Part of the problem is that the Left is using social media pressure to push their false psychological narrative of widespread systemic racial discrimination and intolerance. Take in point the fact that rural or hardworking "middle-class" Americans are being unfairly targeted with this false narrative. When I was growing up, our rural agricultural community included many ethnic residents and NOT ONCE did my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, neighbors, siblings or circles of friend ever say ANYTHING racial about another person. We didn't think twice about the uniquely different people who lived here even though there were different hues of skin, interesting accents and fascinating idioms/sayings/expressions, customs and cuisines. Not once did I ever ask my parents why someone spoke English in a funny way or ask about a "white-skinned" man being married to someone with a different hue of skin color or "accent". We all embraced and learned from each other. We didn't know that people were being mistreated because of these differences in other parts of the world but when that was revealed, our parents taught us that it was wrong. This psychological "war" on America is the method being used by the Left to divide Americans and the Media is their strongest weapon. I wish people would boycott the corrupt media outlets and put them out of commission. Too bad there are so many "useful idiots" among us that cannot see that they will "sink with the ship" right along side of the people that they are being brainwashed to believe are their "enemies". Back in the day, it was "character" that mattered, just as Martin Luther King Jr alluded to, "...where they will be judged by the content of their character." When a child hears stories from grandparents about any mistreatments due to the hue of their skin, there will no longer be any history or proof of such a thing because the Left has pretty much erased our history already, and besides... we'll all be starving together, side-by-side with each other. But then again, maybe the ship will have already sunk by then.

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I’ll never forget how blacks all over the country were ecstatic and cheering when they heard OJ was acquitted for killing two white people. And our ruling class, predominantly Woke white leftists, are far more anti-white now than they were then. Such despicably evil pigs they are. I hate them with a very deep passion. Saagar has a good video on what he thought of the verdict and how the bigotry against white people is still flourishing now.

CNN Defends OJ Simpson After Death: ‘Killed White People.’ (6 min)

Breaking Points. Saagar Enjeti. Apr 15, 2024


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poison our bodies through the food, air, water and injections

poison our minds with indoctrination and ideology

and poison our societies through unassimilable mass invasions disguised as "immigration"

yea, I'd say there's an Agenda here :/

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Two reasons that white people don't stand up against it. One, They have been shamed for so long, that many take on the "shame" of being white. The problem with Shame is there is no redemption. Guilt is doing something bad. Shame is BEING bad. The second reason is many just ignore it thinking that it will just go away because they know that they are not racist. Neither group stands up to it for different reasons.

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The Left, or its most visible sub-section, our "best and brightest" at our elite (because most expensive) instituions of learning, are now loudly-proudly chanting: "Death to America!"

No, it's not a Woody Allen grotesque. It's happening, and there already "thinkers explaining" that chants like this arenot to be considered violent or even threatening. They are just, you know . . .

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“Speak of the Devil: How Demonizing ‘Whiteness’ Spreads White Nationalism.”

By Bret Weinstein. Jun 5, 2019 (6 min)


“How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America.”

Real Clear Investigations. Sept 7, 2022


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Thanks Sasha, that was an excellent and enlightening interview by Tucker. I was pleased to hear Tucker quickly (and gently) call out Mr Carl for his use of the term "reverse racism" by correctly pointing out that racism is racism whether it's employed against someone who is black, brown, red, yellow or...yes, even white! My sense is that the Left is using this divisive tactic as a means of gaining and maintaining power...sadly, those on all sides of the issue will suffer the consequences.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Welcome to ‘globalism’… a type of marxism. SOP: use traditional inflection points between groups and/or individuals to tear down the existing construct and then dispose of the 'true believers' while you install the new regime. The real target is Christianity and our Constitution with its Bill of Rights.

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Prepare for the left raining hell down on Tucker as this is proof that he's a facist christian nationalist.

That's the strategy. Engage in anti white hate, and then when it's called out, accuse the person calling it out as a Shite Christian Nationalist.

Damn, but how long will the white liberal ladies keep falling for this shit? Even the Blacks and Hispanics are on to this and moving to the right.

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There is no such thing as original sin.

We whites of the West are no longer racist, nor do we owe one penny for the racism of our ancestors.

The Left only *uses* racism and white guilt to further destroy individual freedom.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

That guy does not seem to have a very good grip on things. The Far Left has been able to essentially exterminate the Near Left largely by taking over education and then proceeding as if there is no such thing as fallacies. Every fallacy has a superficial appeal, or there would be no need to identify it as invalid. But we now live in a world where our "best and brightest" young people routinely regard as devastating various arguments (e.g. name-calling, guilt by association, shifting meaning) that a medieval monk would have laughed at.

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More like the WESTS downfall. Who is behind it? WHY? And what do they stand to gain for their effort? Are the other races that malleable that they believe they can enslave them with less protest? Just put a big Aunty Samanta titty in their faces and give them the necessities via a money system that can create all they want out of thin air? FREE everything? Why else do you suppose they are flocking to western countries other than to rape the white women? On that subject look at Sweden. A few years back rape was pretty uncommon at about 400 a year in the whole country. Latest statistics was 43,00+ in a year. THAT'S RIGHT. In a country where people can't carry a gun to protect themselves since no one ever raped a .38, FORTY THREE THOUSAND + WHITE SWEDISH WOMEN WERE RAPED LAST YEAR. According to a Swedish source here on Substack. Don't try that shit in MY TOWN. There will be no repeat offender if I find someone raping a woman in my town.

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My nephew was fired because he’s Jewish. That’s what his supervisor told him to his face.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

I have to disagree with Tucker's opening point about 1994. If I teleported from 1994 into now, I wouldn't be surprised at all (aside from the fact that Armageddon never happened yet).

That thing about vilifying white men got me thinking of all the "father figures" in the syndicated tv shows that I grew up with....

In the late eighties, there was Al Bundy and Homer Simpson. Both white men, both "bumbling idiots". And then there was Bill Cosby (whatever year that was), and he was the "wise father".

Ralph Cramden and Fred Flintstone might be early versions of Al Bundy, but, Al Bundy has one other feature that Ralph and Fred don't. Al has a good for nothing wife who's a bitch, whereas Alice and Wilma were awesome.

This was also when "Reality TV" shows were new. I think MTV started it with "The Real World", and I think that was really what got the the ball rolling I the first place.

In the seventies, Mr Cunningham was at least a competent guy.. Sometimes wise, always kind...

Fred Sanford had a certain strength and competence about him, even when he's wrong! Lol... Same with Archie Bunker. There was a brutal honesty with those two that could never be put on TV nowadays..

I never watched "Leave it to Beaver", but I think that father was a respectable father figure, right?

Anyways, to get back to the point... I wouldn't be surprised, at all, if I just beamed here from 1994. If anything, I would probably be glad it's not worse than it is. But that's not to say I think it's ok. I just think that those who influence our culture have been steering us in the wrong direction for decades now.

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Heather MacDonald points out how our judicial system is being destroyed by the left’s war on meritocracy due to it having a “disparate impact” on blacks which to the left is irrefutable proof of racism. They’re doing the same thing to all areas of our society from medical schools that train future doctors to the policing of crime in our cities which has been labeled “racist” by the left for having a disparate impact on blacks which is then considered unacceptable and the crime in cities like Chicago where I live is basically allowed to flourish since it’d be “racist” to seriously crack down on it and simply stop it. This is not working at all and is unsustainable.

Joy Reid Praises “My DEIs” Like Alvin Bragg, Ignores Race and Merit Reality. (10 min)

Megyn Kelly interviews Heather MacDonald. Apr 24, 2024


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One of the ever-false assertions of the left is that the right is based on desires for ‘hierarchies.’

But isn’t that a primary predilection of the left, as proven by their obsession with the hierarchies of skin colour and racism?

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