I love how free Tucker is. The bit about learning new things in your 50’s that you took for truth in past (but were false) resonates with me on a deep level. I also personally felt so unified with the melting pot of America since this election was called, and I can’t get over how good and right this lands on my soul. There is something truly beautiful and noteworthy that Trump carried the devout Muslim, Orthodox Jew and Amish communities, majority vote. Not to mention all us whites, blacks and latinos (both men and women). And the massive youth vote for Trump! My oh my! You’re godddamn right the young are tired of renting, not being able to afford homes or starting a family. So much hope to make America great for the next generations. Here is an essay by David Samuels that may be the best thing I’ve read in a decade. We are now once again ‘riding that cowboy spirit’. Giddy up!


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Loved that article - Thank you.

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I find it very puzzling, inconsistent, and even contradictory that Sasha is a strong advocate of Tucker Carlson, yet the ladies at The Free Press seem threatened by him.

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Yeah I find that curious too but The Free Press is more in keeping with the Never Trumpers. In fact, I used to call Bari Weiss out on this a lot - why didn't she have a single voice from the Trump side? Because she was and probably still is Never Trump. She did loosen up on that over time -- after Oct 7 - but I think for her, and them, that's the line. Also Tucker has said some bad things about her in the past. So I imagine that makes her less likely to warm to him. I think he's brilliant and even if I don't agree with him on things, which I don't a lot of time, I admire anyone who has that level of smarts.

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Bari and The Free Press are Neocons, and Tucker and Sasha are not Neocons. That’s the essential difference.

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I subscribed to The Free Press for a while, but left when they censored a very anodyne comment of mine. I still find they are more curious than the legacy press, but I would call them establishment adjacent. A Nikki Haley type of place. I'd be interested to hear an analysis of TFP vs Tucker.

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They’re neocons who never saw a war that they didn’t want to send someone else’s children to.

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Nov 12Edited

At least the Free Press Substack has both viewpoints' articles on a daily basis try to find that in most sites.

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While Sasha captures video clips of her choosing to support a position, her Substack features largely one contributor....herself.

There's a completely different format at TFP, partner.

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She is also very pro-libertarian and conservative and only promotes that one view.

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RCP does that.

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It has more of a conservative slant than FTP but you are right that is why I said most sites.

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I find the "Free" Press comment section entertaining. Usually ignore the non-paywalled articles unless I want to know how the Democrat Lights think.

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You really think Sasha or most women just follow what The Free Press dictates?

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Differing ideologies he cannot stand liberals, and they cannot stand him its why he has no liberals on his show.

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They don't come on his show because they know they'd be ripped to shreds by words alone.

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He even outright said he despises their existence unlike Joe Rogan why be on a show where the host literally hates you even existing.

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Thank You - As Always - Sasha!!🙏🤓💜

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Thanks Sahsa for sharing Tucker

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My only issue with Tucker is the guy keeps disparaging Doodles. As a life long dog owner and having owned two springer spaniels, and being a life long allergy sufferer our Labradoodle was a godsend. I know all the pure bloods, non-gmo, dog breeder purists have issues but this is a hill I will die on. 🥵. I swear our Labradoodle was smarter than many people I encounter.

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Thanks 😊

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I especially appreciate the Table of Contents for lack of a better term.

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Nov 12Edited

I am a bit concerned that the ‘unity’ that is being promoted appears to be a type of universalism. There is no room for Jesus in universalism, because the claims of Christ are exclusive. He said, “I AM the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except by Me. “ (emphasis mine)

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Great discussion. I never tire if listening to Tucker & his guests. Always learn something.

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Question for Sasha. What happens if the overseas fiber optic cables are sabatoged by either China,Russia or another nation?

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Donald Jeffries - Trump Appointments Begin To Roll In

Rense Radio Show - 2024.11.11


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Tucker has arrived as a philosopher, based on facts and realistic observations.

The host is greatly in error however about incarceration rates. The PRC has a much higher number AND rate of incarceration. Mostly from ideological incarceration. Other authoritarian regimes probably have higher rates as well.

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I think Podcasters also have whole have changed media. People are tired of getting the news from biased media outlets. Great job, Sasha.

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