Is there any scenario where nuclear war - with the spread of fallout around the world and the possibility of nuclear winter - could be ‘good’ for the environment?
Then ask yourself, why in heaven’s name are you even thinking about supporting the Democrats?
Plus how about open borders, their war on meritocracy and their lack of concern about social breakdown in our cities due to out of control crime and a totally dysfunction public school system which simply does not educate kids but then a lot of these kids are already so feral when they start school that it’s pretty much impossible to teach them. Even Oprah Winfrey tried with south side black kids in 2007 and gave up because she said they had no interest in learning.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of rightist lurkers who think it is a good thing (e.g. Lindsey Graham). However, a nuclear war is likely to involve air bursts which more effective at killing lots of people but don't produce the kind of fallout and dust that ground bursts do.
I saw a video recently about Hiroshima which said the atom bomb exploded before it hit the ground which killed a lot of people but didn’t poison the land which enabled them to build back fairly quickly.
Aug 30, 2024 #IndependenceCure #ThinkForYourself #ByeByeTDS
Are you or someone you know suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)? Symptoms may include blindly trusting the mainstream media, ignoring real issues like inflation and illegal immigration, and an uncontrollable urge to vote "Anyone But Trump." But don't worry, help is here! Introducing Independence—the revolutionary treatment for regaining your ability to think independently. Side effects may include rational thought, identifying propaganda, and a sudden love for democracy. Ask your doctor if Independence is right for you, and start enjoying your freedoms again! #IndependenceCure #ThinkForYourself #ByeByeTDS
I haven’t watched any of this yet but plan to watch it all. John Mearsheimer, Glenn Greenwald, Lena Petrova and Jeffrey Sachs are my favorites I follow for foreign and domestic politics and financial/economic info. They’re very intelligent.
This is phenomenal and gets more interesting the more you listen. Jeffrey Sachs has to be commended for speaking out in such clear language. It’s refreshing to hear out loud what we don’t hear from those who rule us. He calls himself naive but is it really naïveté to expect decency and disclosure from those in charge? I’m especially glad he brought up the absurdity of full spectrum dominance. It’s sounds like a bad movie but apparently powerful people really believe it and even wrote it down. How many more merely see the benefit from pretending it’s possible to rule the globe?
Here’s an article I saw on Yahoo News from USA Today yesterday. Why do so many people believe the government was involved in the assassination attempt on Trump? Because the “investigation” of the shooter was shut down so quickly, because it’s so glaringly obvious the democrats hate Trump and because they were so disappointed that he wasn’t killed. They just finished their DNC in Chicago which was a 4 day anti-Trump hate fest. No one said it was fortunate for the country that Trump wasn’t killed. What else wasn’t said at the DNC?
No mention of the endless carnage, social breakdown, or the dreadful schools in Chicago and so many of our other cities. Why not? Because these are not important issues to the democrats. What’s important to them is the destruction of Trump/MAGA. I live in Chicago. A once beautiful city by the lake. Not anymore. May God curse the democrats for destroying my once beautiful city and our once great nation.
‘They tried to kill him’ is now the bogus claim Vance uses to introduce Trump.
I looked and the article almost made me gag. Belongs in the museum of regime propaganda it’s so perfect. Gaslighting, contempt, it’s all there. On display is the very thing Sachs mentions: the bifurcation of our country isn’t just a matter of some people not doing well. It’s the utter disgust the successful urbanites feel for the less fortunate. The white privilege nonsense is just cover for this pervasive attitude.
The failure of urban schools is completely due to the Democrats running the cities. They spend 10x more per student than parochial schools and still have 80% plus of their public school students failing grade level proficiency tests. Their program was and still is to keep blacks not reading or doing math well enough to be self sufficient. DEI welfare jobs out of charity is the result for most.
While the left's myopic ideology, with its childlike focus on gender, hate speech, identity, and saving the environment, drags on, the rest of the world is taking advantage of our weakness to wage global war.
As an optimist, there's a solution in Trump joining forces with RFK Jr. This is what we needed, a union of people with ready and provable solutions to remedy problems created by the deep state.
Except we’re already spending our blood and treasure to wake global war. It’s not about weakness. It’s a choice. Those things you mention are what the bosses want people focused on. You didn’t think all this gender nonsense came about organically, did you?
An absolutely incredible interview that is a must watch.. Sachs is brilliant, he sees the deep state for what it is and that is to be involved in countless wars, spend trillions on these battles and to forget about its own people. Poor Judge Napolitano, fired by the Murdoch News Network which is an absolute joke today that cheers on the military industrial complex have lost their way. Incidentaly Pepe Escobar is a terrific fearless journalist that one would never see on the likes of Hannity, bettter have Lindsey Graham. America has got to stop getting involved in wars and that includes Ukraine and the Middle East. They started or bankrolled most of these conflicts. Ron Paul, the greatest Commander-in-Chief America never had.
Tucker’s month long, America-wide tour sounds fabulous! Thank you to him for creating, thank you to all taking part, making it happen! And, may each and every person involved and attending be “safe home” at the end! 💞
In other news, my analysis of the RCP polls indicates that Harris is really only up by 1. The polls with higher numbers for her are older, and somewhat stale. So I am regaining some hope, "if the election is free and fair". That is the part I most doubt.
It turns out that I had it (more or less) right the first time: the RCP polling average was off 1.5 in MI and 6.0 in WI. The number 5 (actually 5.2) for MI came from 538, which was consistently much more off. I think I must have used it, not appreciating the difference, because I have sometimes had a hard time finding where such info is on RCP.
With 538 in the first column and RCP in the second, the actual numbers are:
MI 5.2 1.5
WI 8.4 6.0
PA 3.5 0.0
These numbers are from a story entitled "Is Kamala Harris Leading Donald Trump in the Presidential Race?"
It turns out that the polling error in Michigan was higher than I thought: 5. I think I got the idea that Wisconsin was unusually well-supplied with "shy" (i.e. FU) Trump voters from that ridiculous poll that, not long before the election, had Biden up by 17. I am dubious that N Carolina is really that close to Georgia. (He says, having driven across the border ...) It never has been that close before. If we win N Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada, we do not have to win Georgia, Michigan, or Arizona.
But then there is always the question no Demo can answer: why wouldn't stealing the election qualify as "saving democracy"?
It looks to me like Wisconsin and Michigan are already locked in. Wisconsin had a 6 point polling error against Trump last time around, and Michigan has consistently been the Rust Belt state where Trump does worst.
I have been following Jeffrey Sacks, Colonel Macgregor, and Larry Johnson since the beginning of the war. Their knowledge of the history and affairs regarding relations in this arena is vast. What a sham this administration, including the cia, have no eyes and ears to listen. So disappointing and tragic.
I am highly confident that both the CIA and Neocons know exactly how damaging this is to America. It is not America or Americans that they serve though. They serve the country and tribe that cannot be named.
I’ll name it this: evil, self serving, and “satanic.” Too many innocent people, like myself, who just want a family, job, home, and peace, have been shoved into battle for the neocon false cause. The gain was not theirs, but the deceivers.
OK as long as the same principle is applied the Arab lobby, the NATO lobby and the China lobby. I especially want to see Anne Applebaum get sanctioned. She is married to the Polish Foreign Minister and both of them are rabid war mongers.
He does love Israel, but he hates war. Trump may find other ways to support Israel rather than us fighting their battles for them & handing over money we don’t have. Netanyahu sounds a bit manipulative to me, & he obviously acts in the best interest of his country as he should. But The US needs to do the same. I believe Israel has an absolute right to fight sworn enemies like Hamas but Trump needs to find the right balance in support of our allies. I agree with Sachs - we have no business in continuing most US military base involvement.
Dr Sachs is quite literally the classic boomer liberal version of Forrest Gump/Rocky Balboa. A true witness to history on so many levels, yet clings to his childlike liberal democracy nativity with a fierceness you have to admire, no matter how many times he gets mugged by reality. His depth of understanding in his field of macroeconomics is astounding yet he never gives up on his principles, regardless of how many times he has been betrayed by the system.
Question to you leftist lurkers out there:
Is there any scenario where nuclear war - with the spread of fallout around the world and the possibility of nuclear winter - could be ‘good’ for the environment?
Then ask yourself, why in heaven’s name are you even thinking about supporting the Democrats?
Plus how about open borders, their war on meritocracy and their lack of concern about social breakdown in our cities due to out of control crime and a totally dysfunction public school system which simply does not educate kids but then a lot of these kids are already so feral when they start school that it’s pretty much impossible to teach them. Even Oprah Winfrey tried with south side black kids in 2007 and gave up because she said they had no interest in learning.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of rightist lurkers who think it is a good thing (e.g. Lindsey Graham). However, a nuclear war is likely to involve air bursts which more effective at killing lots of people but don't produce the kind of fallout and dust that ground bursts do.
Lindsey Graham is an outlier – emphasize on that last part.
‘air bursts’?
Are you kidding me?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were ‘air bursts’ – how did that work out?
Terrible for the people but it didn’t leave the land radioactive so it could have been worse.
Go hang around at Instapundit for a while. Some of those people are seriously crazy
There are a great many people in our society who are seriously crazy. Big time.
I saw a video recently about Hiroshima which said the atom bomb exploded before it hit the ground which killed a lot of people but didn’t poison the land which enabled them to build back fairly quickly.
That's how the bomb was designed
I didn’t know that. I missed that in the video. Great video though. By far the best I’ve ever seen about the dropping of the bomb.
“Hiroshima: Dropping the Bomb.” (5 min)
BBC Studios. July 24, 2007
Not so much design as intent to maximize the casualties. The test bomb at Trinity site was a ground burst. It was in a tower.
Got TDS? Try Independence and Reclaim Your Freedom!
Aug 30, 2024 #IndependenceCure #ThinkForYourself #ByeByeTDS
Are you or someone you know suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)? Symptoms may include blindly trusting the mainstream media, ignoring real issues like inflation and illegal immigration, and an uncontrollable urge to vote "Anyone But Trump." But don't worry, help is here! Introducing Independence—the revolutionary treatment for regaining your ability to think independently. Side effects may include rational thought, identifying propaganda, and a sudden love for democracy. Ask your doctor if Independence is right for you, and start enjoying your freedoms again! #IndependenceCure #ThinkForYourself #ByeByeTDS
Great ad!
Very good! But I think it would be better with "recognizing fallacies" worked in somewhere.
It’s not perfect, but it’s close.
The ‘cure’ could be good for some around here – looking at you ‘HL3’ - trying to reason with her is like trying to talk to a brick wall.
Amazing depth of coverage on so many issues with Jeffrey Sachs.
I haven’t watched any of this yet but plan to watch it all. John Mearsheimer, Glenn Greenwald, Lena Petrova and Jeffrey Sachs are my favorites I follow for foreign and domestic politics and financial/economic info. They’re very intelligent.
This is phenomenal and gets more interesting the more you listen. Jeffrey Sachs has to be commended for speaking out in such clear language. It’s refreshing to hear out loud what we don’t hear from those who rule us. He calls himself naive but is it really naïveté to expect decency and disclosure from those in charge? I’m especially glad he brought up the absurdity of full spectrum dominance. It’s sounds like a bad movie but apparently powerful people really believe it and even wrote it down. How many more merely see the benefit from pretending it’s possible to rule the globe?
Here’s an article I saw on Yahoo News from USA Today yesterday. Why do so many people believe the government was involved in the assassination attempt on Trump? Because the “investigation” of the shooter was shut down so quickly, because it’s so glaringly obvious the democrats hate Trump and because they were so disappointed that he wasn’t killed. They just finished their DNC in Chicago which was a 4 day anti-Trump hate fest. No one said it was fortunate for the country that Trump wasn’t killed. What else wasn’t said at the DNC?
No mention of the endless carnage, social breakdown, or the dreadful schools in Chicago and so many of our other cities. Why not? Because these are not important issues to the democrats. What’s important to them is the destruction of Trump/MAGA. I live in Chicago. A once beautiful city by the lake. Not anymore. May God curse the democrats for destroying my once beautiful city and our once great nation.
‘They tried to kill him’ is now the bogus claim Vance uses to introduce Trump.
Yahoo News. USA Today. Aug 29, 2024
“The Chicago public school where no student can read or do math.” (2 min)
Illinois Policy. Aug 22, 2024
I looked and the article almost made me gag. Belongs in the museum of regime propaganda it’s so perfect. Gaslighting, contempt, it’s all there. On display is the very thing Sachs mentions: the bifurcation of our country isn’t just a matter of some people not doing well. It’s the utter disgust the successful urbanites feel for the less fortunate. The white privilege nonsense is just cover for this pervasive attitude.
The failure of urban schools is completely due to the Democrats running the cities. They spend 10x more per student than parochial schools and still have 80% plus of their public school students failing grade level proficiency tests. Their program was and still is to keep blacks not reading or doing math well enough to be self sufficient. DEI welfare jobs out of charity is the result for most.
While the left's myopic ideology, with its childlike focus on gender, hate speech, identity, and saving the environment, drags on, the rest of the world is taking advantage of our weakness to wage global war.
As an optimist, there's a solution in Trump joining forces with RFK Jr. This is what we needed, a union of people with ready and provable solutions to remedy problems created by the deep state.
Except we’re already spending our blood and treasure to wake global war. It’s not about weakness. It’s a choice. Those things you mention are what the bosses want people focused on. You didn’t think all this gender nonsense came about organically, did you?
Thanks for sharing, Sasha. Greatly appreciated.
Yo Sash, 💕 the community you have planted, nurtured and brought to bear fruit, support and action. So well done!
An absolutely incredible interview that is a must watch.. Sachs is brilliant, he sees the deep state for what it is and that is to be involved in countless wars, spend trillions on these battles and to forget about its own people. Poor Judge Napolitano, fired by the Murdoch News Network which is an absolute joke today that cheers on the military industrial complex have lost their way. Incidentaly Pepe Escobar is a terrific fearless journalist that one would never see on the likes of Hannity, bettter have Lindsey Graham. America has got to stop getting involved in wars and that includes Ukraine and the Middle East. They started or bankrolled most of these conflicts. Ron Paul, the greatest Commander-in-Chief America never had.
Tucker’s month long, America-wide tour sounds fabulous! Thank you to him for creating, thank you to all taking part, making it happen! And, may each and every person involved and attending be “safe home” at the end! 💞
I am going to the Hershey PA one and looking forward to it.
In other news, my analysis of the RCP polls indicates that Harris is really only up by 1. The polls with higher numbers for her are older, and somewhat stale. So I am regaining some hope, "if the election is free and fair". That is the part I most doubt.
I think it is mainly the handful of battleground states that matter and of them mostly PA, MI and WI because the others are fairly locked in already.
It turns out that I had it (more or less) right the first time: the RCP polling average was off 1.5 in MI and 6.0 in WI. The number 5 (actually 5.2) for MI came from 538, which was consistently much more off. I think I must have used it, not appreciating the difference, because I have sometimes had a hard time finding where such info is on RCP.
With 538 in the first column and RCP in the second, the actual numbers are:
MI 5.2 1.5
WI 8.4 6.0
PA 3.5 0.0
These numbers are from a story entitled "Is Kamala Harris Leading Donald Trump in the Presidential Race?"
It turns out that the polling error in Michigan was higher than I thought: 5. I think I got the idea that Wisconsin was unusually well-supplied with "shy" (i.e. FU) Trump voters from that ridiculous poll that, not long before the election, had Biden up by 17. I am dubious that N Carolina is really that close to Georgia. (He says, having driven across the border ...) It never has been that close before. If we win N Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada, we do not have to win Georgia, Michigan, or Arizona.
But then there is always the question no Demo can answer: why wouldn't stealing the election qualify as "saving democracy"?
It looks to me like Wisconsin and Michigan are already locked in. Wisconsin had a 6 point polling error against Trump last time around, and Michigan has consistently been the Rust Belt state where Trump does worst.
I have been following Jeffrey Sacks, Colonel Macgregor, and Larry Johnson since the beginning of the war. Their knowledge of the history and affairs regarding relations in this arena is vast. What a sham this administration, including the cia, have no eyes and ears to listen. So disappointing and tragic.
I am highly confident that both the CIA and Neocons know exactly how damaging this is to America. It is not America or Americans that they serve though. They serve the country and tribe that cannot be named.
I’ll name it this: evil, self serving, and “satanic.” Too many innocent people, like myself, who just want a family, job, home, and peace, have been shoved into battle for the neocon false cause. The gain was not theirs, but the deceivers.
Per Mr Raven, first thing Trump should do is make AIPAC register as agent of a foreign power.
OK as long as the same principle is applied the Arab lobby, the NATO lobby and the China lobby. I especially want to see Anne Applebaum get sanctioned. She is married to the Polish Foreign Minister and both of them are rabid war mongers.
Trump loves Israel and fully supports what they’re doing to the Palestinians. He won’t stop AIPAC.
He does love Israel, but he hates war. Trump may find other ways to support Israel rather than us fighting their battles for them & handing over money we don’t have. Netanyahu sounds a bit manipulative to me, & he obviously acts in the best interest of his country as he should. But The US needs to do the same. I believe Israel has an absolute right to fight sworn enemies like Hamas but Trump needs to find the right balance in support of our allies. I agree with Sachs - we have no business in continuing most US military base involvement.
The culture may be collapsing on the left but their power appears to be growing.
Dr Sachs is quite literally the classic boomer liberal version of Forrest Gump/Rocky Balboa. A true witness to history on so many levels, yet clings to his childlike liberal democracy nativity with a fierceness you have to admire, no matter how many times he gets mugged by reality. His depth of understanding in his field of macroeconomics is astounding yet he never gives up on his principles, regardless of how many times he has been betrayed by the system.
He is not naive; he’s honorable. The latter is so rarely seen in DC that it is misdiagnosed.