Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Welcome to America's Religious War
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -50:14

Welcome to America's Religious War

America at the Hands of a Cult, Part Two

Part One: The Timeline is here.

Are we living through a culture war or a religious war? Can we even tell the difference by now?

The Left demonized the religious for nearly all of my life, yet here we are, a country at the hands of a cult, and the intellectuals can’t get us out of it — No proper boundaries to protect children, no guiding principles beyond categorizing us by skin color or gender identity, a godlessness that has left us awash in narcissism and hollowed out morality.

Progressivism is an invasive species. It can’t stop on its own. It has to blow through everything.

The #MeToo and Times Up movements collapsed. The funds dried up for Black Lives Matter. The box office in Hollywood is like a ghost town. All they have left now is to invade the minds and hearts of children to indoctrinate them into this bizarre new cult that seemingly came out of nowhere (aka Tumblr, Circa 2012).

There is no question that the pendulum is ready to swing, as the Left is long past its sell-by date, and Americans are just done. It is not a question of if, but when. If the Republicans can’t find a way to rescue this country in 2024, as Ronald Reagan did in 1980, they must be the most inept political party in American history.

Progressivism and Eugenics

Hitler’s monstrosities were just serious enough to pour cold water on Eugenics, but before World War II, as the progressive movement of the 1800s was winding down, Eugenics was quite popular with all of the cultural and political elites back then.

From the New Yorker:

If you listen carefully to history, you’ll find unsung heroes in the devout Christians, who stood against slavery, against Eugenics, and now, against abortion and “gender-affirming care.”

You’ll notice I threw abortion in there, even though it puts me on the other side of the line as a “pro-lifer.” It’s just that I can see the future, and I know we’re headed for declining birth rates, infertility, Testosterone shortages, and who knows what else. Very likely we’ll look back on all of the casual abortions and wonder, what could they have been thinking?

But it’s even more damning than that:

  • Double mastectomies of healthy breasts on teenage girls who can’t consent.

  • Sterilization as commonplace as spaying and neutering pets now visited upon children.

  • 30% percent of those identifying as transgender and seeking treatment also have Autism.

  • Drugs used for chemical castration given to young boys shrink their penises and render them unable to father children.

  • Flesh taken from other parts of the body to fashion an imaginary male penis that never works properly.

  • Loss of sexual function for both boys and girls whose puberty is disrupted too soon.

  • Hysterectomies of women in their 20s because cross-sex hormones destroyed their reproductive organs.

  • Children being divided in elementary school as “oppressed” and “oppressors,” and being taught that the ONLY thing that matters about them is their skin color or their gender identity.

  • A desire to foist upon Black children that they can only succeed through Affirmative Action because they can’t achieve anything in a country rooted in “systemic racism.”

Christian Conservatives, or Orthodox Jews, might not be perfect, particularly where same-sex marriage is concerned, but when you remove religion, humans still crave the structure and a collective sense of purpose religion provides. And that’s how you get to cults.

We’ve been here before, back in the 1960s and into the 1970s. The difference then was that it was confined as a counter-culture movement, with most institutions, including the government, still rooted in the Judao-Christian ethos.

Those of us who lived through the 1970s as children remember all too well what it felt like to live without the necessary guardrails to protect us.

Children of the “Me Generation”

Pride this year flashed me back to growing up in the hippie enclave of Topanga Canyon in the 1970s, when I saw more male dicks before the age of 10 than I’d seen Barbies. They were just kind of everywhere. My mother dated a guy we called “The Fruitarian” who sat cross-legged at the beach in front of us and ate watermelon. You can’t unsee that.

We were dragged to annual grape stomps because our friends made their own wine, and there they’d be, all the hippie adults buck naked, smushing their bodies together, and stomping grapes while we swam in the pool nearby. Bad things happened at those grape stomps. Bad things happened everywhere because the parents weren’t looking; it was a sex offender’s paradise.

The dirty little secret is that in the wake of the feminist movement and the counter-culture revolution, serial killers were on the rise, and so were rapists. Not to mention all of that child molestation that would have to be worked out decades later in therapy or by watching Oprah everyday day at three or with psych meds. All that freedom did was unlock a gate to the henhouse as the wolves patrolled the perimeter.

My childhood instilled in me a toughness that I remain grateful for, but there is no doubt that the loose boundaries meant kids and women were left vulnerable.

Now, everyone is afraid to speak out. They’re afraid of being tagged a “Christian Conservative.” So they say nothing and throw the children to the wolves. It’s not just the Emperor’s New Clothes, it’s the Emperor’s GIANT fake gazungas meant to turn on teenage boys that we’re all now mandated to tolerate.

Molesters can dress up in drag and snuggle up with children now. Rapists can enter female prisons; flashers can wag their junk and twerk at parades; peepers can openly stare at naked women in locker rooms.

And they can flaunt it in our faces because the “good liberals” on the Left will DO NOTHING lest they be called bigots and TERFS. Or we’re back to the 70s again and to object to any of it means you’re a prude or uptight.

There were plenty of Pride parades that didn’t have sociopaths chanting, “We’re here, we’re Queer, we’re coming for your children,” though they didn’t go viral. But that’s like the “mostly peaceful protests” of Pride.

America at the Hands of a Cult

While walking through my neighborhood the other day, I noticed a Pride flag flying at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School. A Pride flag at a public elementary school? When did LGBTQIA+ and "trans kids” become an accepted, and even mandated, ideology?

A quick google search gave me my answer: the policy was enacted in all the public schools in the Burbank School District in 2021.

LGBTQIA+ and trans kids are a brand new phenomenon. Trust me, I know. I was not only a helicopter parent raising a kid in progressive public schools in the Hollywood Hills and Studio City area but I also worked as a Kindergarten aid.

There was plenty of tinkering with the brain chemicals of children, particularly boys who were diagnosed with ADHD or bi-polar disorder and medicated as a way to make them conform to our ideal of what progressive children should act like, but there was never talk of gender or sexuality or being born in the wrong body.

Here is Benjamin Boyce on the concept of “trans kids.”

I sent my daughter to Cleveland High School Humanities Magnet where they taught Critical Race Theory in 9th grade back in 2012. Now, this is what her school has listed for the 11th grade curriculum:

Does that sound like “teaching accurate history,” or does it sound like indoctrination?

And then this, from the Free Press positioned as an “oh those crazy kids” piece:

Earlier this month I strolled around the L.A. Pride parade in Hollywood. There I met a gay eleven-year-old boy who had to contend not with being routinely bullied, but with the fact that the two other gay boys in his class were dating each other and not him (and who’s to say which is worse, really?). I met a whole slew of gay-looking girls who identified as everything from queer to lesbian to trans, and who very politely tolerated my interrogations on everything from their pronouns to their chest-bindings. I met a ten-year-old who told me she was nonbinary and pansexual. Or rather, they were nonbinary and pansexual.

It should not be surprising that further down the article, there is this:

A recent Gallup poll shows a seven-point overall drop in Americans’ belief that same-sex relationships are morally acceptable—it’s down to 64 percent. The drop is larger among Republicans (56 percent to 41 percent), but holds for Democrats too: we were at 85 percent support last year; now we’re at 79 percent.

Old gays know what’s coming because they lived through the 1980s when the gay rights movement had to once again fight for acceptance in the wake of the AIDS epidemic. Many of them are admirably trying to pull us back from the brink, like this man:

This isn’t a cult of one personality but a cult of many. The cult leaders are activists and influencers. The Biden administration is reeling them in to co-opt their platforms for votes.

One of those is Rose Montoya, who was just banned from the White House for standing in a conga line with other transgender influencers and going “topless” to display scars where breasts used to be and implants where none used to be. A quick look at Montoya’s TikTok feed reveals an out-and-proud exhibitionist as happy with the new implants as what dangles between the legs.

Montoya and other transgender people can have it all. They can be whatever they want and define themselves however they like. I have no problem with that. The problem is what they’re selling as influencers - gender euphoria and eternal happiness with your own body, no matter where that takes you.

Not even ten years ago, Montoya was building a platform on YouTube not as a trans female but as a former Christian coming out as gay. Why didn’t he love himself as he was?

Because in 2023, being a gay boy isn’t going to get you 800K followers on Tik Tok. That Montoya and Dylan Mulvaney and other trans influencers are the only input, what chance do young people have to escape this madness?

Yet when they wake up from the trance as their brain matures, they’re stuck with their breasts having been removed, their voice lowered, and hair sprouting up everywhere. They’re not men, even if the cult has convinced them to say they are.

How anyone can watch this video and not fly into a rage and scream at these monsters — what are you doing to these kids?

What chance do they have if the President of the United States and his zombie avatar, Gavin Newsom, are prepared to enact legislation that separates children from their parents?

Here is Erin Friday confronting Newsom on the bill he will probably sign to remove custody of a parent who refuses to “affirm” their child’s gender.

Do it, Gavin. Sign that bill and watch your career go up in flames.

This mass delusion is not going to last, and I can’t wait to watch all of the weak and compliant Democrats — not one of them with courage enough to stand up to the cult — carry this albatross around with them like toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoes for the rest of their careers. Do they think we’re going to forget it? Never.

Here is Dr. Miriam Grossman on how politics has infected the mental health industry:

Cults always find their way to the kids. Usually, when they do, that’s when the Feds bust in. Only by now, the Feds have been sucked into the cult too.

Imagine living in a country that would go along with something like this. A video of a mother who lost custody of her child at the hands of the cult:

A Pregnant Man

Glamour UK’s Pride cover story declares:

Just as “her penis” distorts biological reality, and millions of years of evolution - not just among humans but all mammals on the planet — so too is this “pregnant trans man” a slow-rolling catastrophe for our species.

This “pregnant trans man” will have to lie to her own child to convince her that a man gave birth to her. Maybe she will explain it accurately, but she will demand that the child “affirm” her gender identity and go along with the delusion that this person is not her mother but her father.

Mothers are not expendable. The mother/child bond is the foundation of our civilization. Breasts aren’t there as bobbles on a Christmas tree you can just remove at will. They have a purpose, a generous cocktail of the most nutritious food for babies on the planet. But it’s more than that. Mothers teach us love. They teach us how to be loved. We can do without them in dire situations, but why would a mother do that to her own child?

Granted, this “pregnant trans man” claims to have Autism, as so many of them do, which makes her the rarity of transgender people who can still even get pregnant.

The Pendulum Swing

The girls that were sucked into the Manson cult sat outside the courthouse and carved out an “x” in their foreheads after he did, which they’d have to live with for the rest of their lives, but even that was better than the idiot girls who committed murder for Manson and then had to spend the entirety of their lives in prison. Cult fanaticism does strange things to people.

Charlie would be set free, they insisted. Then the revolution will come, they were brainwashed to believe. Who wanted to save them? Those so many in the 1970s called the “Jesus people.”

After a close election in 1968, Richard Nixon would win in a landslide in 1972, a couple of years after the Manson murder. That was the end of the world for the counter-culture Left.

Though Watergate would bring down Nixon, and briefly disrupt the pendulum shift to the Right, there was no way Jimmy Carter could have met the moment. Just like there is no way Joe Biden can meet the moment. All they could do is take us exactly where we didn’t want to go - farther to the Left.

I know Obama doesn’t want to let go of his control and influence of this country. I understand that he doesn’t want everything he built to wash away. But that’s the nature of the pendulum swing.

Even if Democrats and the Left want to marginalize those pushing against the cult as “Jesus people” of the modern era, it isn’t only the religious Conservatives. The backlash is coming.

Billboard Chris has been traveling the world to wake people up to the very thing that will not only take the Democrats out of power, probably for a generation, but will ultimately bring down the empire the Boomers built all the way back in the 1960s.

This is a big country rooted in traditional religion. Just drive across it and look at all the churches in all the towns from coast to coast.

I never understood the Ronald Reagan thing, as an anti-establishment Gen-xer reaching adulthood in the 1980s. Now, though, after what we’ve lived through, I finally get it. Listen to his acceptance speech for the nomination for President in 1980. Listen to it from the vantage point of 2023.

Tell me bringing a convention hall to complete silence in prayer doesn’t resonate. Tell me a leader choking up at the mere mention of bringing God back into the minds and hearts of Americans doesn’t have power then and now.

I was not raised with religion. I never went to Church and was never taught to pray. I put my faith instead in movies, and all that the Baby Boomers built during their Counter-Culture revolution. I feel lucky to have grown up with all of that rich storytelling. But what is left now? Nothing but state propaganda.

In Ang Lee’s Life of Pi, the film ends with an explanation of religion that has always rang true to me:

“And so it goes with God,” he says.

The better story is what we must tell ourselves to endure as people, as a species, and as a country. And Yann Martel writes in Life of Pi, “I can only tell you a story. What you choose to believe is up to you.”

I would be lying if I didn’t admit that if the alternative is a fundamental cult, I’ll be rooting for the “Jesus people.”

Coming up, Part Three — Trump and the Seeds of Mass Hysteria

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