Anything and everything is possible in this sad sick world we live in.
If a civilized German people could allow the massacre of 6 million people for the crime of being
A Chinese leader can kill 75 million of his own people to take control of a poor nation.
A tin pot dictator can kill 3 million Cambodians just to rule a poor desolate country.
I can go on and on.
Anything and everything is unfortunately possible in the last country on earth that believes in freedom and liberty that once was lead by civilized people,
Is no longer civilized and is now being destroyed by the filthy Democrat Left.
Spot on and you didn’t even use the numerous examples in Africa and South America. The world is a very harsh place that most Americans and Europeans have never been too.
Anything and everything is possible in this sad sick world we live in.
If a civilized German people could allow the massacre of 6 million people for the crime of being
A Chinese leader can kill 75 million of his own people to take control of a poor nation.
A tin pot dictator can kill 3 million Cambodians just to rule a poor desolate country.
I can go on and on.
Anything and everything is unfortunately possible in the last country on earth that believes in freedom and liberty that once was lead by civilized people,
Is no longer civilized and is now being destroyed by the filthy Democrat Left.
Spot on and you didn’t even use the numerous examples in Africa and South America. The world is a very harsh place that most Americans and Europeans have never been too.