MAGA can win by dropping the term “ Conservative” and replacing it with “Pragmatic, Free Thinker”, “ We The People” ,” Independent ( We’re all unique individuals/We all have something to add/We all deserve a voice/ Were better together)… Stop saying they’re “ liberal” as a derogatory term. They’re NOT liberal. The No Longer Recognizable Dems are antithetical to liberalism. They’re totalitarian CommunoFascist Technocrats. They are ushering in the Post 1984 Brave New World that Huxley so presciently warned of. Expose it! Hammer it. Explain it. Nobody dares mention it! Why, goddammit?

Create some new catchphrases. Something culturally hip that serves as a wake up call. “ Huxley Was Right!”. “ I’m John Galt”, “ “ Justice For Howard Beale”… Enough with the Lee Greenwood country music!!

MAGA has an optics and messaging problem. RFK Jr and Tulsi have enormous broad spectrum appeal.Amber Rose was the star of the Convention. The “ Conservative Fundamentalists

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Nailed it Gail; they are not “liberal” in that they do not agree with “live & let live”. It’s “woke uber alles” & you will salute/march in lock-step or you will be canceled/fired/shunned from “polite” society. Used to drive me nuts when I’d hear El Rushbo refer to them as “liberals” especially during Trump. They are an illegal group who have morphed into just that which they claim to hate: fascists.

Fascism was defined by its creator Benito Mussolini as the “melding of corpora& political power.”

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Thank you, Sasha❕️

Many of us wouldn't have seen this without you.


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Illiberal not “illegal”.

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I knew what you meant.😊They are antithetical to all they claim.Illiberal, intolerant, narrow minded, uninclusive, inequitable,elite, jingoistic, unilateral vs diverse, racist, segregationist, asexual, frigid, uptight, tattletales… they fancy animal abuse and torture, have no empathy, no generosity, no talent, individuality, fairness, curiosity, creativity , humor.. the hate art, music, literature, humanity and all things living. They’ve become such misery pimps they hate Woodstock . It Hendrix played the Star-Spangled Banner with his teeth today, they’d be screaming and protesting.” Jimi’s a racist. He wants you back in chains! He’s an occupier, colonizer, imperialist, Black face of white supremacy, disgusting alpha male cisgender homophobe.. AND, he used his teeth on the guitar strings. And then he’d be arested for defacing the guitar.. ‘Cause day be da’ Man!

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Tap the 3 dots on the right to edit but you have to be in the browser rather than the app where you can only delete the post.

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I think of our side as the “nonWoke” side rather than the conservative or right side. We really do have a huge range of people on our side with a common set of basics like free speech, secure borders, safe city streets and a commitment to meritocracy rather than Equity aka race based Equal Outcomes.

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Yes agree Seva. Bring me more RFK and Tulsi, Tucker and Elon, Vivek and Vance. I want a big tent of smart thinkers. Ideology banned. Dems cannot tolerate broad intelligence bc they need lockstep woke soldiers who will do as they’re told. Looking at most “Republicans” right now, at least half are completely lame.

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Lets see Conspiracy advocate, Turncoat for hire, GOP, Oligarch, GOP, and GOP. Democrats dont want them we have enough nutcases.

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“Democrats dont want them we have enough nutcases.“

Says the Woke leftist democrat who always claims to be nonpartisan but always only condemns republicans of being radicals and extremists. You’re absurd and illiterate.

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So you are but at least I attack the party when it deserves it and I made clear my intentions. I have no worries on 2024 Harris losing in fact I prefer it because this country goes in waves.

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I think of it as "non-Left". My party-switch was not motivated by any change of views. The Demos just went too far left. Very dangerously too far left.

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And Common Sense! Thomas Paine was just quoted by Milei in the UN—250 years later.

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The Conservative Fundamentalists and Establishment GOP hate the aforementioned. Which means we need more of them out there. Trump MUST use great surrogates. Not Katherine Leavitt, Don Jr, Lara, Stephen Miller, Jason Miller, Lewandowski, Newt, Hannity and the Gospel preaching, “ We need more Jesus Christ in the classrooms, Our imperative is to ban abortion federally because we’re the Party of Freedom”. We’re losing 95% of the Republican held seats in Florida due to DeSantis’ draconian crusade( no pun intended). If we don’t save America, they can forget saving “ the unborn”. Most of us are freaking out about the future of our children who are ex-utero. Nobody is preventing those who want children from having them, but if the CommunoFascist UN/WEF Death Cult wins, I fear bringing children into the world they’re harkening. Fucking transhuman slaves, androgyny, Soma and futility.

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He should use all surrogates. IT is a big tent. Only a big tent will win.

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Catch-phrases and logical arguments are not going to cut it. Hell, young dems in particular are going to stare at you blankly if you mention Huxley, Galt, or Beale. They are uninformed fully brainwashed pod-people. There may be a way to break the spell but I haven't figured it out yet. I'm not sure it's possible.

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Yep. America First might ring. My three GenXers(<26 yr old) are Hard.Core. America First.

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In the movie "Conan the Barbarian" <*spoiler alert*> the spell was broken when the cult leader had his head cut off and all the followers saw his head rolling down the temple steps. Slightly different than the "The Wizard of Oz" ending that the Regime is hoping for.

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Changing words or the definition of words immediately sends up a red flag for me. I am fine with the word "Conservative." If only the people who label themselves as such, really were.

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But we really do have people on our side who range from real conservatives to progressive leftists like Bret Weinstein who is utterly appalled by what a monstrosity the Woke progressive left has become.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

It's true that most thinking people can no longer ignore the fact that the economy and crime are closing in on all walks of life, even putting a stranglehold on Democrat run cities etc. , but until the braindead and brainwashed every -day Democrat is personally robbed, raped, or murdered they will "vote blue no matter who."

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“even putting a stranglehold on Democrat run cities etc.”

I live in Chicago and that sure is the truth here. It’s actually the blacks here though who are by far the most disillusioned with the democrats. Listen to at least the first couple of minutes from this Black Conservative Perspective video of an elderly (80) black woman telling the mayor, Brandon Johnson, he is a disgrace and he has ruined her black community on the south side by flooding it with illegals. Just imagine how white democrats would be screaming about racism if the people in these videos condemning the migrants were white instead of black. They’d be hysterical. Even Biden, Kamala and their media would be condemning it, big time.

“Residents Go Off On Woke Mayor Brandon Johnson As Chicago Goes Broke Funding Illegal Migrants!” (17 min)

Black Conservative Perspective. Sept 15, 2024


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The only way to beat the progressive/socialists is to utterly defeat them. It is within reach, but all those non voters need to be encouraged to show up.

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Many of the non voters are too stupid to show up. Last year in Chicago the major issue by far was the out of control crime. The two run off candidates were a white moderate named Paul Vallas and a very far left Woke fanatic named Brandon Johnson who hates cops and loves illegals. Only a third of eligible voters showed up to vote and Brandon won by something like 51 to 49%. Now even most of those who voted for him hate him but we’re stuck with him for another two years. What good is democracy if it produces results like this?

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This is where organizing comes in. The left does this because it works and they have nothing better to do with their time.

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We could say "Conservative, as in 'conserving' our constitutional republic", which Democrat leftists want to destroy".

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Who would have imagined that Trump would be more conservative than any Republican President since Reagan. THe problem with the word conservative is that no Republican would govern that way till Trump. Even though they all "called themselves" conservative.

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I don’t consider Trump a conservative. More like a nonWoke liberal.

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Whatever you call him, he governed more conservative than maybe even Reagan.

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I love the idea of "I'm John Galt". I think I'll put that out there and see what happens. I'm not sure most people know who that is anymore.

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Please no g- -dammit.

That’s blasphemous to us Christians.

Otherwise you are spot on.

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How about MAGAHA Make America Great And Healthy Again?

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"MAGA can win by dropping the term “ Conservative” and replacing it with “Pragmatic, Free Thinker”, “ We The People”"

Lets replace 1 word with 6. K.I.S.S

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"It's a big club, and we ain't in it!"-George Carlin

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Another catchphrase - Project 2025 for y'all!

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Free Thinker is perfect.

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That's funny you mention Brave New World. Trump's new "It was Pelosi who did it" about inciting the Jan 6 riot reminds me of Animal Farm's "Two legs are better than four." Just repeat 1000 times until the false becomes true, reality gets turned upside down.

You guys may want MAGA to be something, but the fearless leader does not operate in good faith. He knows what he's doing, too. Be careful he doesn't lead you to a Jim Jones situation.

I agree, think for yourself.

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Hilarious. So, vote for Harris? Don’t vote?

Vote for Romney?

Pure TDS bullshit.

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Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? (11 min)

Chris Williamson interviews Eric Weinstein. Sept 22, 2024


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It funny you mention Jim Jones. It was Pelosi, Willie Brown, Roslyn and Dhimmi Carter and Kamala’s father who secured the property in Guyana for Jones. His Socialist Multiracial Agrarian Utopia. Pol Pot coined the term first, minus the multiracial platitude.

Not to worry. I’m not an acolyte. Disgusted better describes my level of piety. Trump had great ideas in 2016. He was more Perot than Reagan. Disclaimer: I know Trump personally. Worked alongside him for two years while designing Derek Jeter’s penthouse crib in the then new Trump World Tower. This is not the same Trump I so enjoyed chatting with nearly 4 days per week. Currently, l loathe him much of the time. I so hoped he opt for Tulsi as veep. Had he done so before the first assassination attempt- God forgive me, but had it not been a miss, I’d be doing pirouettes on a high wire celebrating… When Vance was announced, I sobbed. I rarely cry, but the tears folded my face. And I hated Trump at that moment with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.

There are myriad episodes of Trump’s awful, unwarranted and often preemptive ad hominem attacks, stupid, impulsive/compulsive tweets, puerile nicknames, crude, over the top boorish behavior sicken me. I so wish an exciting, charismatic contender who would employ most of his policies and new ideas as well was given the opportunity. It was very selfish of him to burst back in and take over.

We are living in a crucial moment of history that may be an epoch. Like the Hindu Kali Yuga, biblical apocalypse or any such philosophy. The Great Reset/ Agenda 2030 appears to be a concomitant Brave New World, 1984-Animal Farm-Island of Dr Moreau, Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, I, Robot, Clockwork Orange,The Prince, Fahrenheit,Stepford Wives, Logan’s Run,Minority Report, Soylent Green, Twilight Zone anthology… used as a playbook.

I do believe the election was stolen. There were too many anomalies , absurdities , whistle blowers, caught on camera episodes. The “ Stop The Steal Rally” was organic and began building steam prior to Trump’s involvement. But never underestimate Pelosi. She was up to her eyeballs in it. Our system is so corrupt and broken we may only turn it around by purging , eliminating taking players to task en masse and either revising, rebranding and rebuilding the parties or, as I d prefer, scrap them and devise systems that work. “ we the People” have been sleepwalking for many decades. This didn’t happen overnight. But they had to get rid of Trump at any and all cost. It’s no longer right/left. It’s globalism/sovereignty under the guise of haves and have nots.

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I agree with your assessment of our obvious need to screech the brakes but I think your personal history with Trump is blinding you to the necessity of his prominence for the country. I don’t know that I’m expressing myself correctly, but we need a big bull in the China shop and he is it. If not him, who? You? Current Democrats are the most corrosive and hateful people that I’ve ever seen in politics and we need to wipe them off the face of the map before they destroy us. Don’t hate the messenger(Trump), hate the insidious dangerous enemy devoted to the destruction of our fought-for-with-blood Republic (The Blob, Obama/Clinton/Biden). Harris & Walz are ridiculous place holders. That anyone would vote for these losers is the most disturbing thing of my voting life. VOTE TRUMP TO SAVE AMERICA EVEN IF YOU HATE HIM!!

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I have a bit of a different take on the significance of Trump. Without disputing anything you say, I think in the long run, he is important for exposing the rot at the core of the Republican Party. Those 750+ Bushies who endorsed Harris would be the ones who would staff the 2nd and 3rd level of a restored GOPe regime. They must never be let back in. We need to develop our own cadres.

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Nice. So instead of your personal experience of the man, you are going with what the media tells you about him. Talk about not believing your lying eyes... Jeez.

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Yeah. That's a bit over the top for me, but who knows? I find comfort in the idea that extreme claims should require evidence. Otherwise I'm not gonna jump on that train.. As far as "scrapping" the old system goes, historically this kind of utopian thinking has lead to war and death.

Not for me. No human should be trusted to "devise systems that work" or do purges. Give people power and without exception they will devise systems that work - for them at your expense.

Better the current system, with all its corruption and a leader switched out every four or eight years. Maybe the election was stolen, as you believe. IF so, this type of presidential theivery resulted in switching out the clans every 4-8 years.

This is a good thing.

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“This is a good thing.”

In what way has open borders been “a good thing” for America? No society can survive this level of stupidity and flat out insanity.

How bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua used NYC migrant shelters to build a criminal empire: ‘Hiding in plain sight.’

Real Clear Politics. New York Post. Sept 26, 2024


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I'm sorry, are we talking about the border?

But now that you mention it, America has had open borders for almost its entire history. Yet despite high levels of stupidity and flat out insanity America has survived.

I'll bet it survives a while longer.

Skip the links and stuff and write what you think. People can find their own news online.

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Ridiculous. We have never had open borders. Who told you that? Harris? Historically, immigrants were vetted and had a naturalization process and did not pour over the border, bussed and flown to cities and towns all over the country, given money and housing courtesy of the American taxpayers without their consent, able to just settle in without a care in the world. Remember ICE?? They found illegals & deported them. Until certain politicians decided they could get more votes by demonizing ICE and border patrol. Good Lord. Wake up.

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“Skip the links and stuff and write what you think.”

I think the links greatly support what I think and say. If you were anywhere near as intelligent as you like to think you are you’d be appalled and horrified by what these links say about what’s happening to major cities like NYC and Chicago. And we can’t deport these Venezuelan gangs because Venezuela refuses to accept them. They’re America’s dilemma now thanks to your despicable Democratic Party which has ruined this country.

“Chicago gangbangers rage against newly arrived Venezuelan migrants as Tren de Aragua moves in.” (7 min)

New York Post. Sept 23, 2024


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I live in Illinois which has already been bought and paid for, but it won't stop me from voting for the President. I am also working as an election judge. God Bless (Save) America!

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

I’m in the same boat as you, John, but here in blue Oregon. Will vote Trump for the 3x, regardless of this State going Harris. Fight, fight, fight.

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Even Oregon can be won by mobilizing the great plurality that could win every single election. The 40% who don't vote. Add them to the Republicans and independents that vote R and you have a supermajority. Even in Oregon. But there is no way to win by not voting.

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Thank you JD🎯💥👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️🇺🇸

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Thanks so much for sharing this, Sasha! Steve Bannon is a warrior extraordinaire! God bless you!

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Victory in this election is a start but it took us decades to get in this mess. Play the long game.

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❤️ Steve Bannon ❤️

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For the past three days I have been combing the latest polls, news and a commentary across a very broad range of opinion - far left to far right - as I always do. Tonight, before reading Bannon's letter posted here, I came to the same conclusion: Harris has peaked and Trump is starting to regain his footing and support. Today's Bloomberg poll put Harris back on top in the battleground states but Bloomberg polls have been extreme outliers since June. Including this one, they have a 4-point bias toward Harris compared to other polls in the RCP average. Take that one poll away and the trend toward Trump over the last week is hard to miss. Further, MSM pundits have started asking, though not yet demanding, more substance from Harris. They have not been getting it and they are saying so. This week's interview with MSNBC, for example, hurt Harris with her followers and independents. On top of that the war between Israel and Hezbollah (yes, it is a war) is going well for Israel which hurts Harris. And, finally, Trump has found a five word question that hits Harris hard each time she makes a vague promise to improve one aspect of our country or another: "Why haven't you done this?" It is a lethal question which ties Harris back to the incompetence of the Biden administration and a question she has not been able answer.

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I have not been rigorous, but it is clear to me that both Morning Consult and Reuters/Ipsos are Rah Rah polls.

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Thank you for this!!!

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I appreciate the call to arms, and yes we could win hands-down if it were a fair fight.

But what about the hundreds of thousand of ballots that are being delivered to bogus and ineligible addresses in swing states — churches, gyms, social service agencies, Wal-Marts? These blank ballots are being collected by Leftist non-profit organizations, illegally filled out, and then held until the election to just barely put Kamala over the top when they’re put in drop-boxes and scanned right in front of conservative poll watchers.

All the dishonest polling provides plausibility for a Harris election night miracle, even though every illegal immigrant has been registered to vote so that their ballot can be harvested and illegally voted.

Casting this fight as a fair one where the best Get-Out-The-Vote team wins just sets us up for disaster. Check out StopBogusBallots.com

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Sasha, if you are serious and I think you are, you will at least comment on whether you think people should post silliness like this. You wouldn't want your serious, well-reasoned essays to get comandeered and used by people who would spread falsehoods, right?

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On his very first day in office in Jan 2021 Biden issued an Executive Order for all government agencies to be committed to “Equity” aka race based Equal Outcomes and we’ve now reached the point where even our medical schools are being dumbed down to achieve this. Why do you hate meritocracy? Because it has a “disparate impact” on blacks which to democrats is irrefutable proof of racism. You people are insane.

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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Yeah, you posted something about how you don't like equity in med school earlier. I get it. You don't like that.

This article was about Steve Bannon, and my comment was about somewone posting unsupported aaccusations of voter fraud. I'd hope a smart writer like Sasha would react to it in a responsible way.

What do you think?

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Sasha has responded in a responsible way- by letting the discussion continue. Are you suggesting that only some ideas can be expressed and others should be suppressed?

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Why, yes he is. That is the talking points he gets from the media.

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Maybe you should read the omega4 America stack on what has been discovered via a via phony voter locations and ballot harvesting. Pretending it’s nonsense doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Or maybe you vote from a Walmart

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What would Marcuse say about "The Revolution" being achieved by voter fraud? He had no problem with censorship being used to achieve "The Revolution". For Commies, Paleo and Neo, it's always "The end justifies the means".

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Why is what she posted silly? I assume you are speaking of Holly's post, yes?

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"Common Sense Elections" is not legit. They find their way into comments sections of legitimate Substacks like Sasha's and Jeff Childer's for example, and then do their hustle. If what they claim is true, we are well past the point of using elections to decide things any way, which seems to be their broader point. They are the ultimate "doomers" and should be ignored, for the sake of your mental and financial health.

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What about this? Another type of ballot harvesting. I’ve read of it before on Substack I believe.

The number of American citizens abroad is a good bit below their target number.

Comment following the tweet confirm this happening in other countries. They are not stopping with harvesting votes only by citizens. Just like before in some cities (swing states) when ballots were mailed at large to everyone regardless.

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A Victory in America, is a Victory for the whole world!

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The world is watching & pulling for Trump. They know.

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I was told by a local Republican committee woman that many Republicans are dispirited and discouraged about Trump’s chances after all the lawfare and two assassination attempts. We need to do better and pull on our boots, get up on our horses and ride out to get Trump elected by the biggest margin any president has ever won. Period.

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Let us vote to be unburdened by the JOY candidate.

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Excellent article, and I'm super excited to see a letter from Bannon. I'm going to restack this article for my readers.

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CNN asks 10 and 11-year-old children to describe Kamala Harris in one word and the answers are brutal


When one young boy is asked to describe Harris in one word, he replies, 'Liar' without hesitation.

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People are getting tired of the Regime treating them like mushrooms: keeping them in the dark and feeding them shit.

Which is why this interview is so intriguing: https://rumble.com/v5fwn7x-how-maga-became-just-as-cringe-as-blue-maga-w-kim-iversen.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

I wonder if Kim got dis-invited from the Rescue the Republic rally?

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Thanks for posting this. I had missed it. I like Kim and follow her but I think she’s totally wrong on this. I live in Chicago where the crime really is out of control which really does have tens of thousands of migrants from Venezuela who are being supported by hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and blacks here really are furious about this. There is no doubt in my mind that a Democratic victory in November will just bring us another 4 years of open borders, dumbed down schools for the sake of Equity and the further weaponization of the federal government against Trump/MAGA. I totally distrust democrats and have very good reason for that.

“Chicago gangbangers rage against newly arrived Venezuelan migrants as Tren de Aragua moves in.” (7 min)

New York Post. Sept 23, 2024


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They have no choice but to install Harris. They’re even more desperate now than when they installed Biden.

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And also far more deranged now than when they installed Biden. Their open borders and war on meritocracy are just a couple of ways they’ve ruined the country. They really are quite insane.

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Gail, spot on. Just like the left gave us our red color, and used the Big Lie propaganda to create their image of the “conservative, right wing” movement, we should use marketing to turn it back on them. But it wouldn’t be the big lie. It would be the truth.

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Plenty of country club Republicans will vote for Harris. I am a country club member and a Republican, but boy I cannot stomach voting for a Democrat after what they did to Kavanaugh. Oh, and like everything else about that party.

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Bret Weinstein on Kamala’s “innumeracy.”

Shorts. Sept 27, 2024


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