Tara Reade’s story was confirmed at the time it happened by her husband (later her ex-husband but he still confirmed she told him about it at the time), her mother, who phoned into Larry King to ask him for advice about it without naming the perpetrator —Joe Biden , and a close friend. This is way more contemporaneous verification than anything Blasey Ford had to offer. FJB!

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yes, Reade reported the event to several people when it happened. And this new development, that the government is going after her for unspecified crimes as revealed by Tucker, and that knowledgeable people think it may not be safe for her to return to the U.S. is chilling.

This is similar to what happened to Gal Luft, (see Rolling Stone article linked below), who also had to flee the country. The people behind these increasingly common flagrant abuses of power must be voted out of office in November, imho, if our Republic is to survive.

link to article about Gal Luft:


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I have no idea if Tara Reade’s story is true or made-up.

I don’t know of any reputable, non-partisan, journalists who have checked out her story and proven it true or false.

I do know that if the Biden people / cabal would try to go after Trump, the way they are, they wouldn’t hesitate to do exactly what Reade says they are doing to her.

I feel sorry for her, and everyone else the corrupt DOJ has targeted, especially General Flynn.

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I'll give Biden some credit, he just uses the DOJ to go after his enemies. The Clintons have them die of suicide or mysterious accidents. At least Tara is free in Russia...wait - what?

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If prior lawlessness is any indication.....

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"give me the man, and I will find the crime"

- Lavrentiy Beria(Russian)

Ironic that Tara had to flee to Russia for asylum. Thanks Leftists and globalist republicans...

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Jill Biden's first husband has a story similar to Tara Reade's. The divorce wasn't enough, they sicced the IRS on him for no apparent reason other than petty vindictiveness. The details are pretty disturbing.

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Seems to be a very tragic situation.

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Tara Reade has been rendered nonexistent by the U.S. government via exile to avoid imprisonment for attempting to expose criminality in the Biden regime.

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals”.

Edward Snowden

Enough said. The United States government under Democrat party rule is a crime syndicate. The fate of Tara Reade is a case in point and only one example in a list that grows longer every day.

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This is not America anymore. Will we ever again see the America the founders envisioned? The America our Constitution established? Not until we throw every one of these traitorous godless leftists out of office.

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Listening to this makes my heart hurt for her. America is now the former USSR 😥🙏

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Sasha, please keep providing this back door to Tucker... as of today, I cannot access his site, there appears to be some jamming going on there.

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So I am 75. I do not remember America being like this. But then again, was I blind? Forrestal, JFK, Nixon, Hillary' and Bill's people... The IRS is unanswerable to anyone. The Vietnam draft..All the taxes that weren't there before.

..I don't know any more.

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Good points, Bat Man. Some of this stuff seems new and horrifying, but it may have been going on for at least 75 years. Yeah, Forrestal--he got the Trotsky Treatment.

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May 9·edited May 9

Whenever Tucker Carlson does an interview such as this Tara Reade piece, an excellent piece of advice is familiarize yourself with the topic by locating and reading a good background overview. To that end, here is a nice discussion and examination of Tara Reade and her allegations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden_sexual_assault_allegation . The Wikipedia article draws attention to numerous issues with Reade's story and strongly implies that both Reade and her story are quite problematic.

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Good grief--you think Wikipedia is credible? Do some homework and think again.

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This is all you need to know about williamj:


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May 9·edited May 9


Yes, of course I think that Wikipedia is credible, especially when you have a well-footnoted multi-sourced article such as this. Wikipedia at least is committed to trying to tell the truth. By contrast as Tucker Carlson's own attorneys conceded several years ago in court, he is only an entertainer. And as evidenced by his own emails disclosed during the Dominion Systems lawsuit, he lacks a real commitment to accurate truthful reporting.

Still, I use Wikipedia as one source of information. I do not regard Wikipedia as a definitive final treatment. So if you care to point out to us the deficiencies of the Wikipedia article, please do so.

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I've listened to way too many celebrities & known ppl who are on "the wrong side" explain that they've tried to correct THEIR OWN Wikipedia pages to remove incorrect information only to have it changed back to lies. Wikipedia is extremely slanted, but that's what you get "for free". It's one of the first sites that comes up on a Google search so what does that say? We all know how government controlled Google is now, thanks to Robert Epstein (no relation) congressional testimony which of course nothing was done for his warnings. The Internet is impossibly controlled now. It's only going to show you the things the gov wants you to know. It's like the MSM, it's PRAVDA.

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Phillip Roth once found several things in his Wiki page that were wrong and tried to correct them. Wiki's response: "You have no standing to comment on Phillip Roth." Uh, ok....

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May 9·edited May 9

If you care to point out to us the specific deficiencies of the article that I cited, we all will be grateful.

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Wikipedia has proven themselves as complete liars. Read up on their pre-2020 vs. post-2020 pieces on Mark Crispin Miller to be disavowed of any notion that Wikipedia can ever be relied on for truth.

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If you care to point out to us the deficiencies of the specific article that I cited, please do so. We all will be grateful.

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May 9·edited May 9


Again, this is irrelevant. Please tell me what is wrong with the Wikipedia article on Tara Reade. Otherwise you are just wasting my time.

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No. But I will cite a few things that shows Wiki cannot be trusted. Here's one: https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/wikipedia?publication_id=355417&post_id=136749423&isFreemail=false

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This does not address my request. Do you have specific corrections or changes to the Wikipedia article on Tara Reade? That is the only thing that I am discussing with you. If you have those changes or corrections, please share them with us. Otherwise, sorry to say, you are wasting my time.

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I love how this is a Wikipedia commentary on Wikipedia!

Where is that LOL emoji on Substack?

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May 9·edited May 9

There is nothing honorable about Biden & there never has been; Ms. Reade is telling the truth; williamj is just doing his job like all the other useful idiots who are "smart" fools.

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May 9·edited May 9


You are twisting and misunderstanding a very sound policy. Rather than being a deficiency there is a very good reason for this policy. Wikipedia is trying to avoid circularity. It is trying to have its articles evidenced by outside sources. Nothing prevents one Wikipedia article from citing the very same sources used in a different Wikipedia article. It is just that both articles must stand on their own external sources, not one another.

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I just posted a Wikipedia reference--I didn't twist or misunderstand anything.

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Yes, you did. Unfortunately you did not understand what you posted. As I have already written, there is a very sound reason for the policy that you cite. Wikipedia just wants each of its articles to stand on its own external sources of information.

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If you can point out where in the Wikipedia article there is any "hard evidence" that disproves the allegations, please do so. Funny how your demands for "hard evidence" come and go depending on partisanship.

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May 9·edited May 9


Do something really hard: read the Wikipedia article and its supporting notes. The details are all there.

Throughout the article serious questions are raised concerning Tara Reade and her story. Over several years multiple major news organizations looked into her charges. They could not find reliable evidence supporting her claims and contrary evidence suggesting that her story is not true.

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This does not address my request. Do you have specific hard evidence? That is the only thing that I am discussing with you. If you have hard evidence, please share it with us. Otherwise, sorry to say, you are wasting my time.

That "consistency" is a bitch, isn't it?

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May 10·edited May 10


Sorry, but clearly you are just trying bait me. It will not work.

So bye-bye.

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Wikipedia ... uh, okay ... read more ...

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Try this for "problematic:" this is Wiki's piece on Mark Crispin Miller pre-2020:


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This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. (December 2008)

Mark Crispin Miller (born 1949) is professor of media studies at New York University,[1] and the author of the book: Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections. He is known for his writing on American media and for his activism on behalf of democratic media reform. His books include Boxed In: The Culture of TV, Seeing Through Movies, and Mad Scientists, a study of war propaganda.

Miller speaking at New York City's Open Center in 2012.

He graduated from Northwestern University with a BA in 1971, Johns Hopkins University with an MA in 1973, and a Ph.D. in 1977. His parents, Jordan and Anita Miller, are the founders of Academy Chicago Publishers.

[It goes on; it's worth a full read.]

Here's its take on Mark Crispin Miller, "Conspiracy Theorist" (nice CIA propaganda term) post-2020:

Mark Crispin Miller (born 1949) is a professor of media studies at New York University.[1] He has promoted conspiracy theories about U.S. presidential elections, the September 11 attacks and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting as well as misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines.

Background and career

In the introduction to Seeing Through Movies, Miller argues that the nature of American films has been affected by the impact of advertising.[2] He has said that the handful of multinational corporations in control of the American media have changed youth culture's focus away from values and toward commercial interests and personal vanity.[3]

In a June 2001 profile by Chris Hedges for The New York Times, Miller described himself a "public intellectual" and criticized television news "that is astonishingly empty and distorts reality".[4] He has appeared on the Useful Idiots podcast and was praised by its host, Matt Taibbi.[5][6]

Conspiracy-theory and disinformation promotion

In his social and political commentary, Miller frequently espouses conspiracy theories.[7]

On social media and in other statements, Miller has promoted conspiracy theories about the September 11 attacks;[8] anti-vaccine misinformation;[citation needed] the claim that Joe Biden stole the 2020 presidential election;[citation needed] the claim that the beheading of the journalist James Foley by ISIL was fake;[citation needed] and the claim that the Black Lives Matter movement is funded by the CIA.[citation needed] Miller is a signatory to the 9/11 Truth Statement[9] and a member of the 9/11 Truth movement.[8][10] He dislikes the term "conspiracy theory", calling the phrase a "meme" used to "discredit people engaged in really necessary kinds of investigation and inquiry." In a 2017 New York Observer interview, he said anyone using the term "in a pejorative sense" is "a witting or unwitting CIA asset".[11]

Election fraud conspiracy theories

In his book Fooled Again, Miller claims that the 2000 and 2004 U.S. presidential elections were stolen.[12] He has since claimed that the 2020 U.S. Presidential election was stolen.[7]

9/11 hoax conspiracy theory

Main article: 9/11 conspiracy theories

In 2016, Miller gave a speech to the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.[7] After a "truthers" symposium on 9/11, Miller told Vice that the official explanations for 9/11 and John F. Kennedy's assassination "are just as unscientific as the ones that everybody feels comfortable ridiculing".[13]

Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre hoax conspiracy theory

In a blog post, Miller suggested that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a hoax; in a subsequent interview, he denied that any children died in the shooting and voiced "suspicion" that "it was staged" or was "some kind of an exercise."[7] Miller praised a Sandy Hook denial book by James Fetzer as "compelling" (a $450,000 defamation judgment had previously been entered against Fetzer, after the father of one of the murdered Sandy Hook students sued him for false statements made in the book).[7]

Anti-vaccination and COVID misinformation

Miller has also screened for his students the anti-vaccination film Vaxxed, produced by disgraced[14] former physician Andrew Wakefield (who was struck off the medical register in the UK for scientific misconduct).[8][11] Miller has spread COVID-19 misinformation, including misleading claims about the efficacy of face masks and false claims that COVID-19 vaccines alter recipients' DNA.[7][15]

[It goes on from there. Again, it's worth a full read and comparison with the pre-2020 version.]

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My comment on Miller's post in which he made the pre- and post- comparison:

"This is gold. Comparing Wiki's entry on Mark in 2020 vs. today should tell anyone with an ounce of brains all they need to know about Wiki's propaganda."

And plenty of others wrote of their utter frustration with Wiki. The comments are gold, too.

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Per your suggestion I looked at the Wikipedia article on Mark Crispin Miller.

Pace what you say, I thought that the current article is quite fair, reasonable, and accurate.

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LOL. Bought and paid for, perhaps? OMG. Blinders on.

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Wikipedia? C'mon dude, Wikipedia has become Encylopedia Craptannica... It is a clearinghouse for the system's lies.... As one of its co-founders has publicly noted.

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RemovedMay 9
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In Summer, 2022 Tucker Carlson refused to report to his audience the testimony presented at the House Special Committee investigating the January 6 riot and instead devoted his time to producing a TV special attributing alleged cattle mutilations to UFOs. So much for Tucker Carlson being a credible reliable news source.

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RemovedMay 9·edited May 9
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I have a nonsensical scenario for you.

A woman claims to have been raped in a department store dressing room, by one of the most well known and publicly recognized men in NYC!

More than a decade ago, but no specific year or month or day.

And people believe it!

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While wearing a dress that hasn't been made yet and told nobody. MEANWHILE it supports a particular narrative and she has prospered greatly by sharing her "story".

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RemovedMay 9
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One guy has his accusers celebrated by the establishment, the other has their accusers targeted. Wikipedia is political and connected to the establishment. So useless. Why can’t they both be villains?

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RemovedMay 9·edited May 9
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E Jean Carrol’s description was off a tv show. Reade’s mother called a tv show at the time. Just saying it isn’t hard to believe politicians are criminals.

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So, her story should be dismissed because she isn’t hot enough to have been assaulted. Really?

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RemovedMay 9
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The smears Tara recounts continue on this site... watch the Tucker interview and decide for yourself if this woman is credible.

That is, watch the interview if you can. As of this morning, access to my Tucker account is being jammed. I had to access this interview via Sasha.

Yes, the Biden admin is very very afraid of Tara and the story she has to tell.

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If she is only after money, then why is she hiding in Russia?

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May 9·edited May 9

It's not about someone being gorgeous & irresistable; that's a fallacy inside world of porn. It's about power and/or control...or a psychological lack thereof and the need to compensate for this "lack". It explains the fondling of young girls and it explains how easily the puppet-masters have been so successful in their exploitation of this weakness to wreak havoc in this nation and around the world. Is there anything worse than an incompetent person in a position of power?

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RemovedMay 9·edited May 9
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God knows the truth and the truth will prevail.

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She "deflected" to Russia?

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RemovedMay 9·edited May 9
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I didn’t know her sanity was being questioned. She sounded sane in her discussion with Tucker, IMO.

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Jane, perhaps you’d enjoy the TFP drop today by Peter ‘I kinda Hate Russia’ Savodnik on other ‘Merica defectors to Slavic land:


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RemovedMay 9
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Hmm… sorry about that. Maybe try going to The Free Press site here and you can find the story?


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RemovedMay 9
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Yup, defectors/movers to Russia being the common thread

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