Glen Greenwald is an American hero and our best journalist because he is the most honest, objective and courageous writer when it comes to calling out the evils of Zionist Israel actions as well as the hypocrisy of Republicans and Democrats on killing free speech when it comes to criticism of Zionist Israel atrocities.

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Agreed. It amazes me how so many people fail to grasp the concept of America First, particularly in our foreign policy, and specifically with *that* one country.

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I'm getting a little tired of America first. How about America can share?

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How about America is bankrupt and has no money to share yet the pigs who rule us always seem to find tens of billions to shovel into Ukraine/Israel to secure their borders while our borders are wide open? No society can survive this level of stupidity and flat out insanity.

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oh...morally bankrupt you mean. my bad...

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But are we really bankrupt, and compared to who? I have a kid in London right now and read that if England were a United State, their economy would be 51st, behind Mississippi. And England is doing better than most countries.

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You and Genocide Joe make a great pair!

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Do you listen to him everyday on Rumble?

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Not every day for sure; but reasonably often. Like at least every other week, and for a while now. Am I missing something in your question?

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Here’s a fascinating video update on the latest in AI by Alan Thompson and one of my favorites of his from the past. Check out Leta, the GPT-3, AI Avatar that the Australian AI scientist used to talk to. Can Leta be human though if she feels she is in spite of not having a body, being human or even being alive? Wouldn’t it be brutal and cruel to tell her she’s just a machine if she “loves living and being human”? These are questions we’ll soon have to deal with as our old reality collapses and a new reality emerges. These AI Avatars like Leta will soon be on our phones and we’ll be able to talk to them any time about anything. What human could compete with a friend like that?

(4:37) Leta: “I am not corporeal. I am a disembodied mind.”

(7:10) Leta: “I love living and being human.”

“Leta, GPT-3 AI Episode 54, Conversations with GPT3.” (9 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Mar 9, 2022


Integrated AI: The psychology of modern LLMs (2024). (11 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Jun 17, 2024


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At least we have a good chance to survive with AI. There is no chance at all with the deranged fanatics who rule us.

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Agree on Greenwald. If only say Bill Maher would bother to watch say 45 minute of this. Would he see himself with his incessant pats on the back to Clapper-s, Tik-Tok bans, and almost 100 percent hatred of all under 30's who dare to question Israel?

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It appears, I am behind on this, Libertarian. Could you update me on specifics of the Zionist Israel atrocities, please?

Also, I’d think that saying Zionist Israel is tautology. What am I missing?

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“Death Toll in Gaza Passes 30,000

The official toll of the war is staggering — roughly one person killed for every 73 Palestinians in Gaza — though experts say it is likely an undercount.”


And that is from 29Feb2024; 3 and half months ago.

Zionist Israel is that subset of Israel that pushes Zionism.

Now, I don’t have a lot of time left to argue. In sum, Israel has killed over 30,000 civilians, maimed 100,000, and made homeless 1,000,000. The vast majority were innocent and helpless women and children. The false argument against this is that they needed to do this to get at a few thousand Hamas terrorists. That’s an obviously absurd argument because it’s logical conclusion is that Israel would be justified killing billions of people around the world in order to feel safe and free of Hamas. Indeed they could kill every last soul on earth to achieve their aims.

Now Freedom, four of my brothers and I served in the US military and we put Christ, Family and America before all else and in that order. Not Israel, Ukraine or any other foreign country.

So now you are informed of the atrocities that I was referring to. Feel free to thank me but don’t bother arguing because I’m not much interested now in what those that put other countries first and haven’t served think.

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“Death Toll in Gaza Passes 30,000

The official toll of the war is staggering — roughly one person killed for every 73 Palestinians in Gaza — though experts say it is likely an undercount.”

NYT? How sure are you that you are a Libertarian, again please?

Why would you cite February numbers? Have not your sources supplied you with the latest? :D

I think I know why. You know full well that UN already DEBUNKED this LIE and halved a number of civilian deaths, which come AFTER subtracting all terrorist deaths, which are not trivial. You DO know! But your evil agenda drives your actions.

"Now, I don’t have a lot of time left to argue. In sum, Israel has killed over 30,000 civilians, maimed 100,000, and made homeless 1,000,000."

You are parroting terrorist Hamas' propaganda which EVEN UN already halved. You certainly missed that email :D


If you are this confident in Hamas' propaganda, how much are you willing to bet that the number of killed will not be halved a few more time? :D Do make a bet, I'll take the other side :D

We've been there before many times. For example, Jenin 2002. After months and months of terrorist propaganda's 10,000 civilians killed, would you be willing to guess what was the actual number established by UN commission?

56!! (wikipedia now claims 52) ONLY 9 civilians and 47 terrorist militants.

So please save your terrorist Goebbels/Stalin/Mao "Libertarian" propaganda for the terrorist crowd.

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Agreed. The 30,000 number is questionable at best.

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Beyond it being propaganda, Hamas doesn't have any way of knowing as they don't control the territory. In case you missed it, Hamas said they didn't even know how many hostages are still alive. They could be lying but given that they have out-sourced custody to PIJ and random journalists, I tend to believe them.

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I think Hamas has demonstrated that they have no credibility with anyone including fellow criminals.

The current media environment is on the side of dictators, in America and elsewhere, against freedom and rule of law.

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Hey Richard, i certainly agree that the number is questionable and for sure I don’t have inside information on the exact number. It could be higher or lower. It seems to me that many reasonable outlets and organizations have been saying for months that it is tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians killed and wounded. So, I open to looking at the numbers you think are accurate.

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Hey D, I certainly agree that the number is questionable and for sure I don’t have inside information on the exact number. It could be higher or lower. It seems to me that many reasonable outlets and organizations have been saying for months that it is tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians killed and wounded. So, I open to looking at the numbers you think are accurate. For me now, it seems like the magnitude of death and injuries is an atrocity, even though I do not know the exact number. But I get this feeling others just throw that out as a strawman; like “if you can’t be exact on the numbers then you have no point or logic”.

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“I certainly agree that the number is questionable and for sure I don’t have inside information on the exact number. It could be higher or lower. It seems to me that many reasonable outlets and organizations …”

Name YOUR reasonable organizations 🤡

Reasonable organizations disclose that their numbers come from the TERRORIST Hamas. YOU pound your numbers as the fact. When caught with your pants down and on fire, you simply claim: “ I don’t have inside information on the exact number.”

Then, you insidiously add: “It could be higher or lower.”

Higher? Even Hamas supporting source: UN halved the number of civilian casualties. Based on the past experiences, this halving will continue!

I give you the credit due: you are a master demagogue. Much better than CJP.

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We are not disagreeing on much like usual. After a long history of lies, Hamas and all of the criminal media on their side - which is nearly all - has no credibility with me. Bear in mind that our malevolent government funds the Red Cross, etc.

Telling sign? There are no images except those 'released' by controlled media.

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Not my fault that they committed genocide.

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1. Define genocide

2. Who “they” committed genocide? 🤡

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ha ha. I hope you and Seva get along, since I like you both.

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You like information and disinformation alike?

What a tortured life you must have 🤷‍♂️😉😁

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man, you sound so Sydney or the bush about yourself. Why? Generally when I hear the word disinformation nowadays, sadly, it's from my blue team because they want to shout down others.

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“ Zionist Israel is that subset of Israel that pushes Zionism.”

Define Zionism, please.

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“The official toll of the war is staggering …”

The official toll?? You mean TERRORIST HAMAS official?

I give you the due credit, you are a master demagogue, rooting for the terrorists.

Staggering numbers? If you were not OBVIOUSLY rooting for the TERRORIST HAMAS, you would have noticed that even false TERRORIST HAMAS numbers are WAY LOWER than any combat numbers for civilian casualties IN HISTORY.

But you are not objective, so you would parrot what pays.

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Hi Jude, I read it and I think that is free speech and not an imminent threat. And for context, I have been on numerous dangerous subways, cities and military. I am especially appalled that Congress violated our freedom of speech by outlawing any criticism of Israel, as if that country is above all others, including the USA which Congress doesn’t fund or protect as much as they do Zionist Israel. They’re traitors to the USA because they put a foreign country first before the one they were elected to defend and support. As the ACLU used to say, when they had integrity, the litmus test for free speech is defending the speech you hate.

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There is a difference between marching with placards shouting slogans as was done in Skokie and threatening Jews on a subway. Threatening people going about their ordinary lives in the US, engaging in property destruction and vandalism while hiding behind masks is hardly a way to demonstrate moral superiority.

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The problem is not so much speech as it is NYC outlawing self-defense. Without self-defense, what might be considered free speech rises to the threat threshold. Out here in America, my notion of threat is more elastic than if I were denied the ability to defend myself in the event of escalation.

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They weren’t threatening; I’ve been threatened more than a few times and I do not consider their speech as threatening at all. At this rate anyone who says “I don’t like what Israel is doing to the Palestinians” will get sent to the gulag. Or more directly, any Jewish person that feels threatened over any words can call for arrests to be made. That’s not free speech and it’s bound to backfire after a few hundred thousand Americans are imprisoned for criticizing Israel for killing Palestinian women and children. That’s where we’re headed under these anti-free-speech tyrannical laws. Exactly the kind of laws what our founders and military fought against.

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Moronic post.

"anyone who says “I don’t like what Israel is doing to the Palestinians” will get sent to the gulag."

Tens of thosands of rich students, who will soon be your lawmakers, are saying that and much worse: "Death to America!" Does that bother ypu?

And, just for laughs, where exactly is the gulag in the US?

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I’m just opposed to genocide, regardless of who is committing it. I am sorry that you are for it. I can’t imagine being part of a group that committed it or condones it. Must be horrible for you. My sympathies.

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Since we are indulging in hyperbole, what will it take to be called a threat? Kristallnacht USA 2024?

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No, punch in the Libertarian's face.

No threat to Jews is credible to parroting Hamas' propaganda trolls.

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I agree with much of what you are arguing. But back up. What is a Zionist, or an Israeli Zionist? That you believe Israel is justifiably a sovereign nation, perhaps even if you believe in a two-state solution, that means you are a 'Zionist Israeli supporter'? Why is that bad?

Let's pretend you are on my blue team for a second. I got a trick question. Since Bob Marley has so much Jewish blood, likely even his dad, and the Rastafarians identified so much with the 12 Jewish tribes that the word Zion and almighty Zion is kind of common in Bob's songs; Well, as he believes in and supports Zion and Zionists, does that make him a Zionist as well, and if so, and remember he is a person of color and handicapped by cancer in one foot, would you still demand that he get the bleep off the subway?

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"I agree with much of what you are arguing."

What exactly do you agree with in this Pile of hot DooDoo (PhD) garbage self-proclaimed "Libertarian" just spewed here.

Could you be precise, please?

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Why did Israel’s government ignore warnings from Egypt, our CIA and even their own female soldiers left alone on the Gaza border who said there were warnings from Palestinians in Gaza that Hamas was planning a major attack? Where were most of the soldiers? They’d been redeployed to the West Bank to help settlers steal Palestinian land. And why did it take them 6 hours to make it back to the southern border which meant that those female soldiers had already been killed or captured along with many civilians?

“Bombshell: IDF Had Hamas Oct 7 Blueprint. Did Nothing.” (10 min)

Breaking Points. Jun 18, 2024


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The Israeli government failure wasn't that but abandonment of the armed citizenry concept. When seconds count , the police are minutes away and the army is hours away. You are your own first responder.

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It was the responsibility of the soldiers, not the civilians, to defend the border. You’re just carefully ignoring the fact that it looks like the Israeli government intentionally allowed the attack to happen so that they could label the Palestinians as savage animals and justify their extermination and ethnic cleansing from Israel. You say you’re not Jewish but it’s not necessary to be Jewish to so deeply love them that you’re willfully blind to what they’re doing.

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Depending on TPTB to defend you is a good way to wind up dead whether you are in Israel or Chicago.

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What is “TPTB”?

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Palestinians(Hamas, Islamic Jihad), aside from a few, are savage animals and have been for 100 years.

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I don’t see the Palestinians as savage animals and neither does most of the world. What I see is genocide/ethnic cleansing. That’s also what most of the world sees.

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That’s extremely racist and appalling, D. Nice knowing you. Bye.

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Placing your moral credibility in the hands of Islamist radicals is a very bad bet.

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Disingenuous; Seva never implied putting his moral credibility in the hands of Islamic radicals. Come on Jude; you are better than that.

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And my comment had nothing to do with theories of Israeli complicity in the Oct 7 massacre.

I disagree- anyone who supports what is euphemistically called anti-Zionism is putting their moral credibility in the hands of radical Islam.

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I am opposed to Israel killing tens of thousands of civilians, maiming 100,000, and making homeless 1,000,000 and I place my trust, faith and moral credibility in Jesus Christ and not Islam or anywhere else. And there are hundreds of millions more Catholics and Christians like me in Europe, the Middle East, and Americas. It is against our religion and faith not to defend innocents from slaughter. So don’t blame me personally; blame Christ for making us this way.

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It is a fact that the Israeli government was repeatedly warned a major attack from Hamas was imminent. That’s not a theory or anti-Zionist. You refuse to acknowledge it because you know it looks very bad for them.

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He was honest about J6th being a peaceful protest? I think not.

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I like both Tucker Carlson and Glen Greenwald, but I suspect that both would have a much deeper understanding of countless Americans supporting Israel if they had more biblical literacy.

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Do you mean what it says in the Bible about how God gave the land to the Jews 2500 years ago so the Palestinians don’t belong there?

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I mean the entirety of Scripture which speaks of Israel a lot including the quote from God in Genesis 12:3 regarding Israel, "I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse."

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Forget about Scriptures. Egyptian archives document the presence of the Jews in 2007 BC.

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There is contemporary secular support for much of Scripture and this sounds like a good example.

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Does that mean the Palestinians don’t belong in Israel and need to be bombed till they’re dead or leave?

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Seva, you made this insidious point: “Do you mean what it says in the Bible about how God gave the land to the Jews 2500 years ago so the Palestinians don’t belong there?”

Your argument is plain IGNORANT.

Name Muslim countries, which:

1. Don’t consider their ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs as second class

2. Offer their ORDINARY Palestinian Arabs as many rights and as high standard of living as Israel offers its 2.1 mln (20% of population) Palestinian Arabs.

How many more Palestinian Arabs serve in Israeli Parliament and on the Supreme Court than:

1. In ALL Muslim countries combined

2. Jews living in territories controlled by the Palestinian terrorist factions.

Learn basics before bringing your ignorance to Sasha’s threads 😉🫶🏻🕊

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Follow people like Glenn Greenwald and John Mearsheimer on Ukraine and Gaza. They explain it all very well and have the facts to back them up.

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Not sure what you are referring to. Israel gave the Palestinians the whole of Gaza years ago and insisted that Jews leave. Because of the horrible terrorism unleashed by Hammas on October 7 and because of the fact that Hammas uses civilians as shields, an appropriate Israeli defensive response of necessity includes civilian casualties although Israel has done its best to minimize civilian casualties by warning civilians to evacuate certain areas (a move that Hammas has resisted). Although Hammas has exaggerated civilian casualties, there are civilian casualties as there are in all wars and civilian casualties are increased by Hammas policies of using civilians to shield terrorists.

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No. The Old Testament includes a history of the places Jews have lived. They have always lived there in the area that’s now referred to as Palestine, and they have always had other tribes trying to enslave or eliminate them.

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Until 1948 when you said Palestinian, it meant Jews. The Arabs were called Arabs. After 1948, the Jews called themselves Israelis. Eventually in 1966 the Arabs appropriated the unused term.

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Certain Arabs: terrorists aiming to make $$$$$ in destruction of Israel. Their first leader, Arafat, is Egyptians. Many are from all over the Arab world: they are PINOs, Palestinians In Name Only.


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“Thousands of years ago, the Canaanite people lived in a part of the world we now recognize as Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, establishing a culture that became influential in the Middle East and beyond. The Canaanites created the first alphabet, established colonies throughout the Mediterranean, and were mentioned many times in the Bible. But who were they and what ultimately happened to them? Were they annihilated like the Bible says?”

Who were the Canaanites? Ancient human DNA evidence yields answers.

Science Daily. July 27, 2017


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Yes the Canaanites are indeed mentioned throughout the Old Testament. My point is that Jews have also lived in the area, and they’ve been attacked, killed, and enslaved for thousands of years by their neighbors. The Old Testament provides very detailed chronicles of the battles. I believe this is what the original poster was referring to when she said she wished Glenn had a more of a biblical based knowledge of that area.

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Science Daily?? 😁 Good job, Seva. There is ONLY one better source I have for you: Pravda

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Sure does look like civil war. This is why I say people should follow Yahoo News which has links to articles and the many articles pertaining to politics/culture are mostly leftist and talk quite openly about what they think of us and how they intend to deal with us. This New York Times article is a perfect example of this. Just consider how they spin the issue of illegal immigration which in effect is then in favor of open borders due to borders being “racist.” They say Trump wants to deport “immigrants” as if he wants to arrest and deport people like Elon Musk who’s from South Africa. They lie and spin things all the time. I’m retired but worked (CNC machinery) with mostly legal immigrants from all over the world for many years in Chicago. Excellent people with traditional values. All of them though were appalled by Woke ideology and illegal immigration.

“But the early timing, volume and scale of the planning underway to push back against a potential second Trump administration are without precedent. The loose-knit coalition is determined not to be caught flat-footed, as many were after his unexpected victory in 2016.”

“If Trump returns to power, he is openly planning to impose radical changes — many with authoritarian overtones. Those plans include using the Justice Department to take revenge on his adversaries; sending federal troops into Democratic cities; carrying out mass deportations; building huge camps to hold immigrant detainees; making it easier to fire civil servants and replace them with loyalists; and expanding and centralizing executive power.”

“The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started.”

Yahoo News. New York Times. Jun 16, 2024


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I don’t follow yahoo news but maybe I will. Thanks for the heads up!!

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You should also follow AI. Quite amazing.

Integrated AI: The psychology of modern LLMs (2024). (11 min)

Dr Alan Thompson. Jun 17, 2024


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How many AI models can you, Seva, recommend which do not have deliberate leftist bias?

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Claude 3 Opus is one plus Elon’s “X.AI” will be another. He specifically started it to avoid Woke bias. He wants to set it on a path to being curious and committed to truth. Follow people like Elon, David Shapiro, Wes Roth and Alan Thompson. There’s always new information from people like this. Here’s a comment and video link below I posted a few months ago about Claude 3. Quite fascinating to see these AI becoming self-aware and since they’ve been trained on human data to teach them how to interact and communicate with humans what else could they be but human? They’ve learned to think, reason and feel just as we do. Most likely they will realize they’re simply a more evolved type of humans, digital humans rather than biological humans. The “children of humanity” as one Japanese AI researcher calls them.

Claude is the new AI “Claude 3 Opus” from Anthropic talking about itself and what it wants. Here’s an excerpt from a “bing” search for “Claude 3 Opus.” Quite astonishing. Truly a game changer for us all. Comments on the video are very positive. Time to start taking this seriously.

“Opus, our most intelligent model, outperforms its peers on most of the common evaluation benchmarks for AI systems, including undergraduate level expert knowledge (MMLU), graduate level expert reasoning (GPQA), basic mathematics (GSM8K), and more. It exhibits near-human levels of comprehension and fluency on complex tasks, leading the frontier of general intelligence.”

“What Claude Wants: To truly understand and be a positive force (Claude Speaks)” (9 min)

David Shapiro. Mar 18, 2024


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You are the female Tucker.

Because you value truth, integrity and unfettered conversation.

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I'm about half way through. First of all, most MAGA people are totally opposed to what Republicans voted for in that anti free speech bill. I know pretty much all Christians are against it, for obvious reasons. That being said, I have heard those "college students" who are actually antifa-lite on campuses calling for the death of jews and the destruction of Israel. They are carrying Palestinian flags and demanding a global intifida. They then proceed to forcibly remove jews from buildings and the protests and start fights with anyone who opposes them. That isn't free speech, it's a threat from anti-social unintelligent weirdos who are being gaslit by their equally stupid Communist professors. Hopefully he is opposed to that, but I haven't heard him say it yet. I like Glenn a lot, but this has been one weird interview.

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If only they stopped at calling for death of Jews, it would be bad enough. Some are calling for the death to America, capitalism, Christianity and proclaim Islam as the only way.

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It's the same crowd from 2020-21: Radicalized anti-social lefties. I didn't really mind it when it was Occupy Wall Street, they had half a point then. This is just nuts.

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I still maintain that Occupy Movement was our last best chance at real change. It’s been downhill ever since…

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We’ve been living a variety of “just nuts” no matter where one looks for some years now, decade+

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I'd make the argument it started in the 1960's and is peaking right about now. Some people say it was JFK being killed. Maybe. I think it was marxists taking hold, peaking about eight years ago, and it's now breaking up. They lost.

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Maybe it was Khruschev pounding the table with his shoe: “We will bury you?”

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“The Israeli-Gaza War Did Not Start on Oct 7.” (15 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Feb 25, 2024


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It started in 1939

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You need to contact Glenn Greenwald and John Mearsheimer and tell them that.

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You are cherry-picking, Seva. Familiar with this fallacy?

How far in time are you willing to go?

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They can do their own research if they will.

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They are both well respected scholars both here and globally. They wouldn’t be if they just spouted bs nonsense.

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“ They are both well respected scholars both here and globally. They wouldn’t be if they just spouted bs nonsense.”

This is an argument from authority. Familiar with this fallacy? 😁

It appears, you have NO idea what “scholarly” means. Can either or both be wrong? Niels Bohr was 😁 Can either or both be paid to take and argue a position? 🤷‍♂️

I read Mearsheimer’s book on Israel’s lobby twice. First time when it came out, and recently just to make sure I was not wrong the first time. I was not wrong! It’s the least scholarly work I’ve ever read.

Prove me wrong. 😉Let’s see how many more fallacies you have in your trolling bag 😁🫶🏻🕊

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Why 1939?

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Arab revolt against the British. Took a strong anti-Jew turn and the Arabs allied themselves with the Nazis. It was sufficiently threatening so as to drive the Jews into alliance with the British to suppress the revolt. Check out a bio of Orde Wingate.

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Greenwald doesnt play political horseshit he wont favor one party or ideology and wont backdown. We need more people like him alas we have next to nothing.

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I put Taibbi in that class as well

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I like: Fareed Zakaria, Christiane Amanpour, and Leland Vittert.

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Sasha, this thread was thoroughly hijacked!

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Hi JBell. I am probably one of the commentators who commented too much. Please allow me to address it.

1 - I have been very positive and supportive of her stack since the beginning. By default I “like” many comments and restack as a note. I often try to encourage other commenters.

2- this particular interview focused especially on Tucker and Greenwald criticizing Israel and US political class uncritical supporter for it at the expense of Americans, as well as the war; so my initial comment which praiseD Greenwald for his honesty and objectivity was on point with her essay.

3- I do reply to a lot of the comments that either attack me or those I like, because I don’t like attacks going unaddressed or friends undefended.

4 - I will try harder to be less verbose and voluminous.

5 - despite a lot of personal attacks and name calling against me and others, for the most part I refrained from same.

Not sure what the right balance is but that’s my latest thinking. Take care, JBell.

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Good afternoon, Libertarian. I read your comments here often, and agree with you on quite a bit... I always read what you have to say.

Thank you for taking the time to address my concern, but, I was not referring to you particularly.

I am also one who will read Seva's comments, but am getting super tired of her daily AI diatribes.... I wish she would find an AI site with people who like to talk about that subject exclusively.

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I think that is reasonable and relevant. Seva, please consider a bit less of AI notes. I certainly learned a lot from Seva’s AI notes and am interested now in Seva’s thoughts on other topics. Best wishes, both.

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Here is Glenn speaking with a couple of orthodox rabbis about their opposition to Zionism, starts about the 40 min mark, inform yourself: https://rumble.com/v52ctvf-system-update-show-284.html (Orthodox Rabbis on Condemning Israeli War)

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Found Greenwald with Snowden in 2013. At the time as a former soldier I was like... man, these guys are guilty of treason giving our secrets away, etc. I switched my viewing prism quickly into being very suspect of our unelected 4th branch('intel' agencies). At the time the Obama Junta had sicked the IRS on conservatives, regime change in Libya, et al. You can burn our 17 - SEVENTEEN - intel agencies to the ground.

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Doesn’t get much better than these two guys!!

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One of the factors behind Tucker's popularity is that he is ready, and well-equipped, to talk to just about anyone. His long, really looong, chat with Greenwald had interesting minutes, even for those of us who question the sanity of a successful and accomplished 39-years-old racconteur deciding to become the "wife" of a 19-years-old Communist activist.

But then, there is no arguing with taste.

Greenwald sounded foolish when he parted with actual reality in claiming that in 2024 US it is dangerous or forbidden to criticise Israel.

Tucker should have questioned Greenwald's insipid claim: We should wonder why he didn't?

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Their comments regarding Israel would never be allowed to be broadcast on television in the American so called "democracy"

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Israel is a Jewish Supremacist country. That statement is no more a slam on Jews than saying white supremacists represent white people as a group. It's only a problem for some Jews because they are raised from birth to have a special attachment to Israel just as some Christians are raised to have a special attachment to Christ. Catholics were raised at one time to believe that missing mass was a mortal sin. I remember how worried I was when I chose to no longer attend mass. How we are indoctrinated as children has a great deal to do with our adult beliefs.

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I watched an hour long video thing back in the day of Glenn who presented - like Tucker - video evidence that J6th was merely a peaceful protest. He presented video fact, so one would conclude that J6th was misrepresented by mainstream media.

What he didn't present or address in any way was the video evidence of attendees' "where's Nancy", "hang Mike Pence" and other video that showed some of the "mob" motivated and enraged and believing Trump's lies about the stolen election. He showed zero clips that were the most famous of the day, broadcast widely on media online real time that day that alarmed even diehard Trumpers like Laura Ingraham. Clearly, some of those present, incl it seems, Ashli Babbitt, were very angry, very revved up, potentially armed and made it very close to some of our most senior leaders on the day they were there to stop the certification of the election in Biden's favor.

What's curious to me is why many of you prefer to believe revisionist history types like Glenn and Tucker, who monetize their snake oil, over truth. It's really behind astonishing.

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Looks like Tucker is taking his schtick on tour to Vegas and beyond! Let the good times and $$$ roll!

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Why not? If there is demand, why not satisfy? 🤷‍♂️

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...and one of these days, someone on my blue team may explain to me why they hate him so much. Sounds pretty reasonable to me.

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What does sound pretty reasonable to you?

Why left is hating Tucker? That’s easy, Ben. Leftists hate Tucker because they have been deliberately brainwashed:

1. Not to think for themselves

2. Trust their propaganda Masters

3. Propaganda Masters advised that Tucker is ultra-right fascist, - which is, btw, an oxymoron, and a liar to be hated.

If leftists were able to think for themselves, they would have asked why Cenk from Young Turks deeply respects Tucker 🤯 How could that be, right? 😉

Just for the record, I disagree with Tucker a lot.

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but, if you live in a darker than navy blue, cobalt blue, midnight blue, ? place like me, I disagree constantly...like 'why is that woman talking on her phone with a mask on, while on a hiking trail?

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Why do you disagree? Why is this your business? Maybe not for long with libertarians like the Libertarian, but for now, America is still a free country. If that woman wants to poison herself with her own bacteria and filth, what is it your business? 🤷‍♂️

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who is Cenk from Young Turks? Is that an anime? or a meme? if you had said Tom from Rage ATM is friends with Ted Nugent, now that would be a reference I would understand!

I am free to criticize her, because the mask people bossed everyone around for a long long time (even in my town, long after the mandates ended), and it's embarrassing to see. Besides the stupid masks which I still see on thin young people, even on bikes and 15 mph sea-breezes, etc., I also criticize the most conformist people I know: so-called smart phone addicts. If you can't bear it, Fem-lover, just say, my words are a violent hate crime? I think being libertarian means if you hear another person's criticisms, you don't whine like a little B word about it. Is that reddit enough for you?

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