I love how you come out swinging Sasha. Thank you for all of the brainstorming you did to put these words together and make an A-1 case for how we can win the next election. I’m so tired of the apathy and the fear that our efforts to win are fruitless. I want to stay in the game and win. You give rousing incentive to play the next hand. …
I love how you come out swinging Sasha. Thank you for all of the brainstorming you did to put these words together and make an A-1 case for how we can win the next election. I’m so tired of the apathy and the fear that our efforts to win are fruitless. I want to stay in the game and win. You give rousing incentive to play the next hand. I want to help give that dear WW2 soldier some hope that America lives.
I love how you come out swinging Sasha. Thank you for all of the brainstorming you did to put these words together and make an A-1 case for how we can win the next election. I’m so tired of the apathy and the fear that our efforts to win are fruitless. I want to stay in the game and win. You give rousing incentive to play the next hand. I want to help give that dear WW2 soldier some hope that America lives.
Go away.