I listened to the very entertaining, very spot on review of Harris speech, Walz speech and DNC convention in general, and what could RFK endorsement mean for Trump on National Review yesterday. They called Harris-Walz ticket the most annoying they could remember. They gave very balanced views of both sides, there wasn't really anything I could disagree with. I strongly encourage everyone to check it out. It's called Kamala Harris A Political Show About Nothing. Didn't tag cause I'm not sure if it would be deemed a spam.

However, you could sense that they would take 8 years of Harris over 4 years of Trump. I don't know much about National Review but I assume they are Never Trumpers. They are certainly conservative cause line such as "freedom by killing babies" is a dead giveaway. Liberals don't talk like that.

They have a writeup titled Trump is Behind Not Because the Press is Hyping Kamala But Because He is Unpopular and I have to agree with this too. If you are of better economic standing, which the podcast panel certainly was, you can afford to live not as well as you did under someone you absolutely loathe. So even if these obviously conservative people cannot stand Harris and think Biden-Harris administation is awful, they loathe Trump more and would rather take economic nosedive (since they can survive it) and illegals and crime (none of which they come accross) than a chance at improvement. It's the gist of why people won't think beyond "I simply cannnot stomach this person" and here we are talking about very smart people. But they don't have that much to lose so they can afford to do petty voting.

The reality is, enough people don't feel bad economy (and influx of illegals and increase in crime) that badly (or at all) to let Trump win. They don't like him. They don't like Harris either and see through Love Bombing just fine but they just really hate Trump and would feel terrible about themelves to even hold the nose and vote for him.

I have to give credit to Harris campaign that they are really open about that they are running a campaign of fluff because they have nothing substantial to offer. They are trying to rebrand Harris as a newcomer which in not so subtle roundabout way says all you need to know about the quality of Biden-HARRIS administration. They know it sucks so they are trying to memoryhole that VP is VP.

However, this is also the first time that Trump campaign has something to attack her on. if she is shrinking from her achievements than they must be really bad. Why couldn't she already achieve all those wonderful things she promises to achieve and fix all those bad things she promises to fix in the next 4 years? She is VP not a newbie. That's something they can work with instead of shooting blindly like they did before the convention.

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National Review actually had a magazine cover called Against Trump with 22 essays trashing him back in 2016. They have never recovered their reputation on the Right.

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RFK Now Running Against Dems and Media


“In the name of saving democracy,” he said, “the Democratic Party has set about dismantling it.” He identified the DNC lawfare against him with the Democratic Party lawfare against President Trump. He nevertheless reached out recently to the Harris campaign to arrive at an understanding of the kind he has now arrived at with the Trump campaign.

Referring to his father and uncle, Kennedy said, “They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days.” He referred to “the DNC and its media organs” engineering the surge in Harris’s popularity — “based upon nothing…only smoke and mirrors and balloons in the highly produced Chicago circus.”

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But, but... you must accept the servile, backhanded attempt to bluff readers into folding any chance of winning ... and do as lord vape softy demands:

"Give yourself to the Dark Side" --vote "killer kamala"

lol "fold your hand. Give up and go home. It's the best option" lol

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I remember that. Some people who were very skeptical about Trump (including me) were pleased with the general way things ran pre-Covid and in retrospect it is hard to over-estimate how virulent the opposition was within the FBI and CIA and state department. The Steele Dossier and the pretext for the Mueller Investigation will be unbelievable to future generations.

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I hope you are right about what future generations will think about the FBI/CIA. It hangs in the balance.

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Yep. That was after WFB Jr. died and the reason I ended my very long subscription with NR.

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Rich Lowry, over a surprisingly short period of time, almost single-handedly destroyed Conservative, Inc. Truly, the old man must've been in his dotage to place NR in such irresponsible and incapable hands.

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But Jonah Goldberg would have done it better faster.

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Jonah Goldberg is a narcissist and a dope of the first order.

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Good to see you here. Bring Sandy Pinches next time too.

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WFB was a socialite conservative, and I am certain he would have been a Never-Trumper. "We wouldn't have him in my country club!"

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I don't know. I think he might have admired Trump's "thumb-in'the-eye" approach a bit. Kind of like "Standing athwart history and yelling Stop" with a Queens twist

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You have to learn the difference between a 'Conservative' and a Right-winger. Conservatives have historically been the defenders of traditional society -- traditional religion, politics, history, customs, language, law -- but, most basically, the traditional race/ethnic group. Every human social grouping is first of all defined by the "we-they" distinction. Buckley Conservatives ended up becoming 'Conservatives' because they refused to make any racial distinction among humans. I started reading NR in the mid-50s (my dad subscribed). In '63-'64, every issue brimmed with articles strongly opposing the Civil Rights Act -- sometimes on specifically racial grounds. In the mid 70s, I couldn't race out to buy a copy of "The Camp of the Saints" fast enough. NR thought it was a prophetic warning. But Buckley got off-course in deciding Communism was the ultimate enemy as a harmful economic/political system. To fight the Commies, he started alliances with non-Conservatives. Enter the "NeoCons" (yet another pseudonym for 'them'). By the time Reagan left for The Ranch, WFB no longer was a true Conservative -- which always and everywhere begins and ends with ethnocentrism (AKA "The Right"). As an Irish-American (even if an Anglophile), Buckley should have instinctively loathed the WASP/Puritan Bushes, but he was beyond the Pale. End of story hour.

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Aug 26Edited

They were right to criticize him—in the primary season, not the general election; you neglect to mention it and it matters—because he's far, far short of American history's best models. Trump is not a good man, and not the leader I would like.

But I'm voting for him.

For the first time. (I voted for a write-in both times before.)

Because screw them.

And because a baseball bat is not what you use to do brain surgery. But it seems like the right tool for the job before us.

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it checks. nevertheless, they were on point in the panel discussion.

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Watch Tucker Carlson Destroy Kamala Harris' Credibility In Seconds


After her Democrat National Convention (DNC) speech on Thursday, conservative firebrand Tucker Carlson picked apart everything Harris’ said, calling her a “very scary person.”

“She's much more skillful than I have ever seen. She's a liar on the deepest level,” Carlson said. “The things she is saying right now are not just untrue - they're the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil.”

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I stopped reading at Deep State but caught "child sniffing" and was out of there. Keep up with crass talk and then don't cry when Trump loses. Insults won't help arguments get heard. In fact, people tune out. It may be hard for Trump supporters to understand but Comrade Kamala is a fetch. Only an echo chamber thinks it's funny and on point but independents and undecided are not amused and tbh it sounds pretty dope. so counter affect.

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That guy is spot on. This is going to be entertaining, but possibly catastrophic also. Thanks for the link.

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she isn't skillful her team is but she is smart to let them do the work and she is disciplined. so it's unpolished (Trump) vs overly polished (Harris) which is an intention. Nothing sticks, everything slips, cause polished is generic. It doesn't offend so people are more likely to give all style no substance a pass when it's inoffensive and lets not pretend Trump offers much substance to counter all that style.

Thing is, Republican voters wanted Trump. They were presented with a very decent variety of alternatives but apathy for them was too evident. No matter what they tried, no matter who won a debate, nothing moved the needle. You wanted Trump and Biden rematch and got that until you didn't. And that's an election liability now.

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Have you noticed that one of the left’s biggest lies has disintegrated over the past few years?

You leftists used to try to bluff your way out of denying that the Nazis were far-left, but now you just kind of ignore the issue.

This comes from overplaying your hand at repeatedly trying to claim the side favouring individual liberty and limited government is the polar opposite and we’ve had to rhetorically defend ourselves.

Now, you’re reaping what you’ve sown in constantly pushing your 100-year-old lie.

No one believes it anymore and we’re no longer intimidated over saying anything about it, plus you’ve destroyed your tattered credibility on everything else you lie about.

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I'm not even leftiest but for your information all politicians and parties lie and tthat's beside the point. You are worked up cause you don't like where election is going.

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Except long term conservatives like myself weren't watching. I trust the Guardian more.

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thsanks for rec will check it out.

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I love the NR “The Editors” podcast, and yes they all hate Trump. Same with any WSJ reader comment section, fwiw. Most commentors ripped Trump harder than any libs did, at least until he became the nominee. It was highly amusing, but a potential Harris administration is no laughing matter.

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‘Let Them Eat Joy’


The DNC was a convention for the rich

Every accusation with the Democrats is a confession.

The Democratic Party remains the party of the elites; now it’s given up on economic policy altogether, which has been replaced by feelings and “vibes.”

If Harris were being honest, her campaign slogan wouldn’t be “Kamala Harris—for the people.” It would be, “Let them eat the joy of the rich and powerful.” That’s all that’s on offer.

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Let Them Eat Cake is what her slogan would be.

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She's feeding them cake. And candy, and a slew of other confections, unhealthy, sweet and fattening. Cake and candy for those who want something for nothing, but will just end up with nothing if she's selected.

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This a great article, on point and genuinely witty unlike the atrocity that is Lew Rockewell's one that I stopped reading after Deep State and 'child sniffing' (very first sentence).

No offense to resident MAGAs here but Let Them Eat Joy is so well written because the writer is a liberal. They have way with words. MAGA writers think insults are the funniest punchlines. They are not. They make people who aren't in the tank tune out. And guess what? Kamala's fake shine is much more appealing than 'child sniffing'. it doesn't insult, it doesn't gross out and at the end of the day if she offers nothing of note, guess what? Whatever of note Lew Rockwell offered, I don't care to know cause his crass style turned me off and I didn't even get to the meat. And you bet that a lot of fence sitters feel the same every time Trump goes into Comrade Kamala (this fetch ain't happening and it sounds kinda dope tbh which isn't an intention) or Tampon Tim or Other Insult tirade.

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Good article, D. Parker. Thanks for the link!

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Aug 25
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What is absolutely infuriating is that the fascist far-left plays on that desire. They have played their little scam for more than 400 years, making people think that just by voting for them, they will get all kinds of goodies – at the expense of a faceless and vague group of ‘villains’ they label as the rich.

When in reality, history has shown that it’s only the ruling cabal (note that I refuse to use the word ‘elite’) that ends up enriching themselves – at the expense of the poor – or proletariat.

The National Socialist Left is all for wealth redistribution – to themselves.

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The thing is this loathing comes primarily from being fed lies through the media propaganda. If they looked closer at anything they believe about Trump they would find that most of it is untrue, and actually directly opposite of what the truth is. So then they should step back and reevaluate their feelings about Trump. Most of them have been so ingrained with the hate that they don’t look more closely at the past accusations, or they do but forgot to reevaluate. I don’t think Trump is worthy of the hate he is given. I believe we the people are wrong to dump it all in his lap. It’s us, not him.

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“I believe we the people are wrong to dump it all in his lap.”

It’s not “we the people” dumping hate on Trump. It’s the democrats and their msm.

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Vader - Your instincts on NRO are spot on; there is a reason they are located in the four richest counties in America that surround DC. Money, that is their goal. I followed them for over a decade until, like Richard outlines below, their angst against Trump which is really folks like you and I.

Trump campaigned on, got elected, and actually did what NRO and their lackeys campaigned on for 35 f*cking years and never implemented. Same with Faux News with a few exceptions. Money is their goal which is why 12 Senate 'republicans' like Bitch McConnell(John Cornyn, John Thune, etc.) always side with democrats to spend trillions in debt.

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I'm not a Trump supporter or any supporter. I'm just interested in this particular election cause it's so crazy. But thanks for giving me a crash course in NRO. Really appreciated.

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Kamala said Trump blocked the bipartisan border bill because he wanted to use open borders as a campaign issue but this whole idea of an “asylum seeker” has been weaponized by the democrats as a way to flood the country with illegals who will vote for democrats since democrats protect them from deportation and also take care of them with taxpayer money. What’s not to like about being an illegal in America?

And under these rules we have to accept everyone who comes “seeking asylum” which means we’re on track for many millions more. No society can survive this level of stupidity and flat out insanity. In what sense is America even still a country?

“Massive Migrant Influx” - Kamala’s Border Disaster: Dems Gaslight & Blame Trump For Border Crisis. (5 min)

Valuetainment. PBD interviews Bret Weinstein. Aug 24, 2020


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That and the so called compromise would have let in almost 2M (5000*365) illegals per year plus the ones they didn't catch. It was yet another scam concocted by Democrats and GOPe.

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Yes - it would have codified illegal immigration, and no country should go down that road. It would be next to impossible to undo later on.

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“It would be next to impossible to undo later on.”

I think that ship has already sailed. The democrats have already announced they’ll fight Trump’s efforts to deport their beloved illegals. Chicago has 50,000. NYC has over 200,000. Fat chance of them ever being deported.

“It Begins…Migrants Rob Tourists in Central Park.” (16 min)

Cash Jordan. Aug 25, 2024


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How did Trump block the border bill when he’s not in congress and doesn’t get a vote? The republicans voted against that bill because of the $80bn in Ukraine funding and the fact that it still allowed way, way too many people across the southern border. I wish someone would propose and pass a requirement that congress can only have single-issue bills. These omnibus bills are one of the big problems in DC. They are killing our country. Remember the ‘infrastructure’ bill that just gave billions to green energy programs? Ugh.

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A bill should be one page.

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He blocked the bill by saying it stinks and is a farce. His thumbs down on it was enough to sink it.

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Well it does stink and it was a farce. You would need some real journalism to identify its good points and weak points. Not having the bill is not why an extra 7-10+ million people crossed the border after Trump left office, and obviously Biden has done “someth8ng” recently which brought the numbers down, without the bill.

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Yup - even Bill Clinton said this level of illegal immigration is destabilizing.

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"They are certainly conservative cause line such as "freedom by killing babies" is a dead giveaway. Liberals don't talk like that."

Certainly a plausible assertion, particularly in the context of how extremists avow their "liberalism."

Another possibility exists; that National Review is neither "conservative" nor "liberal."

Foundational to Liberalism is the right to Liberty. Holding all life sacred is very much in keeping with an ethos dedicated to a right to self-determination. Indeed, it is the source of liberal objection to war. Many liberals still see termination of a viable fetus' life as an act of desperation, a response to injustice and incontinence, a deeply regrettable act.

There is (or was, depending on one's perspective) a practical side to liberalism, one that suggests that anyone truly concerned about the liberal principle of life being sacred, will choose to exercise their freedom to copulate by selecting from the myriad copulative methodologies that pose not even a remote possibility of threat to any life whatsoever. This is the essence of the right to choose. In other words, an admonition to copulate wisely.

Many assert that the "Overton Window" has shifted, Vader, but I have been pondering that question and it seems to me that the Overton Window is merely the reflection of a different and deeper shift within the social contract.

I find the writing published in National Review, routinely unconservative and simultaneously illiberal. It is also "brand-loyal," but the "conservative brand" these days is routinely anything but conservative.

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thanks for the explanation. we in Europe really don't get American fuss about the issue. It's a non issue here. right exists to a certain term than cut off unless mother's life is in danger or defects are detected. That's it. No fuss.

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You're welcome, Vader. Many liberals such as myself are dismayed that American women are so vulnerable to the divisive tactics employed by political power-seekers, that the discussions between American women that could arrive at a consensus do not take place.

It's very strange, if one expects logical consistency (I know, such an expectation is a fool's errand, that, but we Americans are world-famous for our naive sincerity.)

It's similar in many ways to the firearms issue in this country; most Americans were fine with background checks, because they were imposed with a promise that there would be no database retained of what a law-abiding citizen purchased. The absolutism you folks across the pond are witnessing, is owing to the immediate breaking of those promises once the party machinery obtained its desired regulatory capture.

The correlation, to my mind, lies in mistrust, and no wonder. Politicians are given power because of honest representation of their views. They seize power when their votes are obtained with lies.

A neighbor had a visitor from Australia, a few years back. Fine fellow, that visitor and a rare pleasure to meet. He'd wanted to understand American "gun culture," which led to my being invited to meet him. I suppose my qualification to explain was owing to having come from a family just filthy with military veterans and law enforcement.

It was a very pleasant evening and neither of us felt any driving need to change each others' minds, only to understand each other a bit better. None of the media "down under" had ever published a history of the rhetoric and broken promises leading to America's current impasse (at least, none that our very welcome visitor had seen.) Like most open and sincere people, he sympathized with the sentiments held by those who were betrayed.

Our history is replete with such perfidy. From what I've read and been told by visitors from Europe, it would seem that so, too, is yours. It's not an easy matter to restore trust, once it's lost.

Your contributions to this forum's discussion have been interesting and informative. Much appreciate your taking the time to write them.

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thank you, likewise!

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Thanks, POTATUS: 'We Are Now in a Cage' - Kinder, Gentler Taliban Enforce Strict New Rules


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Wow Sasha, you nail it, every time! “To defeat them, we will need to match and best their ground game.” 100% accurate. With the power and money and control they have, voters (and election volunteers) need to show up in massive droves.

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The inverse of this is that without exception, all of the Establishment media is so queer in love with Harris, if you just Google "2024 election," you'll see only a blue wall of anti Trump stories, most of them personal, not political.

Trump is shaken. Trump is rattled. Trump mistakenly cited a city which he was not actually in. Trump is a loser. Kamel - al - Harris is radiant. She sparkles with joy. Relief! Yes, I say! Relief pervades the land! Mommala! She brat!

I'm not exaggerating. This was my experience when I went to Google news about an hour ago. I'm sure others have had the same experience. It would be hilarious in its artlessness, and reason for confidence, if I didn't reckon with the fact that since 2016, millions of Trump voters have died, replaced with young American Red Guards. This must certainly be the least creative and individual generation of young Americans we have ever had. Forty years ago, we'd have snickered about the transparency of the propaganda. I still think Trump will win, particularly with Musk and now RFK, Jr, on his side openly, but I'm not as sure of it as I wish I could be.

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There was an article titled "Has anyone told Trump that he will lose?" and I'm thinking "And? What do you think would happen? That he would just throw a towel on the spot and let Harris walz to victory unopposed for the next 2.5-3 months? Or is that what you hope to happen cause the longer campaign drags on the faster the shine will wear off?"

There's unprecedented astroturfing meant to create the "why bother?" feeling in Harris opposition but that only shows that they aren't sure Harris will get the votes. Energize one demoralize (to the point of not voting) the other side campaigns are the ones unsure of the outcome.

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This is worth a read as a thought experiment. It is quite critical of the Right for living in denial.

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one big difference is Twitter or X... in 2020 October, Twitter suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story and locked out the NY Post... this year Elon controls X and we have Telegram (I know the founder was arrested and incarcerated in France) and other prominent figures like David Sacks and his All In podcast

Trump won in 2016 because of Twitter.

He lost in 2020 because of censorship by Twitter (plus blatant election interference and fraudulent mail ballots).

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It was fraud, not Twitter. And the key method was old fashioned stuffing of the ballot boxes.

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Definitey fraud but election interference and censorship also facilitated fraud

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Biden-Harris Have a Sixth Sense the Economy Is in Trouble -- They're Probably Right


But the economy is "strong" for whom exactly? Academics isolated in their ivory towers? Those cloistered inside the Washington Beltway? The people with cushy jobs in the newsrooms across America?

The poll cited above found that a major reason Americans say they are pessimistic is "higher costs and difficulty making ends meet."

This isn't a figment of their imaginations. The average household has LOST roughly $2,000 of purchasing power since Biden came into office. They are POORER today than four years ago.

I would submit that when most families have lost real take-home pay over a four-year period, THAT is a recession. And apparently, six of 10 Americans agree with me despite the media cheerleading for the Biden economy.

The other night in his Democratic National Convention speech, Biden boasted that "wages are up." But they are only up BEFORE inflation. When we take into account the cost of living is 20% higher today than four years ago, there are only real wage declines for most workers.

One way to measure how much families are struggling under Bidenomics is to examine household debt. Credit card debt recently hit an all-time high, and delinquencies are rising. The federal government can borrow until the cows come home (or investors around the world stop buying the bonds). But households have to repay debt. This means that if things don't improve quickly, more and more families will be underwater.

Harris' only plan to relieve this middle-class fiscal squeeze is to pass out more free dollars. She wants to pay people up to $25,000 to buy houses. The Wall Street Journal is wondering whether the government is going to start bailing out unpaid mortgages and credit card debts -- just as Uncle Sam is paying off debt beats who refused to pay back student loans.

Where is the money going to come from for all those trillions of dollars of bailouts? From the Chinese?

Meanwhile, most of these jobs Biden and Harris are gloating about are direct or indirect government jobs. Why is a government so awash in debt on a hiring spree?

Americans have a sixth sense tingling, warning that something is very wrong with our economy. Harris and the media say: Don't worry; be happy.

Just who's living in la la land?

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The Harris/Walz ticket reminds me of the roadrunner character, was it Wile E. Coyote?, who keeps going until he notices he's run off a cliff. Trump/Vance should be able to beat it like a pinata, but I'm apprehensive about the GenZ dopes, who appear to be uniformly for Harris. Still, I tell myself, no, this just cannot be, which I suppose is the feeling passengers have just before their plane crashes.

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Bobby Lime, have you seen the video someone took of what the DNC was projecting on the building where the DNC was held?

I cannot attest to the validity of this, but it was on ZeroHedge.


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I find Zerohedge very credible and often weeks ahead of MSM in revealing the truth. They have numerous examples of being labeled conspiracy theorists, only later to be proven accurate in their assessments.

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Read it daily, they're often way ahead of MSM.

Am sure the Dylans read Sub Stack!

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Hi, P.B., sorry I am just seeing your reply. Yes, a friend sent me the link a few days ago. It's appalling. Sick minds dreamed it up. The DNC could have squelched it, as they kept Chicago free of excessive Hamas demonstrating, but they chose not to. These are the same people who have fostered the idea that J.D. Vance is “weird,” which seems to have been damaging, and their Vice Presidential candidate alluded to the revolting “Vance and his sofa” lie in his introductory speech just before the convention. These people are scum.

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stop using Google for search!

Use duck duck go or Brave browser/search/ai or perplexity ai

I guess I shouldn't talk since I still use gmail and google maps

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The problem is that none of them can match Google. I have found one or two things on DuckDuckGo which are extremely important to me personally, and I am very grateful for that. I wish they or Brave or one of the others would match if not supersede Google, just as all sane men and women long for platforms which will wipe out Facebook and YouTube. ( I keep wondering why there hasn't been a serious challenger to each, as well as to Amazon, because when people despise a service as much as most of us appear to despise those three, there is usually a competitor which is waiting to clean up. But it doesn't happen. My techy young friends tell me it's essentially impossible that it could happen, but I wonder, nonetheless. )

If you have a medical problem, and want to do your own research, Google is the place to go. DuckDuckGo and Brave have nothing which begins to equal it.

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for political stuff, Google doesn't aim for objectivity

it's page rank favors Kamala and Democrats

Brave has AI chatbot called Leo which is not bad for search

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If it is a personality contest with ballot harvesting and a fawning media then Trump looses, but RFK changes that dynamic. He has a superior grasp of whats really wtong and can articulate that better than Trump. If this election is about substantive issues, then Hartis looses. I think RFK tips the scale in that direction.

The media loved the orchestrated love fest but the people expressing support at the DNC are a small subset of America who would be quite at home in Johnstown. They are truly brainwadhed. The legacy media will try to make it look like a concensus but the rest of us face reality everytime we shop for groceries and people vote their pocket books....self presetvation instinct.

Also loved how the Kennedy Speech (one of best I've ever heard in my 74 years) took some of the post convention wind out of their sails.

Dick Minnis


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I agree with your arguments, but when RFK came up in conversation with my 20-something nephew he immediately went to “worm-brain” and laughed. The propaganda against RFK was fierce and successful.

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That propaganda has been there for the past 12 months at minimum. It’s nothing new. It WAS successful, unfair, deceitful, manipulative, and undemocratic. Rather than debate him on a single issue even one time, they instead assassinate his character, keeping true informed consent from the public. Ew. I don’t want my country led by politicians who do that. And neither does he. That’s why he endorsed Trump - because they need to be excised from our politics.

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You’re overlooking the fact that many of our “fellow Americans” strongly support the democrats.

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What’s this?

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TWANLOC stands for Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen

Apparently, Richard creates obscure acronyms as a side venture

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You’re spot on: it was just like love-bombing. I had this nagging, kind of eerie feeling throughout the DNC. My better judgment tells that so many things are off, but it’s very easy to just be suspended in the moment and not recognize it fully.

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Amazing how many nations slept walked into catastrophe even when all the signs of doom were obvious. Graveyards are literally full of corpses that made the mistake of choosing denial over reality. Hang in there, Esaite.

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Thank you. And yes, that is very true. It’s a tale as old as time.

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Check out the 25 min point forward in this 30 min video of Glenn Greenwald showing a video clip of Gavin Newsom and other democrats talking about “the switch” and they all laugh about how easy it was to dump Joe and switch in Kamala. Newsom then talks about how amazing it is how everybody is so “unified.” He impressed by how easy it’s been to pull this off. Glenn says occasionally our ruling class gets so smugly confident in their ability to manipulate people that the mask slips and they talk about how easy it is and this is one of the those times. How awful that so many of our “fellow Americans” are so easily fooled. Glenn is appalled by this. We all are. This is really damning. I hope Trump uses this in a campaign ad. Sasha should use this in all future articles up to the election.

“RFK Jr Quits, Endorses Trump, and Condemns DNC As Anti-Democratic.” (30 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Aug 24, 2024


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H.L. Mencken saw this coming about a century ago.

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Thanks very much for this, including the highly articulate and thoughtful Tucker Calrson, nataliebeisner2 and Vivek Ramaswamy videos.

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Love bombing in action - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftt4f2H3GDs Kamala isnt' a blank slate, she has a pretty sordid history even before she came to DC, when she was AG and prosecutor - check this, from a Left point of view: "The sharper kids in Black Lives Matter actually put it best during that woman’s last presidential run in 2020. Kamala is a cop. She may have spent one term in the Senate as a squishy feel-good progressive and one primary kissing up to a country still reeling from the George Floyd Uprisings, but Officer Harris spent thirty years as a loyal power broker for the prison industrial complex and that record speaks for itself." https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/finally-some-very-nsfw-truthtelling

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Tulsi pointed that out and destroyed her candidacy in about 30 seconds. She was the leading candidate in 2020 before that.

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Isn't she helping Trump with debate preparation now?

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No need to go that far back in history. She's no blank slate cause she is current VP so technically a co-incumbent. This is her administration so all of its successes and screwups are hers too. But since they want her to be a blank slate, screwups are obviously far bigger. Nevertheless, now that campaign revealed the blank slate strategy, the opposition can bang the VP record drum she's trying to distance herself from.

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"Her administration"? Please.

Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States of America wasn't allowed to sort the paper clips in the Oval Office.

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She was appointed border czar though and did nothing at all about the border as millions poured in. We will never recover from the damage done which democrats are quite determined to continue doing.

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Trump then Musk put themselves forward for causes they deem essential to this Country’s future. Now Robert Kennedy has joined their coalition.

You may disagree with their solutions, but you cannot disparage their courage in turning away from the dictates and safety of their own class and station in life and putting themselves into the bloody arena. Yes, their massive egos are involved, but no leaders in history have been sin free, shrinking violets.

Whether or not they succeed, and I believe they will, all three deserve a new chapter in JFK’s book, “Profiles in Courage”.

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Well said! I made the same point to family yesterday. Not as well articulated as you though.

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🤯I see where this is go-ing!


Kamala is Elizabeth Hurley, The pretty Devil and each Person is a Brendan Fraser. <DING>✅️

Yep, she's conning these idiots into signing a Contract (their VOTE) in exchange for their souls.

LOOK AT HER! She's up there FLAT OUT, obvioulsly, LYING to them, and gonna grant all those wishes, and they're buying that bs HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER!!

Oh yeah, it's BEDAZZLED.

The same script.

Thank you, Sasha, for another awesome piece, showing THE TRUTH. Just can't wait for your next one. Enjoy Telluride.

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I used to say - prior to the current democrat ticket - that people would vote for a corpse over Trump. Well we see how that went. Then I said they’d vote for a pile of shit over Trump. In Walz’d that pile! And vote they will!!! I could barely handle some of the RNC tbh but I watched. I was nauseated to watch the DNC but I watched. I felt empty watching the DNC. I was not a fan of either party or candidate. But Walz and his fake hillbilly aw shucks did me in. I remember BLM riots. I remember the state sponsored media, including NPR. I remember Harris choking on a simple Tulsi toss. All one has to do is remember. Can u imagine this Joy admin on the world stage? No emotion in my vote. I’m going with what was shown.

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I always said if the Devil himself was running against Trump people would vote for the Devil.

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Well, it looks like a whole lot of otherwise smart folks will bow to worse than the devil just to get rid of him.

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For me it is about who is worse. I am confident that the Democratic Party is worse for Christians, My children, straight people, white men, the poor and middle class, and children. I believe this because of Democratic Party positions or practices that push DEI racism and sexism, foment war in Ukraine and Gaza, increase inflation, increase abortion numbers, diminish opportunities for blacks by lowering standards for them in education (eg grade inflation, deplorable and overt expensive public schools).

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They're bad for 99%. Women and minorities don't have any power to speak about their real issues, only repeat the party line; and they're blocked and silenced in every possible way if they dare to go against the elites. Including those who are Democrats themselves. One rich Black woman doesn't represent all Black women. Even Kamala Harris can't fully speak her own mind, leave alone, listen to her constituents. I had those weird emails from her (until I blocked them) when she was still a Senator, not asking for constituents opinions but telling them to support such and such initiative. They forgot that they work for us!

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I’m next to Philly and went to HS there and lived there for years. The blacks there are cradle to grave complete dependents on the governments; Fed/State/City. Subsidized delivery at birth, pre-K to 12 full year day care called “schools”, 80%+ failure in grade level proficiency tests, average a murder a week and 3x that shot, 10x that felony incidents, if they work it is 90%+ for a government entity of some type, 70%+ born out of wedlock and no father allowed in the house for fear of loss of food stamps, etc.

Honestly, the Democrats were the party of slavery and they still are. For every one that makes it on their own merit, there are 99 that were either aborted, murdered, in prison, in a DEI job, or simply left behind. And it won’t change because their master is the urban Democratic Machine and it controls every aspect of their life from conception to death.

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U made it to the top of realclearpolitics site. Congrats. Remember you are not alone. Only feels like that sometimes. Speak truth. The right folks will hear and stay with u.

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That's where I saw the lede. Came to her Homepage from there.

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Do LEFTISTS understand that if Trump were as bad as they claim, they wouldn’t have to keep on spewing outrageous LIES about the man?

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I hate the gaslighting. She’s a lying viper, I saw that at the Cavanaugh hearings. I didn’t watch much of the RNC, either. I disagree with many of RFK, jr’s democrat leanings, but I don’t think he is ‘uniparty’. I want peace in the Middle East and a stable Constitutional Republic back home. I’m tired of all the propaganda on either side that denigrates God-fearing, traditional America. Don’t look inside yourself or to your ‘feelings’, but to our Father in heaven and to the cross. Cultural Christianity isn’t possible without a nation steeped in real faith. ❤️

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Fantastic post Sasha!

Wish I had a link to that liberal woman’s video about becoming a Trump supporter, I would forward it to all my brainwashed friends.

Whenever I am asked if I had the Covid vaccine I respond that I am waiting for the vaccine again racism since the CDC said racism is more dangerous than Covid to justify the BLM riots

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