i find myself gravitating more and more to Sasha Stone because she so clearly lays bare my emotions towards Trump, the country, the election, the razor edge we are walking of never, ever, getting ourselves back to all those things about living a free life we so took for granted. She gives me hope.
i find myself gravitating more and more to Sasha Stone because she so clearly lays bare my emotions towards Trump, the country, the election, the razor edge we are walking of never, ever, getting ourselves back to all those things about living a free life we so took for granted. She gives me hope.
i find myself gravitating more and more to Sasha Stone because she so clearly lays bare my emotions towards Trump, the country, the election, the razor edge we are walking of never, ever, getting ourselves back to all those things about living a free life we so took for granted. She gives me hope.
I think many feel similar, JMaryH. She’s be a great speech writer also.
Amen. It is really nice to see people come out of the cult and step in the real world.