
You get it.

An unelected bureaucracy controls our world.

They must be broken.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Another one out of the park, Sasha.

Regarding your comment "Take control of the system or the system will take control of you", I think we all need to realize how many people truly, madly, deeply prefer the later. Freedom is a frightening concept for a considerable portion of the populace. Not only freedom for others but also for themselves as it requires at least a minimum level of personal engagement, direction, goals, discipline, and a whole host of other self-actualization traits. They are either too insecure or just too damn lazy and are perfectly happy to unplug their brains, follow Big Brother, and drone out to Tik-Tok.

And vote for Joe Biden.


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Thank you Sasha. I know a lot of people who say Trump is toxic and he can't possibly win because everybody they know thinks he is rude and says mean things. Curiously these are mostly professional class people whose lives are still reasonably comfortable even under Biden's gross mismanagement. If these people would just step out of their bubble and talk to people who are struggling to make ends meet and people for whom paying an extra dollar a gallon for gas has a huge impact on their lives, they might understand why a Trump win is possible.

If the economy slips into a full blown recession, the Trump ads will write themselves. "Biden spends billions on the corrupt government of Ukraine while average Americans struggle to pay for basic necessities." The people who are pulling Biden's strings are beginning to panic, which is why you see people like David Ignatius, the stenographer for the CIA who writes for the Washington Post, tell Biden it's time for him to go. The Dems will pull every trick to stop trump but so far it has only made him stronger.

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I hope you're right Sasha, but as a long-time reader of Martin Armstrong, I agree with him that there won't be a fair election in 2024. Either they cause WW3 and use that as an excuse to suspend the election, or they'll prevent Trump from running by whatever means necessary. Great article though!

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Trump 2024: I Told You So

Love it!

It's more important than ever to elect Trump so that Democrats and liberals might learn to love the First Amendment again and to resume believing that dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

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What a great article. Each paragraph kept getting better and better. Loved the list of “I told you so’s”👏👏 Trump is our fighter and this is his time to fight & restore our Republic from the the tyranny pushed by the Biden administration, also known as Obama’s 3rd term. It’s so obvious who the puppet master is living just a short distance from the White House.🤬🤬 Obama pledged to transform our nation and that is exactly what he has done. Let’s kick them all out of DC and bring real hope to our country.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

i find myself gravitating more and more to Sasha Stone because she so clearly lays bare my emotions towards Trump, the country, the election, the razor edge we are walking of never, ever, getting ourselves back to all those things about living a free life we so took for granted. She gives me hope.

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This is all true Sasha. The democrats cannot win a fair, up election. They know that and they are already setting in motion strategies to steal it. If we find ourselves powerless to stop that, we are finished. We have a year to figure out how to counter or stop them. And it does not matter who the Republican nominee is, their plan is what it is. Stop them, or we are finished.

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Excellent piece. I am a Canadian who follows American politics. Like him or not Trump embodies a populist movement that can’t be suppressed in a country full of corrupt politicians and a corrupted Democratic Party . You have your Obama Biden administration running the Totalitarian state. We have our own Trudeau WEF puppet and laughing stock running our country into the ground . But the wind of change is coming...for both of us.

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Sasha, judging from the increasing hysteria of the opposition comments here, you are clearly striking at the heart of their cult. Your work is very important. Thank you for your willingness to speak truth not just to power, but to the ordinary enablers who need to hear it most.

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I love how you come out swinging Sasha. Thank you for all of the brainstorming you did to put these words together and make an A-1 case for how we can win the next election. I’m so tired of the apathy and the fear that our efforts to win are fruitless. I want to stay in the game and win. You give rousing incentive to play the next hand. I want to help give that dear WW2 soldier some hope that America lives.

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Exceptionally good writing and someone on Trump’s campaign team should offer you a gig speech writing. I think the Democrats are going sideline Trump like they are doing RFK Jr from their own primary. Citizens in some states will probably have to write him in. Creepy Pedo-Pete Big Guy is a zombie and will be put back in the basement this month. Btw Alan Dershowitz is a national treasure and that the Democrats are persecuting him shows how lethal they are willing to be. They go after Alan to show every other lawyer and person that they can break you too; just like the guy being tortured in the 1984 clip. Voting for Trump is voting to better protect your children from very real Dem and Woke tyranny.

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So well said. Perfect. I love you Sasha Stone. There, I said it!

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1984 is an amazing book. Good movie too. I’m shocked liberals haven’t banned it.

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Thank you for reminding me that reality is breaking through. MAGA!

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Best column you’ve written yet Sasha !! Said it so well. And we have to win in 2024! It doesn’t have to be Trump but we have to win to change the Marxist takeover of our country. People like Glen Beck, Dennis Prager and especially Clay and Buck have large platforms to spread this word, your word! I wish they would.

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