I really like this guy, but I think he needs to dig deeper in regard to his support of RFK Jr. RFK Jr.’ only redeeming qualification is his stance on vaccines and history dig into Fauci and Gates. Everything else he believes is socialism.

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Just to be precise it's Rodgers, not Rogers, and psychedelics, not psychodelics.

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Thanks, fixed.

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Hey, there is no d in Rogers... :-D(my last name).

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May 14·edited May 15

Those enamored of Tucker Carlson may wish to look at the following story from the British newspaper The Independent.

As part of Carlson's continued intellectual descent, apparently he now believes that Alex Jones - the man who lost a $1.5 billion dollar judgment to the Sandy Hook families for repeatedly stating on air that the 2012 Connecticut school massacre was a hoax - is a supernatural prophet:


Carlson's latest ramblings remind me of the scene in the classic movie "Annie Hall" when Alvy (played by Woodie Allen) speaks to Annie Hall's brother Dwayne (played by Christoper Walken). When Dwayne goes off the mental rails, Alvy politely exits saying "I have to go now because I'm due back on the planet Earth." I feel the same way.

See the following clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGPcSd7DDLk

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I can't see The Independent because it's paywalled. If you're talking about what he said about Jones when he was on with Joe Rogan, unless something has been manipulated, Alex Jones had a premonition that some terrorist organization - I don't remember that he cited Al Qaeda, and don't think he did - would crash commercial passenger jets into the Twin Towers a couple of years before 9/11.

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May 15·edited May 15


Sorry that you have difficulty accessing the referenced article. Yes, the article concerns Tucker Carlson's appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast. Below is the key excerpt from the podcast as reported in The Independent:

“[Alex Jones]’s channeling something,” Carlson said. “I’ve asked him about it. ‘How did you do that?’ At length, during dinner on my barn recently. We’re talking about this. ‘How’d you do that?’ ‘I don't know. It just came to me.’ And that’s real. That is real. The supernatural is real and I don’t know why it’s hard for the modern mind — I guess because it’s a materialist mind — to accept that.”

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Yes, I thought so. That is strange, isn't it? I don't know what to make of it, though I doubt strongly he has a Biblical gift of prophesy. The standard there is 100% fidelity between someone's prophecy and what eventually happens.

Fifty years ago, I read that neuroscientists ( such as there were any in the mid - 1970s ) had begun to speculate that the brain may in part have been designed - and yes, they used the word, "designed'' - to be, among other things, a filter. The idea was that humans were intended to be limited in what they could know, and that this filtering quality was a big part of that.

I guess the idea is that in a case like Jones', and this is something that happens to most of us once or twice in a lifetime, the filter weakens temporarily, and the person suddenly is aware of something which hasn't happened yet. I've had one precognitive dream I know of, and when I was a boy, I "called" a shocking public event which people knew was a possibility, but which no one thought would really happen.

I'm not by any means a Jonesian, but my conclusion is that he's had that "filtering" aspect go awry, and because the man seems never, as the joke goes, to have had an unexpressed thought, the rest of us will hear about it.

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Thank you for your further reply. However this is where I get off. It is my stop. It is the planet Earth.

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Lol. Yes, it is rather exotic, isn't it? But if you doubt the reality of psychic phenomena, Google the following:

Morgan Robertson Titanic

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Sorry, but this is a much much longer conversation for another time.

Suffice it to say that over many years I personally have had an interest in psychic phenomena but I have yet to see any hard repeatable evidence generated under controlled conditions that there actually is such a thing.

Still, thank you for the conversation. Best wishes.

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Tucker interviewed Alex Jones on X several months ago and they discussed the 9-11 prediction in that interview. I found this 90 minute interview between the two and I think this is the same one where the subject comes up. Prior to this I had never heard anything about it, I always felt Jones was way off the deep end but have a bit different opinion of him after hearing this conversation.


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May 15·edited May 15

Given the $1.5B Sandy Hook Elementary School defamation judgment, I find it hard to believe that anyone can still give any credence to Alex Jones. How can anyone bestow prophetic laurels on someone found guilty of such brazen lies?

On second thought, there are Tucker Carlson's own damning emails revealed in the Dominion Systems lawsuit. In those messages he showed complete disregard for the falsity of his election fraud charges but great concern about News Corp (i.e., Fox) stock price.

So are Carlson and Jones just two peas in the same pod, both focusing on trying to capture an audience, not on telling the truth?

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So who was the first Big Name on Fox to note that Sidney Powell could not back up here fraud charges?

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May 15·edited May 15

If you intend me to say Tucker Carlson, the problem is that not only did he not say that on air to his millions of viewers but as revealed in the Dominio Systems lawsuit in his emails he attacked those of his Fox News colleagues who did try to say that Donald Trump’s election fraud claims were unsubstantiated.

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He did. I was watching it live at the time.

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May 15·edited May 15


You may want to look at the following NY Times story from February 16, 2023: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/business/media/fox-dominion-lawsuit.html .

As part of the Dominion Systems lawsuit Fox News was forced to reveal many internal electronic communications concerning the 2020 election fraud allegations. Those messages are now public.. They are part of the court record. You can check them yourself.

Please note that the NY Times article reports that yes, Tucker Carlson did question Sidney Powell's credibility. However it does not say that he did so publicly on air. In fact, had he done that the disclosures in the article would be old news. So while perhaps your memory on this point is correct, I am skeptical.

In any event, of particular note in the just referenced Fox News internal messages is one in which Tucker Carlson urged his colleagues not to tell viewers that Trump's election fraud allegations were baseless lest it affect Fox News market viewership and hence negatively impact the stock price.

From the NY Times story:

"On Nov. 12, in a text chain with Ms. Ingraham and Mr. Hannity, Mr. Carlson pointed to a tweet in which a Fox reporter, Jacqui Heinrich, fact-checked a tweet from Mr. Trump referring to Fox broadcasts and said there was no evidence of voter fraud from Dominion.

'Please get her fired,' Mr. Carlson said. He added: 'It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.'”

Here you have Tucker Carlson in his own words saying that a Fox News reporter should be fired because she found Donald Trump's election fraud allegations against Dominion Systems to be baseless.

So please, please spin that one to me in a way that reflects positively on Tucker Carlson.

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I give credence to Jones for the first time in my life precisely because they fined him $1,500,000,000 for a false claim. Kind of like throwing a veteran in jail without due process who was simply standing outside the Capitol taking pictures of his house.

The idea is to remove the threat. To send a message. Alex Jones did NOTHING to warrant that obscene fine.

Since I now give Jones credence and review his history as part goofball I find that he is simply reviewing think-tank papers written by government employees and their financial backers - and the events more often than not came true. Review "Event 201" by the World Economic Forum.

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May 15·edited May 15

“Alex Jones did NOTHING to warrant that obscene fine.”

Learn a little something about American law. The $1.5B judgment was not a fine. It was a compensatory and punitive court judgment against Alex Jones for the pain and suffering which he caused the Sandy Hook parents by falsely repeatedly saying that the horrible massacre of their children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School had not happened and that these grieving parents were really paid actors.

It was not enough that these people had lost their beloved children to an insane gunman but that they then were defamed over and over again to millions of Alex Jones’s audience. The judgment resulted from Jones showing a complete disregard for the truth. His audience then sent threatening messages and letters to those grieving parents, all the result of Alex Jones’s broadcasts.

And you give a man like that credence?

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I give him far more credence than the judge who awarded the fine/settlement/semantics. There is no precedent I can find that defies his 8th Amendment rights.

What he did was wrong, but Adam Lanza killed their kids, not Jones. Why isn't his family being fined $1.5 BILLION?! Because they do not have the money.

Jones is 'over the target' on much of what he exposes which is why they want him silenced. You should be much more afraid of the government and our lack of justice system than Alex Jones.

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Who are the “they” who want Alex Jones silenced? You are slipping into a paranoid conspiracy theory.

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I haven’t listened yet. Does he mention Demar Hamlin? I firmly believe his heart attack was due to the vaccine…

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very interesting conversation. Well worth your time.

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gonna listen. wonder if a-a ron is still a obama boi?

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Need to take exception to Tucker’s inference that when Jesus cried out from the cross, “My God, my God why hath thou forsaken me,” that He was doubting God.

He was not.

He was beginning to recite Psalm 22, which was a prophecy of how the Messiah would be rejected and persecuted, His very death by the “piercing of His hands and feet”, and of His triumphant victory over evil, which would come to be recognized by even future generations of those not yet born.

He perished before He could recite the whole psalm.


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Another fantastic interview. Rodgers seems very based, he speaks from his soul. I've always liked him, so this is par for the course. He can support RFK Jr or whomever he wants, who cares?

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Thank you Sasha for sharing Tucker's Twitter as I will not subscribe to Twitter/X.

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May 15·edited May 15

Since I see no reason to be interested in what Aaron Rogers has to say, I will instead comment on a current story: the recent swing state polls.

In 2020, Wisconsin was the swing state that was, in the last RCP average, most off toward the Demos: 6 points. It seems that Wisconsinites are very "shy", which is to say "paranoid", about supporting Trump. If the situation this time around is more or less the same, which it probably is, then Trump is leading in Wisconsin by about 4, not losing by 2. And Trump is leading in all six states, not just five.

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Tucker: "When was the last time a leader tried to calm folks down?" (paraphrased)

Trump did that the entire first quarter of 2020 until he was overwhelmed by his own team and their vast bureaucracy.

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Thank you very much! You are a great American sharing these and an excellent writer.

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