You can't really be so mind boggling stupid to not know that the things you claim are lies were the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Trump explicitly said "Fine people on both sides" about a rally organized by self avowed white supremacists. Even if people mistakenly showed up not realizing that, honorable people would have fled the moment the chants of "the jews will not replace us" broke out.
He explicitly said “and I’m not talking about racists and white supremacists, who should be condemned totally”. And that part is always intentionally cut out of the video. Stop lying.
You can’t be so mind bogglingly stupid of a fucktard that you are not aware of the fact that the video is doctored, so you are clearly just a nimrod who gladly sucks the cock of power in the hope some will rub off on his chin.
What are some Democrat lies that they just keep throwing out there no matter how many times they are clearly disproven?
“He told us all to run out and inject ourselves with bleach!”
“Fine People on both sides”
“51 different FBI agents agree Hunter is innocent”
“I created 17 million jobs”
“I created an economic recovery!”
He makes Slick Willy look like an honest man by comparison.
You can't really be so mind boggling stupid to not know that the things you claim are lies were the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Trump explicitly said "Fine people on both sides" about a rally organized by self avowed white supremacists. Even if people mistakenly showed up not realizing that, honorable people would have fled the moment the chants of "the jews will not replace us" broke out.
He explicitly said “and I’m not talking about racists and white supremacists, who should be condemned totally”. And that part is always intentionally cut out of the video. Stop lying.
You can’t be so mind bogglingly stupid of a fucktard that you are not aware of the fact that the video is doctored, so you are clearly just a nimrod who gladly sucks the cock of power in the hope some will rub off on his chin.
This “me” person is obviously a paid troll. Sasha seems to always attract a few of them here.
So, do you believe that Trump told people to drink bleach in order to cure COVID?