Best column you’ve written yet Sasha !! Said it so well. And we have to win in 2024! It doesn’t have to be Trump but we have to win to change the Marxist takeover of our country. People like Glen Beck, Dennis Prager and especially Clay and Buck have large platforms to spread this word, your word! I wish they would.
Best column you’ve written yet Sasha !! Said it so well. And we have to win in 2024! It doesn’t have to be Trump but we have to win to change the Marxist takeover of our country. People like Glen Beck, Dennis Prager and especially Clay and Buck have large platforms to spread this word, your word! I wish they would.
Best column you’ve written yet Sasha !! Said it so well. And we have to win in 2024! It doesn’t have to be Trump but we have to win to change the Marxist takeover of our country. People like Glen Beck, Dennis Prager and especially Clay and Buck have large platforms to spread this word, your word! I wish they would.