Sasha, as usual, is 100% on target--except for one thing: the Ruling Class will not allow Donald Trump to be re-elected, doesn't matter how many people vote for him. I fervently hope that I am wrong about this, but the warning signs of a flat out coup are just too numerous. The hyperventilating and over the top warnings about Orange Hitl…
Sasha, as usual, is 100% on target--except for one thing: the Ruling Class will not allow Donald Trump to be re-elected, doesn't matter how many people vote for him. I fervently hope that I am wrong about this, but the warning signs of a flat out coup are just too numerous. The hyperventilating and over the top warnings about Orange Hitler and his neo-fascist followers are signs that they are preparing the ground for "emergency measures" by The Regime--all in the name of "saving our democracy," of course.
Right on . There;s a sinister recurring leitmotif in American history of political assassination ... not something organised by the Deep State but of a deranged assassin who just gets lucky ...... like what happened to Bobby Kennedy and Reagan in 1981 .... it will spark off a civil war
Sasha, as usual, is 100% on target--except for one thing: the Ruling Class will not allow Donald Trump to be re-elected, doesn't matter how many people vote for him. I fervently hope that I am wrong about this, but the warning signs of a flat out coup are just too numerous. The hyperventilating and over the top warnings about Orange Hitler and his neo-fascist followers are signs that they are preparing the ground for "emergency measures" by The Regime--all in the name of "saving our democracy," of course.
I'm afraid I agree.
Right on . There;s a sinister recurring leitmotif in American history of political assassination ... not something organised by the Deep State but of a deranged assassin who just gets lucky ...... like what happened to Bobby Kennedy and Reagan in 1981 .... it will spark off a civil war
NOT. GOING. TO. WORK. They will ignite civil war.