This has been a long, strange trip for me, for sure. I love driving cross country and do it at least once a year. My daughter lives in Ohio, and it’s a good way to visit her and see some of this big, beautiful country of ours.
This time, I ended up in two different emergency rooms. One in Nebraska, after slicing open my palm. And the other in New York City after fracturing my elbow. Both on the same arm somehow. It’s pretty much wiped me out. You’d be surprised all of the things you can’t do when your right arm doesn’t work.
In all of the years I’ve been driving and traveling I have never been injured and now it’s twice. My shoulder is healing and I should be good to drive soon. So hopefully I’ll be back in California before too long.
I am working on a piece I hope to post tomorrow. It’s just been a little more difficult since typing is not that easy with my right arm out of commission. It’s getting better.
I’ve noticed that this is a nice country full of nice people. We do not have a president who reflects that niceness, I don’t think, and that’s bad for the country. New Yorkers rushed to my aid when I crash-landed on the streets. I saw a waitress drop a tray of water glasses in Pennsylvania, and the customers were helping her out.
One of the reasons I like to drive like this and see different parts of the country is to be reminded of that niceness. It’s not reflected online as much where we all seem to be fighting a Civil War. But most people don’t have politics at top of mind and as long as it never comes up, things can remain civil.
We found a town called Carbondale near Scranton, Pennsylvania. Speaking to one resident she said the most famous thing about it was that The Office was filmed there. It looked like she might have also said “And it’s Joe Biden’s hometown,” but she didn’t. Who knows how that conversation might have gone.
Here are some photos of a park that is a war memorial in Carbondale, PA.
It’s a small town with one park and one church and one big hotel on the main street, which I highly recommend. It’s called Hotel Anthracite, named after the coal mine in Carbondale.
On the home page of the Historical Society it says:
History is not there for you to like or dislike.
It is there for you to learn form.
And if it offends you, even better,
because you are less likely to repeat it.
History is not yours to change or destroy.
My kind of town. I was glad to see that it remake
It’s an interesting town with an interesting history of the coal mining industry and the immigrants who came here to work. That explains why in the middle of Carbondale’s main street is an Irish pub.
Until next time…
“History is not there for you to like or dislike.
It is there for you to learn form.
And if it offends you, even better,
because you are less likely to repeat it.
History is not yours to change or destroy.”
Great sentiment!
Beautiful reflections. Heal up soon, Sasha!