The fact that so many of these guys are upset with RFK and Tulsi means that they are EXACTLY the people who should have those positions. I had Tulsi for VP, but I think this is much better...
I'll admit it, I used to think preppers were crazy. I no longer do. In fact, I make a point to grow most of my food each year, and I've recently started purchasing meats from local farms I trust...
Well, originally, I got into it through National Geographic's tv series, and those people were always prepping for things I thought were very low odds of survival. Then I read a book about the electrical grid because I wanted to learn more about it. I came away from that realizing that the damn thing stands about a 60% chance of going down due to cyber attack, and a 150% chance of going down due to its own design. That changed everything. I don't rely on the government....
I don't think Tulsi will make it either. Of course Trump can adjourn Congress with Speaker Johnson's help and make recess appointments, per the Constitution. He has the right to get everyone he wants. We gave him a mandate.
As an executive myself that runs a business, I give my management the team they want. There are no excuses that way. Same thing here. Give the man the team he has selected. We have clearly indicated on 11/5 that we don't want more of the same. These guys should all be voted out if they choose differently (regardless of party).
If Tulsi doesn’t get confirmed I would suggest Trump pardon Snowden the next day. Maybe grant him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for exposing how the deep state is maintaining constant surveillance over the American people in defiance of the 4th Amendment. And let these senators know what happens when they screw around with the program. Trump is kicking butt right now and needs to maintain dominance or the opposition will walk all over him.
Snowden should be pardoned, regardless. Strange how they go after Snowden, but has anyone that was responsible for all of the Unconstitutional and illegal surveillance that he uncovered been punished?
Agreed - I think it is a bad rule that cabinet members have to be voted on by Congress. The president leads the cabinet and the cabinet members are his assistants. Congress already has a check and a balance in that they vote for the laws that then go to the cabinet. Having them also vote on cabinet members is, to a large degree, a way to make the president elected by Congress instead of by the people. Because yeah, he's in, but not the people he needs in order to carry out his mandate.
(Or consider if the president was elected by the people, but then Congress got to vote on whether he gets access to the White House. Another situation I come to think of: In France you are allowed to write any book you want, but the government can stop you from printing it.)
You gave him less than half the country. Biden won far, far more decisively and Obama was as close to a landslide as we’re going to get.
You don’t want a democracy. You want Trump to be a dictator and kill Democrats. You and Stone and all Trumpers are far more interested in hurting others than you are in doing anything else. You — and Stone — want women reduced to chattel status, LGBT people dead or in camps, and anyone darker than a paper bag locked out of any significant careers. You think being a white male justifies you running everything in society regardless of skill or talent, and if you can’t rule, you will ruin. And it looks right now like Trump is going to ruin everything.
Sasha Stone is one more pathetic Pick Me who deludes herself that she’s anything more than toilet paper to people like you — useful for disgusting tasks and then to be flushed away.
2020 was stolen. 15 million democrat ballots more than any election previous or since. Biden defied statistics. The simple reason why was because of voter fraud.
Matthew, this is where I think you are wrong. Biden with his decisive win in 2020 simply proved what we all knew (but won’t say) in that it was Biden who carried Obama through 2 successful elections in ‘08 and ‘12. 😉 Biden, the true King maker. 🤣
Oh might be time to try a new script or up the dosage. It must be so hard for you to deal with everyday life with all that fear, anger and fictional points of view.
Low info and 100% selection bias has placed you in the pathetic darkness of a mushroom cave. Your plantation masters don’t want you to understand this, so while you think the dense fog of the profoundly “undemocratic” Trump/MAGA has closed in around you, as a fellow Pilgrim whose Earth is not his home — just passing through — I extend a hand of encouragement to know there is a better day ahead for you, if — (critical), you will slow down to a measured walk, listen carefully, and watch more intently than ever before! Because in doing so, you can by conscientious choice, make better decisions than the perilous denunciation of Trump voters, devotees, coalition partners, and the savvy Sasha Stone.
Your demeaning words are insulting but demanding in an ‘I’ve been hurt, and I’m fearful of more hurt’ way.
The American people have made their keen desire for a better, more responsive government to lead our civilization back to some fundamental principles that have been willfully breached, and lawfared. Two tiers of ‘justice’ have emerged from the more real than virtual coup on duly elected officials, namely President Trump. In spite of all the spin, the efforts to derail, depose and destroy his vision for America have failed in every way except establishing the momentum by every nefarious means to effect an actual coup against him and the sovereignty of this nation.
If you have not been thinking along these lines of reason, which your post clearly states, you will be tempted to strike back once again in anger. — Please listen carefully, and for a serious moment of reflection, so that you can work out of the deep, practically impenetrable fog of delusion that has captured your thinking.
Rethink. Read more. Use practical rather than ideological metrics to make more reasonable, mature decisions about pronouncements that could only be true if President Trump followed the example of the regime he has legitimately replaced.
In good faith Sasha and I challenge you — At least give us the benefit of the doubt Nicole Shanahan deserves.
I’m alive and thrive because I show respect to even the most questionable people society has to deal with. But that’s what makes society work in an imperfect world — people mature enough to confront problems courageously, and Earn respect.
You earned respect by earning my response ! Now how will you respond in a world where maturity and courage are worth something?
Slow down. Rushing through dense fog is dangerous, and just not wise.
I pity you for living in a world of hate, violence, and evilness. The world has so much good and beauty in it. I hope you wake up someday and realize how you have been used, and brainwashed. We don't need more evil and hatred in the world.
Your comments are in fact a lie and ridiculous. Trump has chosen strong women - Tulsi -is one example. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer-another. Scott Turner leads Housing. Who knows why u are quoting a liberal blogger like Stone who changed tribes. You obviously hate her & Trump. Kill Dems? Please/ you have TDS- no factual logic in your comment- just BS. It’s gonna be. Long 4 yrs for you.
Are you talking white paper bags (I only see those at pharmacies), or the typical medium-dark paper bag I think we're all accustomed to? Why are you so obsessed with skin color? What color are your light bulbs?
“ Biden won far, far more decisively and Obama was as close to a landslide as we’re going to get.”
Go find that 2020 video, in which Biden admits creating unseen before criminal organization ….
Biden would have won this time too, but squirrel brained screwed up. Biden got pissed for being pushed aside and kept his criminal organization on “stand back and stand by.”
I think, these days, left hates Taibbi as much as Liberty itself.
Per usual they accuse us in precisely they do themselves. Attack is the best defense.
“Trump is going to persecute his political opposition.” Isn’t this precisely what the low lives have done when they changed and amended laws so they have a chance to hurt Trump?
Ask them to name any other movement, even all others combined to come anywhere in the vicinity of people/innocents “hurt” by the left. Between Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Noriega, etc. 200mln - 300mln is not a stretch.
So, let Karen to spit her venom in our direction. Even forgive, but NEVER forget. Don’t let them get away with crimes committed. Prosecute to the full extent of the law. Do everything properly legally, so they don’t escape on technicalities.
I’ve wondered at times whether there might be some understandable reason for confusion between the presuppositions is Matt and those of Bari Weiss.
Tucker seems to have a deep and genuine respect for Matt, and given Matt’s experience in Russia, I think the basis for that respect is the actual work and integrity Tucker sees in Matt. I’m ok with the idea that Tucker knows where the butter or the mayo needs to go for his widening audience but at least he acknowledges his limitations. And I do appreciate his willingness to be open to revelation.
Bari Weiss having cooked for the Gray Lady, I reserve judgment on her work, since a little like Tucker, ‘I know I’m gullible, but there’s a limit !’ Neither do I have firmly set parameters for Bari’s worldview. Most commentators have some pretty well established influence positions. Not sure whether the male point of view has me captured or if I’m open to the female voice in writers like Bari Weiss.
Sasha has the assured voice of a well seasoned watcher. And reasonable conclusions that don’t ask too much of a man’s concept of reality.
Speaking from my theatre roots: her all-white outfit shone, a fitting metaphor for the light of truth. She's one of the few politicians I admire deeply. Always have.
What really bothers them is that she’s not “ them”, which threatens all of “ them”. Tulsi is “us”. “We The People”. She’s what we want. Smart, independent, straightforward, respectable and respectful, patriotic, strong, but empathetic, young , attractive, dedicated, hardworking, pragmatic, honest, honorable and stalwart. She’s everything they aren’t. She’s not corrupt, not a warmonger, not afraid to call out the rot, Islamist terror, that we are arming Islamist terrorists, provoking wars and interventions. She’s not crazy. She’s not a religious zealot nor is she godless. But what really scares the hell out of them is her ability to appeal to Americans across the spectrum. Meaning she has the capacity to remake the GOP into a much more palatable option, which means they will be dust and the entire Dem Death Cult will be dust.
With RFK Jr, Battacharaya, Dr Oz, Makary, Tammy Bruce, Grenell , Patel, Elon Lutnick, and other straight shooters representative of America on board, America will begin to unite. And that is what they fear most.
The important thing to keep in mind, is that they had her. They lost her. Same with RFK, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, and countless others. Trump 2.0 is so different than Trump 1.0. I think the first time he didn't expect to win, and was somewhat unprepared. He's had at least 4 years to prepare for it this time, and it shows. Say what you want about DJT, but with everything they threw at him, he kept getting up and fighting back. He inspired a bunch of people in doing so (and surviving an assassination attempt), and even managed to put together a team to execute the peoples' vision. There's a word for that where I come from. This, my people, is leadership.
I find the prospect of Trump’s team, all excellent in their fields, all free thinkers who question the status quo, and who DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER, to be extremely exciting. It’s such an interesting group of high performers that I feel like they might actually change the direction of this ship whose rudder has been pointed in the wrong direction for so long. I’m not expecting everything to be perfect after Trump’s 4 years, nothing is perfect and never will be, but I do hope they’re able to make large steps in the right direction.
Exactly, Bob. They attacked Kyrsten Sinema viciously for speaking out on an issue, going so far as to hiring mobs to stalk and harass her, including a group who followed her into a public restroom, surrounded her and threatening physical violence. Now they’ve lost Jillian Michaels, Sage Steele, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Amber Rose,Elon, Michael Shellenberger,Bill Ackman, Silicon Valley, Snoop, , Stephen Smith… they’ve lost all of RFK’s supporters , most when he was blocked from running against Biden as a Dem .After the treatment Bobby and Tulsi endured yesterday and today, the rest .
What they forgot to mention is both RFK and Gabbard are getting their once-in-a-lifetime chance to change DC only by virtue of someone who had reason to dislike them, Donald Trump. The people and the media are not talking enough about this incredible coalition of the slandered. I remember online bullies and my high school "paper" slandering thinkers like me, and it never stopped since with 0 hope for change. Until 5 November 2024. In all honesty, 77 million voters surprised me.
He’s open minded on all things health and medicine, which I do like. As per his personal history, I can’t attest to one way or another. Albeit. The “crudités “ comment was a bit obtuse. Given what we’ve been privy to across the board for decades, I won’t hold it against him.😂
Geez, maybe it’s because I’m a former lefty, but the two potential Trump cabinet picks I was most excited about were Tulsi and RFK jr. Some of the others, not so much. But are they the two who AREN’T going to be confirmed? That will definitely leave me disappointed and disillusioned, just like always…
Thank God, that Mr Snowden had the balls to reveal to the American people, the crooked and unconstitutional actions of their government! He deserves a pardon and right to return home These disingenuous politicians at this hearing should be ashamed to blatantly ignore the benefits of revealing the truth
Sen Bennet represents me and will be getting an earful. I can say what Gabbard could not. Edward Snowden was not a traitor to his country. Edward Snowden was a traitor to our country's government. Bennet did not take an oath to defend the government. He took an oath to defend the constitution.
Michael Bennet is one of the most massive tools to ever represent Colorado. He’s such a douche bag. And he’ll probably be reelected because my fellow Coloradans have lost their damn minds.
Former Coloradan here. After military service and subsequent college, I fully intended on returning to Colorado. But after spending two months in my former neck of the woods (Boulder to Fort Collins) I left for Alaska and knew I would never return. This was in 1989 and even by then I could see the old Colorado that I loved was in its last gasps.
Yep. I lived in Fort Collins from 1970 to 1987. The Front Range is all but unrecognizable compared to then. And even in 1975 I had a bumper sticker on my VW that read "Don't Californicate Colorado." Even back then we knew where the poison was coming from. As a result of growing up in Colorado as a "red neck hippie" I've always thought of California as more my enemy than even the USSR back then.
I am born and raised in the north metro and now raising my family in northern Colorado. It’s rough and it hurts my heart over the destruction of the western dream and state of mind here.
Wyden here in Oregon. Enriched by over a million by big Harma. I didn’t even bother calling his office. A corrupt pig in a lovely state, run by other corrupt pigs.
“I was coming from a place of ignorance - what else is new? I wish I could take it back. ”. Sasha Stone articulates what so many of us have experienced. She covers the confirmations with a keen eye and insight.
Because its a two party system how did anybody vote for turtle shit head or MTG oh right two party system where the worst people get a pass in the deep districts/states they serve.
Oh no, not another "third party" ninny... Wake up dude, the problem isn't the "party," it's the people in the party, and the special interests that corrupt them. 2, 3, 50 parties, the problem would be much the same.
The bullying of Tulsi should have been stopped by the Chair. It was so abusive that it was hard to watch. Very sad that such unethical, aggressive hectoring and badgering is permitted in a so-called civilized forum. Congress is not worth the money taxpayers spend on it.
The left is being openly exposed as idiots and fools. Electing Schiff to the Senate? Really? Of course I wonder how many of his votes came from people who know who they voted for. Everything they touch turns to oblivion. Be it energy policy, water management, environmental management, personnel decisions, wasting of resources with nothing to show for it unless they can somehow spend 10X what it should cost.
I find it hilarious how the Democrats are now the thwarted opposition in these hearings. They just can’t get the answer that they want from these nominees, so they screech instead. It wasn’t that long ago that the Democrats constantly came to the rescue of Mayorkas and Garland when Republicans were after them to “just answer the question”. Its all political theater. And it aint worth the price of a ticket to watch. Just banal and boring. We got work to do, people. Let’s get cracking.
Yea its opposition gets to have a toddler temper tantrum rinse and repeat. People only dont like it when their people get attacked otherwise phuck it I dont care.
Democrats are grandstanding and find themselves trapped in their collapsing grandstand. Ike warned of the military-industrial complex January 17, 1961. Tulsi is deconstructing it--and has become an Enemy of the State.
Chamber of Commerce vs Main St. / Small / Mid Size Business is a much larger or equal difference. Immigration is the battle and the Chamber loves the cheap labor that needs a place to rent.
This is not the 2000s manufacturing changed and so has our population. I think its a needed evil to keep the country going because employers wont pay good wages for low skilled labor.
HL3 - I see her as reformed (and wonderful in a jounalistic aspect), as I was a few times while deeply involved in politics during the past few decades. I was often wrong or even foolish in my partisan thoughts (harmful to the brain) - I purely concede. The only bitterness I see now is from the D party (and anti-Trump R's) in being exposed for all their lies as pure charlatans. The last of them are truly bitter, the smarter of them will see what most American's would rather have, and should - a goverment that does what they want, hopefully within Constitutional bounds...... Maybe it will be the same in the new order of R's and Trump Administration, but none of us has a working crystal ball. All I know is that I'm not a political partisan and I - along with most of the nation - was sick of authoritarian policies, the obvious lies, forever chasing Trump to subvert democracy, and the rest of the craziness. To me it was like the twilight zone, but to each his own and God bless them all.
Well said Sasha. These Senators are all bullies who really believe they can make these nominees bend a knee - And get hysterical when they can’t. Toddlers. One of the most ridiculous displays was when Schiff demanded Kash turn around & look at the capital police in the room & apologize for his views on 1/6. Of course Kash didn’t comply but said I’m looking at you Senator. I thought Schiff’s eyes were going to bust out of their sockets. Was a joy to watch.
The fact that so many of these guys are upset with RFK and Tulsi means that they are EXACTLY the people who should have those positions. I had Tulsi for VP, but I think this is much better...
I'll admit it, I used to think preppers were crazy. I no longer do. In fact, I make a point to grow most of my food each year, and I've recently started purchasing meats from local farms I trust...
Just because we preppers are (a little) crazy doesn't mean we are wrong to prep.
Well, originally, I got into it through National Geographic's tv series, and those people were always prepping for things I thought were very low odds of survival. Then I read a book about the electrical grid because I wanted to learn more about it. I came away from that realizing that the damn thing stands about a 60% chance of going down due to cyber attack, and a 150% chance of going down due to its own design. That changed everything. I don't rely on the government....
I don't think Tulsi will make it either. Of course Trump can adjourn Congress with Speaker Johnson's help and make recess appointments, per the Constitution. He has the right to get everyone he wants. We gave him a mandate.
As an executive myself that runs a business, I give my management the team they want. There are no excuses that way. Same thing here. Give the man the team he has selected. We have clearly indicated on 11/5 that we don't want more of the same. These guys should all be voted out if they choose differently (regardless of party).
If Tulsi doesn’t get confirmed I would suggest Trump pardon Snowden the next day. Maybe grant him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for exposing how the deep state is maintaining constant surveillance over the American people in defiance of the 4th Amendment. And let these senators know what happens when they screw around with the program. Trump is kicking butt right now and needs to maintain dominance or the opposition will walk all over him.
Snowden should be pardoned, regardless. Strange how they go after Snowden, but has anyone that was responsible for all of the Unconstitutional and illegal surveillance that he uncovered been punished?
Recess appointment for Tulsi, if necessary.
What an interesting idea. I think I like it.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
Tulsi made it through the committee.. by 1 vote! Shame on the ones who voted against her!
Agreed - I think it is a bad rule that cabinet members have to be voted on by Congress. The president leads the cabinet and the cabinet members are his assistants. Congress already has a check and a balance in that they vote for the laws that then go to the cabinet. Having them also vote on cabinet members is, to a large degree, a way to make the president elected by Congress instead of by the people. Because yeah, he's in, but not the people he needs in order to carry out his mandate.
(Or consider if the president was elected by the people, but then Congress got to vote on whether he gets access to the White House. Another situation I come to think of: In France you are allowed to write any book you want, but the government can stop you from printing it.)
You gave him less than half the country. Biden won far, far more decisively and Obama was as close to a landslide as we’re going to get.
You don’t want a democracy. You want Trump to be a dictator and kill Democrats. You and Stone and all Trumpers are far more interested in hurting others than you are in doing anything else. You — and Stone — want women reduced to chattel status, LGBT people dead or in camps, and anyone darker than a paper bag locked out of any significant careers. You think being a white male justifies you running everything in society regardless of skill or talent, and if you can’t rule, you will ruin. And it looks right now like Trump is going to ruin everything.
Sasha Stone is one more pathetic Pick Me who deludes herself that she’s anything more than toilet paper to people like you — useful for disgusting tasks and then to be flushed away.
Thanks for sharing your mental illness, "Karen".
2020 was stolen. 15 million democrat ballots more than any election previous or since. Biden defied statistics. The simple reason why was because of voter fraud.
Matthew, this is where I think you are wrong. Biden with his decisive win in 2020 simply proved what we all knew (but won’t say) in that it was Biden who carried Obama through 2 successful elections in ‘08 and ‘12. 😉 Biden, the true King maker. 🤣
Lol. Surprised Maddow, Hayes, Psaki, Reid, O'Donnell, et al never floated that one out there....
Ah, the aptly named Karen. Delusion on display.
Oh might be time to try a new script or up the dosage. It must be so hard for you to deal with everyday life with all that fear, anger and fictional points of view.
C'mon, Karen, you are embarrassing yourself now. If we killed the Dems, who would we have to laugh at?
Why are you even here with your banal bloviating blather, Karen? Your hateful trolling isn’t worth reading.
Thank you.
Where did all the likeez go Karen?
Low info and 100% selection bias has placed you in the pathetic darkness of a mushroom cave. Your plantation masters don’t want you to understand this, so while you think the dense fog of the profoundly “undemocratic” Trump/MAGA has closed in around you, as a fellow Pilgrim whose Earth is not his home — just passing through — I extend a hand of encouragement to know there is a better day ahead for you, if — (critical), you will slow down to a measured walk, listen carefully, and watch more intently than ever before! Because in doing so, you can by conscientious choice, make better decisions than the perilous denunciation of Trump voters, devotees, coalition partners, and the savvy Sasha Stone.
Your demeaning words are insulting but demanding in an ‘I’ve been hurt, and I’m fearful of more hurt’ way.
The American people have made their keen desire for a better, more responsive government to lead our civilization back to some fundamental principles that have been willfully breached, and lawfared. Two tiers of ‘justice’ have emerged from the more real than virtual coup on duly elected officials, namely President Trump. In spite of all the spin, the efforts to derail, depose and destroy his vision for America have failed in every way except establishing the momentum by every nefarious means to effect an actual coup against him and the sovereignty of this nation.
If you have not been thinking along these lines of reason, which your post clearly states, you will be tempted to strike back once again in anger. — Please listen carefully, and for a serious moment of reflection, so that you can work out of the deep, practically impenetrable fog of delusion that has captured your thinking.
Rethink. Read more. Use practical rather than ideological metrics to make more reasonable, mature decisions about pronouncements that could only be true if President Trump followed the example of the regime he has legitimately replaced.
In good faith Sasha and I challenge you — At least give us the benefit of the doubt Nicole Shanahan deserves.
I’m alive and thrive because I show respect to even the most questionable people society has to deal with. But that’s what makes society work in an imperfect world — people mature enough to confront problems courageously, and Earn respect.
You earned respect by earning my response ! Now how will you respond in a world where maturity and courage are worth something?
Slow down. Rushing through dense fog is dangerous, and just not wise.
Best regards
I pity you for living in a world of hate, violence, and evilness. The world has so much good and beauty in it. I hope you wake up someday and realize how you have been used, and brainwashed. We don't need more evil and hatred in the world.
Karen, why don't you crawl up your own ass where, apparently, the view is grand.
You need to get your TDS treated so you can get your common sense back!
Is Kash Patel darker than a paper bag? Not everything is about race or sexual preference
Your comments are in fact a lie and ridiculous. Trump has chosen strong women - Tulsi -is one example. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer-another. Scott Turner leads Housing. Who knows why u are quoting a liberal blogger like Stone who changed tribes. You obviously hate her & Trump. Kill Dems? Please/ you have TDS- no factual logic in your comment- just BS. It’s gonna be. Long 4 yrs for you.
Are you talking white paper bags (I only see those at pharmacies), or the typical medium-dark paper bag I think we're all accustomed to? Why are you so obsessed with skin color? What color are your light bulbs?
“ Biden won far, far more decisively and Obama was as close to a landslide as we’re going to get.”
Go find that 2020 video, in which Biden admits creating unseen before criminal organization ….
Biden would have won this time too, but squirrel brained screwed up. Biden got pissed for being pushed aside and kept his criminal organization on “stand back and stand by.”
Is this facetious?
It's gotta be a parody, especially since she's named Karen.
No, she is a troll who probably found her way here via Matt Taibbi. Do not engage.
I think, these days, left hates Taibbi as much as Liberty itself.
Per usual they accuse us in precisely they do themselves. Attack is the best defense.
“Trump is going to persecute his political opposition.” Isn’t this precisely what the low lives have done when they changed and amended laws so they have a chance to hurt Trump?
Ask them to name any other movement, even all others combined to come anywhere in the vicinity of people/innocents “hurt” by the left. Between Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Noriega, etc. 200mln - 300mln is not a stretch.
So, let Karen to spit her venom in our direction. Even forgive, but NEVER forget. Don’t let them get away with crimes committed. Prosecute to the full extent of the law. Do everything properly legally, so they don’t escape on technicalities.
I’ve wondered at times whether there might be some understandable reason for confusion between the presuppositions is Matt and those of Bari Weiss.
Tucker seems to have a deep and genuine respect for Matt, and given Matt’s experience in Russia, I think the basis for that respect is the actual work and integrity Tucker sees in Matt. I’m ok with the idea that Tucker knows where the butter or the mayo needs to go for his widening audience but at least he acknowledges his limitations. And I do appreciate his willingness to be open to revelation.
Bari Weiss having cooked for the Gray Lady, I reserve judgment on her work, since a little like Tucker, ‘I know I’m gullible, but there’s a limit !’ Neither do I have firmly set parameters for Bari’s worldview. Most commentators have some pretty well established influence positions. Not sure whether the male point of view has me captured or if I’m open to the female voice in writers like Bari Weiss.
Sasha has the assured voice of a well seasoned watcher. And reasonable conclusions that don’t ask too much of a man’s concept of reality.
Bari is a Zionist neocon and it poisons every view she has.
Are you saying that anyone darker than a paper bag would not be able to compete in a merit-based system?
Speaking from my theatre roots: her all-white outfit shone, a fitting metaphor for the light of truth. She's one of the few politicians I admire deeply. Always have.
My thoughts exactly.
What really bothers them is that she’s not “ them”, which threatens all of “ them”. Tulsi is “us”. “We The People”. She’s what we want. Smart, independent, straightforward, respectable and respectful, patriotic, strong, but empathetic, young , attractive, dedicated, hardworking, pragmatic, honest, honorable and stalwart. She’s everything they aren’t. She’s not corrupt, not a warmonger, not afraid to call out the rot, Islamist terror, that we are arming Islamist terrorists, provoking wars and interventions. She’s not crazy. She’s not a religious zealot nor is she godless. But what really scares the hell out of them is her ability to appeal to Americans across the spectrum. Meaning she has the capacity to remake the GOP into a much more palatable option, which means they will be dust and the entire Dem Death Cult will be dust.
With RFK Jr, Battacharaya, Dr Oz, Makary, Tammy Bruce, Grenell , Patel, Elon Lutnick, and other straight shooters representative of America on board, America will begin to unite. And that is what they fear most.
The important thing to keep in mind, is that they had her. They lost her. Same with RFK, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, and countless others. Trump 2.0 is so different than Trump 1.0. I think the first time he didn't expect to win, and was somewhat unprepared. He's had at least 4 years to prepare for it this time, and it shows. Say what you want about DJT, but with everything they threw at him, he kept getting up and fighting back. He inspired a bunch of people in doing so (and surviving an assassination attempt), and even managed to put together a team to execute the peoples' vision. There's a word for that where I come from. This, my people, is leadership.
I find the prospect of Trump’s team, all excellent in their fields, all free thinkers who question the status quo, and who DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER, to be extremely exciting. It’s such an interesting group of high performers that I feel like they might actually change the direction of this ship whose rudder has been pointed in the wrong direction for so long. I’m not expecting everything to be perfect after Trump’s 4 years, nothing is perfect and never will be, but I do hope they’re able to make large steps in the right direction.
Exactly, Bob. They attacked Kyrsten Sinema viciously for speaking out on an issue, going so far as to hiring mobs to stalk and harass her, including a group who followed her into a public restroom, surrounded her and threatening physical violence. Now they’ve lost Jillian Michaels, Sage Steele, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Amber Rose,Elon, Michael Shellenberger,Bill Ackman, Silicon Valley, Snoop, , Stephen Smith… they’ve lost all of RFK’s supporters , most when he was blocked from running against Biden as a Dem .After the treatment Bobby and Tulsi endured yesterday and today, the rest .
What they forgot to mention is both RFK and Gabbard are getting their once-in-a-lifetime chance to change DC only by virtue of someone who had reason to dislike them, Donald Trump. The people and the media are not talking enough about this incredible coalition of the slandered. I remember online bullies and my high school "paper" slandering thinkers like me, and it never stopped since with 0 hope for change. Until 5 November 2024. In all honesty, 77 million voters surprised me.
Nicely put.
Not a fan of Oz :/
He’s open minded on all things health and medicine, which I do like. As per his personal history, I can’t attest to one way or another. Albeit. The “crudités “ comment was a bit obtuse. Given what we’ve been privy to across the board for decades, I won’t hold it against him.😂
Well said.
Geez, maybe it’s because I’m a former lefty, but the two potential Trump cabinet picks I was most excited about were Tulsi and RFK jr. Some of the others, not so much. But are they the two who AREN’T going to be confirmed? That will definitely leave me disappointed and disillusioned, just like always…
I feel the same way. I am an independent and I am rooting for Tulsi and RFK. We need people like them in these key positions.
Thank God, that Mr Snowden had the balls to reveal to the American people, the crooked and unconstitutional actions of their government! He deserves a pardon and right to return home These disingenuous politicians at this hearing should be ashamed to blatantly ignore the benefits of revealing the truth
Sen Bennet represents me and will be getting an earful. I can say what Gabbard could not. Edward Snowden was not a traitor to his country. Edward Snowden was a traitor to our country's government. Bennet did not take an oath to defend the government. He took an oath to defend the constitution.
A huge difference for regular people, not for those elected traitors using the government to get rich and/or stay rich.
Michael Bennet is one of the most massive tools to ever represent Colorado. He’s such a douche bag. And he’ll probably be reelected because my fellow Coloradans have lost their damn minds.
Former Coloradan here. After military service and subsequent college, I fully intended on returning to Colorado. But after spending two months in my former neck of the woods (Boulder to Fort Collins) I left for Alaska and knew I would never return. This was in 1989 and even by then I could see the old Colorado that I loved was in its last gasps.
Yep. I lived in Fort Collins from 1970 to 1987. The Front Range is all but unrecognizable compared to then. And even in 1975 I had a bumper sticker on my VW that read "Don't Californicate Colorado." Even back then we knew where the poison was coming from. As a result of growing up in Colorado as a "red neck hippie" I've always thought of California as more my enemy than even the USSR back then.
I am born and raised in the north metro and now raising my family in northern Colorado. It’s rough and it hurts my heart over the destruction of the western dream and state of mind here.
Wyden here in Oregon. Enriched by over a million by big Harma. I didn’t even bother calling his office. A corrupt pig in a lovely state, run by other corrupt pigs.
I know him personally. He is asshoe.
The perfect response the the question “Is Edward Snowden a traitor?”
“No more than Daniel Ellsberg, Senator.”
“I was coming from a place of ignorance - what else is new? I wish I could take it back. ”. Sasha Stone articulates what so many of us have experienced. She covers the confirmations with a keen eye and insight.
I despise that bugged eyed, pencil neck lying Schiff.
The man has no right to lecture anyone.
He lied through out the impeachment and lied for 8 years about Russian collusion.
And the media let him get away with it.
How California voted for him is beyond me.
Because its a two party system how did anybody vote for turtle shit head or MTG oh right two party system where the worst people get a pass in the deep districts/states they serve.
Oh no, not another "third party" ninny... Wake up dude, the problem isn't the "party," it's the people in the party, and the special interests that corrupt them. 2, 3, 50 parties, the problem would be much the same.
I am not advocating for them but when GOP and Democrats do the same shit its hard to have a ounce of sympathy for any of the supporters.
The bullying of Tulsi should have been stopped by the Chair. It was so abusive that it was hard to watch. Very sad that such unethical, aggressive hectoring and badgering is permitted in a so-called civilized forum. Congress is not worth the money taxpayers spend on it.
Agreed, and the same for RFK Jr. His was all out abusive. It was ridiculous.
Totally agree that the Chair should have intervened
The left is being openly exposed as idiots and fools. Electing Schiff to the Senate? Really? Of course I wonder how many of his votes came from people who know who they voted for. Everything they touch turns to oblivion. Be it energy policy, water management, environmental management, personnel decisions, wasting of resources with nothing to show for it unless they can somehow spend 10X what it should cost.
I find it hilarious how the Democrats are now the thwarted opposition in these hearings. They just can’t get the answer that they want from these nominees, so they screech instead. It wasn’t that long ago that the Democrats constantly came to the rescue of Mayorkas and Garland when Republicans were after them to “just answer the question”. Its all political theater. And it aint worth the price of a ticket to watch. Just banal and boring. We got work to do, people. Let’s get cracking.
Yea its opposition gets to have a toddler temper tantrum rinse and repeat. People only dont like it when their people get attacked otherwise phuck it I dont care.
Toddler temper tantrum!!!! Perfect description of Dems at all of the hearings. Thanks for that.
Not denying it but this has been a on going thing Democrats and Republicans are horrible when put into the minority power.
Ditto —
down and done w the psycho babble !
Democrats are grandstanding and find themselves trapped in their collapsing grandstand. Ike warned of the military-industrial complex January 17, 1961. Tulsi is deconstructing it--and has become an Enemy of the State.
Funny she wasnt liked by GOP when she had liberal values she was hated now shes the golden girl of the conservatives.
She wasn’t liked by neocons. MAGA isn’t rigidly conservative.
Only difference of MAGA and Neocons is their anti-war stance otherwise its very similar.
Neocons are immigration friendly and anti free speech. That chasm is wider than you imagine.
Many of the same GOP that supported censoring the Dixie Chicks still voted GOP 20 years later.
You take a poll or something? I didn’t care for the Dixie chicks before they bad mouthed their state/country and I didn’t care for them after.
Many of the neocons voted for Kamala this time around btw.
Chamber of Commerce vs Main St. / Small / Mid Size Business is a much larger or equal difference. Immigration is the battle and the Chamber loves the cheap labor that needs a place to rent.
This is not the 2000s manufacturing changed and so has our population. I think its a needed evil to keep the country going because employers wont pay good wages for low skilled labor.
Sasha is great, one the few true journalists left in our once storied nation.
Journalism is not supposed to get partisan or petty she is both.
Perhaps, and in respect I see it differently. "Partisan?" Where have you been for the past eight years? You don't have to say, I know where.
From what I seen she has been a very bitter formal liberal who still thinks today GOP have zero power and gets very vindictive over her former party.
Have you lost a job because of your beliefs?
She gained than she lost and to be honest I dont feel sorry because she hated people who she needed to have that gig.
HL3 - I see her as reformed (and wonderful in a jounalistic aspect), as I was a few times while deeply involved in politics during the past few decades. I was often wrong or even foolish in my partisan thoughts (harmful to the brain) - I purely concede. The only bitterness I see now is from the D party (and anti-Trump R's) in being exposed for all their lies as pure charlatans. The last of them are truly bitter, the smarter of them will see what most American's would rather have, and should - a goverment that does what they want, hopefully within Constitutional bounds...... Maybe it will be the same in the new order of R's and Trump Administration, but none of us has a working crystal ball. All I know is that I'm not a political partisan and I - along with most of the nation - was sick of authoritarian policies, the obvious lies, forever chasing Trump to subvert democracy, and the rest of the craziness. To me it was like the twilight zone, but to each his own and God bless them all.
Wow 😮
Well said Sasha. These Senators are all bullies who really believe they can make these nominees bend a knee - And get hysterical when they can’t. Toddlers. One of the most ridiculous displays was when Schiff demanded Kash turn around & look at the capital police in the room & apologize for his views on 1/6. Of course Kash didn’t comply but said I’m looking at you Senator. I thought Schiff’s eyes were going to bust out of their sockets. Was a joy to watch.