Go away Boogie!

It's clear you feel threatened by Dr Carson's integrity. He truly helped people as a neurosurgeon and as HUD Director. What have YOU done in your life?

Thank you, Tucker for the lengthy interview.

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Boogie’s account is a troll account created specifically to harass this way. Ignore and move on. That’s what I did. 😊

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Fabulous interview. Everyone should watch it. He explains his views so concisely and calmly. What a wonderful man.

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Fuck off, he is not your plantation n*gger that you want.

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Dr. Carson has always impressed me as being so calm (which I guess would be a wonderful trait to have if one was doing delicate brain surgery on a tiny baby). I'm sure that his solid Christian faith helps in that regard.

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What if it turned out he was a devil worshipper?

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Get spiritual/psychiatric/psychological help dude. Life's too short.

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Thank you so much for these posts🥰

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I didn't have "Ben Carson will become Yoda" on my 2024 Bingo Card, but here we are.

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Such a well-spoken man with a genuine heart and soul. Dr Carson is needed on Trump’s next cabinet.

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Supreme commander of space force.

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Ben is too smart and too nice for politics

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Ben transcends politics. Sorry I know you hate to be contradicted.

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Ben is a nice guy

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Uncle Ben's Nice

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Boogie: get sober. Only then will we be able to have a rational conversation. Until then, please stop wasting everyone's time.

Sasha: his misbehaviors give away the secret. There is no dealing with him until and if he gets sober. If it were my Substack, I'd block him.

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Ben Carson, a leader my kids follow; a leader being lead-by-example. Wonderful man.

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Great interview with a great American!

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I shared this in my stack yesterday too. I was moved by Ben Carson. I had no idea how big of a heart he has. I hope everyone sees the beauty in this man. Great interview. Blessings. Marin

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I love Ben's voice. It lull's me into a deep afternoon nap like no tomorrow.

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Jul 25Edited
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Dr, Carson did not get to be a top pediatric neurosurgeon by sitting back and listening for messages from God. He did plenty of work in preparation, although I'm sure that he also prayed to God for wisdom. I'm sure that this pattern has extended into other areas of his life.

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He was a dei hire, dumbo!

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Odin will smite his detractors with thunder bolts.

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I believe you, but am astonished. He was a pediatric neurosurgeon. I hope he didn't approach that with the same attitude.

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Of course he didn’t, but his lifelong faith has played a huge role in his life. I think often that non believers or agnostics don’t understand when someone declares how their faith & prayer inform their life how it can be. They seem often to discount it & view that person as kind of kooky. On a road trip today & listened to the discussion. Dr. Carson is informed & gets what’s happening to our country as much if not more than anyone.

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I'm a Christian, and admire him very much, but did find such an answer disturbing.

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You don't know what goes on in anybodies' head. You have not faith. STFU!

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