Hi, Sasha — About to watch (thank you, again, SO much!) but I read down the transcript lines quite a bit and I don’t find it helpful. Thank you, though, for offering the printed words, but not for me.

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It was very long, hard to read, I only read a little, and not for me either. I was wondering why she did that but it seems that some did like it.

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A truly superb conversation between a couple of our best public intellectuals, John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs. Both are well known and respected not only here but globally. Just watch the beginning intro by Lex Fridman and you’ll be hooked on watching it all. Same with Glenn Greenwald who has an excellent video below about Victoria Nuland, one of the many dreadful creatures in our ruling class. These three are examples of the fact that we have the best quality people by far on our side which is our greatest advantage against the democrats and their media. Save these and share with others.

“John Mearsheimer and Jeffry Sachs. All-In Summit 2024.” (54 min)

All-In Podcast. Sept 16, 2024


“Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Admits Not Wanting To End Ukraine War Diplomatically.” (9 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Sept 14, 2024


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The entire panel is a gift to the reality of today. Crushingly honest, straight forward. Not one unhinged remark, as it should be. People who have the experience and knowledge to solve the problems of today.

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It’s a great interview!

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Super good. One the best I’ve ever seen and certainly perfect for our point in time as we’re dangling by a thread over the abyss due to being ruled by ever more deranged fanatics who have an obsessive/compulsive need to destroy Trump/MAGA internally and Putin/Russia externally.

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...are you implying Nuland is behind the assassination attempts? lol

Lindsey Graham said it was Iran. According to Tucker Carlson the assassin Ryan Routh is a neocon/lib and pro-Ukrainian war radical, essentially parroting the talking points of The Party (of war) that they are in a "... fight for good vs evil, an existential threat to democracy... Trump is a threat to democracy.... if Trump wins it's the end of democracy..."

wait a minute. Has "democracy" become a euphemism for continual war? If Trump is elected, and war in Ukraine = democracy, and Russia = evil, then the “end of democracy” means an end to war? What’s wrong with that?

IF Ukraine war is fight for “democracy” …does that explain why Zelensky's regime has stopped 1) general elections, 2) targeted Russian speakers 3) attacked Russian Orthodoxy 4) targeted and imprisoned "journalists" who question his policies? That’s democracy will can look forward to?!

What about Libya? Is the anal rape with a knife and bullet to head assassination of Qaddafi an example of democracy?

Is "Freedom" = a right to abort a 9mo fetus?

Is "freedom" the right to give hormonal blockers to preadolescent children even if there are no long-term studies mapping developmental health, or cognitive health by restricting the biological process for that SPECIFIC living organism...ie your child? IS that freedom? Essentially, the "freedom" to put your child’s life at risk on promises that "progressive" polices dictating "progressive medicines” will result in a better tomorrow?

That doesn’t sound like a “return to normalcy” it sounds like the manipulative behaviors of dysfunctional political-family unit. And if you question their authoritarianism we’re going to be labeled socially as, what, crazy? Really? lol

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“are you implying Nuland is behind the assassination attempts? lol”

She’s too busy with our war on Russia to be involved with plotting how to best assassinate Trump. Such awful people our rulers are. They don’t just have blood on their hands, they have blood soaked hands. They’re psychopathic ghouls who love death and destruction. I’m retired but worked, CNC machinery, for many years with mostly immigrants from all over the world in Chicago. Vietnam, Mexico, Assyrians from Iraq and many other places. I’ll never forget talking to one of them I knew about Iraq who said “All of Iraq is ruined.” Their ancient homeland that they loved as bad as it was under Saddam is forever gone and those fortunate enough to escape are scattered all over the world and these pigs who rule us couldn’t care less about the devastation they’ve done there and many other places. Satan’s lapdogs.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

lol. joking aside, there is something to be said with brainwashing a country into believing everything is okay with the war in the Ukraine -resulting in radicalized "ryans" as 'true believers' .. And that only thing "in the way of democracy" ... is Donald Trump. lol. And the Assyrian community in Chicago overlaps with Armenians in Chicago - has so for generations. That said, the target of Christians in Iraq and Syria or Egypt or Artsakh or Ukraine is rarely ever a subject of concern when Nuland and Cheney and Kamala Harris are boasting about the goals to promote "democracy" abroad. lol

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The Assyrians were appalled that we were in Syria backing ISIS to overthrow Assad and put our guy in charge. They said Assad protected the Christians there the way Saddam did in Iraq and that whoever replaced Assad would be far worse for them. That meant nothing at all to our leaders. That’s when Putin intervened to help Assad and saved him. That’s also when our leaders started to hate Putin, demonize him and call for regime change in Russia. I was just yesterday watching a Kim Iversen interview about this. No denying our fallen world is a terrible place full of evil but it is our world so we just have to make the best of it.

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Don't discount that ISIS is Sunni and the Assad regime is a variant of Shia. Enemy of my enemy and all that.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

lol. Yes, I know. And I knew back late 2011 the direction that would come 'before' ISIL became 'a thing' after witnessing the abrupt turn from Libya to fixate on Syria... because I studied the "El Salvador Option" Dick Cheney implemented in Iraq, and I studied the Muslim Brotherhood development in Syria against Bashar al-Assad's father's reign, that beget a counter-movements of radicalized Islamist after the coup 1980 in Turkey, ie the 'Kurdish Hezbollah' (allegations of CIA involvement) and because I studied US involvement in Central and/or Meso-Americas. And btw the US didn't just "back" ISIL, our country trained them just like we trained Contra fighters, then ISIL would turn on us too. Putin intervened AFTER the fall of Libya AND the brutal assassination of Qaddafi, and pit this all within context to Nuland's overthrow of Ukraine in 2014. when Russia had to advance into Crimea…what other options were there for RU at the time? so yes, I know, I know. it's all so heartbreaking. and I'm happy you're friends with people from the Assyrian community. And that you're sharing stories here!! peace!

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Frankly, I would much rather just view the video. Thank you, though. 👍🏼👍🏼

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Hi Sasha! I watch these on the big screen via TCN, but if posting them is pissing off any of your left-leaning followers, then by all means, keep posting them!! Circle of life…

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Sasha, Love the transcript. Some of us cannot watch/listen to the videos but we can read the transcripts. So that is a great thing to do.

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What an incredible A-list of free thinkers. As an L.A. native, Larry made talk radio eye opening and entertaining. He's a maverick debater who always cites his sources.

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First, thank-you for posting, for having developed the community here, and for fostering so many fascinating commentaries. Second, I have little to no interest in the transcripts of the shows; I find the shows worth watching and the various tones and pauses of their speaking insightful too.

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I vote against the transcript. Not only hard to read but broken up enough to leave a lot of room to question as to what was meant. I do like and support the TC drops, and hopefully enough of us agree to convince you to drop the transcripts as written. As always, thank you Sasha!

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Wow, Sasha! I’ve been watching this Tucker Carlson tour video & about 1/2 way through. Tucker is just fabulous! His truth/falsehood opening, passionate comments are priceless in themselves, then, there’s clear and strong Larry Elder…Had to take a short break, thank you for sharing this, now back to RFK Jr. What a gem of an interview!

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I was at this…got to meet Tucker, RFK Jr., and Larry….it was fantastic. Great discussion, great crowd, awesome energy. Highly recommend his speaking tour.

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Palki Sharma the host of Firstpost from Delhi says America cannot take these attempts on Trump’s life lightly. In fact though the democrats would love to see Trump assassinated since they say he’s another Hitler who wants to establish a fascist dictatorship and put an end to democracy in America. No surprise then that they want him dead.

If Kamala is elected she’ll issue Executive Orders on her first day in office to shut down X and Real Clear Politics and have Trump, Elon, Tulsi, Tucker, Vivek, Glenn Greenwald, Bret Weinstein, Megyn Kelly, Sasha Stone and many others arrested and charged with domestic terrorism. The media will cheer and say she’s protecting democracy. Democrats in the general public will say Thank God the democrats defeated fascism in America.

“Second Trump Assassination Attempt Raises Fears Ahead of US Election.” (1 min)

Firstpost. Vantage with Palki Sharma. Sept 16, 2024


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Fear posting 101 make your allies scared of the election then they will get angry.

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100% spot on description of the Democrat party strategy. Run an installed candidate with zero policies, shun the press, lockstep parrot the talking points about how Trump will DeStRoY demOCRaCy. Go watch Hillary Clinton’s bizarre meltdown from this week, talking about how Trump must be stopped at any cost (interesting timing) and his supporters must be jailed.

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Same with GOP I read Brietbart, Newsmax , Gateway Pundit and Townhall.

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Just videos with your subject time stamps are best. You do great work

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Thanks for the transcript. It was a bit sketchy because of the software, I assume but it was a lot faster to skip over the parts not interesting to me without worrying that I had missed something.

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Thank you Beautiful Ones 🌟🩷🌟

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Cant wait to watch....I like Elder....wish we could have gotten him into CA governorship.

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But Larry’s the black face of white supremacy. He had to be stopped. Can’t have someone who promotes white supremacy in charge of a progressive state like California.

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sadly yes..they really hate a non-white race that has common sense. The enemy is a race baiter and a racist.

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This is the way: Tucker Carlson "Why Are People Still Paying Taxes?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvkRsbyK35c

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