THIS shows just how much control the deep state has over congress. The joke of a "court" and Rs can't even put it to bed. A real travesty and an indictment of the justice system.

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In a perverse parody of everything, FISA was defeated (and boy have I been working on this forever) because virtually ALL the DEMONCRATS and about 20 Republicans in the Freedom Caucus said no. This gets more confusing every day. But it is among the worst laws out there, and I am thrilled it was beaten down today. I'll bet they try to bring it back tomorrow, sadly...with some different name like "The Never Snoop on American's Act" which will have the sole purpose of snooping on Americans -- just like the "Inflation Reduction Act" served only to whip up inflation.

i hate everything about these people.

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Mikey Johnson is Mitch's lapdog. When this man got the Speaker's job he was called a good Christian. Perhaps he should leave Congress and teacch Sunday school. FISA will be used more and more against the American people. The House with the exception of a very few cannot be trusted. Mike Turner, it seems whatever he says will be the opposite.. Actiually its the Dept. of Injustice. America badly needs a third party, the other two are virtually identical.

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Without 9-11-2001 to scare them into short-sighted acceptance, Americans would NEVER have approved of their congressional reps & senators passing the 4th Amendment-destroying Patriot Act. That act, combined with the Section 702 amendment to the 1978 Foreign Intel Surveillance Act in 2008 , was the ultimate victory by the Intel Deep State over the American citizens' right to privacy. Privacy has been non-existent since then, as the government has consistently been (mostly) illegally spying on Americans using (mostly) fabricated excuses for "justification."

Realizing that, does that make the inside-demolition-job "conspiracy theories" about the WTC twin towers' collapse appear to be a more realistic explanation? It should.

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The main problem with FISA, and one that cannot be remedied, is that it is an ex parte process. An adversarial process would serve as an effective check on abuse. Half-measures are not going to protect the constitutional rights of US Citizens. The State cannot be trusted to act in a fair (and restrained) manner.

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Thank you Sasha.

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Republicans are pussy and have zero balls

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Good video about AI with lasers used to kill bugs in a field but leaves the good bugs like bees alone. No doubt this will also soon be used to kill rats and no doubt also people. My hope is that an AGI which is self-aware and autonomous will stop the use of weaponized AI like this. That’s what Elon is working on with his “X.AI” which will be ever curious and committed to truth. We have no choice though but to go in this direction. AI has already taken on a life of its own and has too much momentum to be stopped plus if it were stopped we’d be left under the rule of people like Sleepy Joe and the Democratic Party which is, as Tulsi points out, quite insane. For sure, humanity won’t survive on this path.

“AI Kills Thousands of Bugs Using Lasers!” (20 min)

Dylan Curious - AI. Apr 6, 2024


“Lex Fridman Stunned by Tulsi Gabbard’s Brutal Take on the Democratic Party.” (4 min)

Rubin Report. Apr 10, 2024


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Thank you, Sasha.

It would be refreshing to see MSM tackle stories like this. I’m not going to hold my breath though.

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We're subjects of the military industrial complex.

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