Hey Freeslave, you’re not just a truck driver, brother. You’re thoughtful, sincere and articulate. You speak out for freedom and in doing so give the rest of us more courage also. When I was a kid in school, the day the nuns had everyone tell what job their father had; I lied about my dad’s because he was a bartender. But he was a great and kind dad and I am still ashamed I didn’t back him then.
Oh and by the way,how come I'm paying more in taxes now when I'm just a truck driver ? Is my 900 bucks a week considered ultra wealthy?
Hey Freeslave, you’re not just a truck driver, brother. You’re thoughtful, sincere and articulate. You speak out for freedom and in doing so give the rest of us more courage also. When I was a kid in school, the day the nuns had everyone tell what job their father had; I lied about my dad’s because he was a bartender. But he was a great and kind dad and I am still ashamed I didn’t back him then.