Loved this interview. She is spot on about so many things. Funny too. Tucker does not bother me at all. He is genuinely interested in hearing other people's idea no matter how outlandish they may be. Thanks for this Free Thinking!

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Megyn Kelly rocks!!! I especially like it when she had Nate Silverstein (the 538 polster) and she pinned him down on the ideological filth of transgenderism. He was taken aback a bit.

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I was there! Roadtrip from Wisconsin to Kansas City to see them. It was an amazing show. Hopeful, funny and brutally honest. Could’ve listened to them a lot longer!

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I was there too! Totally agree. We would have sat and listened to them for hours

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I am going to see him and Vance in Hershey this coming weekend. Excited!

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It was a great show!

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Very cool. 👊

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You don't have to so defensive about Tucker. Your reader poll was pretty decisive

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I agree but I'm positive she knows what she's doing.

It's about $money$.

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My favorites I follow for information about Ukraine and Gaza are John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs and Glenn Greenwald. All three are highly intelligent and credible. All three say that America is responsible for this disastrous war in Ukraine and are responsible for escalating it to the verge of total war which would be nuclear and a truly global WW3.

Glenn’s video is superbly informative, especially beginning at the 19:45 min point in this 29 min video where he shows a video clip of Victoria Nuland being interviewed and asked about Ukraine and Russia being close to a peace deal in early 2022 which was shot down by Boris Johnson from the UK sent by the Biden administration. Quite impressively damning. And if Kamala is elected it will in effect put these same people in power again for another four years. God forbid such a thing.

“Major Escalation: US Set To Allow Ukraine To Use European Missiles to Strike Deep Inside Russia.” (29 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Sept 13, 2024


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What I don't understand about this whole escalation is this: do these manipulators really think they and their families will escape the fallout of a nuclear war? They are either totally depraved or completely insane. I'm betting on the former.

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Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth. Are we in a “Dark Age” where reason is in retreat? Certainly does seem so.

“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“

“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“

“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”

“The Delusions of Crowds-A Review.”

Quillette. Feb 8, 2021


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Thank you. Looks like another book to add to my long list of necessary reads.

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Great Conversation. Love Megyn & Tucker.

Favorite line: Cable News is dead. It was a suicide, assisted by Donald Trump and it needed to happen. 🔥

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I laughed out loud. It is so true.

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I was at this show in KC. What a night! It was just awesome to see them both in person. I also recommend the KC Zoo if you are ever that way.

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Megyn is spot on. Take a look at Comcast's 2Q earnings (they're a major cable operator and own NBC.) Revenue and earnings down. Programming costs also down - they realize no one's watching. Why create more stuff that no one will watch?

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I agree that you need not be defensive about Tucker. He has an open personality and displays curiosity and interest, and this makes for some great interviews and he's worth hearing from. With that said, he doesn't seem aware of how marked by class and wealth he is, and this does bother me from time to time, because it makes him annoyingly tone deaf. Recently, he keeps going on with his housekeeper analogy and how if your housekeeper doesn't follow your directions, she's fired. But... who has a housekeeper these days? And who has any ease or familiarity with the language of having someone like a servant who follows your orders? I've also heard him say he lives a simple life. REALLY??? I'm worrying about debt and healthcare every day of the week, and I know for sure that he isn't and that having what he has he does not live a simple life. It galls me every time he says that. I'm with Miles Davis, that all I want is enough money to pay my bills, but man would I like to be able to pay my bills. This is why Occupy Wall Street felt good, why I supported Bernie, and why I was never sucked in by Hillary or Biden. Bernie crumbled and fell in line, of course, he's clearly weak willed, and not all of his perspectives were good, that's for sure, but Tucker, while having some great interviews and valuable insights, is hardly the friend of working people and small business on all of the issues, and he says many things that suggest a total ignorance of how hard and stressful normal life can be. This isn't to discredit him, but it's worth taking almost everything with a grain of salt, and for me that means Tucker, too. He's worth making space for but also worth arguing with.

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Bernie has three houses, not exactly an example of the working class.

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True. But that came, I think, post book. I started supporting him a long time ago & haven't for quite a while. That said, he had some really good positions that might have served working people well. Obama, the Clintons, Trump, etc, they are all rolling in dough. My point was that Tucker is very often tone deaf & some of what he says needs push back for that reason, as well as others. When it comes to class, Trump is not tone deaf, despite being as rich & privileged as he's always been. Bernie wasn't tone deaf, either. Believe me, I don't see purity anywhere, nor do I expect it or even value it.

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I agree. I like Tucker but I’ve definitely noticed that about him. Trump is rich too but somehow he connects better with the “common man”.

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Meygn and Tucker rock.

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So's Sasha!

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Sasha, bless you. These are great!

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Awesome 🤩

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The most masterful takedown of both Taylor Swift and Kamala I have yet heard. All conservatives, heck, all patriotic Americans should listen to this interview, and arm themselves against the Woke.

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I love your "Tucker Drops" Sasha. It really burns me that certain folks cannot appreciate what's seemingly laid on them for no fee. Seems very selfish and quite puerile. Thank you, Sasha.

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Nice piece, Sasha. No one should hate Tucker. That is ridiculous. He just happens to be a Truth-Teller and sometimes those truths are not comfortable. And some times they are not everyone's truth, but they are the truth of the person doing the telling, his guest. That is called "Free Speech" and Tucker always delivers on that promise.

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Didn’t Megan Kelly, once upon a Fox show, pontificate “remember kids, Jesus was white” ?

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