
Apologies for "tow" the line instead of "toe" the line. There's always one really bad error ...always one! My grammar AI did not catch it either.

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Excellent analysis of Biden hubris about election, Google AI anti-white racism, Trump polling data. Biden isn’t sweating because he’s so senile and prideful that he doesn’t know how bad he looks and is loathed. Google anti-white racist AI engine is intentionally racist and they don’t care; get used to being deleted by them, academia and government. One viable fight option left; Trump.

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Another great column and narration- thank you Sasha! I must just take tiny issue with your narrow identification of who is all in against Trump. It certainly isn’t just the left, it’s also that faction in the Republican Party which has decided their constituents are just plain too stupid to grasp how awesome they are, and will therefore will take them - kicking and screaming if necessary- down the electoral path of THEIR choosing.

So they sit back, never actively voicing support for the lawfare used against Trump, but doing nothing to stop it either. They throw some bones occasionally- a strongly worded letter here, an indignant press conference or hearing there, hoping to silence MAGA anger a little longer, all the while PRAYING the lawfare will succeed. They’re certain, ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, that once that happens, simply everyone will raise Nikki on their shoulders chanting,

“Hail to the Queen!” with fawning adoration.

Here’s to hoping we can vanquish these jerk- ALL of them, who disrespect the collective wisdom of the American people- once and for all!🙏🏻

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My greatest fear about all of this is that people are slowly becoming immune to life as it currently is in this country. I don't think we're all the way there yet, but close enough to be worrisome. When I see that Biden has even 38% approval in the polls, I really wonder who that 38% actually is? I just hope enough of them eventually realize that it doesn't have to be this way.

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Is there anything about the left that isn’t based on a lie?

The propaganda about the National Socialist ‘Democratic’ American Party has always been that they represent the middle class and blue-collar workers.

Now we know that they are doing everything they can to destroy the middle class. The millions of illegal invaders they’re bringing in to cheat in elections are going to be competing for wages, healthcare, housing, and eventually food with the middle-class and blue-collar workers they supposedly care about.

Rank and file leftists somehow think they’re going to get in on the goodies, but history teaches us that never happens. Inflation from the printing of money and the buying of votes is destroying their savings and wages along with everyone else.

Do they think they’re going to be able to get free healthcare, housing, and other government goodies when millions of others will be in line ahead of them?

The dirty little secret of socialism and collectivism in general is that it elevates a small cadre of comrades of a controller class (and no, we’re not going to praise them and call them ‘elite’).

That is the ‘Utopia’ of the fascist far-left – a two-tiered society with a rich collectivist controller class – call them whatever you want – Soviets, Communalists, Nazis, Communists, etc.

While the rest of society is held in poverty by a security apparatus.

Why is it that rank-and-file leftists can’t see this obvious conclusion?

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Biden and the Democrats are so mired in corruption and Trump derangement, they will stoop to any illegal, sleazy, underhanded tactic to deny him from becoming President and millions of Americans from their fair and democratic right to vote for their chosen representative.

I have a T that says: When I die don't let me vote democrat.

This one: t.co/EAbl5kLd0T

Perfect for these times. LOL

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How long has it been since we've had an elected President that was able to exercise his presidential powers set out in our Constitution? How long has it been since you felt you were represented by your reps in Congress? A looooong time. Keep the voters divided and make it impossible for anyone with political ambitions to move up the ladder without a mass infusion of capital from the 1%, propaganda from a fawning media, and backing from foreign fascists and oligarchs. In other words, all those who fear their grip on running the show is threatened. Then along came Trump, the ultimate alpha. The bandwagon is falling apart on them. We're lucky here in north Florida to have Matt Gaetz representing the peasants by protecting Trump's right flank. We need more like him. Remember not just the Alpha on voting day, but also the down ballot choices. Time to send the demons scurrying. Trump leads the ultimate labor strike. Hold the line!

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There is one way to make Biden sweat.

Cut the power to his teleprompter as he begins his next speech.

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I started reading this and thought.. Sasha is just rattling off the same as all rest about this. And then I read on. And Damn it! I think you’re right. Excellent prediction.

The whole scene is so crazy. Not sure if it even matters anymore who’s president. But if votes count Of Course Trump is the only choice at this point.. It’s OUR country. We really are the ones that have to make it how we want it.

But it is fun to place bets or have guesses on what these looney tunes will do next.

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40% of the population, a plurality that could win every single election going forward has historically not voted. These are the harvesting grounds. They just need more harvesting. This is where we come in. Friends and family don't let friends and family's votes get harvested by Democrats. They are sneaky and are already planning the harvest. They will reap on the first day possible. So we need to make sure that those votes go our way. They have Zuckerbucks, we have personal relationships. No time to go wobbly.

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honestly Bidenis only not sweating because He Cannot Physically sweat. He has been juiced up so many times his body has turned off that safety protection, and they had to do the only logical thing thats attached next to his

colostomy bags for sweat.

I remember this already having been talked about so don't shoot the messenger please. It is a long funny and entertaining Substackery, oh yeah there is of course also the chance that he and Hillary are really just Lizard People along with the rest of the Elitist New World Order. Don't be so fast to laugh and call nonsense on anything Alex Jones and English genius David Icke have proclaimed in the past.🦎

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Since Obama's "Hitler Youth" program is a giant success and our language is now determined by the Woke, we are currently in the 4th Turning and there is no turning back. Biden will not survive (mentally or physically) until November and a suitable black person [most likely Big Mike Obama] will take over the reins of the new Nazi Party.

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Your article is spot on ! Anyone paying attention knows they are lying. And it’s been a steady stream of lies for three plus years. Why anyone with a gut could vote for this Biden Administration is beyond me. Truly beyond comprehension. Win! It no longer matters the message or the messenger. It’s about math !!! Win! Ballots !!! Win republicans! . I’m so sick and tired of watching the party that stands for the working class, low taxes, and common sense losing. Election after election! Really? the country wants open borders and an expanded welfare state ? Really? Because that’s what we are expanding. Win! F ing Win! Whatever it takes. Even when we uncover the Bidens corruption nothing happens. We are living through a dictatorship. The Supreme Court rules against him canceling their loan debt, but he does it anyway. He opens up our border and allows 12 million unknown people into America. And then says he can’t do anything about it. Why isn’t anyone screaming about it?!

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It’s all about the ballot harvesting. At this point, that’s the only unknown variable.

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" It was never about Trump; it was about the people he brought into the room, people whose needs they did not want to address - people they routinely throw away like human garbage."

Sasha Stone nailed it!

Here is a fascinating Rasmussen survey of the top 1%, those with graduate degrees from elite schools, live in urban areas and make over $150K/year:

77 percent of the elite 1 percent would like to impose strict restrictions and rationing on the private use of gas, meat, and electricity.

72 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning gas powered vehicles.

69 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning gas stoves.

58 percent of the elite 1 percent favor of banning sport utility vehicles.

55 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning non-essential air travel.

53 percent of the elite 1 percent favor banning private air conditioning.

35 percent of the elite 1 percent would rather cheat than lose a close election

That's how they want to treat the rest of us. No surprise censorship, lawfare and intimidation are front and center now.


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Very helpful piece, Sasha. Reading it helps me know I'm not crazy. Thanks.

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