I've seen different clips from the priceless Maddow/Reid/etc. communal meltdown. As Gutfeld said last night, she needs to relax and save her strength. There are eleven more months of this breathless hysteria to get through.

And the irony of a bitter, racist black talking head going off (again, and as usual) about the evils of White people while wearing a very unflattering blonde wig which mimics not only white people but the very pinnacle of White Evil, Donald Trump, is just too delicious for words.

If Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update" were an actual news network, MSNBC would be it.

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These essays of yours Shasha must never get lost ... Another Wow delivery ... 😊

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I remember "Breaking Away" very well from 1980, it had a profound effect on my young and scattered mind. And Sasha is right, this movie could not and would not be made today.

The future is beginning to look bright though. Trump is gaining momentum and if he sweeps NH next Tuesday, he will become unstoppable. DeSantis is out of money and his PAC is wallowing. Soon it will be just Trump and Haley -- MAGA v.s. MIC. Short of being incarcerated before June, I just don't see any path to victory for Haley. Nor should there be. Ever.

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Jan 18Β·edited Jan 18

My Trump flag has been flying for over 8 years. Under Trump, my family and I lived our best lives. We were free to raise our kids, go to work, and get together for Sunday dinner. We made plans for vacations and for updating the kitchen. When we needed tires; we got tires.

Enter the Biden Regime. My family's lives as we knew them were over on Day 1. I don't need to count the ways. You know what I am talking about. You lost yours, too.

Our country is gone and every single one of us needs to fight like hell to get it back. No one person can do everything, but we can all do something. Fly a flag if nothing else. "This is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."

NavyVet in Epoch Times said it best: "FJB and the 2000 Mules He Rode In On!"

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Some inspiring honesty there Sasha. You need to be able to challenge the status quo - cos it is no longer fit for purpose. In New Zealand we have just voted out the last 6 years of neo-liberal left govt that was suffocating democracy under mountains of virtue signalling and woke thinking. All those woke policies and gay economics have made us broke, but at least we are now free of neoliberalism, and it is like a breath of fresh air. Queers and gays the world over have rushed here for a queer haven, where you can become young New Zealander of the year, just for being queer. Just ask Shaleel Lal. But now all that pure trans joy is changing to howls of resentment, as our new liberal/conservative govt protects womans rights again, and keeps cellphones out of schools. It is worth it, for all your sanity and for the good of future generations.

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Just a brilliant piece but you did make one glaring error. Biden and the Democrats did not fail at all, at anything. Their goal was never to unite, despite the weasel words used at rallies in speeches.

Maintaining the divide and chaos is the goal. When people fear they need a protector. The Dems sell themselves as the protector, keeping America safe from "MAGA Extremists", the new "terrorist threat" against America.

If Trump wins they will ramp up the chaos to full volume. Until even MAGA can't take cities on fire, looting en masse, until the average American begs for a return to "normal".

A "normal" the Dems will never again allow to exist.

We are now living in Obama's new normal.

You voted for him. Remember "Hope and Change"?

This is the "Change" you voted for. This is it, we are living in his America.

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Your words are like fuel Sasha. You validate the founding fathers and remind us that we, as citizens truly do have a say in this government. What I love about you is that you (through experience) know where the political land mines are. You are brave and honest. No one can match the humility you have illustrated by admitting you were duped by those who have no intention of playing by the rules. We need trustworthy gritty heroes like you.

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Anything and everything is possible in this sad sick world we live in.

If a civilized German people could allow the massacre of 6 million people for the crime of being


A Chinese leader can kill 75 million of his own people to take control of a poor nation.

A tin pot dictator can kill 3 million Cambodians just to rule a poor desolate country.

I can go on and on.

Anything and everything is unfortunately possible in the last country on earth that believes in freedom and liberty that once was lead by civilized people,

Is no longer civilized and is now being destroyed by the filthy Democrat Left.

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Great piece. You speak with a clarity and moral authority to call out the scoundrels for their villainy and wickedness. And laud the good, honest, true working American patriots, whose only ’crime’ was believing in a good America.

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Aw I forgot about Cutters. GREAT movie! Thanks for the reminder.

In case anybody missed it, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan spoke to a CNBC panel from Davos yesterday. I urge you to find the segment. He stops short of endorsing Trump outright, but he says, on air, on CNBC of all places, that Trump was right about many things, and it’s disrespectful as Americans to dismiss the MAGA movement out of hand. There’s more but that’s the gist. I was waiting for Aaron Ross Sorkins pointy sniveling head to explode. Dimons no dummy. I wonder what his angle is?

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Great piece! I hope articles like this help us get through the mass psychosis we have been in for quite a while. It is no longer democrat/republican, it is globalist/nationalist and we need to unite around our Bill of Rights as nothing else matters in the short term.

Trump is a wealthy man that could enjoy retirement yet he chooses to endure the hell of the globalists and their never-ending lawfare. This former soldier stands united behind him. It is the least we can do.

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I wish more young people had the context of time and experience that we have reading this to understand what is being done to them. My first time ever voting, I was a college student in Massachusetts and I filled out an absentee ballot for Richard Nixon. My roommate was horrified. I knew I was on the right track when I got rid of her you are absolutely right about everything you wrote here. We don’t have to pretend it’s Chinatown anymore. Vote like your country depends on it because it does.

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I hope there are β€œ80 million” just like you on Election Day.

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As a "Boomer" I actually voted (for Nixon) in the 1972 election. I voted for Trump in 2016, though I learned early on not to speak of it. I've dreaded a Trump-Biden rematch, only because we've seen how the Democratic Party has gone off the rails with everything from lies about Russian influence to "law fare" in an effort to make sure Trump cannot run. I think that most of us realize that Biden is an empty suit serving as the sock puppet for Obama's third term. Per this morning's news, it appears that Michelle Obama is about to enter the ring, which would give him a fourth term. About the only thing they haven't tried yet to get rid of Trump is assassination. I seriously believe that could be their "final solution". The elites at the top are willing to do anything to keep themselves in power.

In further breaking news this morning (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/alarming-surveillance-feds-asked-banks-search-private-transactions-terms-maga-trump) the government is pushing to get banks to surveil for them to find supporters of Trump and MAGA. This can quickly lead to a situation like Canada, when the truckers protesting vaccine mandates suddenly found their bank accounts frozen so they had no money.

If you're wondering why the elites are so hell-bent on destroying the country, this may offer a bit of an explanation, though it's as terrifying as the rest of the news: https://thegreattaking.com/read-online-or-download

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These modern day Dems make Watergate look like child's play.

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Jan 18Β·edited Jan 18

Sasha, as usual, is 100% on target--except for one thing: the Ruling Class will not allow Donald Trump to be re-elected, doesn't matter how many people vote for him. I fervently hope that I am wrong about this, but the warning signs of a flat out coup are just too numerous. The hyperventilating and over the top warnings about Orange Hitler and his neo-fascist followers are signs that they are preparing the ground for "emergency measures" by The Regime--all in the name of "saving our democracy," of course.

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