Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
They've Been Hidin' Biden and Harris Since the 2020 Election

They've Been Hidin' Biden and Harris Since the 2020 Election

What did they know and when did they know it?

Team Joe wasn’t a popular place back in May of 2019 when I was invited to a fundraiser in Hancock Park at the home of wealthy donor Cynthia Telles. The Democratic Primary had only just begun, but it was wide open then, and almost no one wanted Joe, an old white guy.

For four years, the party had lost its mind and lost its way over Trump. They seemed to believe he was such a bad president they could reach for the sky. Big structural change! A democratic socialist! The first gay president! But I knew a one-term president with a strong economy doesn’t get voted out.

Maybe they’d swap out for someone like Joe Biden, some of us believed. What harm could he do? He could be a one-term stop-gap measure to bring down Trump without rocking the boat too much. Calm from chaos, the adults back in the room, rolling the country back to the last time they felt safe under Barack Obama.

At the Biden fundraiser in May of 2019

Indeed, Joe Biden was old, white, and male—not the future the Democratic Party wanted—but Joe could win. The Vice President would be where we’d find our dynamic candidate to step up once Biden’s first term was over.

Even Biden seemed to understand his role in the coup. He wouldn’t have to do much, and he wouldn’t even have to campaign at all. There was a massive, unprecedented alignment of power ready and willing to win the election for him.

I sensed he knew this after he emerged from the mansion with the donors who paid more to sit down with him. He reminded me of so many celebrities I’d seen in the past who knew they would be getting nothing but favorable coverage. They aren’t worried. They’re confident.

What could possibly go wrong? Turns out, everything.

The first sign of trouble, at least to me, was Biden’s choice of Vice President. Harris was the wrong person for the job, I believed, because she was too easily triggered by Tulsi Gabbard and had lost the primary in her home state.

But in 2020, the Great Awokening was exploding on the streets, and suddenly, everything had to be about race. The roles were decided. Harris would be a historic pick to please the party's base —black voters, white women, and old Joe would be the reassuring front of normalcy.

It didn’t matter that Harris had called Biden a racist and maybe a rapist because she would get nothing but glowing commentary from the mainstream media. They knew they couldn’t criticize her because they would be called racists like I was on Twitter when I said she was wrong for the job.

My worries that Harris was easily triggered and unpopular became moot during the election. Voters never saw her. She was almost always masked and almost completely silent. The irritating qualities that would eventually lead to bad approval ratings once she took office had no chance to take root because she stood quietly in the background while Biden campaigned from the basement.

When Biden finally emerged in October, it was obvious to me that his old age was hitting him hard. He’s not up for this, I thought. He’ll be lucky to make it even through one term.

I’d just spent every day of 2018 sitting at my father’s bedside, watching him slip into dementia. He became stubborn and cantankerous at times, just like Biden is now. He couldn’t be reasoned with, and the man he used to be emerged only in glimpses.

I told my friends I didn’t think Biden should even be running, much less serving such a high-stress job. They shouted me down, as usual. Trump was a fascist, and that was that. Bill Maher said he could be a brain in a jar, and he’d vote for him over Trump.

But I could see the two paths ahead converging. Biden’s age was becoming a big problem, and the truth about Harris would also be hard to deny if she were to replace him.

And sure enough, Harris stumbled on the job and was angry and prickly when asked tough questions.

At some point, the Biden team just did what they did in 2020. They hid her from public view. Well, now, that won’t be an option anymore. She’ll have to be out there campaigning and interviewing to take Biden’s place.

It’s as though the universe was calling their bluff. He’d chosen Harris because it reflected their new religion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Give her the job because she’s a woman of color, not because she’s qualified, and suddenly, Biden is looking too old to serve.

They’d check-mated themselves as Biden’s presidency crashed and burned in August of 2021. His poor judgment led to the disastrous exit from Afghanistan - 13 dead soldiers and bodies falling off airplanes, and yet, no one in the legacy press seemed to treat this like the scandal it was. Down the memory hole it went.

To add insult to injury, Biden did not even acknowledge their deaths at the most recent State of the Union or the disastrous debate.

The “But her emails” narrative blamed the media for Trump’s win in 2016, which is what explains how they ended up as propaganda outlets for the Democrats and why they’re only starting to break with tradition now that their hand was forced. How can they keep lying to 50 million Americans who watch the debate?

The press is being hammered now for it by those who demanded a compliant press. They’re punishing the media for speaking the truth because, in their crazy minds, that will somehow lead to the end of “democracy.”

Author Don Winslow, one of the biggest whiny crybabies on X, urged all of his followers to do just that after the Editorial Board at the New York Times demanded Biden step down.

And he wasn’t the only one.

Even if the Right has been writing about Biden’s cognitive decline, as I have, we’ve never seen Biden as bad as he was at the debate, but that’s because his handlers have done such an expert job covering it up. Remember how the staffers were told to surround him when he walked to Marine One?

Or the shoes he was told to wear so that he would walk differently.

Don’t believe your lying eyes is the only message we’ve been getting from the Democrats and the press for going on eight years now.

This was two months ago, plenty of time to see that something was very wrong. The only people who didn’t notice were the entire legacy press who shamed the Conservatives for their reporting.

The lie that Biden was fine spread like the Mostly Peaceful Protests or Trump is a dictator or any of the other lies that seem to hypnotize the left into mindless robots. Here, Matt Ofalea does a brilliant job exposing them.

Harriet Hageman lays out in stark terms how the denial of reality has taken the Democrats and the country to the dangerous moment of asking just who is at the wheel? And will we be under the rule of an incompetent president until November?

Stephen B. Young at Real Clear Politics has written:

All of the major Democrats and their henchmen knew, and all should be held accountable. Bill and Hillary Clinton knew. Barack and Michelle Obama knew. Marc Elias knew. Every single person in Biden’s cabinet knew. And most of all, his wife and son know but will not do anything about it now because they’ve had it too easy for too long.

It All Goes Back to 2020

I know everyone wants to move on from the 2020 election and talk about the future, but I’m stuck back there because I felt so betrayed by everyone and everything I trusted.

It wasn’t just about Trump. It was about our so-called democracy. Trump represented millions of voters. A group of powerful elites did not have the right to decide for them, or for any of us, how our elections should be run. They had an entire propaganda press to gaslight us and manipulate the narrative, all to take Trump out of power. They all pretended the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

All of the Democrats lied during the Democratic National Convention. They looked all of us in the face and said the protests were peaceful, and never once did they mention the victims of that Summer. Not the cops who were injured or killed, not the businesses that were lost, not the rising crime that came in the wake of “defund the police.” They have taken accountability for none of it.

But at least it’s catching up with them now, four years later. They hid Biden and they hid Harris and this is the result.

Now that the press feels safer coming out from hiding and starting to act almost like journalists again, we should never forget what they did.

They don’t seem prepared to apologize to all of us for what they’ve done. They can’t even admit it to themselves.

The Conservative press that the legacy media pretends doesn’t exist has been much closer to the truth for years by now. I figured that out in 2020. They get the story first, and about three days later, it shows up on the Left, if at all. That’s why so many are turning away from traditional media and cable news and toward podcasts and the independent press.

We should enjoy their willingness to speak freely while it lasts. Once Kamala Harris is the nominee, the press will snap back and fall in line out of fear of helping to elect Trump. All points must lead back to the mass delusion that destroyed the Left.

Once Biden is out, and they give him a hero’s farewell, these stories will disappear down the memory hole along with everything else. But at least for now, the Democrats are finally getting what they deserve. They’re in full-blown panic mode. And we get to enjoy the show.

Coming up, Part Two: Mass Hysteria and the Collapse of the Left’s Empire


Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone
Essays on politics and culture from Sasha Stone's Substack. A former Democrat and Leftist who escaped the bubble to get to know the other side of the country and to take a more critical look at the left.