You implied "the other side" was too dumb to understand any explanation you could produce, then you complained that you were called names when you produced explanations.
Whose not tired of this senseless bickering?
Here, I'll explain our government as I see it. It's a group of criminal syndicates, they place puppets into power from the presidency down to federal judges, our "news" media is just public relations for this group, and they constantly foment the public to be at each other's throats and they rape, pillage, and steal.
Seems pretty obvious to me, and I'd say less than 10% of the population is aware enough to be aware of it. That's the point of the constant bickering. I'm so tired of it.
Here is what you just wrote.
You implied "the other side" was too dumb to understand any explanation you could produce, then you complained that you were called names when you produced explanations.
Whose not tired of this senseless bickering?
Here, I'll explain our government as I see it. It's a group of criminal syndicates, they place puppets into power from the presidency down to federal judges, our "news" media is just public relations for this group, and they constantly foment the public to be at each other's throats and they rape, pillage, and steal.
Seems pretty obvious to me, and I'd say less than 10% of the population is aware enough to be aware of it. That's the point of the constant bickering. I'm so tired of it.