It was really hard listening to these “kindergarten teachers” - - as an older black woman who isn’t insane like, face it, so many of my people. Why? Because it was hard to be patient as they spoke so condescendingly to white folks, with hatred dripping from their every word. They are “in,” and you regular white Americans are “out.” If you like Trump, you aren’t even human. If that nastiness and evil is a “gift” to the black community, I don’t want it. That kind of “empathy” or “allyship,” or whatever they are calling it these days, is simply divisive and evil. And by the way, I tried to watch the half-time show. It was nothing to write home about, even with the stolen line from Gil Scott-Heron, whom I loved back in the 70’s. Cue the Brad Pitt video. That one was a keeper.

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Hey Christine, I appreciate your courage in sharing your experience in an environment that can be fairly risky; as Sasha has pointed out also when she was cancelled. It’s clear to me that people of any race are capable of being racist toward one or more other races. Many lost that lesson when they killed MLK JR.

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I’m newly retired from University teaching and rather like breathing the fresh air outside of the asylum.

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Must have been suffocating. Welcome and congratulations on retirement! I hope you enjoy every day of it. Now you can share your wisdom and knowledge in the manner you most prefer. Freedom! Btw now that you are retired, you can catch the Dylan movie A Complete Unknown at the afternoon matinee.

I also recommend the Veterans for Peace documentary showing the Vietnam Vets throwing away their Bronze Stars, Purple Hearts, Citations, etc. I think that experience informs much on the anti-neocon force behind Trump.

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Thanks! I’ll add those to the list.

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I grew up as a minority in Hawaii. When it comes to bigotry EVERY group has members that are guilty of that behavior. The strange thing I notice on the mainland is television and how it shows blacks. The blacks I've met are like everyone else, some are nice in person and the rest are just indifferent and go their own way. On televison it seems the vast majority really hate whites. I really don't get how it's to anyone's advantage for 12% of a population to piss off 65% of a population. The people that run television and political activists that push this garbage are doing the devils work.

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The GSH thing is pretty odd. It seems to encapsulate the 'wannabeism' of the current oppression obsession. Even in Gil's time, the attempt to muddy the artistic waters with political agenda didn't do much. It does much less now.

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Wondering…maybe hoping…that these women are in the group who is sterilizing themselves because Trump won. Trump will be gone and they will still be sterile which shows how stupid they are and how lucky the rest of us are.

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Nothing could please me more than seeing women who do not like babies turning themselves into evolutionary dead ends.

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Uh, such women ARE evolutionary dead ends!

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That’s what he is saying.

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Do any of them actually have biological men in their lives?

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Doubtful, but there are thise creepy guys of Tim Walz ilk. The least masculine of the lot.

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Just like creepy Ted in Jingle All The Way who makes himself so helpful to Liz.

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Plenty of emasculated simps out there. Its how we got here.

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Soy boys perhaps 🤷‍♀️

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or…what is it…girl husband? man wife?

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We can hope.

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The reactions to DOGE are a huge indicator of the craziness of the Dems. Elon is telling all taxpayers that their hard earned money, the fruits of their labor, is being stolen by the Washington mafia, and their reaction is to call Elon evil and fight the unmasking of the institutional stealing? How do you reason with crazy people like that?

You don’t. You continue the righteous march through every leftist government entity, slashing and burning and laying waste to all the corruption. It’s become obvious that almost all government agencies need to be closed up and almost all government employees need to be fired.

Further, Congressional spending needs to be limited to only the things the Constitution allows, and the Constitution certainly does not allow most what the government currently spends money on. As usual, the enforcement of the Constitution is our only path towards saving the nation.

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I am the only one in my entire sphere of family, friends, and acquaintances that even dares to think Trump is right about some things, let alone support him. Everyone hates Trump and thinks he’s terrible/evil/awful. I was with a couple friends this weekend and they were very concerned about the potential elimination of the Dept. of Education and how it would impact their occupations (one works for UC Berkeley and the other is a community college counselor). One was parroting the narrative that a coup is taking place ( which is ridiculous), and thought the Constitution will eventually be removed. I said that there’s no way they’re removing the Constitution ( leaving out that it was actually the Democrats who were more closer to removing Constitutional rights), but he didn’t want to hear it. He can’t believe anyone would vote for Trump. I didn’t continue the conversation because they know I’ve shown some support for Trumps policies and wasn’t in the mood for a political argument.

My community is not stupid, but I firmly believe their view of Trump is entirely shaped by the media and a Marxist education. It’s a problem with the Left, and I seem to be the only one I know who’s escaped that mindset (with a lot of help from the Substack community).

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Your experience is mine. I am isolated from my family completely. I know it is because of their ignorance due to the monotonous dribble from mainstream media. They just LOVE to HATE! People assume that because I like the direction of where the US is going, and I like Donald Trump, I must watch to Fox. Apparently they know that this is the only source of an opposing point of view, but most importantly coverage of real news that has been cancelled by mainstream. And yet they will not listen to it! They say I’M brainwashed. I tell them I listen to all points of view and want to see real photos of what is happening in the world - they don’t - so who’s brainwashed? One sister was actually open minded enough to me hear me over time and so now has come around to the light. 💕

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I didn't even know back in 2016 that Fox was right leaning and CNN was left...that's how out of all this I was. With that said, I've watched left leaning my entire life until a few years ago. I feel that Fox is more center than anything and is way more open to reporting correctly than the likes of CNN or MSNBC.

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realclearpolitics.com is the most aggressively balanced.

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Check out the Daily Wire. It also has morning show called "Morning wire" to compete against NPR. Morning Wire is a 12 minute summary of the news. They often cover stories the MSM do not cover. BlazeTV is also an outstanding news resource.

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I’ve been hit with the Fox News reply. It’s funny to me because I find Fox unwatchable except for Gutfeld, who makes me laugh.

My response back to lefties is always, “You watch mainstream media? Really!?! Do you also use a landline instead of cell phone? What decade are you living in?” The usual response is a blank stare.

Mock them for watching mainstream media and make them justify why they do so. I’m personally on a quest for original thinking, not group think, and you’re never going to find it on legacy media whether it’s left or right.

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Biden's presidency was so bad, most of my family has come around. It's been interesting to watch. I think the fact that I was openly supportive of Trump during his first term, although I didn't vote for him, helped.

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You’re a warrior! Just remember that one person and the truth is a majority. I’ve personally dropped the TDS crowd and anyone else in my life that I can’t be myself or speak freely around. Carry on!

Here’s a couple of arguments lefties can never respond to cogently. I don’t care about lefty emotions, I need them to respond to me with better policy ideas if they don’t like my policies. But lefties purposely don’t respond with ideas because no leftist policies have a positive outcome. None. That’s why in the common sense American Restoration we are now living through, the Democrat Party is toast.

Regarding the DOE, by definition, all schools are local. There are no federal schools. So why do the Feds need to regulate a local function? Also by definition, all firehouses are local, there are no federal firehouses. According to lefty “reasoning”, should there be a federal Dept. Of Firehouses? Are firehouses not important to the country?

Regarding the lefty obsession with coups, if there is currently a coup taking place by the Trump administration, who is the administration taking power from? Is there a group of people more powerful than the freely elected President that needs to keep their power over the country, so that the leader of the country needs to stand down and acquiesce to them? I really need a lefty to explain to me the coup that they say is taking place.

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I too have more or less been excommunicated from a lot of friends and family. You are being true to yourself. You are "Entering your house justified" and holding your head high. i often respond to friends and/or family with the question: "Do you believe we should have borders? and enforce our immigration laws?"

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Oh I haven’t been excommunicated, yet, mostly because I keep my mouth shut because my peers just lack the proper context about some of these matters. I actually have made that point about borders/immigration, but will be countered with some mainstream media narrative that just drains my energy trying to argue. So I just bide my time and let the truth trickle out until more people awaken. I’ve found that people will change at their own pace, you can’t force them.

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You are correct, you cannot force them. You can only make existential statements like “you cannot have a welfare state and open borders”. These people do not question their beliefs and live in a bubble, so I just try to make them consider two opposing thoughts at the same time. I might as well enjoy myself when I’m talking with lefties.

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Musk is the new project 2025. The way i know if something is good is when the left start attacking it.

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“How do you reason with crazy people like that?”

See my comment down below. I don’t believe we can. They’re probably too far gone.

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I've reached the point where I'm just not willing to put up with any continuation of the TDS of the last 8 years. Living in Oregon, in the greater Portland area, I'm already surrounded by insufferable liberals who you just can't even have a mild conversation with. So I keep myself to myself and am cheered by the generally more sane discourse on X, on your substack, and on others that I follow (Taibbi, Shellenberger, etc.) So now, when even my friends on Facebook post idiotic things like lists of businesses who supported Trump (asking everyone not to shop there) or dredging up old articles calling Trump a "racist", I simply unfriend them. I have tolerated all of this for so long that I just don't even want to associate with people like that any more. It's cathartic and healthier all around!

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I live in deep blue West LA, and usually wear a Trump shirt and/or MAGA hat just to piss them off. Come at me bro!

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Ha, I've thought about doing that too!

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Go for it! Deep down these Progs are cowards so you are at no risk whatsoever.

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I feel this so much. I lived in Portland for years and moved away in 2019—thank goodness, just before the pandemic. I lost every single one of my friends, and at first, there was definitely a grieving process. But now, I see it was truly a blessing. The complete inability to have a nuanced conversation was exhausting, and it’s only gotten worse. There’s no room for independent thought—just ideological purity tests. I used to engage, thinking I could offer a different perspective, but I’ve realized most of these people aren’t looking for discussion, just validation of their worldview. Cutting ties with that kind of energy isn’t just freeing, it’s necessary. Glad to know I’m not alone in feeling this way

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I'm a righty in the middle of dark blue Asheville. I find it easy to just lay low and never talk about politics. There's no shortage of other topics and I don't hold the beliefs of others against them. They're good people, they're just intellectually lazy when it comes to public policy and that's fine. It also helps to be able to empathize with the mentally unstable lol.

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Mike Cernovich referred to the exhausting process many of us are going through as “bullshit fatigue”. The common sense people in this country have had enough of the other side’s bullshit and we’ve decided to live an authentic life and not put up with delusional people. Leftists are now screaming into the void and the rest of us are not even paying attention. We are all just indifferent to their ramblings.

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I've been thinking about possible places to move to, since I am retired. I like the Olympic peninsula - yes, it's WA state which is just as crazy as OR, but away from the bigger cities there seems to be more normalcy. Where did you move to?

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If you like living near a rainforest, come on out to Western North Carolina. We are the only rainforest in the Eastern US, and it’s lush and green over here.

Even better, I moved here from Chicago, so instead of living in a state that hates me and was spending my tax dollars on things contrary to my way of life, I now live with my tribe. It’s a great feeling to live in freedom! FYI, the first requirement when moving is to like the locals you live with. You could move to a beautiful place, but if the locals were Marxist you would not enjoy it.

When I was mapping out my move, I found out that the last Dem President my county voted for was FDR. Perfect. Once you’ve chosen a state you like, preferably a low tax state like NC, you must then research by county, as there are bad counties in good states. It’s best to stay away from counties that have urban problems. For example, Asheville NC is a mess with their spending and crime. The county Asheville is in has beautiful rural areas, but unfortunately the rural people will be disenfranchised by the greater lefty population of Asheville. So you always need to be in the next county over from any urban areas.

Then look at the school ratings in the county you’re interested in. Well rated schools means that there are local families that care and that the area that has civic pride. Then check the local crime rates and medical care. Good luck!

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I'm on the right, living in Asheville and surrounded by Marxists. I have no problem enjoying it. I love it here. The trick is to just not talk about politics in real life and don't let it affect your mood. I find it incredibly easy. I should also add that Asheville crime is mostly a myth. The place is remarkably safe.

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That is admirable. I just can’t do it any longer after living in Chicago and having to watch what I say around people. I’m totally done with that.

I also don’t hold anyone’s beliefs against them nor try to reason with them, but in general I would just rather not deal with the left.

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It is so beautiful in the Pacific Northwest. I understand why you’d wanna stay there… I moved away when I got married to my husband who’s military yet his family lives on a reservation south of Eugene, but we just can’t bring ourselves to move back. He is currently stationed in Yorktown, Virginia, and he can retire next summer and at this point, we plan on staying here. While I’m surrounded by conservatives, folks who love the constitution and the right to bare arms, there’s not a lot of regenerative farming or healthy grocery stores and my husband and I are working diligently on growing our own food and trying to connect with the local master gardeners. That’s the one major thing I miss about beautiful Oregon! The food!! 🤤

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I've visited Virginia and it has long appealed to me as a place to live (I like the British vibe as I am from England), but I do like the PNW for climate and scenery! Also my sister lives in Olympia and my 2 adult children are both in Oregon, so it would be hard to move too far away despite my whole family being fully immersed in Democrat insanity.

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I admire your commitment and love for your family, even amongst the cultural chaos! It is beautiful up at that part of Washington you’re talking about one of my best friends from college is from that area 🌲 ! Virginia is definitely very special. I’m about 30 minutes away from Williamsburg, and I do love the history here. If you ever back on the side of the country visiting, you’re welcome to stop by and see our botanical and bonsai garden. 💚

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I’m in Bend and it’s gotten that way. Hard to know whom to trust, nothing shows me that more since I joined a Parks and Rec community center/gym. Oh well, at least I’m getting fit, I keep everything superficial and thus fun. It’s free for seniors with health insurance. Maybe that’s why it’s so liberal, nobody has to work hard to afford dues. 🤷‍♀️

All my artists friends are sadly delusional. As are many of my old high school friends, still living in SW Portland burbs.

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I'm where you are at with this Margaret. I live in So Cal in a redder part but you'd never know it by the TDS that's so rampant. I too am at the place where I just don't want to put up with that behavior anymore especially on social media. I've started unfollowing, maybe one day I'll get the nerve up to unfriend :( but I'm so done. If you are that miserable and have to shout it out constantly I don't have time for you. I really don't care anymore, I'm so done!

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Unfriending sends a subtle message - they probably won't notice until they eventually want to contact me again! It serves the purpose of removing toxicity from my own environment without being confrontational.

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I get it. If they are cancelling the essence of who we are we had better wipe the dust from our feet. My sister cancelled me for forwarding her videos. Says that she only wants to talk about “sisterly things” ?? No politics or religion. To me this is so insulting. She is saying be my sis and listen to me quietly.

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On behalf of several family members, some of the insufferable liberals in Portland, I apologize. ;-)

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No need - my own daughter is one of them! She accused me of falling for "conspiracy theories" when I tried to discuss climate change with her (the fact that many actual climate scientists don't agree that CO2 is the "climate control knob").

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Sounds like my situation

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Why do they use the same weird kindergarten teacher tone? Because a lot of them ARE teachers.

Thanks for all your work, so glad I found this Substack several years ago.

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Yep, teacher unions are probably the biggest organized group in the leftist coalition

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And to think I used to advocate on their behalf. But once I realized they were the biggest force behind keeping kids out of school during the scamdemic, they lost all my support.

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That is truly horrifying! I'm SO thankful my son has already graduated high school.

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Yes, but now I have grandchildren in elementary school so the worry begins anew!

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That, and the fact that Dems tend to explain explain explain to us common folk. Yup yup.

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Yep as soon as they showed Trump and a loud cheer was heard I was laughing cuz I knew they were gonna go nuts.

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I cannot bring myself to watch the montage of women freaking out.

Remember the scenes in the final Harry Potter book, where whenever Voldemort addresses the people gathered at Hogwarts, demanding that they turn over Harry, everyone covers their ears and flinches? The sound of Voldemort’s voice is excruciating.

The screams of outrage coming from the Left right now is that kind of excruciating. 😬

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Yeah I couldn’t last more than two minutes. Maybe If I was drunk with friends laughing I could make it through, but not without that serious support, internal and external.

Watching it is part tortuous, and part hilarious, but always both.

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This is sad and funny at the same time. We're having to learn how to stand up to the lies, in ways we hadn't yet learned during Trump's first administration. We're having to learn to stand firm, to speak back, and not let the lies scare or shame us.

This current experience feels like PTSD, after what we've gone through these past eight years.

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yea its actually pretty scary how hateful and justified they feel along with the violent threats

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Young Elizabeth Warrens.

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Don't even get me started. When video clips of Pocahontas come up on the TV, my husband hits the mute button and we both shout "Oh. Shut. Up."

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OMG, the women!!!!! So crazy town. Definitely a Manson vibe. Woke truly is a mind virus and they are all infected. Amazing. Never in my life have I been that stupid. But thanks for the montage Sasha, it helped me understand how my crazy sister is actually that crazy. They all are.

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After Kaepernick knelt for our National Anthem, I never watched another NFL game. I do not care about any American sports anymore.

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I quit back in the eighties when they went on strike. Turns out football is not important for a good life. Or any sport that other people play for money

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It's such a waste of time. To me, it's a major indication of how out of wack societies priorities are. The outrageous salaries and recognition these people get is just absurd.

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😂😂😂😂 Shaving an X into their foreheads. That was hilarious. If they do, then you know we have completely broken them. Never, in a million years did I think we would end up here.

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Brainwashing stupid white women appears rather easy these days

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Always has been, tbh

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Yea, but we used to just do it for the sex. Now they think we want their opinions too.

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Hilarious and true.

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Oof…..that’s gonna leave a mark.

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As the kids say, let them cook. Rest of us will be moving on.

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Anybody hear Mark Halperin's interview with Tucker from Oct. 15, 2024? The title of that episode was "Why He [Halperin] Thinks Trump will Win and the Left's Mental Collapse." Halperin predicted there would be "the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country." If I thought my Democrat colleagues and friends were obsessed with Trump before, it's clearly worse now. Some people are exhibiting symptoms that sure sound like nervous breakdowns to me.

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And all I can think about is how much psychological stress and deep seated depression I experienced insanely (but quietly) over the past 5 years.

I was one of “those medical professionals” in the Seattle area- lossed my ability to work and fought to keep my boys from being jabbed with the CO MRNA jab…..it was a constant stress. I was censored, silenced, bullied. So were my kids. I almost had to relocate to another state.

That was real stress, and fear of totalitarianism, the real anticipation of dictatorship m- because it was.

I had to do it in silence.

So seeing this outrageous behavior for no specific reason (they cannot justify legibly or intellectually justify the ranting).

Infuriates me.

I’m getting really pissed at every rant or gathering against the new tide.

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Why do these women hunker down in their bathrooms and bedrooms as if they are hiding from someone while making these videos? The one poor dear with the frilly black dress behind the bathroom door calling the viewers racist looked like she was 15 and hiding from her parents with a lit cigarette. If I was so proud of my message, I’d be filming on my front lawn.

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Hilarious! I was thinking the same things. Some could be hostage videos! The girl hiding from her parents behind the bathroom door. One girl had a butterfly clip in her hair that looked like it was going to take off with her, speaking with the confidence of youth, ending her message w a dramatic F bomb. There was an irate girl under her ceiling fan and it looked like she had an X on her head. If the fan had been on she would have looked like a Liberal Whirligig. Finally, that lady in bed telling people to get off their couch and resist! I feel bad for men if that is the dating pool. Date Conservative women! They know what's up.

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The half time show was awful. As they all

Are now. I am Glad you liked it. I didn’t. And I grew up Listening to James Brown, Aretha, the Temps, O’Jays, Dells, Smokey, even Little Richard. I grew up listening only to R and B. I liked NWA and Run DMC. If you don’t like modern rap it is not because you’re racist.

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The Dells. One of my absolute favorites! I grew up listening to WAMO in Pittsburgh in the 60s, then expanded back to the 50s. I don't get rap, but I love, love R&B.

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Me too, and add Earth, Wind and Fire, Tower of Power, Hall and Oates (philly sound) and a few like Boz Skaggs. It was a great time to be in high school and college, and the guys didn’t grab their own crotches like rappers do.

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Didn't see many women rocking out to the lame and overrated kendrick lamar. Mostly guys in red and white outfits jumping around. Crappy rap you could barely understand and sad assed voice. But hey, he is the king of marketing, and clearly it has paid off. Then again, even Eminem will tell you white guys don't know shit about rap.

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Nah, Kendrick Lamar is a smart and creative guy. I don’t like all his stuff but I thought the halftime show was pretty good.

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even the dancers running around with a Palestinian flag?

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You made me laugh! And boy, did I need one.

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