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Sep 16, 2023
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Two movements saved the GOP from being a permanent minority party:

The Tea Party and Donald Trump

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And you know these 2 movements meant something the way they both were trashed by Democrats the media & Hollywood

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McTavish, IтАЩm still waiting for you to tell me why Trump is a con man (your words). Care to share?

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2 hours later and he hasnтАЩt responded. Why even bother with anyone who uses the word тАЬbaseтАЭ in that context in a sentence. What is he in grammar school? WhatтАЩs the hot video game heтАЩs playing today?

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More like 2 days later. Asked this in a previous Sasha post and no reply, so here he (or she) is using тАШcon manтАЩ words again

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Ah yes. Liberals do this all the time...when they lie and have zero facts to back up their bullshit arguments.

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Sep 16, 2023
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Maybe I can hide from the fact that I am too dumb to explain my position by telling them they are too dumb to understand my position. Brilliant McTavish!

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Lmmfao. I love that. That is the absolute truth.

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IтАЩm a little disappointed to have to wait. I was thinking if you used the words you had it in yourself to explain why. Perhaps you need overnight to do some net research and find the right talking points from others, then parrot them back

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Sep 18, 2023
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Here is what you just wrote.

You implied "the other side" was too dumb to understand any explanation you could produce, then you complained that you were called names when you produced explanations.

Whose not tired of this senseless bickering?

Here, I'll explain our government as I see it. It's a group of criminal syndicates, they place puppets into power from the presidency down to federal judges, our "news" media is just public relations for this group, and they constantly foment the public to be at each other's throats and they rape, pillage, and steal.

Seems pretty obvious to me, and I'd say less than 10% of the population is aware enough to be aware of it. That's the point of the constant bickering. I'm so tired of it.

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If you can't explain your position, it's because "your" position is one you have been brainwashed into having, not something you've actually bothered to verify is correct.

I went through this trying to explain the Derek Chauvin / George Floyd case. US media said Floyd died from having Chauvin pinning him, and that seemed reasonable - until I got the full body cam footage.

Floyd was definitely high on some drugs, he resisted arrest for over 5 minutes, he refused to get into the police car to be taken for booking, he was highly agitated and refused to cooperate which is why Chauvin pinned him. This maneuver, although I don't like it, is taught as a restraining technique in our police force, media NEVER mentioned that.

Autopsy revealed that Floyd died of a drug overdose. The year prior he did the same thing, when arrested, he consumed all his drugs, ambulance picked him up, he woke up in a hospital from what was officially called an accidental OD. He just didn't get lucky this time.

He had no damage to his neck bones nor to his rib cage. Our news media claimed there was a 2nd autopsy done, this is false, it never happened.

Chauvin wasn't allowed to enter his bodycam footage into evidence, and he was railroaded into prison.

Floyd had a long record of arrests, for drug use, and even armed robbery.

There are people today that are convinced that Chauvin murdered Floyd. NONE of them know these details and all the details are correct. I even have a digital copy of the autopsy report, the doctor has terrible handwriting but you can make it out.

When people understand to what extent they have been misled by people in our "news" that we have incorrectly trusted for YEARS, it's a tough pill to swallow, but they lie all the time. There's not ONE single honest truthful person on television, and that includes the late night "comedy" shows.

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What do you mean the media never mentioned the technique used to restrain George Floyd? I can find several articles discussing the method of restraint in the days following his death? Bystanders were telling Chauvin to release pressue because Floyd couldn't breathe. I certainly remember hearing about it.





Remember the Dominion Lawsuit revealed that Fox news hosts had been lying to their audience, saying things about election fraud that they didn't believe?

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I also saw the body cam footage - all four of them - and the cops did everything by the book, as they were trained.

The biggest lie is the constant repetition that Chavin "knelt on Floyd's neck" until he died. The body cam footage clearly shows Chavin with his knee on Floyd's shoulder, as taught by the trainers. It held him down without obstructing his breathing. He died because his lungs were filling with fluid due to the fentanyl he swallowed the minute he saw the cops. Chauvin, like Trump, is a personality that many dislike but he has done nothing wrong.

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Sep 18, 2023
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Con men run our nation. Trump has done what I've been trying to do for 2 decades, he exposed it and meanwhile these con men have fooled you AGAIN.

Over and over and over and over again, they fool you. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, now Russia. They did it with George Floyd, with "Russia hacked our election", "weapons of mass destruction", "Qaddafi is about to cause a humanitarian crisis" - these are MARKETING slogans.

Our "news" media is propaganda. It's designed to misinform you, to control you, and you're being controlled. Floyd was just ONE example. Why aren't you able to see the pattern?

It's a 20 year old pattern.

Do you think that if there really was an attempted insurrection on January 6th, the ONLY person that was murdered would have been an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbitt? Do you think the FIB would need to hire people like Ray Epps to commit the crime of incitement to violence?

If Trump was guilty, and they wanted to prosecute him, he would have LONG ago been prosecuted. They put innocent people in prison all the time, they ignore guilty people ALL THE TIME. Maybe the whole Trump thing is just to get people to believe that he's "on their side", and is yet ANOTHER bit of controlled opposition, maybe they are trying to get him under control as controlled opposition.

I don't know. I do know the whole "trump is a con man" thing is pretty weak. Hunter Biden is selling, literally children's art", for 1/2 million dollars each. It's just a way of accepting bribes. Our current president is openly accepting bribes. That is how corrupt our nation ACTUALLY is at this point.

You don't care about corruption, or criminality, at all. You look the other way for all of it, and then you pull out a loupe then a microscope for Trump.

Is Trump corrupt in some way? Well, he's a billionaire so likely, but he was running against Hillary Clinton - a woman that voted for the Iraq War that Bush lied us into. Was the secretary of state and was the main proponent in bombing Libya - the result of which Libya has slavery markets now and remains in civil war.

I'd rather have a corrupt clown, then a mass murderer as president, and Joe Biden is no better.

Look at levels of hypocrisy. For FOUR YEARS I had to hear how Trump wasn't mentally competent to be president, and now total silence with a man that forgets where he is, shakes hands with air, and can't read a teleprompter.

The establishment of this country, they have no principles.

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Trump major problem is that his judgement is impaired by his narcissism because he is not capable of thinking of anything but his own interests. Remember the recent speech where Trump attacked Biden for being "cognitively impaired" where Trump confused Biden & Obama and claimed Biden will lead us into WWII?


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DUH -it is a lie told repeatedly by the Left, so the sheep on the Left bleat it repeatedly too . It is yet another example of how the left is defining major events in a manner that covers for the Democrat perps and creates a false "meme ' that people repeat only because it is all they hear, since the left also suppresses dissent.

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My liberal family repeats this all the time Don the con, don't fall for it Niki they say.

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A few buzz words, con man and cult, thatтАЩs all they need to feel satisfied. Tells us how low intellectually these brainwashed people have fallen. Lost an ability to participate in a meaningful dialogue or engage in critical thinking. Sasha is absolutely right that the left now control the narrative. Many people were never independent thinkers to begin with. Sadly, we have to acknowledge the left have won half of the country not only because their propaganda is extremely effective but because the propaganda machine is in their hands.

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One more time McTavish: Trump may, as you say, be "base," but the modern Dem party and system that seeks to destroy him is way way more "base." It's that simple. Any questions?

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"So base..." You are offended, I think, that Trump is NOT Truman, and NOT you.

There are many of us that know we are being constantly manipulated, and who refuse to abide by it. But then there are all those "Trumans".

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Go preform an anatomically impossible act with yourself!

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