trust the government and media. Covid lies, Jan 6 and both parties are completely untrustworthy. The FBI and the Justice department are a national embarrassment.

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Your last sentence is an understatement

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The feds earned our distrust, one lie at a time.

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Personally, I would not trust the Taylor Swift Corporation either. I see hints of a Psy Op there.

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Everything is a psy op to part you from your resources. One way or another.

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And is Trump who lies constantly "trustworthy"?

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Trump has demonstrated he cares about the people of this nation. I also understand the difference between hyperbole and outright deception.

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Trump cares about ONE thing - Trump. Here is an example of an OUTRIGHT LIE which right wing publications don't point out. Trump told moderator Kristen Welker, claiming without evidence that the Jan 6 committee "deleted and destroyed" the testimony they collected.

They didn't. Just another trump lie. It started from Rep. Barry Loudermilk, of GA, had told Fox News in a story published on Aug. 8, 2023, that the committee hadn’t adequately preserved some documents, data and video depositions. The same day, Trump took that argument further, posting on his social media platform: “The January 6th Unselect Committee got rid of EVERYTHING! Discarded, Deleted, Thrown Out. A Flagrant Violation of the law.” Loudermilk’s original claim didn’t allege that the committee’s records were destroyed, rather, he raised concerns over what materials needed to be archived. In a letter to Loudermilk on July 7, 2023, Rep. Bennie Thompson, who chaired the committee, reported that more than a million records had been prepared for publication and archiving in coordination with several governmental offices, including the National Archives and Records Admin and the Committee on House Admin. The evidence collected by the committee is still publicly available on a government website.

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Stop trolling on here.

Everyone sees through your bs lies on here.

Trump is re-elected.

Leave this place and go back to your Fake News outlets..TROLL!

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By the way, we should also not forget the person who placed the alleged pipe bomb at the DNC the evening before J6 and was captured on security cameras talking on a cell phone. The FBI told Congress that the phone data was corrupted and gosh, gee, we wish we could find him but can’t. Earlier this month, those phone companies revealed that actually no, the data hadn’t been corrupted and that they gave the FBI everything they’d asked for. Could it be because that individual was also an informant? Inquiring minds, and all that…

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After the Whitmer entrapment, the FBI agent in charge of that transferred to DC in time for J6. Just a coincidence, eh.

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Exactly! The Whitmer railroad was the warm up dress rehearsal for J6. Patel will get to the bottom of this. He will clean house.

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Don't buy it. The IG report is BS. BTW, the IG's are all deep state. That's why there is never accountability for the crimes of career politicians.

Back to J6: There were closer to 200 DOJ/FBI/Intelligence linked agitators there. They will never admit the truth. This "news" is a limited hangout and gross understatement of what happenedd that day.

This is a link to the most convincing article I have come across in my research about what happened that day and why it did - I highly recommend it:


And this is the best video I have seen on J6 called "Psy-op the Steal":


Sasha, thank you for your fearless reporting!

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You always have to ask what the repercussion would be to lie or omit information in your testimony to the IG. Has anyone EVER been prosecuted for this? Do you believe anyone would be?? Garbage in yields garbage out.

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It’s theater dear, all theater. From Zimmermann through Chauvin. J6 was Oscar worthy.

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Wonder how many files the Deep State are incinerating ?

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But outlets like Politico and Reuters, and NYT, USA Today ofc, are saying the Report shows no evidence that Fed operatives were involved or 'instructed' to do anything. They were just there, then? Not to mention the Report fails to mention that there's no evidence they were NOT involved either.

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I believe they are saying no employee's were there, not no operatives.

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Seems a distinction w/o a difference , to be charitable

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I don't disagree, just weaselly lawyer words.

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Love the pic of Melania and DT. Looks like they are having fun. Thank God for that family and all they've been through to help this country. We are so very happy to have them back for round 2.

And you too Sasha. Your way with words reaches loads of people. Simply perfect.

Great stuff Sasha thank you!❤️

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As for Jan 6. I can't believe it's taken this long. I hope they know. If they do not correct and free these people and cleanse their records .. nothing else is going to matter. Free theinnocent entrapped political prisoners first and then move on from there. They shouldn't be there not even one more second.

And nor will they be sacrificed all in the name of nothing

Really. Is this a bridge too far for the Republicans what a loathsome group of useless.

Thanks this is me adding on to my original comment. Thought I'd start with the positive stuff first.

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How much did the J6 Congressional Committee know about the FBIs participation in January 6 activities?

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I knew J6 was a scam on the day it happened. It was just an intuitive feeling, based on the history of Deep State lies.

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So you watch the mob from Trump's speech climb walls, break windows, and trash the Capitol and knew it was all a scam?

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Uh…the mob wasn’t “from” Trump’s speech, the mob was at the Capitol before Trump finished giving his speech. At least that’s my understanding of events.

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Some trouble makers showed up with gas masks and batons and bear spray that were Antifa Leftists that showed up at the Capital for the sole purpose of creating a scene and causing trouble.

Those trouble makers weren't at Trump's speech at the other end of The Mall. They were dropped off at the Capital. Implants. The Capital was PURPOSELY left under guarded with WAY less officers than that was needed. There are interviews of Capital Police where they say that they pleaded for more officers well before January 6th and were DENIED.

A similar staging tactic was used to try to stage a Governor Whitmer' "Kidnapping".

Feds were CAUGHT attempting to incite that kidnapping and it was revealed in court and the innocent people were acquitted.

You might be fooled by the so-called "Insurrection" at the Capital but most are not. (Hence Trump was re-elected)

Study the footage, which was purposely withheld, and the truth behind that staged "Insurrection" is revealed.

No government has ever or will ever be overthrown with batons and pepper spray.

There was no Insurrection.

Trump never incited any violence. He told everyone over and over again to be peaceful.

Stop making stuff up because those with eyes and ears and any sense of discernment can see through your plots to make innocent people look guilty.


Quit trolling on here, NWCitizen. Go back to your CNN and other Fake News outlets who feed you the propaganda lies.


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TX AG Paxton started the conspiracy theory : “Those who stormed the capitol yesterday were not Trump supporters. They have been confirmed to be Antifa,”

Paxton’s post cited two sources: a screenshot of a tweet by right-wing journalist Paul Sperry and a screenshot of a Washington Times article with the headline, “Facial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protestors who stormed capitol.”

The tweet, claiming a busload of "antifa thugs" had been dropped off at the Capitol, was deleted and remains completely unsubstantiated. The newspaper has since retracted the report, and the company it cited as a source, XRVision, has said its software identified two members of a Neo-Nazi organization and a Q-Anon supporter, not members of antifa."

As far as I know this is a a public forum and the author of this substack is the one who decides if she wants to suppress other voices.

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"The AP does reassure its readers that 'no undercover agents were present.'"

...know what THAT means? It means that undercover agents were present.

"...here, they’re claiming no undercover agents but admitting there were both paid informants and those who’d been paid by the FBI before..."

Sorry – NOT – they may not have held the title of Agent, but they were agents nonetheless.

It's time for another Church Committee investigation, and with teeth.

Along with that accounting, there needs to be accountability, and consequences that range from never holding a well-paying government position with a security clearance ever again, to time in prison: Marion, Florence, Beaumont, or Thomson.

I don't know who the DoJ official is who is talking a lot without actually saying anything, but I had to stop watching half-way through.

Were I charged with the authority, I'd revoke the passport of every current FBI agent, supervisor, and employee regardless of grade; of every official in the DoJ; and all would be placed on no-fly lists to prevent their fleeing the country.

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They can run, but they can't hide.

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The IG report says that 26 FBI informants were in Washington for election-related protests. No undercover FBI employees were at the riot on Jan. 6 and that none of the bureau’s informants were authorized to participate. Informants, also known as "confidential human sources", work with the FBI to provide information, but are not on the bureau’s payroll. The 17 informants entered the Capitol or surrounding restricted area were not authorized to do so. The 17 informants were not charged because the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington said that it “generally has not charged those individuals whose only crime on January 6, 2021 was to enter restricted grounds surrounding the Capitol, which has resulted in the Office declining to charge hundreds of individuals; and we have treated the CHSs [informants] consistent with this approach.”

THe IG report does NOT say that the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a setup by the FBI.

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The FBI has had a long history of using entrapment and it’s not hard to imagine someone coming up with a plan to entrap a political uprising

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The FBI uses "entrapment' in cases such as having FBI agents pose as prostitutes to arrest johns or posing online as minors to catch those who are illegally trying to set up sexual encounters with minors.

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You’re probably too young to remember the Delorean story.

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I remember Back to the Future well. I looked up the cocaine entrapment case which led to Delorian being acquitted. Deception is still a tool used by the FBI and is not always illegal. In portland about 10 years ago, a youth decided he wanted to set off a bomb at a tree lighting ceremony. The fbi got wind of it and posed as accomplices. The guy actually made a phone call that he thought would trigger a bomb in a.parked car. There was no bomb but he was convicted.

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