Well isn't that something, the only 3 subscriptions I pay for--TC, Taibbi and Sasha--all rolled up in one place.

Back in the day Taibbi was the reason I cancelled my Rolling Stone subscription. I even took the time to write them a letter and tell them as much. I got tired of his left-wing blathering when all I wanted to do was read about music. What I didn't realize then was that he has principles, and I admire that greatly, so I'm happy to subscribe now.

TC was never on my radar until a couple years ago when I heard his interview with JP Sears. That got me curious. And we have similar backgrounds (same age, born in the same place, lived in a lot of the same places, same influences) so he resonates with me, and I had the same epiphany over the Iraq war, and war in general, as he did, around the same time. He is also principled.

Sasha? Hummm....Seems she has principles as well. So there's the common thread.

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Taibbi is a fact-based objective journalist.

Why is he the exception rather than the rule?

Alt media will continue to grow in popularity so long as main stream media continues to fail to do their job.

Excellent interview!

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Used to be now reporting on anything besides owning the left isnt his goal

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Matt has taken risks and that does it for me.

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Haven't watched but will.

I've followed Matt since his days at the Exile...

I don't akways agree with him, but he is undoubtedly a gifted writer.

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Thanks for the tucker drops. I haven’t watched any in awhile, so the new country-western vibe of the intro credits is new to me. Whats the purpose of all that, I wonder?

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Indeed like Christmas. What a wonderful conversation. It is like back before 2000 when we all talked about things without trying to penalize dissenters.

Former Leftist talking to a former Conservative. Constructive. Now you know why They keep trying to divide us.

Most important: Focus on some history of the 'media' and how it is always trying to be controlled by 'the authority'.

Walter Duranty was a communist sympathizer way back; it has not changed.

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Hahaha! Me too! 🤩 🎄 🤩

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I've been waiting for this! Thank you, Sasha - can't wait to listen...

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I know what happened in 1948, do you?

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Yes. In my country the Left (aka "communists") solidified their power by forcing the last remaining party not enslaved to Moscow, the Social Democrats, to "merge" with them. They also banned the Boy and Girl Scouts, and jailed many priests. We started listening to Radio Free Europe and Voice of America, so I fell in love with jazz music. That made me a dissenter.

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Forget Jail.

Taibbi, and most Substack writers, are already locked in their heads by what they can or cannot say; what they should or should not say; what they can or cannot think. Making allowances for others’ feelings. Making allowances for those governed by their feelings.

All while they ruminate on you know:

“How we got here”.

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And they have the answer: "We decided to be journalists."

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Locked in because of the incoming $? 416k subscribers to Racket News Substack makes it #24 of most subscribed. I'm assuming most are packed subscriptions since the free one gets you nuttin' but an occasional post.

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