Great piece. I was caught up in the anti-Trump bias in 2016, but did not support Hillary. And actually stopped supporting Obama after realizing that he was pro-war and not much more than a good orator. Never voted for Biden. I'm actually pro-Kennedy, but your explanation of the situation with Trump rings true. I loathe Biden. The campaign clip that you posted is absurd. Obama cocking his head toward the President as he sputters his way through another teleprompter and Nancy Pelosi trying to keep her plastic smile going. Who falls for that kind of charade??

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I have never understood the description of Obama being a good orator. I couldn't stand listening to his "umm.... umm...umm" throughout his speeches (like nails on a chalkboard to me).

His delivery was sooooo fake and pretentious.

His pauses revealing his hubris and arrogance.

His droning on as if he is the only one with the answers..... Yuck!

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I’d never heard of Obama before. I walked into the living room while my husband was watching tv and heard a guy speaking - it was awful and creeped me out. I went around to see who it was, didn’t recognize him, asked my husband. He told me it was some Senator (Obama). I could literally never listen to him, starting then, and still can’t figure out the appeal or the “great orator” thing. Needless to say, we didn’t vote for him

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Obama has a phony, ‘prep-school’, accent in his speaking voice. Trump, despite his ‘rich guy’ persona, has a very real and very american regional accent, which any New Yorker knows is the ‘Long Island’ accent, which includes the Queens accent, but not the Brooklyn accent. This is a very difficult to fake for foreign speaker. In any case, it means that Trump had early education in a the New York City school system, where most students are working class.

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Thx MD. I latch-on to dialects/accents, and thus appreciate the NY analysis. And so correct about Obama....preppy-fake until...until he's talking to a black group and then he slips into a mild black dialect.

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That’s because Obama was a prep school student raised almost completely by his rich white grandparents in Hawaii. He probably never met a black person from the guetto until he went to college. Obama was always a rich elitist with comtempt and derision for common Americans, especially white middle class people “clinging to their God, their guns” and their patriotism. Obama is a complete fraud.

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Yes, he went to an elite private school in Hawaii and an elite private school in Indonesia after his mother married an Indonesian govt official. Then he had the gaul to market himself as a man of the people.

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He went to a catholic school and public school (for government employees) in Indonesia. He earned a scholarship to attend a public school in hawaii as his grandparents were poor.

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Re Indonesia: two schools— first is Besuki school, second Catholic St. Francis of Assisi

“The school was founded in 1934 as Carpentier Alting Stichting Nassau School (CAS)[1] by the Dutch colonial administration and was reserved for Dutch children and children of the Indonesian nobility. The Indonesian government took over administration of the school in 1962, and has since been run by the Raden Saleh Foundation.

Notable former students include the children of Bambang Trihatmodjo, son of former president Suharto, the grandchildren of former vice presidents Hamzah Haz and Try Sutrisno, as well as the dutch author Tonke Dragt. In 1970–71, US President Barack Obama attended the school for one and a half years.[2]”


“President Obama attended St. Francis of Assisi school, a Roman-Catholic school in Jakarta, for nearly three years while he lived in Indonesia, but most of the public attention about that time period has fallen on Besuki school, a rival Muslim school the president also attended briefly.”


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I found this — says Obama’s fam is middle class, not poor. Also interesting about the transgender cook.

“Obama's mother met a transgender person named Evie (who was known as Trudi at the time), at a cocktail party in 1969. Dunham was so impressed by Evie's beef steak and fried rice that she offered her a job in the family home. It did not take long before Evie was also caretaker for then eight-year-old "Barry", as Obama was often referred to as then, and his baby sister Maya. As a caretaker, she also spent time playing with Obama and bringing him to and from school, which she continued to do for about two years.[25]

In 1970, Soetoro took a new job at higher pay in Union Oil Company's government relations office.[4][22][26][27][28][29] From January 1970 to August 1972, Obama's mother taught English and was a department head and a director of the Institute of Management Education and Development.[24] Obama attended the Indonesian-language government-run Besuki School, one-and-half miles east in the exclusive Menteng administrative village, for part of 3rd grade and for 4th grade. By this time, he had picked up on some Indonesian in addition to his native English.[22]He also joined the Cub Scouts.[30]

In his memoir Obama describes his experiences growing up in his mother's middle class family.”


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While I was saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America, BarrySoetoro was at Besuki School, Menteng, Indonesia.

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Where he learned the most beautiful sound he ever heard before….

The muslim call to prayer.

I’ve stayed in Old Town Jerusalem inside the wall a few times. I find that sound blood curdling and creepy.

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Re Hawaii—Punahou:

“When he was 10 years of age, his mother shipped him back from Indonesia to his grandparents in Hawaii so that young Barack could get a first-class American education. He entered Punahou, the expensive and most prestigious prep school in the islands. From there, despite his admittedly indifferent grades, Obama was admitted to Occidental, an elite private college in Los Angeles. He spent two years there, after which he transferred to Columbia University, one of the private Ivy League schools. After Columbia, Obama attended Harvard Law, another private Ivy League school.”


“Punahou occupies a privileged position, not just on the hillside, but in Hawaii society. In his memoir, Dreams From My Father,Barack Obama recalled how his grandfather pulled strings to get him in.”


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So he's clearly a 'man of the people'. Just ask anyone in the media.

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And now Biden puts the shive into Israel, and favors Hamas. How much bribe money does Biden take from Iran now? Are you ready for Sharia law? I am not.

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Obama's grandfather was a furniture salesman, i.e. an Al Bundy. If Obama had contempt for the middle class growing up it was because his family was working class. You're complete ignorance is overwhelming.

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“The family then moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, where Dunham found a better furniture store opportunity. Madelyn Dunham started working at the Bank of Hawaii in 1960, and was promoted as one of the bank's first female vice presidents in 1970.[15][16]”


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His grandmother was a bank president. I don’t think they were poor. You said he got a scholarship to Punahou but I quoted above that Obama himself said his grandfather pulled strings to get him admitted. Any sources for the info you are posting? (Edit: in the Wikipedia entry for Madelyn Dunham—Obama’s grandmother—it says he got scholarships for Punahou’s tuition. You were right about that but his fam in Hawaii were not poor— Madelyn was a vice president for a Seattle bank before they moved to Hawaii and Stanley was the manager of a furniture store.)

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I’m not from NY, but I thought Trump talks like a NY construction boss.

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Trump never attended a public school in his life. How does someone become as ignorant as you?

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How did he get that accent then? You are obviously not a New Yorker, because it can’t be faked except by a professional grade actor.

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You are posting misinformation. Sounds pretty ignorant to me to do that.

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Obama truly believes he is the only one with answers.

Carnival barker, con man - that's Obama. It is nearly impossible to do now that the internet has been scrubbed of most, if not all, of the investigative journalism (yes, it did exist at one time) pieces done during his rise to prominence in Chicago. But if you do find any, you'll also find a common thread - he was created out of very thin air. (The stuff I read back in the 07-09 time frame was just like most of the political dystopia movies.)

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Obama was a fiction created by the World Economic Forum, basically global Nazi’s who demand one world fascist government.

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Of course, the WEF was founded by and is run by...a German.

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The world economic forum are the exact opposite of nazis. How does someone become as mind boggling stupid as you?

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Look at their policies, not what they say. Totalitarian control. Loss of liberty. Erasure of free speech. Confiscation of personal firearms. Continuous useless wars. Depopulation objectives. Force people to eat bugs, not meat. Confiscation of farmland. Insane lunacy of the global warming hoax. Shutdown of nuclear, coal and oil. Forcing solar panels and windmills which don’t provide baseload reliable power. Vast internet censorship. Spying on individual peoples. Forced immigration all over the world. Trampling religious freedom. Promotion of degenerate sexual behaviors . Global corporations dictating policies with zero regard for the rights and will of the common people. Shall I go on?

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NAZIs and Communists are almost the same. I think that people think they are opposites because they fought each other in WW2.

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They are exactly the same thing. Socialists. The Ribbentrop Molotov Non Aggression Pact made them partners, carving up Poland. Until Hitler broke the Pact. Hitler made a run for the Russian oil fields in Baku, Azerbaijan . Stalin’s Red Army blocked them. Then came Operation Barbarossa, Hitler’s invasion of Mother Russia. The winter stopped the invasion, just like it stopped Napoleon’s Grande Armie. Hitler was forced to make gasoline and diesel fuel from coal gasification.

Ukraine is absolutely NONE of our business. This a fight between Russia and Germany. A repeat. And yes, Germany is digging coal again. Solar panels and wind mills are a cruel joke. Low density energy.

Drill, baby, drill. Nuke it for super high energy density.

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Only a Nazi would know for sure.

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And the ironic thing is, as smart as Obama thinks he is, he cannot see that he is a tool not an anointed leader.

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OBAMA is a tool of the devil, and was created out of YEARS of media-induced 'white guilt' --- white voters felt compelled to prove they were not racists.

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The irony is he was raised by his mother’s side of the fam and hardly knew his dad’s side. His mother died at age 52. He has attributed his formation mainly to his grandmother, a midwesterner. Honestly, how deep was/is his connection to “black America”?

“Obama said about her during an interview with Diane Sawyer, "She never got a college education but is one of the smartest people I know. ... She's where I get my practical streak. That part of me that's hardheaded, I get from her. She's tough as nails". Obama said his iconic image of his grandmother was seeing her come home from work and trading her business outfit and girdle for a muumuu, some slippers and a drink and a cigarette.[16]

On October 20, 2008, the Obama campaign announced that he would suspend campaign events on October 23 and 24 to spend some time with Dunham. His communications director told reporters that she had fallen ill in the preceding weeks, and that while she was released from the hospital the week before, her health had deteriorated "to the point where her situation is very serious".[30] In an October 23, 2008, interview with CBS News, Obama said, "She has really been the rock of the family, the foundation of the family. Whatever strength, discipline – that – that I have – it comes from her".[31]”


She died two days before the 2008 election.

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(....unlike PatrickMahomes who has a black father/white mother, Obama pigmented darker, and thus identified as 'black' at some point. Its in one of his books... )

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He doesn’t mind being the front man as long as he gets attention and platitude

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Not to mention always using the word 'folks' like he's one of us.

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.....that's cuz he's just a folksy guy -- the kind you would NOT want living next door.

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Except it always sounds fake and demeaning when they say.. “ folks”

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Nobody can quote anything memorable that he said in his long, verbose speeches. (Except lies, like “You can keep your doctor,” etc.)

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He made one statement that has remained at the core of the Democrat party and provides its "north star": "we will reward our friends and punish our enemies". If you want to know where the personality of the current Democrat party originated, it is there.

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Pretentious is the perfect word - he was always lecturing us, just way too condescending, and he hasn't changed a bit. Really annoying.

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His whistley 'ssss' irritate me.

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Interesting. I’m no Obama fan, but it did seem like one of his strengths was his impeccable speaking ability. He came across as polished and articulate, so I can understand why people were drawn to him. He definitely came across as more “presidential” than Trump, who was brash and confrontational. So mainstream people felt safe with Obama, even though to those of us paying attention he was a complete fraud. That’s my take anyway.

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Trump babbles on like an idiot! One long run on sentence which goes everywhere and no where all at once.

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He’s hilarious .. get a sense of humor

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The 'orator' comment obviously strikes a cord for some. I should clarify that when he was campaigning, to me he had a lot more going for him than McCain, who (shockingly for us Alaskans) picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. Trust me, Reds, she would have been bad. Anyway, once Obama was in, preemptively was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, then proceeded to warmonger his way through the presidency, I stopped listening to his lies. So, yeah, I now agree that he's arrogant and pretentious.

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From David Remnick’s articles about Obama I read in the New York magazine, whatever was the intent of his writing, I clearly formed an impression of Obama as a cold calculating careerist who used friendships and personal connections to reach his goal. He always knew where he wanted to be and slowly and methodically climbed. This image of soft spoken intellectual/university professor was carefully crafted as many other things about him.

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But who are his friends? Besides Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn? No one remembers him from Columbia.

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But Harris does make Palin look like a Nobel laureate...

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Not just his oration skills, try reading a transcript of one of his speeches. Inarticulate, bloviating, worn out boilerplate comes to mind.

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Even if you dislike Trump, he is the only instrument available to try to dismantle the banana republic that we have become. Or at least buy time for fighting the long war ahead of us. It is the darkest time since 1861 and has the potential to be worse.

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I think 80+ % of right-of-center Trump haters will still vote for him in November. You'd have to be brain-dead to vote for Biden (Harris) just because you think Trump is an asshole.

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Well said.

Our choice is Trump, and at least have a chance to dismantle the entitled, smug deep state bureacracy that is ruining this country.


Choose the path to ruin.

It's not complicated.

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The Left and the Deep State control the voting. In a normal world Trump wins hands down. Unfortunately we’re not in a normal world. Trump lost in 2020 and there was no red wave in 2022 because the Dems control the voting system.

Don’t forget that Fetterman was elected in 2022 in PA when he was clearly brain damaged from a stroke. Kari Lake lost in AZ even though her rally’s were full and Katie Hobbs her opponents were not.

In GA you see the full machinery at play. A so called Republican State but it’s the State where they are trying to jail Trump and others on RICO violations. I pray and hope I’m wrong but “they” are running Biden because they know they can’t lose. It clear he’s not running the country.

Obama just met with Rishi Sunak a few days ago? Why? Why is an ex President visiting the Prime Minister of England? Because Joe Biden can’t, he’s not in control. In a normal word Biden would not be the candidate, but the Dems have no bench, people don’t want them but they know they can now win even with an old man with dementia.

Forget the polls, they control the voting machines and the press. Unless there’s a miracle Trump cannot win, and if they win this year, they are going to take the House and Senate. Then you will see the gloves come off. No more pretending. No bullshit about democracy, they will get rid of MAGA by jailing everyone, I mean everyone down to the person who donated $5.00 to the Trump campaign.

They’ll make MAGA illegal like the Germans are doing to the conservative AFD Party. They’ll ban all alternative media sources as disinformation sources like Canada is doing and they will eliminate the First Amendment through the Congress to save “democracy”.

This unfortunately is what’s coming. I’m just a guy, I didn’t attend any Ivy League schools, I have no connections in high places. My only advantage? I escaped a communist country with my parents as a child. I remember the stories they and their friends told. I saw the regret on their faces as they recounted how they missed every red flag that went up, and I’m seeing the same things happen in America.

It’s heart breaking and I’m praying that God willing I’ll be wrong but so far I see nothing to comfort me. We’re barreling down the track at full speed and no one seems to realize this is it.

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This is exactly what I've been screaming! It seems most people view Biden's administration and the uniparty as trying to fix the country but failing. No, this is all by design and everything is done on purpose. "They" are not going to let Trump be president and they are pretty smug about letting us all know.

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Start putting together a plan B Cheryl. Don’t wait. God willing we’ll both be wrong but if not and they take full control of the government they’ll eventually close down the country. That’s what Marxist always do and

Then people will be trapped.

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Spot on !!

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Slightly off topic, but I can't believe that I've kind of gotten to like Fetterman. They obviously shoved him out there way before he was ready so they would keep the seat, but he made a decent recovery. Now he seems to have morphed from a far left progressive into a more traditional Democrat. He actually said that wanting a secure border isn't racist. And when Menendez finally announced he wasn't running for re-election, Letterman posted 'Dibs on your parking spot' which I thought was pretty hilarious.

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I’ve had the same reaction! I suspect we’re seeing Fetterman’s true self.

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You must remember ALL the Christian’s who are praying for evil to be exposed and praying for justice. God has plans for those who fear him. We just need to be prepared for what’s to come and remain calm. (Martial Law - it will last 3-4 months, depending where you live.) When it begins if you don’t live in the middle of the country move in that direction. Stay put with all your food, water and etc. prepare for blackouts too. Many eyes have not been opened, including my god fearing husbands. God’s timing is always perfect. Stay well! ✝️

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We are turning into MX with its vast gap between rich and poor, its gangs, its corruption.

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Ironically many Americans are moving to Mexico. That’s how bad things are getting in the US. It’s heartbreaking and tragic.

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Absolutely spot on. Thank you for your thoughtful post.

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You have to be a completely delusion to think the majority of americans want a lifelong habitual criminal like Donald Trump to be president. The vast majority of americans absolutely despise Donald Trump.

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74 million ppl voted for him. The most any president has ever gotten who was running for reelection. The numbers do not back up your statement. He just got the Republican nomination in a landslide against 6 other candidates.

Millions of ppl want him. You cannot believe the vast majority hate him. At best it’s 49% to 51% of voters if you believe the polls want him back. Vast would imply a majority. However, the democrats control the voting that’s how Biden got 81 million votes. More than any one in US history.

Based on that an old senile man who cannot speak or walk well can be re-elected President. And if you believe that’s best then America needs to fall.

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So Biden/Harris is better? Take your meds.

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Excellent commentary. Keep telling it like it is. People love to hear it.

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The version of Trump the media sells is as an angry, evil, frothing tyrant. That’s why so many of them call him “authoritarian” and “Hitler-esque.”

The problem for the nation’s socialist ‘Democratic’ authoritarian party is that the people see through the projection.

They realize the people that want to censor them, grab their guns, and take their property are on the fringe, fascist far-left.

They are angry, evil, frothing tyrants, the authoritarians and “Hitler-esque,” and they are being rejected by the people.

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Let's hope the people see through the projection, otherwise we are screwed.

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Polling shows the Nation’s Socialist ‘Democratic’ Authoritarian Party is losing support from core constituencies – outside the morgues and cemeteries.

Projection can only take them so far, and then people start to notice that they are doing exactly what they accuse the Pro-freedom right and President Trump of doing. Then that it’s for their credibility.

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Ms. Stone has touched upon several things which are absolutely true but has missed some central realities. It is true that many Democrats do not see the problem and toddle along in drill formation as their leaders direct. The Democrat leaders, however, are quite aware of what they are doing and are unrelenting in the assault upon American tradition and the Constitution which allows those traditions to survive and flourish.

In writing about the first Ali-Frazier fight in Life magazine in 1971 Norman Mailer made an observation about the heavyweight champion of the world: The heavyweight champion is either the toughest man in the world or he is not...but there is a very real chance that he is. That's Donald Trump as Ms. Stone is noting. I can't think of anyone else who could possibly have stood up to the daily and unrelenting media and legal barrage that he has. Not only has he withstood it but he maintains a sunniness despite it that is breathtaking. After almost a decade of assault that would have left most of us -- and I absolutely include myself -- gibbering in the corner crying for Mommy he is not only standing but inspiring millions.

He does this despite, as I type, being less than 24 hours from having a real estate Colossus -- the work of a lifetime -- confiscated as restitution for a non-crime in a process which would have made Kafka blush. May God bless and protect Mr. Trump because there are undoubted some Deep State Generals who would prefer to see him dead.

And thank you Ms. Stone for writing so movingly and comprehensively of what is happening.

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Unfortunately, the toll on him is starting to show. Even the strongest stone can break.

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I fear so. Look at what unrelenting "water torture" did in creating the Grand Canyon.

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How true Jay!

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Thank you.

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Superbly articulated, Jay!

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Thank you.

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Is it just my imagination or did I just listen to a 9-minute speech by Robert F. Kennedy with the theme Make America Great Again?

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This is why the Democrats are so afraid of him. Biden is still denying RFK, Jr. Secret Service protection! It's my guess that many people who cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump, will vote for RFK, Jr. - if he's on the ballot. No candidate checks all the boxes for most voters. Any vote against Biden will do. It's unlikely that Kennedy would win, but he can certainly keep Biden out.

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That Biden is denying RFK protection is so emblematic of today's Democratics in general and Joe Biden in particular - nasty, petty and just plain mean. And dangerous.

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Biden is not denying RFK Jr. secret service protection. The statute establishing secret service protection for presidential candidates makes RFK Jr. ineligible.

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Apparently it's up to the DHS Secretary (Biden Admin appointee) and an advisory committee.


"Criteria have been established to assist the DHS Secretary and the advisory committee in their decision making (as of 2017). "

When determining whether a candidate for the Office of President or Vice President of the United States qualifies as a major candidate, the Secretary has broad discretion and may consider a variety of factors......."

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"Some candidates have received protection earlier in the campaign pursuant to Presidential memoranda." (from the Secret Service page) So, whether protection is provided - or not - is indeed under Biden's control.

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I was thinking the same thing!

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OMG that clip with Joe and O and Kamala.

Joe repeats the “Trump told us all to inject ourselves with bleach, that it was perfectly fine” lie.

It’s such a Joe trademark, he assumes we are all infants with the attention span of a newt. He’ll repeat the same lie over and over and over, presumably assuming that at least one person will fall for it this time.

His contempt for us comes across like the smell of cow manure. It’s nauseating and repulsive. Just like Joe.

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Trump should sue him. Talk about misinformation!

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The RNC should sue him immediately!

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Referring to the comments about Trump and foreign policy, Trump stated many years ago that his strategy would be to essentially keep them guessing by never telegraphing what he would do in order to keep the enemy off balance. Foreign diplomats have made comments about his unpredictability. It was his strategy, not an accident, and was very successful.

For example, with North Korea their leader made a comment about military action against the U.S. and Trump said paraphrasing, we will wipe you off the face of the earth. The NK leader didn’t know whether he was bluffing or serious. It led to their summit. What’s Biden do, telegraph everything beforehand. Like one team handing the playbook to the other team before the game started.

There’s a reason Secretary Gates said Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision. His intellectual depth is from the kiddy pool and his understanding of the use of power is non existent.

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The Biden foreign policy :

Do the opposite of everything Trump did.

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I was watching Bill Maher yesterday and he and his ilk still do not get it. Biden sucks and he is killing the middle class! I just had to take a second job because after I paid all of my bills, I had $100 left for the month to get groceries and gas. I had to wipe out my meager emergency savings and use my credit cards to stay afloat. The prices of everything has gone up, my property taxes and insurance keeps increasing and meanwhile I see the elitist Dem party smugly dismiss anyone who says the economy is bad.

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The economy is great for Hollywood, the media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street and those getting transfer payments from the governments (plural- most are getting money from federal and state and sometimes county). Thats the Democrat base

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And Pharma …

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You are lucky to have that $100. I am in the hole every month by about $700. Watching savings dwindle.

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Sorry to hear it, Vero. As near as I can tell, the term “Biden inflation” is a nice way of not saying “hyperinflation”. Take care, amigo.

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Hey Mom, Biden and the elite Dems don’t care about people like you and me.

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I think ultimately people are feeling like they have no say in how to run their own country, and that's what the problem stems from. The Democrats want the administrative state and unelected supposed 'experts' to run the country, with little to no oversight from the electorate. That's what 'democracy' means to them. Which is not close to what democracy actually means.

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Vote, vote , VOTE!!

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Also contribute

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Also volunter for election duty, at all levels of your state and local election aparatus.

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Funny that RFK Jr articulates MAGA in that nostalgic ad. He and Trump would make a powerfull duo.

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What are some Democrat lies that they just keep throwing out there no matter how many times they are clearly disproven?

“He told us all to run out and inject ourselves with bleach!”

“Fine People on both sides”

“51 different FBI agents agree Hunter is innocent”

“I created 17 million jobs”

“I created an economic recovery!”



He makes Slick Willy look like an honest man by comparison.

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You can't really be so mind boggling stupid to not know that the things you claim are lies were the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Trump explicitly said "Fine people on both sides" about a rally organized by self avowed white supremacists. Even if people mistakenly showed up not realizing that, honorable people would have fled the moment the chants of "the jews will not replace us" broke out.

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He explicitly said “and I’m not talking about racists and white supremacists, who should be condemned totally”. And that part is always intentionally cut out of the video. Stop lying.

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You can’t be so mind bogglingly stupid of a fucktard that you are not aware of the fact that the video is doctored, so you are clearly just a nimrod who gladly sucks the cock of power in the hope some will rub off on his chin.

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This “me” person is obviously a paid troll. Sasha seems to always attract a few of them here.

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So, do you believe that Trump told people to drink bleach in order to cure COVID?

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It is actually quite amazing that despite the 24/7 gaslighting from the MSM, Trump is polling as well as he is. It shows how irrelevant most of the media has become to ordinary Americans who now get most of their news from other sources.

In normal times with something resembling free and fair elections, Trump would win in a landslide. The issues the Biden administration are emphasizing --phasing out gas powered cars, allowing unlimited illegal immigration, and sending billions of dollars to Ukraine -- are completely out of touch with what Americans actually want.

But these are not normal times. And our "representatives" in Congress (with a handful of notable exceptions) seem fully on board with the insane Biden agenda. There seems to be a plan among anti-Trump Republicans to hand over control of the House before the November elections. The elite that control our government will do absolutely everything in their power to stop Trump and thwart the will of the people.

I have no confidence that the coming elections will be close to free or fair and Trump will have to have a massive lead to prevail. And if he does win, the sabotage against his administration will begin immediately. People need to be aware that we are in very dark times and they need to prepare to take care of themselves, their families and their friends and neighbors.

I used to laugh at those who talked about a globalist conspiracy to fundamentally change how we live. I'm not laughing now.

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No I’m not laughing either. The sad/scary part for me is I can’t even talk about these issues with my friends and family because they all have TDS, and the few that don’t just want to block it all out and go about their lives so they vote Dem to remain status quo. Little do they know they are digging the grave for themselves and America, and this absolutely infuriates me…

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Yes, I know the feeling. There are times when I would like to pretend that what I see happening is not actually happening and things will just go back to "normal". But I've seen too much to ignore.

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Well written <3

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My first taste of the real Joe Biden was his racially divisive inauguration speech, and next was the Afghanistan debacle, which he still claims was a huge success (while openly denying that any generals advised him not to do it that way). Next was Antony Blinken inviting the UN to do a 'racial audit' of the US. Not sure what the results of that 'audit' were, but I doubt it was done without Biden's encouragement. I've never turned back. The thought of another four years of this administration is absolutely chilling.

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I have always felt a President’s main job is to project confidence and strength; the finer details not so much. So much of the economy depends on expectations. The President has to believe in his or her heart that America is the best country in the world and has to project that confidence always.

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The devil is in the details and they matter greatly.

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