Painters create images of things they wish were real, or know are NOT real, or they paint images of what was already created by the Creator or some human(s). They may express emotions, moods, and other human sentiments that may also be expressed in other forms of art.
But builders (i.e., Donald Trump) create something where nothing before existed. And good builders create something that is useful for untold numbers of human beings for decades if not centuries.
All true....but the illiterates on the Left, many with worthless LA PhDs from very expensive and exclusive schools like Harvard, Yale and Columbia, can not even spell fascist let alone understand its meaning. They only know it is a very good insult / smear they can use against their political opponents no matter how farcical. Some might call this projection. I will leave that to others to judge. But at the least it shows ignorance.
Trump is Hitler? "To even suggest we’re the same is the most absurd thing I ever heard. Do you think Donald Trump can paint? I can assure you he can’t. ”
Funniest thing I've heard in a while. Old SNL flash.
Sasha, loved it! You write incredible dialogue. You are the best.
Now please write the Steve Bannon pulls a Biosphere reorg on Hollywood! I don’t care If you use Save The Cat and GPT recorded in separate acts. The comedy would be off the charts!
I will note that while Trump doesn't paint, both W and Hunter Biden do.
Painters create images of things they wish were real, or know are NOT real, or they paint images of what was already created by the Creator or some human(s). They may express emotions, moods, and other human sentiments that may also be expressed in other forms of art.
But builders (i.e., Donald Trump) create something where nothing before existed. And good builders create something that is useful for untold numbers of human beings for decades if not centuries.
Notre Dame is a great example of the last
Saw it in person. Is magnificent. Went to Christmas mass there when deployed in Europe. Took the train to Paris.
Yes... Although what cokehead biden does is more like spewing...
it's sad but also hilarious that so many on the left think fascism is a right wing ideology.... fascism is leftism.
Loved this entry into theater of the (unintentionally) absurd. The left provides the fodder, Sasha works her magic to bring it into focus.
All true....but the illiterates on the Left, many with worthless LA PhDs from very expensive and exclusive schools like Harvard, Yale and Columbia, can not even spell fascist let alone understand its meaning. They only know it is a very good insult / smear they can use against their political opponents no matter how farcical. Some might call this projection. I will leave that to others to judge. But at the least it shows ignorance.
Trump is Hitler? "To even suggest we’re the same is the most absurd thing I ever heard. Do you think Donald Trump can paint? I can assure you he can’t. ”
Funniest thing I've heard in a while. Old SNL flash.
Such a welcomed humorous/hilarious reality break in my day! THANK YOU as always for your brilliant and poignant perspective.
Sasha, loved it! You write incredible dialogue. You are the best.
Now please write the Steve Bannon pulls a Biosphere reorg on Hollywood! I don’t care If you use Save The Cat and GPT recorded in separate acts. The comedy would be off the charts!
I’ll just leave this here:
The end of the evil twins of collectivism: communism and fascism.
Very well done :-). My favorite part was Stalin plotting his get ready with me TikToks. Inspired!
Sasha 3 Thumbs Up!
Funny. Deadly funny. After death funny. And BTW, Trump’s no fascist.
But , you’re right. This Kafkaesque little mind blower would make a better movie than what’s being offered nowadays.
Hilarious. Totally nailed the faux outrage on the left that even they don't mean because they don't understand history.
Enjoyable and funny.
Nice version, but I do like Gloria’s version better.
Thanks Sasha!
Sasha that was very pointed and clever, I love following you