A few buzz words, con man and cult, that’s all they need to feel satisfied. Tells us how low intellectually these brainwashed people have fallen. Lost an ability to participate in a meaningful dialogue or engage in critical thinking. Sasha is absolutely right that the left now control the narrative. Many people were never independent thi…
A few buzz words, con man and cult, that’s all they need to feel satisfied. Tells us how low intellectually these brainwashed people have fallen. Lost an ability to participate in a meaningful dialogue or engage in critical thinking. Sasha is absolutely right that the left now control the narrative. Many people were never independent thinkers to begin with. Sadly, we have to acknowledge the left have won half of the country not only because their propaganda is extremely effective but because the propaganda machine is in their hands.
A few buzz words, con man and cult, that’s all they need to feel satisfied. Tells us how low intellectually these brainwashed people have fallen. Lost an ability to participate in a meaningful dialogue or engage in critical thinking. Sasha is absolutely right that the left now control the narrative. Many people were never independent thinkers to begin with. Sadly, we have to acknowledge the left have won half of the country not only because their propaganda is extremely effective but because the propaganda machine is in their hands.