Now, tell me with a straight face that if this business with Joe and Hunter were instead with Trump and his son that you and the Dems/MSM would be as dismissive of it.
For myself, as someone who wants to see the Democratic Party restored to its ideals (by RFK), I am horrified that all they c…
Now, tell me with a straight face that if this business with Joe and Hunter were instead with Trump and his son that you and the Dems/MSM would be as dismissive of it.
For myself, as someone who wants to see the Democratic Party restored to its ideals (by RFK), I am horrified that all they can do is continue to ignore the obvious and try to spin away what is now as plain as day.
What I want from MY democratic party is:
1.) Brutal honesty, even if it means giving up one of our own.
2.) A commitment to free speech and the rule of law and the prosecution of anyone in government that has attempted to subvert the Constitution.
3.) An end to the open-ended support of the dictator/Nazis in Ukraine and peace with Russia and China.
4.) A clear acknowledgement of biological reality and an end to identity politics.
5.) The prosecution of Anthony Fauci, et al, for crimes against humanity.
6.) The end of accepting money from ANY corporation or PAC.
7.) A solid wall between government and the industries they regulate
8.) A secure border and the deportation of anyone who is in this country illegally.
9.) Cutting the bloated "defense" budget by 90%
10.) Insuring that the elderly and disabled have an adequate income
And that's just for starters.
But until we get rid of the Clinton/Obama/Biden control of the party and return it to its working class roots, none of this will happen.
Quit being a shill for these creeps. They no more care about you than the man in the moon.
"There is undisputed proof, at least among those outside the maga bubble linking Trump to his crimes..."
It's not even clear that Trump's "crimes" are even crimes. Not even the NYT and other Trump haters think the Bragg indictment is serious. And the "documents" case is clearly a witch hunt. I would be shocked if any court, given the ruling in the Clinton case, could come to any conclusion that Trump keeping documents was any different than any previous POTUS. As far as the J6 "insurrection" garbage, that's a joke.
But none of this compares to Biden influence peddling. That's an actual crime, which is why the Dems and the MSM are trying to downplay it.
As I've said to you before, it is clear that from day one of Trump being elected there has been a concerted and deceitful attempt to bring him down. Anyone who at this point cannot acknowledge that the whole "Russiagate" thing - where he was accused of being a "Kremlin asset" - was concocted from whole cloth is not being honest.
It is precisely because of this PROVEN massive lie that we must look at any subsequent attempts to "get Trump" with more than a healthy dose of skepticism. The Bragg indictment is so flimsy that it's laughable. What it really shows is that there is an ongoing attempt to bury Trump and prevent him from reaching the WH. That he is Biden's chief political rival and that it is the Dems who are indicting him should be cause for outrage from any fair-minded person. I'm not a Trump voter but this malarkey is bloody outrageous - again, because it has been clearly PROVEN that the whole "Russiagate" thing was a sham.
None of this has anyting to do with Biden's crimes, which are about as straightforward as it gets. I want the evidence of those crimes meticulously investigated and clearly laid out for all to see.
I would ask you the same thing I asked another Biden defender:
Explain to us how Hunter - with zero expertise in anything - got a lavish salary from Burisma as Joe was threatening withholding U.S. funds from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.
This is as clear and unambiguous a quid pro quo as there is.
The latest testimony that showed Hunter repeatedly involving daddy in his business dealings ("Say hi to these nice people, dad!") is only icing on the cake. The pattern of influence peddling is as plain as day. That's a crime.
I must conclude that you are being disingenuous.
Now, tell me with a straight face that if this business with Joe and Hunter were instead with Trump and his son that you and the Dems/MSM would be as dismissive of it.
For myself, as someone who wants to see the Democratic Party restored to its ideals (by RFK), I am horrified that all they can do is continue to ignore the obvious and try to spin away what is now as plain as day.
What I want from MY democratic party is:
1.) Brutal honesty, even if it means giving up one of our own.
2.) A commitment to free speech and the rule of law and the prosecution of anyone in government that has attempted to subvert the Constitution.
3.) An end to the open-ended support of the dictator/Nazis in Ukraine and peace with Russia and China.
4.) A clear acknowledgement of biological reality and an end to identity politics.
5.) The prosecution of Anthony Fauci, et al, for crimes against humanity.
6.) The end of accepting money from ANY corporation or PAC.
7.) A solid wall between government and the industries they regulate
8.) A secure border and the deportation of anyone who is in this country illegally.
9.) Cutting the bloated "defense" budget by 90%
10.) Insuring that the elderly and disabled have an adequate income
And that's just for starters.
But until we get rid of the Clinton/Obama/Biden control of the party and return it to its working class roots, none of this will happen.
Quit being a shill for these creeps. They no more care about you than the man in the moon.
"There is undisputed proof, at least among those outside the maga bubble linking Trump to his crimes..."
It's not even clear that Trump's "crimes" are even crimes. Not even the NYT and other Trump haters think the Bragg indictment is serious. And the "documents" case is clearly a witch hunt. I would be shocked if any court, given the ruling in the Clinton case, could come to any conclusion that Trump keeping documents was any different than any previous POTUS. As far as the J6 "insurrection" garbage, that's a joke.
But none of this compares to Biden influence peddling. That's an actual crime, which is why the Dems and the MSM are trying to downplay it.
As I've said to you before, it is clear that from day one of Trump being elected there has been a concerted and deceitful attempt to bring him down. Anyone who at this point cannot acknowledge that the whole "Russiagate" thing - where he was accused of being a "Kremlin asset" - was concocted from whole cloth is not being honest.
It is precisely because of this PROVEN massive lie that we must look at any subsequent attempts to "get Trump" with more than a healthy dose of skepticism. The Bragg indictment is so flimsy that it's laughable. What it really shows is that there is an ongoing attempt to bury Trump and prevent him from reaching the WH. That he is Biden's chief political rival and that it is the Dems who are indicting him should be cause for outrage from any fair-minded person. I'm not a Trump voter but this malarkey is bloody outrageous - again, because it has been clearly PROVEN that the whole "Russiagate" thing was a sham.
None of this has anyting to do with Biden's crimes, which are about as straightforward as it gets. I want the evidence of those crimes meticulously investigated and clearly laid out for all to see.
I would ask you the same thing I asked another Biden defender:
Explain to us how Hunter - with zero expertise in anything - got a lavish salary from Burisma as Joe was threatening withholding U.S. funds from Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.
This is as clear and unambiguous a quid pro quo as there is.
The latest testimony that showed Hunter repeatedly involving daddy in his business dealings ("Say hi to these nice people, dad!") is only icing on the cake. The pattern of influence peddling is as plain as day. That's a crime.